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World How I Think Mythics Could Be Fixed.

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Sonick, Aug 27, 2017.


Should they do this?

  1. Yea!

  2. No!

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  1. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    It's impossible to make everyone happy with a change to mythics because of the way they work right now. Keeping them as they are will make their value decrease over a long time because new mythics will continue to enter the market, so the mythic owners will be pissed off. Increasing the drop chance would devalue them even faster.

    Decreasing the drop chance would make so that almost no more mythics enter the market, and the same ones that exist right now will keep circling around from buyer to buyer, or nobody will buy mythics anymore.

    Nerfing them would make the value of mythics decrease instantly, breaking the economy completely, so here's what you could do with them:

    How to fix mythics in my opinion:

    -Salted needs to allow Selvut and/or other talented GM's to balance mythics, because this way mythics could be nerfed/buffed faster.

    -The next mythics released should be untradable. This way, they could be freely balanced without changing their value and breaking the economy.

    -New mythics would not be as strong as the ones we currently have for their level, but they would still be the best weapons in the game.

    -The level cap would have to be increased, so that the new high level mythics can be stronger than the current mythics.

    -Create new money sinks, like armor transmogrifiers, gambling, horse skins that can be bought with emeralds, cosmetic horse armor, being able to buy soul points with emeralds, being able to buy some simple particles for your character with emeralds, some great high level legendaries that can be bought for a stack of le, etc.

    -And finally, to avoid making the current mythics useless, they could be traded for one of the new higher level mythics of the player's choice or 15 stacks of LE, since that's about the average value of mythics right now.

    That way, a lot of emeralds will leave the market because of the money sinks, useless mythics like Pure would become useful because they could be traded for the brand new mythics and getting one of the new mythics could still be a great bonus to your damage, but you wouldn't be able to solo the hardest bosses in the game in 10 seconds with them like you can today, and everyone wins!

    Thanks for reading this small wall of text <3
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2017
    BuffAirSpear, Relflow, Greeni and 5 others like this.
  2. Shamos200

    Shamos200 Famous Adventurer HERO

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    SUPER M and Sonick like this.
  3. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    that doesnt change anything, the current mythics do need a nerf
    you cant balance a game based on a shitty economy
    Stag2001 and Jaymon like this.
  4. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Why? The economy is a huge part of the game.
  5. Assassin4Lyfe

    Assassin4Lyfe That guy who somehow got into Hax, Lir, and Eco. VIP

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    It doesn't matter that mythics will be continuously found because inflation will counterbalance the price drop.
    Sonick likes this.
  6. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    The main issue is not this, it's that mythics are too strong, and if you nerf them the economy will break.
  7. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    About untradable mythics that idea sucks not everyone has all the classes to level 100 about letting @Selvut283 to ballance them yes plz
  8. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    i honestly dont know why so many people complain about the economy so much

    Before I found my first mythics, I had so much fun buying and selling legendaries. Until just a few months ago when I started finding mythics, I thought legendary trading was great fun. Now that I am involved with mythic trades, it is still very fun, making tons of LE and more things, EXACTLY like I had it with Legendary trading. I don't understand this whole "nerf mythic it bad" nonsense, the only thing I can manage to agree on is a major money sink like fix guilds or "armor transmogrifiers, gambling, horse skins that can be bought with emeralds, cosmetic horse armor, being able to buy soul points with emeralds, being able to buy some simple particles for your character with emeralds, some great high level legendaries that can be bought for a stack of le, etc."

    A detailed explanation of why the mythic market is so 'broken' and why it "makes people unhappy" would be great.

    I think if you are complaining towards mythics being unbalanced, overpriced, too rare or too stupidly OP, then this game might not be the type of game you enjoy, because in my opinion, my journey from dealing rares and legendaries pre-gavel to owning half a dozen mythics has been great, every moment of it (except for the time I lost 18le horse breeding 2-3 years ago :P)

    no hate on this thread, i just need some understanding.
  9. Maarcus

    Maarcus The best Kartoffel on wynn CHAMPION

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    Why i dont have a myhtic drop
  10. SoulReaper11

    SoulReaper11 The meh guy VIP+

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    Because people who dont find mythics (like 95% of all current wynn players btw) really struggle to get mythics which makes the whole economy feel awful for nearly everyone. However when you get a few mythics you can sell them and start reselling mythics so once you get a few mythics you are essentialy carried to being super rich. However for people without a shop or mythic anything above 6stax is virtually impossible to get so when 91 stratis are selling for 90ish stax it just makes you depressed cuz u know you will likely never be able to afford it. Which is why the economy is bad and broken
  11. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    what, im sorry, you didnt really answer my question.

    also 91 stratis can go for 130 stacks.

    This also happens in real life, someone wins lottery, people feel happy for them, slightly jelous, and they make themselves richer by investing (in wynn's case, buying and selling) in things to create more money and advance. Not so rich people have it the EXACT same way, just a lower scale.
    CookedPelvis and Bubbly like this.
  12. SoulReaper11

    SoulReaper11 The meh guy VIP+

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    Massive amounts of inflation has caused good items to become nearly impossible for the average population of the game to get and it will be come worse and worse because there arnt any good money sinks so as more money enters the system startis worth 90stax will be worth 110stax making them even more impossible to get for new players

    SUPER M likes this.
  13. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    Yes, but more players find more stratis every week, DECREASING the demand, which is balanced out by the increase of players.
  14. SoulReaper11

    SoulReaper11 The meh guy VIP+

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    However what's one of the many differences between wynn and the real world's economy? Countries don't print infinite money because they know it will make there courency worthless however in wynn there is an potentialy infinite amount of money entering the system but unlike the real world were you pay taxes (rl money sink) wynn has none
  15. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    That's why I agree there should be a money sink, but I dont know why people complain about it ruining the game, not making it fun etc. It's the way the game works..
    SUPER M and Bubbly like this.
  16. SoulReaper11

    SoulReaper11 The meh guy VIP+

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    For a real world example look at Germany after ww2 they had to print so much money to pay for war damage that there economy was crippled and the people fell into poverty and could barely afford to eat in some cases as the amount of money they owned didn't scale with inflation so what was worth $5 pre war is now worth $0.05 post war
  17. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    we're talking block game mythics here, not germany 60 years ago.

    regardless, I fully understand how economies are ruined, ive learnt about it in high school. what I dont understand is why people think mythics ruin the game, ruin players experiences, are "unfair", "unbalanced and "need to be nerfed/buffed".
    Bubbly likes this.
  18. SoulReaper11

    SoulReaper11 The meh guy VIP+

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    You were a new player starting out your lvl 75 and have 30 le you heard about this awesome bow called Az and wanted one so you went on the forum to buy 1 but then realised that people will only sell Az's for a minimum of 2 stax (idk what Az sell for) this would make you really disshartend and potentialy quit because you now know that the rlly good items only sell for a lot of money and that only old veteran players will have that much money
    People who have been playing since that start will have accrued a lot of wealth so they can afford these expensive items however if you have just started you will always be playing catch up and probably by the time you have enough money end game will have moved on to something else making the item useless endgame. If lvl cap was lvl 70 pure would be easily the best wand you have just got enough mo ey to buy a pure when the lvl cap is raised to 100 and suddenly that thing you worked so hard on is no longer the best in the game but all the older players are buying and selling the new mythics as they have enough money but you only have a pure which devalued imediatly after the update dropped. So now you have to start again trying to get the good items. Why should all new players be punished for not playing wynn or any game since its launch?
  19. Bubbly

    Bubbly Sucker for nostalgia HERO

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    CHILL 91% stratis are like impossible to find, i dont think any have been found yet btw (i might be wrong)

    great suggestion BUT
    making mythics untradable is a big NO NO, some people will abuse the untradable glitch, and scam players as they can't be reported if they do not pay up, as the person who loses ends up being the person that performed the glitch (in my mind at least) (as u cant trade the items normally so payment in LE is weird)
    yes to money sinks
    new mythics have to be introduced for late game, if not all builds will remain the same, and the meta cant shift (hence wynn = boring af)
    level cap increased is interesting however, they can't just increase it, they have to make a new area and stuffs (hence a shit ton of time is needed)
    money sink pls
    money sink pls
    money sink pls
    CookedPelvis likes this.
  20. Jaymon

    Jaymon best on server VIP+

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    How is that a punishment...?
    Az's go for 1-1.5 stacks :)

    Also, let me tell you a story, I'm sure @LuminousKiwi wouldnt mind be telling it.

    My buddy Luminous actually desperately wanted an Az when his archer was level 75 as well. He told me that he'd grind forever and get one soon, but then I told him that the drop chances for Azes are very low. I explained to him that his best bet was to make lots of LE, I gave him lots of tips on how to buy and sell, he stayed determined and eventually got over enough LE to get his Az within just 1 week! In the end, Luminous didn't buy an Az because he wanted to buy other stuff, but that's besides my point. My point is, it's not hard to get mythics if you want. I don't think they make people "really dishearted and potentially want to quit". If people do feel this way, this game isn't for you. LuminousKiwi isn't active anymore but he is a really good example of how if you work hard enough you can get whatever you want in this game.

    SaltyKing, Dr Zed and CookedPelvis like this.
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