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Quest Idea

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by ElDino, Jan 4, 2018.


Should this be added?

  1. Yes

    4 vote(s)
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    12 vote(s)
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  1. ElDino

    ElDino Well-Known Adventurer

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    "Powerful Pigman" or something like that.

    The quest is based around the Pigmen raiding the Ravine Village, It's range is from level 15-20 in the quest level.

    I thought of this mainly because one guy in the Ravine says "I wonder if me and my wife should've moved here. I thought this secluded place would be peaceful, but the pigmen have been getting quite rowdy lately!"

    And this quest starts when you walk into a house or something, but it requires the completion of "Creeper Infiltration".

    And so, that's my idea, I hoped you guys liked it.
    Sonick and CookedPelvis like this.
  2. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    Please put detail in your suggestion, such as the dialogue of the characters, where to go in the quest, what to do in the quest, the significance of the quest, etc.
    ThomAnn100 and Poiu429 like this.
  3. ElDino

    ElDino Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'll try my next post if I ever have one :P I just wanted to have an idea out there
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  4. Moose_Cow

    Moose_Cow O R A

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    There are already quite a few quests for lower levels 1-30, but I like the spirit! Higher levels are quite sparse when it comes to quests, so maybe that you be a good place to start. Try to make a meaningful quest that is not just filler. The more interesting of a story, the better chance of it getting accepted. Include detailed descriptions of dialogue, content, reward, and presentation.
  5. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    So, wait. What's the quest?

    Read this and please improve on this idea.
  6. euouae

    euouae euouae VIP Item Team

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    I see where you are going, and time to give feedback.
    Why are the pigmen raiding the ravine village? What did the village do to them?
    It wouldn't really make sense for people to want to move to the pigmen's ravines, even if they thought the pigmen were peaceful or not. I mean, who wants to move into a village in a stone maze, basically? Also, a guard in Ragni says "dangerous pigman's ravines". This gives the connotation that the pigmen's ravines is dangerous and you should not go there.
    I think this part is pretty good, but who would think this area would be peaceful?
    I like how you piggyback this quest off of Creeper Infiltration. But why? Does the village trust you or something? How exactly does this quest relate to Creeper Infiltration?

    In my opinion, the basic idea is pretty good, but I think it could use a bit of tweaking. Like the above said, try to be a bit more descriptive.
  7. DaFamousRedPanda

    DaFamousRedPanda forever ded VIP

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    Eeeee... i won't be created a quest any time soon... if i ever was...
  8. CookedPelvis

    CookedPelvis Famous Adventurer HERO

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    there have been very few general suggestions that have entirely made it in-game. General suggestions give CT and devs ideas for content and features the players want.

    I think it is just habit at this point to expect a massively detailed "suggestion", but all of that effort is useless! Calculations and dialogue the suggested comes up with will be changed to fit the game better and balance it, EVEN IF it makes it to that stage.

    It's the ideas that help.

    this IDEA is pretty interesting, by the way.
    euouae and Lex! like this.
  9. Spinel

    Spinel Pronounced Spin-nell, not Spine-el VIP+

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    That's true, but this section is called general suggestions, not general ideas
  10. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Yo lemme write the quest for you.

    Stage 1: Talk to Rahkon and Sayah

    * A couple stares at you with a creepy smile *

    Rahkon: Salutations stranger. Judging by your armour you're one of ragni's soldiers sent to help our town right?
    Sayah: Salutations stranger. Thank the Cow Lord above you're here. The mages can barely hold all those pigmen outside.
    Rahkon: Well I know they're quite nasty and savage creatures, but they've never had the courage to attack our homes.
    Sayah: Well they surely have not until now honey bunny.
    Rahkon: Well I have an idea about what might have been agitating those pigmen, deary.
    Sayah: My my, what is it then?
    Rahkon: My my, I think it's that monstruous pigman that's sitting inside a cave north of here squealing orders.
    Sayah: Golly gee, what an awful sounding fellow. Could you take him out for us? All of our guards are too busy defending the town.
    Rahkon: Golly gee I just remembered that he wears a large silver bracelet.
    Sayah: Will you accept our request, dear ragni soldier? Will you slay the beast and bring us his bracelet?
    Rahkon: Will you fulfill this quest and promise to do your best?
    Sayah: If you do succeed we shall give you quite the exclusive pendant
    Rahkon: If you didn't notice yet, we're codependent.

    * You notice that the couple still hasn't blinked since they started talking *

    When you pass the town's gate again a tripwire is triggered

    Guard: Hey stranger, you really shouldn't be talking to.. them.
    Guard: Nobody knows who they are or where they came from, we just know that they sometimes just vanish and out of nowhere pop on top of the ravine and just.. stare at the pigmen.
    Guard: They want you to kill that huge pigman we call 'Smusher' right? Why the name? That's the only wynnic word he can say.. he just keeps yelling "SMUSH" while he.. smushes his enemies.
    Guard: If you do manage to take it down bring that bracelet to me. I don't think you should trust those two.

    Stage 2: Go to Smusher's cave north of the ravine town.

    When you go to Smusher's cave, you'll not see the boss itself immediatly, and instead you'll see about 15 of Smusher's Soldiers wandering the cave. When you kill them, they drop a Smusher's Soldier Eye.

    Smusher's Soldier:

    AI Type: Walk
    Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, air.
    Elemental Resistance: Earth
    Damage: 40 neutral damage
    Health: 110 health

    In the center of the cave is a hopper. You need to drop 12 of these eyes in the hopper in order to summon Smusher. You need to kill him and hand his bracelet to either Rahkon and Sayah or the soldier at the gate.

    Stage 3: Fight Smusher

    Smusher: *ROAR* SMUSH!! *ROAR*

    AI Type: Charge
    Elemental Weaknesses: Fire, air.
    Elemental Resistance: Earth
    Damage: 100 neutral damage
    Health: 450 health

    Stage 4: Give the bracelet to either the soldier or Rahkon and Sayah.

    Rahkon: You.. actually did it..
    Sayah: You idiot!

    - A short cutscene plays where the couple merges togheter in the middle of a circle of dark particles. The particle circle then explodes, and after the particles clear
    an old man will appear -

    Hilbert: It is good to be back..
    Soldier: Men! Look out! The warlock has returned!
    Hilbert: I cannot understand how you were all fooled by such basic magicks.
    Hilbert: You see, my powers were quite limited because I was lacking the other artifact. I could not create two people so instead I chose to give half a mind to..
    Hilbert: Nevermind! This town will know my power!!

    Stage 5: Help the soldiers defeat the wizard!


    AI Type: Ranged
    Elemental Weaknesses: Air
    Elemental Resistance: Water
    Damage Type: Water and Neutral
    Damage: 110
    Health: 820 health

    On this stage you'll recieve two soldier followers who will attack the wizard in meele range. The wizard will focus you, but can damage your followers as well.

    Soldier follower:

    AI Type: Walk
    Damage: 30 neutral
    Health: 100 health

    Once you defeat the wizard, he will give out a small monologue before dying with another explosion of black particles.

    Hilbert: How.. how could you defeat me? Has my magic weakened over the years?
    Hilbert: That beast must have drained the bracelet's power.. NO!!!

    Stage 6: Choose your reward.

    Soldier: You did it! That foul warlock used to be part of the trio of mages that defended this town.
    Soldier: But one day, Hilbert, the weakest of them killed the others and burnt down most of the town's houses before going to the ravine.
    Soldier: Last time we saw him was 2 years ago, and he was wearing a silver necklace and a bracelet.
    Soldier: It is said that he imprisoned the other mages' souls into the trinkets in order to use their powers.
    Soldier: We have to celebrate our luck, because if Smusher hadn't stolen the bracelet, who knows what Hilbert could have done?
    Soldier: Guess our enemy died as kind of a hero..
    Soldier: Unfortunatly the warlock's trinkets were destroyed, so we cannot restore the mages' souls.
    Soldier: So please, accept instead this. Me and my men gave up a part of our salaries just for you:

    Quest Completed: Pork and Magic
    Rewards: 5600 xp
    +15 Emerald Blocks
    Soldier: I recognise this bracelet.. it was the same one worn by a wizard who used to be part of the trio of mages who helped guard the town.
    Soldier: But since he was the weakest of the three, the others made fun of him.. so one day he killed them and somehow absorbed their powers
    Soldier: He burnt down most of the houses, killed dozens of people, all for his petty "revenge" before leaving the town and going to the ravines
    Soldier: It is said he bound their souls to his pendant and bracelet, and without the two he is too weak to do what he once did.
    Soldier: We are lucky that you didn't fall for his tricks.. that weird couple vanished as soon as I began to talk to you.
    Soldier: You may have saved our town. Give us the bracelet, and as a gift we'll give you an honorary medal of the guard.

    Quest Completed: Pork and Magic
    Rewards: 5600 xp
    +2 emerald blocks

    Ravine Village's Medal of Honour
    +6% XP
    +3 Defense
    +8% Fire Damage

    -8% Water Damage
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2018
    Tsuneo likes this.
  11. ElDino

    ElDino Well-Known Adventurer

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    Wow that's amazing.
  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Quickgrade - F
    Where's the quest?
  13. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    But it would’ve been better of the op provided at least a couple ways that the quest could go (rather than a whole quest suggestion which would probably be shot down for bad grammar or bad item balancing, xp reward and emerald reward and mob balancing). Both of them could be very different but with the same prompt. This way, the CT could draw on 3 things: the original prompt, the first and second variations of the quest, or a combination of both.
    Maybe the quest leads to a pigman overlord who rules a tribe and wants to expand his territory into more parts of the ravine but came across the village there. Maybe the pigmen ran out of food and are starving so they’re in a last-ditch attempt to get rid of the people in the ravine village who have been stealing some of their food. Maybe they intruded on the creepers’ territory and are now fleeing and in their panic they attached the village. Maybe they’re stealing supplies from the village to give to the creepers. Maybe you have to negotiate a treaty between the village, pigmen, and creepers. There are a bunch of ideas that could’ve been stated without writing out a whole quest. This gives the CT more to work with, whether it’s just the prompt or drawing inspiration from ideas presented in the thread.
    CookedPelvis likes this.
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