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World Spell Paths [general Concept] (65 Supporters)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Golfbawl, Dec 24, 2017.


Should this be implemented in-game?

  1. Yes

    73 vote(s)
  2. No

    3 vote(s)
  3. Maybe

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Note: If you hate long threads, then this suggestion might not be your cup of tea.

    Ok, where to begin...

    I've been playing Wynncraft for several years now. I have seen it develop in so many ways that I never imagined were possible. The idea of such a unique server being integrated into Minecraft is truly outstanding, albeit extremely impressive. So it's time that I stop looking at Wynncraft as a Minecraft server, and as a game of its own.

    As a game of its own, Wynncraft has many things to offer. As all of you know, you can level up by doing quests, grinding, dungeons, etc. As you reach the endgame of the server, you are able to shape your character to fit your own playstyle, depending on how you want. Skill points are made in a specific way as to allow different styles of play within a single class (want to run from Detlas to Almuj in a couple of seconds? Speed archer. Want to destroy everything in sight? Glass cannon DPS builds). However, while there are many playstyles and ways to shape your character, the system is still very underdeveloped, and there is a major flaw with it.

    Now, take Ignis for example.
    Ignis (suggestion).png

    Ignis is a mythic bow, intended to be the strongest dedicated fire bow in the game. On paper, it is really powerful, giving 520 raw Health Regeneration, decent damage, great defense bonuses, and more health than many endgame armour pieces in existence.

    So, it should be good, right?

    Well, it can be useful, however, there is one issue:
    RIP Archers.png

    Yeah ok. So when you are selecting a new class, it will tell you that archers have a terrible defense, but are capable of dishing out immense damage.

    This worked fine in the system that existed pre-gavel, where endgame was all directed towards one style of build per class.

    In modern Wynncraft, however, such a system is outdated and broken, due to weapons like Ignis existing, which are completely counterintuitive to the entire style of one class. And this isn't a problem in the weapon, but a problem with the system that it plays under. Because of how heavy the bias is for each class towards a certain playstyle, it makes it much harder to make different styles of builds that can rival each other without major gaps in usability and power (why use fire archer when you can have equal survivability with air archer?)

    That is the issue I intend to address with the creation of my suggestion. My idea is not to completely remove the old system, as I do agree that to some extent that archers should not have the defensive bonuses that warriors have, but warriors should neither have the speed bonus that archer gets. My suggestion is to give an incentive to play a class in a certain way. Currently, there is no practical reason to play fire archer over air archer, unless you're like me and want to do something off the norm. But there should be something. The player should get something out of being a fire archer, even if it isn't warrior-like defenses. Note that this doesn't only apply to fire archer, but to any build that is rendered weak due to the problems caused by the current class system.

    My Suggestion: Spell Paths

    This suggestion is massive, and it would take several months to implement. However, it would be extremely cool to have, and could be very rewarding if done right.

    Now, I have seen countless suggestions for Grade IV, V, and VI spells. However, why stop there? Why do a normal, mandatory 3 spell upgrades that only serve the purpose as to making a class even stronger? Why not allow for some flexibility in the middle?

    So instead of traditional Grade IV, V, and VI spells, each player would be given a choice as to how they want to develop their spells. This would be done by creating 3 spell paths for each individual spell.

    base upgrades.png

    Base upgrades would be unlocked up to level 66 as normal. Dedicated spell paths for all spells WILL NOT be available until level 76, when the player is nearing endgame.

    Each spell path will contain 3 very different upgrades for each spell. These upgrades will not only change the element damages for a spell, but also the very purpose of one.

    Rather than explaining it, here's an example I made using assassin's spin attack:

    Path 1:
    Grade IV

    Level: 76
    - Hunger: 8
    - Damage: 270%

    · + Protective Spiraling: Your spin attack is given a far more defensive edge, being made a more defensive tactic to repel those too close to you. Spin now deals incredible knockback.
    · 10% 15%

    Grade V
    Level: 86
    · Hunger: 7
    · Damage: 270%
    · + Fire Ring: A ring of fire will encircle the outline of your last spin attack radius. Enemies who walk into this fire ring take 15% damage per half a second. The duration of this fire ring is based on your defense skill point.
    · 10% 15%

    Grade VI
    Level: 96
    · Hunger: 7
    · Damage: 300%
    · + Self-Defense: Your enemies are no longer stunned or crippled by your spin attack. However, you do significantly more damage, and the knockback is increased depending on the amount of skill points you have allocated in agility.
    · 10% 15%

    Path 2:
    Grade IV
    Level: 76
    · Hunger: 2
    · Damage: 160%
    · +Rapid Spinning: Your spin attack is geared far more towards weaker, yet fast and consistent spin attacks.
    · 20% 15%

    Grade V
    Level: 86
    · Hunger: 3
    · Damage: 125%
    · +Double Spin: You now spin 2 times per 1 spell cast. The time between the two spins is based on the user's fluency in the dexterity skill.
    · 20% 15%

    Grade VI
    Level: 96
    · Hunger: 3
    · Damage: 130%
    · Magic Reach: Spin attack has an extended range, depending on the user's intelligence skill.
    · 18% 17%

    Path 3:
    Grade IV
    Level: 76
    · Hunger: 8
    · Damage: 300%
    · +Hard Hitter: Turn your spin attack into a completely brutal and furious single hit attack.
    · 25% 10%

    Grade V
    Level: 86
    · Hunger: 10
    · Damage: 320%
    · +Tornado Spin: Your spin is given a 1-second delay to allow for a vacuum ability to suck mobs into your spin range. The distance at which mobs get sucked in from is based on the user's agility skill point.
    · 25% 10%

    Grade VI
    Level: 96
    · Hunger: 12
    · Damage: 350%
    · Forceful Blow: Spin attack now knocks the wind out of stricken opponents, given them a weakness debuff. The intensity and duration of this weakness is based on the user's fluency in the strength skill.
    · 20% 15%

    As you can see, each spell path changes the texture and purpose of spin attack quite drastically. The first spell path giving spin attack a far more defensive edge, with the other 2 being centered primarily around DPS.

    You'll also notice how I made each spell path take advantage of different skill points. However, just because say, Path 3 is based around the air and earth elements (strength and agility skill points), this doesn't necessarily mean that you need to use that specific combination of elements in your endgame build to be able to use path 3 effectively. The idea of making each spell path based around a set of skill points is to give certain benefits to using those elements over others. So, if I made a build based primarily around the earth element, without much air influence, I could use path 3 to give my spin attack an incredible weakness debuff. Or, if I made a build around the air element, without any earth element involved, I could use Path 3 to give my spin attack a powerful vacuuming ability. However, I wouldn't want to make a fire-water build then choose Path 3, if you see what I mean. The idea is to give many different options to allow for many types of builds.

    This is an example of how every spell would be done. I do intend to make 3 spell paths for every spell for every class if I choose to continue developing this suggestion. That is, 4 classes, each with 4 spells, so 16 spells total, and 3 spell paths for each spell, so 48 different spell paths total.

    Thanks to @The Demon Queen for helping me with the images.
    This spoiler will go over how this would be implemented in-game, and how the spell paths would be selected and changed.
    So, first things first, the character menu would be reconfigured like so:

    Spell menu.png

    The biggest change is the 4 icons below. Each icon represents the spells of the class the player is currently using. These icons will change depending on what class is used. The icons WILL NOT APPEAR if the
    respective spell is not unlocked.


    When you hover over one of these icons, you be able to click it to enter a specific spell menu.

    Spell menuee.png

    In here, you will see a chain of books. At the bottom left, information will be displayed about the base tier (grade I) of the spell. As you go further into the chain, it will display information about different grade levels of the spell. Information such as damage, base hunger cost, level unlocked, and special abilities achieved from the spell upgrade will be displayed if the spell is unlocked. If the spell is NOT unlocked, then the book icon for the respective spell upgrade will not enchanted, and hovering over the unlocked spell icon will not display anything, aside from "You have not unlocked this spell upgrade!"
    The red checkmark will display the message "Spell paths not unlocked yet" until level 76. When the player turns level 76, all spell paths for all spells are unlocked, so that checkmark will turn green in each individual spell menu.

    Spell path selectable.png

    When the player is level 76 and can select a spell path, he can click on the green checkmark to go into this

    Select a Spell Path!.png

    Each icon represents a different spell path. Hovering over an icon will give the name, number (Path #1, 2, or 3) and a basic summary of how each spell path will alter your spell. It does not give any specifics, but just a basic summary of how it will change the gameplay and usage of the spell.

    Clicking on one of these icons will unlock Grades IV, V, and VI books in the spell menu like so:
    Spell path selected.png

    If the player is above the level requirement for a spell grade when he selects a spell path, it will automatically be unlocked.

    A player can choose to reset his spell path by going to the Tower of Amnesia and purchasing a "spell reset scroll" for 2LE. Using a spell reset scroll would reset ALL paths.

    These menus are how the spell paths would be implemented in-game. They're easy to navigate, and particularly simple to use. Along with this, you also have the benefit of having all your spell upgrades being explained in a menu, rather than having to go to the Wynncraft website and discover what those spell upgrades are.

    Alright, so I've decided to create a separate thread for all the spell path concepts and designs I am planning to avoid turning this thread into an even-worse cluster of words and confusion.

    Thread link:

    I intend for this suggestion to be a cumulative project, with me working on bits and pieces of it at a time. It will take lots of time for me to get done, but it's something for me to do. So far, I only have the basic concept completed. I haven't begun designing the spell paths for other spells and classes, and I have yet to design how this will be implemented in-game. At the moment, it is only a very rough concept. However, depending on my motivation, and how this idea is received by the community, I will continue to work on it.

    So far, this is all I have. It's a very messy WIP, but I'm excited to see how it turns out. Feel free to comment any suggestions and criticisms, as I'll need it to be able to steer myself in the right direction.

    Thanks for reading.


    December 24, 2017: Created base concept.
    December 25, 2017: Designed how it would be implemented in-game (thanks to @The Demon Queen for helping me create the images
    January 1, 2017: Created separate thread for new spell paths and concepts I will be designing.
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2018
    Retathrah, Gogeta, Giames and 28 others like this.
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Add a pool
  3. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Added pool.
  4. Gigavern

    Gigavern Giant Fern VIP+

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    1 Thing: You should be able to switch paths at any time after unlocking upgrade paths, perhaps with a few restrictions like a requirement of xp dedicated to the task.

    If you want to use [Insert Element Class] and then pick a spell path only to realize that when you level up that you instead want to use [Insert another element] on the same class, it kinda fucks you over. This is especially to be considered when you realize that learning in Wynncraft accelerates when you join the forums, a thing that typically happens at endgame.

    Other than that, great suggestion and I look forward to seeing the way this thread executes on it.
  5. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Yeah. I intend to add a system to be able to reset your spell path. It would kind of suck, dedicating your entire class to fire mage then being like "dammit, I want air mage" only to find out you can't switch back.
  6. SlyamPoetry

    SlyamPoetry dedicated pikotaro fan!!!!! CHAMPION

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    so it would be like sp reset thing
    I guess this could work +1
  7. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I like this, get to work JP
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  8. nms3456

    nms3456 Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Wow, what a good idea, Ignis is my favorite item in game, but my build does have the negative that archer has bad defense.
    I also think that the change of spell path should be after you are lvl 100, it costs 1mil xp or so and when you get to lvl 101 you will gain xp normally but wont gain more xp bars or lvls. Instead you will get xp only to do the path reset which will still cost 1mil xp or so. I think it should cost a lot because path reset is a huge change for your class. Also there could be a quest like the toa for lvl 25 but a gavel quest which gives you a scroll to reset the spell path and when you get access to buy it it costs about 1-2le. That would be very cool because toa story line is kind of amazing for me when I really think about it.
    Overall that is an amazing idea and I fully support it.
    btw, you should try to apply to GM to make it possible more easily and I think you are great for the job with that idea.
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2017
  9. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Alright, I designed a system that explains how spell paths would actually be used, changed, selected, and done in-game.
  10. Supertaster

    Supertaster Will single-Handedly crash wynncraft economy HERO

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    cool suggestion bro +1 support
    The spell menu needs changing though, the random books here and there look so good unorganized. You should make it look more like a spell tree, with one upgrade tier branching to the next in a linear fashion
  11. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    I’ve been thinking about a similar idea, but I don’t think I could’ve done it better than you.
    Retathrah and CheesePrince13 like this.
  12. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    I was ganna write sum stuff about the level cap but i cant be bothered so...

  13. Faded the weeb

    Faded the weeb your local weeb VIP+

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    I haven't seen so much yes before in my entire life...

  14. Sar

    Sar The Fire Archer CHAMPION

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    I have always sipported another way to get bigger variation in classes
  15. Risingplex

    Risingplex Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    might bring me back to wynncraft
  16. CountBurn

    CountBurn Hackysack? HERO

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    thats for killing me in the nether so many times
  17. Mushtie

    Mushtie Skilled Adventurer VIP+

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    awesome! totally agreed. though I think it would be a great choice to make it so you can only change them at a certain area like Mage island. in my opinion mage island would be perfect for this. they made rooster island one of those islands which was made for 1 quest then lost its purpose but then they made it open a way into Lab N and that made It was quite nostalgic when that happened because you remembered the quest. If they incorporated your idea into mage island it would revitalized the island and give you the same feeling when you go there.

    I probably said that in the most confusing way possible but I hope you understood it
    CheesePrince13 and Golfbawl like this.
  18. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    Bump. I'm gonna finish up assassin this weekend.
  19. Bramblesthatcat

    Bramblesthatcat Just a cat trying to be bing chilling CHAMPION

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    Love it. I like this as it gives more uniqueness to your personal playstyle. I would love for this to be implemented, but I know that could be hard. But this suggestion was well thought out and presented amazingly. Hats off to you!
  20. TrifBuilds

    TrifBuilds Skilled Adventurer

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    Dam, I had this idea myself having like 3 paths then multiple spells to chose between, but I am lazy so I didn't post it. love every single detail of this +1
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