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Dungeons Luminous Hide: Obfuscated By The Light.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by pseudocraul, Oct 17, 2017.


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  1. pseudocraul

    pseudocraul Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well, well, well, one more of my ideas. This time it is a dungeon. Hope you enjoy!

    Dungeon: Luminous Hide: Obfuscated by The Sun

    Hi fellow adventurer. I had this dungeon idea and decided to work on it. I hope you like it.

    General Description:

    I was thinking in a withe/bright temple localized in Canyon of the Lost. It will be a level 89 dungeon.


    The dungeon will have ? rooms in total, with ??% of parkour (? Rooms), ??% of battle (? Rooms) and ??% of puzzle (? Rooms).

    Room 1:

    -When you enter the dungeon you will see yourself in a corridor with colossal columns that leads you to the first fight challange. In the end of the corridor the player enter in a circular room. In the center of the room, we will have a pressure plate.When you enter the circular room, dialogue 1 will be activated (see “dialogues” section). Pressing the pressure plate will start the fighting challenge. The challenge is based in waves (something near to Uth’s rune boss). Below, there will be an explication about each wave:

    Wave 1: There will spawn 5 melee mobs (Confused Angels) and 2 ranged mobs ( Godly Eagle). After defeating them, you will be able to “call” wave 2.

    Wave 2: There will spawn now 10 melee mobs ( 7 Confused Angels and 3 Wyverns) and 5 ranged mobs ( Godly Eagle). After defeating them, the player will be able to “call” wave 3

    Wave 3: Boss Wave: There will spawn a mini-boss (Undead Commander) with more 7 melee mobs (Crew Member) and 1 ranged mob in each of the four sides of the room (Zeppelin Cannons). When killed, Undead Commander dropps a key, which opens a door to the next room when dropped in a hopper in the room’s end.

    Room 2: This room will be a parkour challenge. When the player enter the room, he/he will see dialigue 2. The parkour will bem ade up of little towers and moving clouds. The room design will be like temple walls full of vines growing on them. After beating the parkour, the player will be able to continue to the next room.

    Room 3: This room is a puzzle challenge.(Dialogue 3 is played when you enter the room), Basicaly, there will be 5 signs with 5 senteces. Above them, there will be a main sign writen: “Wich of this 5 sentences have you saw earlier in this dungeon?” (or something like this). The sentence will be hidden in one of the towers of he first parkour. If the player select the right sign, he get acess to romm four. If he/she select the wrong one, a mini-boss will spawn (Eliminator of Mistakes).

    Room 4: Well, well, in this room we will have a figthing challenge. The player will have to collect 30 “Dungeon Tokens” (everybody knows what is a dungeon token, right?). The could be taken by klling 3 types of mobs that will spawn in the room (Air Mage, Wind Dragon and Appolo’s Servant). After this, the player will have to dropp the tokens ina hopper and go to room 5.

    Room 5: The player go to another puzzle room. In the end of the room there will be a 1-9 “keybord” with the sentence “The answer is in the silence of this walls.” Then the player search in the walls of the room and find the code. I was imagining to put some plataforms and barriers to make the player confuse. After puting th right code, the player go to the boss room.

    Boss Room: (When entering the bos room, dialogue 4). The boss will be in the peak of a mountain and will not be fighting alone: It will have vigilantes’ help.


    “Long time ago, when Kings weren’t in power yet, a Council controled what’s happening in the Province, and granted Wynn was a peaceful and honest place.”

    “The council was formed by three people: Vision, who saw what’s happening in the province, Decisioner, who decided what would be made to solve the problems, and Justice, who judge the ones was agains the Peace, the rules of the province.”

    “One day, something happened: Vision discovered a thing that he called Corruption. It was taking off the province and making the citizens bad. Decisioner tried to take controlo f the situation, but forgot to protect the council... Corruption attacked Detlas, residence of the Council, and possessed Justice, without anyone realizing.”

    “Finaly, Decision controled Corruption, and sent them to the judge. Justice, that was possessed, said Corruption is inoccent, and let it free. Vision, finaly realized what was happening to Justice, and kick out she from the province. Justice tried to find another place to live, but no one accepted she. The last place she had to live was the top of the mountains in the Canyon of the Lost. And there she lives until now.”


    -Entering dialogue: “The pride of divinities obfuscates your vision.”

    - Dialogue 1: ???: You foolish...

    ???: Do you really think you can defeat me?!

    ???: I bet you can’t even kill my reanimated victims...

    -Dialogue 2: ???: Do you think will be that easy?

    ???: You’re only in the beggining...

    ???: Let’s see if you’re able to climb to my mountain...

    -Dialogue 3: ???: It seems you’re good at jumping...

    ???: But, are you good at memory?!

    ???: “To open my tomb you need to uncode the mensages of the highest towers...”

    -Dialogue 4: Justice: It seems you’re not so weak...

    Justice: ...but if I was you I would give up now.

    Justice: You don’t give valor to your life insignificant adventurer...

    Justice: ...you kill my soldiesr and think I would just let it go?

    Justice: But I never forget.... I revenge...

    Justice: LET’S MAKE JUSTICE.

    (Giant text in the screen): Goddess Justice: Recluse Member of the Council


    -Room 1:

    -Confused Angels

    -Godly Eagle


    -Undead Commander

    -Crew Member

    -Zeppelin Cannon

    Romm 3:

    -Eliminator of Mistakes

    Room 4:

    -Air Mage

    -Wind Dragon

    -Appolo’s Servant

    Boss Room:

    -Justice (boss)

    Last edited: Oct 17, 2017
  2. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    You forgot stats for the mobs.
  3. pseudocraul

    pseudocraul Well-Known Adventurer

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    I'm working in this. It would be add as soon as I can. Sorry.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Lore-wise this is a mess. The Corruption attacked Ancient Nemract first, not Detlas. And if it's all about Wynn and Corruption, why is it in CotL?
    Stag2001, Lemon and ThomAnn100 like this.
  5. pseudocraul

    pseudocraul Well-Known Adventurer

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    Well, Justice was banned as I said. And Corruption attacked nemract, and also the concil, then corrupted Justice
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