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Guild | ♕hackforums | [☆☆ Hax] | Level 93 | Community Guild | Level 80+

Discussion in 'Guilds' started by Mrussell75, Feb 1, 2016.



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  1. Goden

    Goden Everlasting Excellency HERO

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    My dudes over here
    edit that title boyos

    or don't

    just a thought
    n stuff
  2. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    would in we were able to contact @Mrussell75 but haven't had any luck yet
  3. Lattedimucca

    Lattedimucca Skilled Adventurer HERO

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    IGN: Lattedimucca
    Age: 16
    Highest class and level: 100
    Your curent build: earth/fire melee
    Why you want to join the guild: because i've always wanted to join hax
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: UTC+1 (italy)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: i'm active like 6 hours daily
    Anything else we should know about you?: idk
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 5
    Previous Guild(s): JAT (jaguars)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: I didn't like the JAG's players
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 85 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: never,only Lattedimucca
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: All you want
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Yes
    (only captains can accept applications)
  4. Salami

    Salami Assassin/Assassinself HERO

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    Age: [11-13] to be specific I'm 13
    Highest class and level:x2 Lvl 100's One Mage One Assassin
    Your curent build:current* and Thrunda Ripsaw Spell/Slight Melee build (Im working on a Nepta Floodbringer Spell Build)
    Why you want to join the guild:One of the main reasons is because it seems pretty active but also because hax is just my favorite guild.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. On breaks/Weekends/days off i tend to stay on for about 8-10 hours daily (Although i might not be on because of family reasons some days, but thats not very common) and on weekdays 3-6 hours.
    Anything else we should know about you?:I like hypixel too... i guess you didn't need to know that...I have discord.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 3
    Previous Guild(s):BST (Beasts)
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild:I left it.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?:174 or 175
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history:I Change it A lot, here's all my name changes n shit https://namemc.com/profile/hurtfulll.2
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: I might be able to.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: As many as possible.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?:Yes i agree
  5. ItsNeel

    ItsNeel An Old Mage HERO

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    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to HackForums! Just message a captain or chief for your invite :D
    Your application has been accepted! Welcome to HackForums! Please message a captain or chief for your invite :D
  6. Mrussell75

    Mrussell75 Full-time Wynner CHAMPION

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    Gang stuff
    ItsNeel and McManCz like this.
  7. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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    IGN: LilGuest
    Age: 14
    Highest class and level: 90, Assasin
    Your curent build: Water, Air: My endgame build is third eye, aquarius, vaward, and memento. with an alazarin.
    Why you want to join the guild: I want to be part of a big guild, and I think I can make a difference.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) Warring
    Timezone: EST
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Online everyday.
    Anything else we should know about you?: Nope. Im a cool guy, im pretty funny, just a fun guy to have in a guild.
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 2 (Successful)
    Previous Guild(s): Duckling_Cake's guild, My old guild, i disbanded it, and jaguar's guild.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Jaguar isnt a nice dude, Duckling became inactive, and i disbanded mine idk why.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 64 hours.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: every month, but I keep the word "Guest" In my usernames, try namemc. I wont change my username in a while though.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Never been in, but sure.
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: unless im in a quest, any.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: Deal.
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  8. LogicalTitan

    LogicalTitan Got unbanned. CHAMPION

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    this is just nitpicking but please give more information about your build than just the elemental damage it deals
    RoseGoldIsntGay likes this.
  9. Tiger_Shock

    Tiger_Shock Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    IGN: Tiger_Shock
    Age: 16
    Highest class and level: 100 mage 100 hunter 100 warrior
    Your curent build: Mage is spell dmg build archer is speed build
    Why you want to join the guild: i have been playing this server for long time and i haven't even joined a good guild
    Which role do you prefer?: Anything mostly xp farming
    Timezone: USA NY
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: got Lv 100 Warrior in 1 week
    Anything else we should know about you?: I was very active on other server called Hypixel but I found more interesting here. Also im Lv 261 on hypixel network
    Guild War Experience: not yet
    Previous Guild(s): BTA It's my friend's guild. friend who got me into wynncraft
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: my friends are not active anymore
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: it says 61 hours but im pretty sure i played more than that
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: not much
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: i killed qira in 3 minute

    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: I can participate any time if im online
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: YES
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  10. Loggerhead

    Loggerhead Some Loggerhead

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  11. Frostlyy

    Frostlyy Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Highest class and level:
    Mage, 101
    Your curent build:

    Mana Regen - Spell Damage
    Why you want to join the guild:
    To join an active guild to have fun with and to gain experiences from. I previously did applied for Hax, when i was lvl 83 or so but sadly, It was the time when Guilds were glitched and i can't leave my guild. I then decided to have the time to grind, I now have myself a good build to play with and ready to contribute help to Hax.
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain):
    Warring - XP Farming
    How active are you on Wynncraft?:

    4-15 Hours
    Anything else we should know about you?:
    B4 the guilds were fixed, I applied for Hax, which was months and months ago.
    Guild War Experience(1-10):
    0, willing to study and do them actively
    Previous Guild(s):
    The Defenders [TDI]
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild:
    The guilds arent as active as I am and I'd like to have a more active guild
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?:
    93 Hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history:
    Will NOT anymore, i like my current name
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?:
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?:

    I'd say 2-5, depending on the situation
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?:
  12. FighterZ_

    FighterZ_ MC player since 1969 HERO

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    Highest class and level:Assassin, level 101
    Your current build:Mana/Air build assassin
    Why you want to join the guild:Because i want to join an active guild that can help me improve even more.

    Which role do you prefer?:Warring, XP
    Timezone:UTC +7 / WIB
    How active are you on Wynncraft?:3-10 hours a day during holidays, 2-5 hours on weekdays
    Anything else we should know about you?: Not reallyy
    Guild War Experience(1-10):4, I have been in a guild i did wars quite often.
    Previous Guild(s):Arcana [Arn], The Defenders [TDI]
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild:Arcana: The guild suddenly went inactive/disband (2 players remaining RN), The Defenders: The guild is very inactive.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?:89 hours
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history:I only change it once but i changed back to my previous name, and i don't plan to change my name again.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?:Definitely
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?:2-10 depending on the circumstances
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?:Yes
  13. MinionLover999

    MinionLover999 Rodoroc shield maiden HERO

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    Age: 15
    Highest class and level: Warrior LVL 100
    Your curent build:
    Why you want to join the guild: Because most of the good players are in this guild
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring, XP/Emerald Farming, Other (Explain) I do wars and i grind for mythics
    Timezone: GMT+1
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: Note any activities that would keep you offline more than 72 hours. Online everyday
    Anything else we should know about you?:
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 10 have soloed war's
    Previous Guild(s): PUN
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild:I took a break from wynncraft
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?:200+
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history:Not often
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?:Can solo qira
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?:Whenever you need me to
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?:I agree
  14. Joas Boevink

    Joas Boevink Well-Known Adventurer

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    IGN: jositoskull
    Age: 16
    Highest class and level: Mage lvl 100
    Your curent build: Support build/Water build
    Why you want to join the guild: I love good guild wars
    Which role do you prefer?: Capturing territories
    Timezone: CET
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: atm 15 hours a week
    Anything else we should know about you?: just a excited member of Wynncraft
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 2, didnt get a good guild to do guild wars with.
    Previous Guild(s): I got 2 guilds of lvl 5 and 7 that i don't know the name of anymore.
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: Dead guild.
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 50.
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: not, planning on changing one day.
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Im a mage...
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: as much as i get asked to do.
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: ofcourse!
  15. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    All these have been accepted. Contact a recruiter or higher for invite. Happy Holidays everyone!
    Last edited: Dec 27, 2017
  16. sao_lover

    sao_lover Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think I should be a part of this guild because I am sexy as fuck. Please refer to my profile picture for proof of the statement.
  17. Kir1toK3n

    Kir1toK3n Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: 93 almost 94
    Your curent build: i swit che it a lot of trimestre
    Why you want to join the guild: my friends anyways talk good of this guild and i want to makes new friends too
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and farMing xp
    Timezone: Italy (+1)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: 4-6 hours at day with some day of pause
    Anything else we should know about you?:I think nothing
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 8
    Previous Guild(s):Libertas and beasts
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: some libertas people arent that good...
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 63, cause i'm Back 2 days ago on wynncraft, i didn't played for family problems...
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: 0
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes i think
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 2-4
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes
    (only captains can accept applications)
  18. ItsNeel

    ItsNeel An Old Mage HERO

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    This thread is only to be used for formal applications to this guild. Please refrain from doing otherwise. Thank you :D
    Your application has been accepted! Please message a captain or chief for your invite :D
  19. UmbryVulpix

    UmbryVulpix Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Age: 14-15
    Highest class and level: 92 (Warrior)
    Your current build: i change my build often
    Why you want to join the guild: i want to make new friends and to help a big guild for wars and farm
    Which role do you prefer?: Warring and Xp Farm
    Timezone: Italy (+1)
    How active are you on Wynncraft?: 4-6 hours per day with some day of pause
    Anything else we should know about you?: i think nothing
    Guild War Experience(1-10): 7
    Previous Guild(s): Blacklite District and Libertas
    Reason you are no longer in your previous guild: some people of these guild aren't good
    How many hours do you have on the stats page?: 60h (i'm back 3 days ago because my old pc have a lot of problems)
    How often do you change your name? If any name changes provide dated name history: 0
    Can you survive the Qira boss room for at least 5 minutes?: Yes i think
    How many successful (this includes retrying until mobs spawn) wars are you willing to do per day?: 2-4
    Do you agree not to change your username until you have been removed from the guild to prevent a glitch?: yes
    Kir1toK3n likes this.
  20. Love

    Love Silence is Serene HERO

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    Your application has been denied, though you are free to review your application and reapply in 2 weeks.
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