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Pets & Horses Companions For Everyone! (suggestion Is At 71%c)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Partridge420x, Dec 26, 2017.


Would you like to see this implemented into WynnCraft?

  1. Yes- Thank you for your thoughts

    5 vote(s)
  2. Yes but Needs improvement (Please provide "CONSTRUCTIVE" Feedback or suggestions in the comments

    2 vote(s)
  3. Still Deciding

    2 vote(s)
  4. No (Please provide a reason why, and ill see if i can incorporate a balance to the overpowered beast

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Psychomentalist

    Psychomentalist Time is not on my side HERO

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    Aaaaaaand we're back to the time when people get pissed because other people disagrees with them.
    Cybersoap707 likes this.
  2. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    Ok, we need to stop this before this becomes a flame war.
    I quite like the suggestion of companions, but it does need a few tweaks.
    However, the fact that it isn't perfect doesn't mean that people can go and criticize it without giving ample suggestions to how it could be better, instead some people just argued about why this post was so wrong, while they should've given to how make this suggestion right.
    So just please give suggestions, not hatred.
  3. Tornor

    Tornor Mayor of Kandon-Beda VIP+

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    But, Cyber, here's the thing.

    Some people really don't like the thread, and when they posted minor suggestions to make it better/pointed something out (like captainganon) the creator of this thread would just repetitively point down at us and just say "your stupid", "your mean", and "your entire community is cancerous" instead of just accepting the minor feedback.
    He even said he's open to criticism, but in actuality, looking at his comments, he's really not.

    In terms of my view on this suggestion, I think it's... not bad, but not good either. About 50/100. There are some interesting things in the thread that I like, like the ability to open loot chests for you, but the suggestion is really a mess, and it more or less benefits archers and assassins, leaving us warriors (because my main class is warrior) to not get as much of a benefit. But here's the thing. Like I said earlier, the thread has turned really salty after other people commenting a bit less constructive then they should and the creator getting really pissed off.

    Idea: 85% (B)
    Execution: 50% (F)
    Reactions: 10% (F)

    (Idea is what the general idea of it is, execution is the detailing of what will be implemented, and Reactions is how the creator reacted to the posts.)

    Also, to the creator, you shouldn't use the grade one person (OGK) gave you for your title. Instead, you can look at the general feedback of the community on the title. (Although, 27.5% of people support this isn't too attractive)
    SUPER M and Exoltic like this.
  4. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    I kinda agree with this part... I'm not that widely accepted (yet) and having my grade up there feels nice and all. But the grade that is in the title is the Idea... I don't feel the most comfortable that, that grade was used... besides this....
    I would rather be asked if the grade could be used... it just makes me feel a bit more comfortable....
  5. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Just a note, as long as the companions do damage, AFK grinding will still be possible. Camping spots exist.
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