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Pets & Horses Fighting Pets - No Afk Grinding. Complete Pet Overhaul!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Wynncrab, Nov 13, 2017.


Would you consider this as an addition to Wynncraft?

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  2. Yes, with changes. [Please provide feedback]

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  1. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    (So far people have given very handy suggestions to improve this thread! If you have a suggestion or want to change something, be sure to comment! Every contributor is credited at the bottom and throughout the thread!) Thanks!

    Currently all pets in game, are acquired through the store with real money.
    What if...

    -Everyone could have a pet.

    -From a diverse range of choices.

    -That could either fight for you...

    -Or provide passive ability status effects.

    -Even be integrated with the element system?

    When pets kill anything besides a boss. It will only grant the pet XP.
    In this case, pets aren't for grinding. They are to help you not die. Especially in a boss fight.

    When it comes to items, pets will only attack mobs, if you have attacked them yourself. This eliminates the AFK grinding issue.

    Suggested by @Shitposting 101 "Or just make it so that it only attacks things you also attack, rather than passively attacking nearby things. Additionally, make the other types only healwhen you take a large amount of damage or debuff when you hit something."

    Here are some limitations on pets that fix an agro issue brought up by @SaltyKing
    So far these 2 limitations are the only thing I was able to come up with in terms of fixing this issue:
    "if u hit the boss first, you will have the bosse's agro - therefore your pet will only be hit if the boss does aoe attacks.
    You will continue to to have agro unless u vanish or go to far away"

    Pets will stop attacking a mob after 5 seconds.

    If the total damage you have dealt to a boss mob during a boss fight, is less than the damage your pet has dealt by a difference of greater or equal to (30% of the boss mob's total health.) Then the boss mob's agro will target your pet as a first priority.

    This eliminates hiding away in a safe space/zooming around super fast, and rarely hitting/shooting a boss mob to have it agro you, while your pet does all the damage. If you were to try and do this: by the time the boss is 1/3rd dead, the boss mob's agro would switch to your pet. This system is a way to identify weather your pet has been doing all the work or not.

    Before we begin I want to address the first questions that come to mind:
    Q: But AFK Grinding?
    A: Nope. The suggested pets will only attack if you attack a mob, if you attack it.

    Q: Wouldn't this decrease incentive for players to buy vip ranks?
    A: Kinda. Read the next question :D

    Q: What would happen to VIP pets?
    On this issue, suggestion by @Ravelord Nito
    "...Add them (pets) as skins for the freely given pets, where the effect of the mob is unchanged but those who are willing to pay/have payed will still get more unique look to their pet than, say, the vanilla-model mobs that are available to everyone."

    Q: Would this cause lag?
    A: No. Pets would only be available to 72+ level players.
    Additionally, you are only allowed to have 1 pet active at a time.
    Not only, but the pet resting system would prevent a player from having a pet active at all times.

    Q: Pets in PVP?
    A: I would answer with: No pets in the nether.

    Q: Too hard on devs?
    A: I believe in them. XDD

    Q: Can pets die?
    A: Yes and No. (Most pets have their own hp. Some pets don't have any hp, but also do no damage.)

    From this point on, please read carefully.

    How to acquire a pet:

    Every class, upon completing a quest, (I suggest: "Humane Smugglers" Lvl 72)
    Will be able to pick from a variety of different pet choices.
    The quest, "Humane Smugglers" will be at the bottom of this thread when I decide to write it. This took forever XD.
    Upon completing the quest, you will have access to a shop, very similar to hive shop. There you can buy a pet for an untradable quest item you get as the quest's reward. 1 "Black Market Token" from an "Animal Smuggler"
    Here is a suggested GUI for the shop:
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    When the player selects a pet to buy, this GUI appears:
    This is important. When a pet is purchased, instead of receiving an item, like a horse saddle. A new option appears in your compass. "Pet Menu." (To the right of "Reset Skill Points"). From there you are able to view how rested your pet is, deploy/disembark your pet, and allocate skill points.

    If you don't like your pet, and want to change it - you can return your pet to a "Pet Keeper" found in the same area as the "Animal Smugger"
    Upon returning you pet, you will receive another "Black Market Token" So you can buy a new pet.
    This way you aren't stuck with 1 pet forever and can't do anything about it. Every time you switch pets, you need to level them up again.

    Pet mechanics, and keeping track:

    All pets are minimum level 72.
    Only 1 pet is allowed per class. And it is impossible to switch a pet from one class to another.
    After you have chosen your pet upon completing the quest, (Pet examples will be provided.) The pet will be accessible through your compass. (To the right of "Reset Skill Points") This is so you can't just drop it in lava, and to save inv. space.
    When you click on "Pet Menu" in your compass,
    You will encounter this (Or similar) selection screen:
    SELECTION SCREEN EXPLAINED: (Image always below the text.)

    1. The egg in the center tells you what pet you have.

    2. The row of green and red blocks at the bottom is the resting system.

    If the blocks were all green: Your pet would be 100% Rested.

    If the blocks were half green: Your pet would be 50% Rested.

    A pet may only be used for a total of 60 Minutes [THIS CAN BE UPGRADED] , before it needs to recharge or rest. Every 1/9th of total time available (6.67 Min at default), your pet gets tired, the Ability Power or percent at which your pet deals damage, provides a status buff/debuff, or heals you decreases by 5.5%

    When your pet's total use time or "Stamina" runs out, you may no longer use your pet. First your pet must rest. Pets rest or recharge twice as fast as the time the pet gets tired. So if it takes 60 Minutes for your pet to get tired, it should take 30 minutes for your pet to recharge. Recharge time has same mechanics as soul points.

    The percentages are divided into 9ths because that is amount of slots horizontally in the chest. Also 5.5% = 1/9 divided by 2.
    This is so right before your pet is about to loose all it's energy it will only be 56% Effective.
    (9 - 1= 8) , (8 x 5.5=44) , (100 - 44 = 56)

    Effectivity example:

    When your pet looses all of it's energy. You may no longer use your pet, and must wait for your pet's energy to recharge. (When you first deploy your pet, it has 100% Rest)

    Pets will also loose all their energy if they die. Some pets have their own HP.
    Pets can also have elemental DEF to be more inline with the element system. (See Example Pets)

    3. The green check-mark to the right, is what you select to deploy your pet to over-world once you are satisfied with how rested your pet is. "Ability Power" Is referring to how effective the damage/buffs/debuffs inflicted will be. ("Ability Power" is determined by your pet's remaining energy.)

    4. The red check-mark to the left, is what you would select to disembark your pet back into your compass.

    5. Now the fun stuff. Akin to your horse, pets will have an xp bar. But unlike a horse, pets can gain levels and skill points. The maximum level for a pet is 10, some pets have a maximum level of less than 10 for balancing reasons. After a pet levels up from x amount of the pet fighting/healing/inflicting status effects, the pet will gain 1 skill point.

    Once your pet levels up you will receive this message in chat: "Your pet has 1 unused skill point!"
    Upgrading your pet will be available by selecting the "+" right above the spawn egg in the pet menu.

    The once selected the: Pet Upgrading Menu:
    The yellow check-mark on the left, allows you to reset your skill points.
    As you may have guessed, the books above are different categories in which skill points can be allocated.

    Skill point max: 10 (Total amount of skill points that can be gained for a pet. Just like the total skill points allowed for a player which is 198 at lvl 100)
    Maximum amount of skill points per category is also 10. (Like the 100 Skill Point cap on player's stats.)

    Category 1: Stamina
    Every skill point allocated in "Stamina" will increase the maximum amount of total time your pet can last without getting tired by 6 Minutes.

    Category 2: Attack Damage (Locked if pet does no damage.) [If you were to attempt to allocate skill points to this category to a pet that does not do damage, the book would be renamed to "LOCKED")
    Every skill point allocated in "Attack Damage" will increase the raw damage your pet does by 10%

    Category 3: Ability
    Every skill point allocated in "Ability" will increase the power of any status effected granted by 5%, healing power by 5%, and damage dealt by debuff inflicted by 5%.

    (No pet will should all 3 of the above abilities.)

    Category 4: Speed
    Every skill point allocated in "Speed" will increase the movement speed of your pet by 10%

    Category 5: Health (Locked if pet is immortal) [If you were to attempt to allocate skill points to this category to a pet that does not have health, the book would be renamed to "LOCKED")
    Every skill point allocated in "Health" Increases total HP of your pet and hp regen by 10%

    THE PETS! - Here are some suggestions:

    (I assume by the time, if this is added, Wynncraft would be able to use the new minecraft mobs.)
    Every pet minimum lvl is 72.

    RAW ATTACK PET: (Melee)

    Snow Bear: (Mob Model: Polar Bear)
    Max level: 10
    Slow attack speed (Refers to how fast Warrior swings)
    HP: 10000
    HP Regen: 250/s
    +100 Earth DEF
    +50 Water DEF
    -50 Air Def
    Neutral Damage: Player level x 4 - Player level x 5 (Lvl 72: 288 - 360 Dmg.)
    Water Damage: (Neutral x 0.2)
    Earth Damage: (Neutral x 0.2)

    ABILITY / DE-BUFF PET: (Ranged)
    Disabled Fish: (Mob Model: Guardian)
    Max level: 10
    Fast attack speed (Refers to how fast Archer Shoots)

    HP: 6000
    Hp Regen: 600/s
    +100 Water DEF
    -50 Thunder DEF
    The HP may seem high, however when being in a boss fight, the pet has a high chance to be one shot, and could easily be overpowered by many high level / damage mobs.
    RANGED (Distance of Max 5 blocks)
    Shoots "Prismarine Shard" Texture projectiles.
    The Guardian beam could be removed by replacing it's texture with nothing in the resource pack.

    Neutral Damage: Player Level x 1 - Player level x 2 (Lvl 72: 72-144)
    Water Damage: (Neutral x 0.4)

    Inflicts 1250/4 Poison
    Aura Parrot (Mob Model: Parrot)
    Max level: 10
    Deals 0 Damage.
    Max Ability Skill Points - 5 Instead of 10.

    Heals Player by 5% Every 15 Seconds (If Player Below 75% Health)
    The healing value is 5% Every 15 sec. If the Ability skill points were at max (5/5), then that would be an additional 25% HP per 15 sec. Meaning max of 30% Health per 15 seconds.

    EARTH PET: (Melee)
    Mountain Llama (Mob Model: Llama with Light gray carpet)
    Max level: 10

    Normal attack speed (Refers to how fast Warrior swings)
    HP: 8000
    Hp Regen: 350/s

    +150 Earth DEF
    -50 Fire DEF

    Neutral Damage: Player level x 2 - Player level x 4 (Lvl 72: 144-288)
    Earth Damage: (Neutral x 0.5)
    Creates AOE bonus for players: (Works in 5 Block radius - Indicated by particle effect)
    Default: +25% Increased Earth DEF

    Default: +25% Increased Earth DMG
    (If all 10 skill points were to be allocated to the "Ability" stat, then the effect would be +75%)

    Total Number of available pets: I suggest there to be around 15 for people to pick from, to make the game interesting and make it so that not all players have the same pet.

    Post read questions:
    Q: Aura Parrot with tank build OP?
    A: No. Keep in mind that you only get healed to 75% HP which will take 45 Sec, and that you can only use Aura Parrot for max of 30 Mins for it to be effective.

    Q: Can mages heal pets?
    A: I say yes.

    Ability Power: Mathematical Clarification: (You don't have to read this. Might be confusing.)
    When it comes to Attack Damage: If your pet has been active for 1/9 of it's total use time; then it's Attack Damage drops by 5.5% from it's maximum Attack Damage numerical value.

    Example: At 100% rest, your pet does 74-144 Damage. After 1/9 of it's total use time or "Stamina" your pet will do (74 x 0.945) - (144 x 0.945)
    or (If rounded to whole numder) 70-136 Damage. In this case we multiply the by 0.945 because (100-5.5 = 0.945).
    After n/9 of your pet's stamina, the number we multiply the initial damage by would be [Min. Int Dmg x 0.(100-5.5n)] - [Max. Int Dmg x 0.(100-5.5n)]
    If your pet's stamina was upgraded then the only change would be the time it would take for this to occur, since the "1/9" would be a greater value.

    However, this may confuse some people into thinking that this works the same for status effects listed on pets in the form of "%".
    Someone may confuse decreasing by 5.5% and subtracting 5.5%.
    If/When a pet's special ability (which is listed percentages instead of raw numerical values): decreases, due to "Ability Power" by 5.5%.
    The algorithm would not subtract 5.5% from that special ability.
    Decreasing by 5.5% does not imply subtraction: It implies multiplication of the percent value by 0.(100-5.5n)

    Example: Mountain Llama gives you a 25% Increase in Earth Damage.
    What happens to that "25%" after your Llama's special ability after it goes through n/9ths of it's "Stamina"?
    If you were paying attention, you would understand it would decrease by 5.5%. However the result would not be (25%-5.5%) or 19.5%.
    Since decrease by 5.5% implies multiplication, the actual result would be: [25 x 0.(100-5.5n)]
    So if n = 1, then your Llama providing you with 25% increase in Earth Damage would become (25 x 0.94.5) or 23.635% Increase in Earth Damage.

    Contributors via suggestions so far:
    @Ravelord Nito
    @Shitposting 101

    V.1.00 - Released idea. Pets suggested. Quest not yet suggested.
    V.1.1 - Fixed "AFK Grinding" / Edited Suggested Pet Values.
    V.1.2 - Added Ravenlord's suggestion for VIP pets.
    V.1.2.1 - Minor Balance for pet examples.
    V.1.3 - New Thread. Improved the GUI screenshots provided.
    V.1.3.1 - Added Elemental DEF to pets. / Other Minor Changes.
    V.1.3.2- Added some minor fixes (Will add more) suggested by @OGK and post thread questions added.
    V.1.3.3- More clarification and fixes
    V.1.4 - Added in depth explanation on how to buy pets.
    V.1.5 - Added idea based on issue brought up by @SaltyKing
    V.1.5.1 - Minor changes, dark theme integration.
    V1.5.2 - Added "Mountain Llama" pet example. Suggested by @TidalWave
    V.1.6 - Halved the percent at which pet ability power is decreased over time.
    V.1.6.1 - Minor Changes. (To make resting more clear to understand.)
    V.1.6.2 - Added more post thread questions, and edited 1.5's problem solve.
    V.1.6.3 - Balanced Aura Parrot. - Minor changes with example pets.
    V.1.7 - Added Mathematical Clarification
    V.1.7.1 - Added "Animal" Smuggler Image.
    Last edited: Nov 23, 2017
  2. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Gonna grade this tomorrow. So far looks nice.
    Wynncrab likes this.
  3. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    Ravioli Ravioli wheres the grade that im lookin forli?
  4. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    What is stopping someone from whacking a boss (or just a really strong mob) then jumping to a spot where u cant be hit and just letting your pet do the work?
    Best way to counter this imo is if the pet can only hit a certain mob a certain amount of times/ can only do so much dmg (this gets higher as it levels up)

    Better Pets (Tm) would make archer stronger as well (Range snipe everything once and pet beats every things asses if it is an attacking pet)
    and can u imagine a tanky warrior (pretty much immortal) with an aura parrot...

    So once u complete the quest will there be like a store or sum shit where u purchase the pets with le or would u get a token from completing the quest (you mentioned it was like hive)

    Personally i like!
    but i feel people with pets they payed for will take it either as
    YAY my fire dragon can now attack and look cool af when it does (everyone else has dumb af fish looking turds that squirt lil splashes of water)
    Or SRSLY WTF YALL B*** WHO CREATED THIS DUMB SH*T F**** IDEA I"M GOING TO BEAT THEIR SCRAWNY LIL ASS AND WRING THEIR NECK CAUSE NOW EVERYONE HAS A F************ ************** *************** *************** ***** ******** ** ************ ************** *********** ***** *********** ******** ************ING PET WHEN I HAD TO PAY FOR (lets be real they are probs 3 dont have a job and their mum paid for it and also dont know that amny swear words...)

    Wynncrab likes this.
  5. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    As you can see, in the beginning of the thread... "
    When it comes to items, pets will only attack mobs, if you have attacked them yourself. This eliminates the AFK grinding issue."
    Also, I don't know any boss fight where you can just sit safely. And if you can, you are most likely way too high level for that boss fight.
  6. DiamondWarrior59

    DiamondWarrior59 Tryhard Shopkeeper

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    What he means is hit the boss or mob once, then just afk in a spot where you can't be hit. Level would have no say in this (besides tanking the damage), as getting to a spot only requires the right spell, and unless the boss is below level 11, you have your movement spell already.
  7. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    If you get the agro on yourself by hitting the boss a few times your pet can just beat the boss by it self.
    It would not have to worry about taking any dmg because the agro would be on you (unless aoe attack)
    and even if there were no safe spots having enough walk speed or just using a movement spell (not assasin doe as that would remove agro) is enough as the boss would slowly just die by your pet.

    Which is why i suggested the only being able to hit a certain mob a certain amount of times or atleast only be able to do a certain amount of dmg.

    Sorry if my post confused you :)
    But if this issue can be resolved the idea will be Saltyking proof! (Atleast for today... ill think of another way to beat the system)
    Stag2001 likes this.
  8. ____________birb

    ____________birb not borpus Staff Member Discord Moderator VIP+ QA Item Team

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    we need a llama that does ranged earth dmg
    Wynncrab, Allamak and flip like this.
  9. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    Allamak likes this.
  10. Allamak

    Allamak Legendary Adventurer HERO

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    China and ThomAnn100 like this.
  11. OGK

    OGK The Grader CHAMPION

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    Apologizes things came up.
    A: Why so many spacing? This all can be fit into one paragraph... Why purple? Either way, gonna continue.
    B: What happens to VIP now? People who purchased this rank now have nothing different besides just a title.
    C: Pets from this summary can be abuse-able so far with Archers.
    D: If the Abilities are healing I swear to god... (This thing doesn't count to ya XD)
    E: I can already see Pets being a problem.

    VIP now has nothing different from anyone else. Makes it a useless buy now. Also why a comma?
    A diverse range of choices sounds good. Also capitalize this.
    Why did you need a spacing between these two? Couldn't you put them on the same line and have it not take up as much room? Besides this I believe what you have suggested so far are familiars... Again with the commas...
    That sounds pretty cool actually. This sounds very interesting as your familiar can do Elemental damage and has weaknesses/strengths.
    So far it sounds like they can pull the ultimate dick moves of stealing your XP when you are trying to grind. Or, you can easy XP by making them fight for you and then you just kill steal.
    Unless if it comes to Thorns/Reflection where I believe that is YOU damaging the enemy. So AFK grinding is still a thing I believe. Unless if it isn't then that sounds pretty darn cool and makes AFK Grinding back down to nothing.
    Once again with the Thorns/Reflection but then again not so up to date with how code works. Either way sounds all good.
    Actually if this is added... All of the ranks would get a re-work by making them probably even more expensive or just making them even better. If not, VIP would be screwed over heavily.
    That... sounds actually pretty darn fair. It does give the bought pets more appeal.
    Define Higher-ish please as this makes no sense. I believe they are making the mob system not lag anymore so that is good. 1 pet at a time? That is also pretty good. Makes it pretty balanced.
    How about in Duels? Will they auto-despawn?
    You are going to murder them. I think I hear some of them hanging themselves now! XD
    But besides that, yeah this would take awhile to add...
    Can you give a brief summary here instead? You can brush up on the details later but having something basic here would be nice but it doesn't have to be added. It's just confusing at first.
    This will be a bit... but that is fair.
    -Just like Hive Items huh...? [Remembers the rage of people losing their Hive items] NOOO!!!!
    +Kidding, but I do like it. Once you have picked something you should stick by it. Makes people think.
    -Saves inventory space, both great and well done.
    -Where would it be in the compass?
    -Thank you for the little explanation on how this will go. Thank you for adding this as I would be confused if this wasn't explained.
    -...Rest in Peace: Disabled Fish...
    +Jokes aside, interesting name...?
    -Explaining what the blocks on the bottom means is great.
    -60 Minutes is fair amount of time. Especially when it can be upgraded.
    -Weird time honestly... Why 6.67 Minutes?
    -Tired system sounds cool. If I do the math of things at most your Pet will get tired in the end with 99%... I think...
    -Cool, pets have HP!
    -Defense too, this is pretty good.
    -Wait... wouldn't it be 2 Hours if it takes Twice the amount of time? Do you mean Twice as fast or Twice as slow?
    Nice example. It shows what the Green Blocks are.
    Simple as this may be, it is needed, thank you for the show and the explanation. But what does Ability Power mean?
    This clears up any misunderstanding that you cant de-spawn your pet. Plus it is nice to know that you can take it back in.
    Interesting. This is indeed going to be coder hell... again... the coming... again.
    Either way, interesting system, a pet will have 10 Skill Points which doesn't make it super broken... depending on what the stats do.
    This is cool for a reminder. Annoying, but cool to know. Once again, even more coding hell.
    Thank you for showing again.
    Visual of what it is: Great!
    Did I guess?: Kinda? Either way thank you for saying what the books are because they COULD confuse if they weren't stated. Good job!
    I don't understand this but okay.
    So you can have a pet open for 2 Hours, will the rest be an hour? Or will it remain to be 30 Minutes? Or will it be 4 Hours?
    So this is an optional one. Will this mean that instead there will be 4 books? Or should there be a replacement? Please add some more details.
    What happens with the pets that don't have abilities? Is this locked with them? Is this no there? More details please.
    This feels a bit powerful. But besides this, what happens if you leave your Pet behind too far? Will they teleport? If so, why keep Speed then?
    Alright, this seems good enough. Same thing with attack though.

    Pets are another story and another grading process, I will wait until they are finished. But for now... your grade...

    Grade: 89% B+

    I love this idea, there are some kinks that needs to be banged out, but nothing too much that is over the top. Right now I think this idea is wonderful, but sometimes you lack detail where it is needed. Not saying your whole post is lacking detail, only tiny parts are. In general I approve of this idea! So far it is well thought out. Now you will be graded on the Pets sooner or later. Until then...

    Have a Good Day!
    Wynncrab likes this.
  12. Locky1110

    Locky1110 Famous Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I feel in some way this would conflict with the EULA
  13. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    Alright! Thank you! Will certainly clarify on all lack of details, and will provide examples for concepts.
    Well, if you hit a mob. The go to a safe place. That 1 mob will most likely be killed, and then your pet won't attack any other mobs. If you hit a boss.. Then your pet will prob die.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2017
  14. SaltyKing

    SaltyKing Banana CHAMPION

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    im assuming you missed my post because you got your Post grade back :P
    I guess i will restate what i said in it


    if u hit the boss first you will have the bosses agro therefore your pet will only be hit if the boss does aoe attacks
    You will continue to to have agro unless u vanish or go to far away

    Me and my friend do this all the time as she is an Invincible Warrior so she stands still (hits every now and then for life steal) and i just beat the shit out of the boss and get the drops i mean what i completely and fairly beat all the bosses by my self....
  15. DiamondWarrior59

    DiamondWarrior59 Tryhard Shopkeeper

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    Well, how would the targeting on pets work anyways? Would the boss just attack whoever attacked it last, because then you could try and juggle with a ranged attacker pet. If it prioritized whatever's nearest, then you could run away over and over again as your pet snipes from afar, or vice versa with a tanky pet.
  16. Khaps

    Khaps Ex-moderator and leader of the Mythic Emporium HERO

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    oh boi, just read it, it seems really good, now i'm going to be quoting parts of your thread that I have stuff to add toµ

    make it dark theme friendly please!!

    What about a macro where you are on a safe spot (for example freezing heights) and you just keep clicking and your pet does all the work?
    sorry if I don't understand well, but do you mean that if we buy a pet on a class, we can't use it on another one? i'd like to do that doe especially if i've leveled it up to max level ?
    And what if for example I want an aura parrot on a tanky warrior and also want it on a tanky mage? do I srsly have to level 2 ? idk, seems weird to me but ehhh.

    The next things that goes on the thread i'm half confused of what you're saying, but it looks good, however, maybe you can implement a bit of money sink somewhere?

    (also for that afk grinding since now its banned maybe it'll be less of a problem)
  17. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    Yes. No switching pets between classes. Il add an option to return your pet to the same place where u got it from, then you can buy a new one.
  18. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Good? Im not sure, passive of now.
  19. Wynncrab

    Wynncrab Wynncrab of the Wynnland

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    Ok, sorry your post was lost to my eyes within the other ones lol. Will certainly do something about this.
  20. At World's End

    At World's End Infamous Adventurer HERO

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    I can imagine it now... Flying Potato *Parrot reskin* that heals everyone... Would be absolutely amazing.

    Could I recommend removing the mythic color text that is killing my alright bad-eyesight? :D
    Wynncrab likes this.
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