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Guilds New Player Guildwar System

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Hyco, Feb 13, 2018.


Good idea?

  1. Yes

    12 vote(s)
  2. No (explain why)

    10 vote(s)
  3. I dont care

    5 vote(s)
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  1. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    As I allready mentioned in my other thread about improving guilds I wanted to get deeper in to the idea of an player guild war:

    Yes, like some people allready said In the other thread I executed the idea not really well, so I wanted to take my time and think a bit more about it.

    At first I suggest adding an ranking system for guild wars. Every guild is set on start amount of Elo-Points (no real ranks needed just the points are important). If a guild war ended guild earn or loose several points (based on their points at the moment) and gain or loose in rank. The top100 could be shown aswell on the stats page.

    Now to get deeper into the war itself at first I thought about an sign in time for about 24h. But I came to the point that it's maybe only working for higher lvl Guilds.
    My next idea what actually is way better is an window where you can choose what type of guild war you want. You can choose between 2v2, 5v5 and 7v7.
    You can choose how long the fight goes on (until 25,50,75,100 kills) (other guild ofc knows about this fight modifications.).
    You can aswell tick the player you want to fight with and every player of the battle needs to accept (if no captain+ an additional accept).
    Every player can create an challenge offer but before it gets send out an Captain or higher needs to accept it, that would prevent people from joining other guilds and destroy their rank because of throwing. If the challenge gets send out the other Guild is able to accept it (captain+ again) or deny it.
    In the war itself people are getting ported in an little area and fight until the modified amount of kills for their team.

    At the end of the fight a short Kill MVP (most damage, most tanked, etc.) would be interesting in chat to see aswell like the result is getting posted in the guild chats.
    After the fight the guilds loose or gain points now, which is aswell based on how many players participated (2v2 less than 10v10).

    A period of 3-4 Months could be taken as a season and at every season end the top 3 guilds are getting special rewards
    1. a big gold star infront of their guild name for the next season and in the Forums a rank tag (like hero) with Season 1 Legend for every participant in the guild, which will stay for ever.
    2. a big silver star infront of their guild name tag for the next season.
    3. a big bronce star infront of their guild name tag for the next season.

    To play it threw as an example I chose:

    GMY and ASh
    MaarcusEU, GalaxyStrike5 Hyco, Knightee

    Now ASh decides to attack GMY. Knightee types in /guild PvP opens the window, choosing 2v2, decides to strike out poison (because of annoying builds) and set the win to 20. He asked Hyco to join him so he ticks his player he want to fight with
    The offer gets send out because the player who created the offer was allready Chief (Knightee) and the offer gets send to GMY.
    MaarcusEU now accepts it (works because of Leader = captain or higher). And after every player accepted aswell, they are getting ported and fighting until a win. Now as it ends as a draw for example Ash gains a little bit of Points because of their lower rank and GMY looses a little bit, if GMY wins they gain less points because they are ranked higher and if Ash wins they gain many points because of their lower rank than GMY (like a normal ranking system is working).

    For guild who dont wanna play this mode at all is a command "/guild pvpoff" to disable the function and "/guild pvpon" to enable it again, which only the leader can use.

    I hope I could explain it and improve the things I mentioned in my other thread before. I would be happy about good critic and maybe Improvements.

    Edit 1: limited to max 7v7 and added PvP toggle commands
    Edit 2: removed banning ID's like Poison
    Edit 3: removed banning classes
    Edit 4: added seasons
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
    Maarcus and Primera02 like this.
  2. What29

    What29 Not A savage VIP+

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    ASh* 10char
  3. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I really like your Improvements to the thread and it will make it so much better!
  4. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    I dont think guild wars should be pvp
  5. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I meant it as addition, not as replacement
  6. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    but then people will use poison buids
  7. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Have you read it carefully? Please do it before.
  8. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    A few things can go very wrong here:
    -The person who initiates the attack literally controls the match and bends it to their own will.
    -The other guild simply may not have a captain or higher on ever, causing this to be useless.
    -Abused in every way possible.
    -More Mages.
    -The other team can just look up the captain and such and find what classes they have at level 100 (or their highest) and ban that class, leaving them to their lower levels.
    -Defenders need something to counter-act besides accepting, they can just simply deny everything and will never lose, but at the same time never gain. Causing the system to just be like the Nether PvP again, just more annoying.
  9. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    -No one can controle the match in their will.. and overall you can just deny the offer.
    -Explain what you mean with abusing
    -Mages can get banned (or just healing overall)
    - " "
    -Not just the captain can join from the other guild.. ANY can join who is on.. a captain or higher just needs to accept it after
    -If a guild doesn't wanna take part in this pvp stuff yes they're going to deny everything. But guilds like top100 will use it and accept battles.
    It's NOT about defending. It's about a reallife battle between guilds. Compare it with a Counterstrike match or Rocket League match etc.
  10. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    -People can control this, the attackers, making this very unplayable for the defenders, causing this to be a Lose-Win situation, all the time.
    -Imagine this scenario which will be an all the time thing:
    Snt is attacking ASh
    However, Snt has decided to check on what you all have in class terms, and majority of you use Warrior the most, so we ban Warriors, then we ban Thorns, Reflection, HR, and WS. We are all Mages, we can simply just heal ourselves to infinity as you all probably have lower level Mages. Causing this to be an easy wipe for us, over and over again. Repeating the process.
    -This is the Attacker, of course they want Mages.
    -What if no Captain or higher is on ever? There are guilds like that. All they do is initiate a few attacks, let others take care of it, then boom. The area is theirs and such.
    -Most guilds are going to deny this probably. Yes there is the Top100 thing, but honestly it will become more pointless over time as they realize it's basically like the Nether PvP... but worse.
  11. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I didnt meant this stuff as game breaking new thing like Gavel or something. Just a small addition. And in top100 its no use banning a class based on what players got. Coz most of the players got like 2-4 lvl 100s. If SNT bans in your case with this addition they will simply never get a fight with and guild. That's it. And in every higher guild their is always an captain or higher on. Ofc a noname guild like XYZ will not randomly get a invite, but thats clear. I dont understand the points you are thinking about because they cross each other out. If the attackers are dicks like you explained, they will never get a fight off and will not rank up. So yes if they are dicks they will get no fights so bad for them ;D
  12. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    -Guilds having something added along with a Top100 is something that is very new and exciting and huge. Even items are quite the improvement.
    -It takes a quick 5 minutes to check (and yes I did) most guilds WILL want an edge. Competitive people will want it and over time it will just be very irrelevant.
    -I was giving examples like you.
    -Which points cross each other out? Simply the idea is nice, but the amount of flaws are huge.
  13. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Idk give ideas to improve not just say it's bad. can't really do something with it.
    And I love how 4 people just voted no without explaining anything. Thanks so much!
    Basically what I can get out of your statements is: Bad idea, no one will use it and worse than nether pvp. Give an example how it would get better and used
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2018
  14. Maarcus

    Maarcus The best Kartoffel on wynn CHAMPION

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  15. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    -Remove limits in IDs as there will be items that will become very broken if you remove certain IDs. (Removing Melee Damage on a Cancer is just... cancer. Or Attack Speed on a Taurus.)
    -Have defenders have some say besides yes or no (this is up to you)
    -Have a toggle command so they can either always ignore or not.
    -Limit the PvP range (20 people all casting meteors or something will lag)

    These are some ideas.
    Get used to it... happens to us all... (agreed though it is a bit annoying, you can turn on Public Voting next time and it will show who voted what)
  16. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    what do you mean with that? The other idea's are good and will add them into it. Will think about a way "defenders" are getting something to say about it
  17. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    You said earlier in your post:
    For this, I assumed this means that you are disabling IDs and certain IDs are disabled. Such as the Poison, Thorns, or Reflection, therefor I thought you meant you can disable IDs so this in my head was processed:

    I can get rid of Attack Speed.
    I have a Taurus and without the Attack Speed debuff, I can just deal insane damage at whatever my weapon's speed is already at.
  18. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    No No, I only meant that you can disable this things. Heals, Poison and Thorns because in some builds it would take years. But not disabling like stuff. Just this 3 things can get disabled and nothing else.
    Maybe my explanation in the tread was a bit bad, will overwork it
    Btw what do you think about a point reset? So that after lets say a month rank points are getting resettet and top 3 are getting emeralds in their bank. 1. 250K, 2. 100k 3. 50K . That would mabye add an more competetiv point of view into it
  19. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    This would seem interesting but a month is quite small. Also the rewards seem a bit unfair as if a Guild has the highest PvPer or the best builds, they will have a constant flow of money which is honestly an extreme amount. Yes this will add competition, but it will also add those with the most Meta builds and (Mage) will just dominate the top, always causing a win.
    The Heals might get in the way of potions where those are quite relied on.
    Poison is an actual build to get past Rainbow Slap builds or just plain Tanks.
    Thorns are supposed to counter Poison.
    The three are very important, getting rid of them kinda ruins the whole experience.
  20. Hyco

    Hyco Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Hm k so "banning" such id's would be an bad idea. Might think about putting this part out.
    Maybe switching the rewards to something else will think about it. Hm well top PvPers will ofc dominate this because they are putting time into it. If other would do it aswell it would be interesting. (I think with a nice reward for guilds many would try to reach a high rank)
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