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World Class Changes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by logestheknifer, Jul 28, 2017.

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  1. logestheknifer

    logestheknifer Travelled Adventurer

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    Heyo, Wynncraft peoples!

    I think that the classes in this game are awesome! I like that there are only four classes because I play with three of my friends. Its a perfect number, and everyone can play as a character they enjoy. So I am not suggesting that you add more classes, but I do have a couple ideas that would make the classes a bit more interesting. First off, I want to say that my ideas are not perfect and would probably need some balancing out, but I think that they would be really cool if they were implemented. All right, here they are:

    Warrior- I think it would cool if the warrior had different choices of weapons that could give him different play styles. For example, a sword/shield warrior might play using more timed strikes and blocks, but he would have less range than a warrior using a spear. Or possibly the spear would be able to be thrown, but has to be retrieved. Another option would be dual-wielded war axes, which would increase damage and move speed, but would decrease armor. I think that different weapon options would really make the warrior more interesting to play.

    Assassin- When I think of an assassin, I think of coming up behind someone and, well, assassinating them. In Wynncraft, I think this is done well, but I think it could be made much better by adding a stealth system to the game. You would have a chance to go unnoticed when sneaking around enemies. This would be very difficult for a warrior, slightly less difficult for mages and archers, and easy for assassins. Perhaps, assassins would move at their full speed while sneaking or did bonus damage while undetected. This stealth system would make assassins much more deadly. This system could be balanced out by lowering the assassin's defense. I feel like this would make for very fun gameplay.

    Mage- Mage spells are cool and all, but I would never play them single-player. Mages are made to shoot they're little spells and heal their allies. However, I believe that adding more spells and the option to customize your the spells that you use (Ex: Swap out Heal for Lightning Strike or something) would make mages a more viable option for single-player. This could be done by adding a spell book and after every 5 levels you would get a new spell in your spell book. You could also use your skill point to upgrade your spells. An example of a spell that I might add is Bound Sword; For limited time, your staff would be transformed into a sword made of pure magic. You would not be able to cast spells during this time, but you would have a powerful melee weapon to put a quick end to your enemies. I think that this would make mages much more enjoyable.

    Archer- My main character is an archer and I love playing an archer because I can destroy everything without even getting close to it. However, my shots are slow and some enemies are fast. That means that I can get swarmed easily by those quick moving spiders in the desert surrounding Almuj. So that is why I propose two different solutions. The first is another weapon for the Archer to use such as a light, low-damage, hunting knife, which can be used if you get yourself into a tight spot. You will be able to quickly slice away at enemies, then return to shoot your bow, once you have gotten those pesky spiders off. This dagger should be nowhere near as powerful as an assassin's dagger, but I do want a fast weapon to use as I retreat to a better spot. My second solution is much more fun however. I would like archers to have animal companions. I believe that this could work much like horses do. It would be for higher level archers only and would be a rare drop or expensive shop item. Animal companions would be able to fight enemies and keep them off of the archer, so that he could shoot without having those gosh dern spiders crawling all over him. You could get different animals with different stats. For example, you could get a wolf or cat that would deal normal melee damage. Or you could get a spider who is faster and deals poison damage. Or a polar bear who is slower, but deals a higher amount of damage. This is by far my favorite idea, and I believe that a lot more love would be shown to the low-health archers.

    I really hope you guys read this and really think about implementing some of these things. Have a great day!

    With much love,
    Trash and MathWizard like this.
  2. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Mage is a great class to play as it is
    Aya, SgtClips and Stag2004 like this.
  3. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    you should get all 4 classes to lv31 first, you'll see that mage isnt "multiplayer only" at all
    Epicness937, SUPER M, Aya and 5 others like this.
  4. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    Mage is op af and I love it as it is
    I think that would be acualy realy cool but
    To much coding
    Add detail
    The lag will kill you
    But if the code get improved and jumla will sell his soul to wyncraft I would like this idea also just an idea I dont realy gonna make it detailed but maybe the diffent spells will be for diffent elements for example thunder mage replace meteor with lightning
    Realy wierd but intresting
    Epicness937 and ThomAnn100 like this.
  5. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    I am just going to say one thing:

    Warriors weapon skins already are different, as it uses Spears(Fire, Normal), Scythes(Air), Hammers(Earth), and Tridents(Water, Thunder).

    Other than that though I don't see anything not previously mentioned wrong with this.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    yeah if that's your opinion on game balance then maybe you shouldn't be writing suggestions
  7. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    Cant argue with that
  8. MathWizard

    MathWizard Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I gotta be honest, I like some of the ideas, but not all of them. The warrior's different weapon idea is, in my opinion, not good, it would take a lot of coding, and just be confusing. The assassin idea is pretty cool, but I feel like assassins should go unnoticed when they are sneaking, like sneak for 5 seconds then go into stealth mode, and the next time they attack, (as long as you're still sneaking), it has a damage bonus or something. Moving on to the wizard, I do really like the swap-able spells idea, and you could switch out your spells in the character menu or something. In the sense of archers, I see your point with swarming, but pets/companions, or a knife, I don't think is a very good idea. The archer already has the escape spell, and it's used for exactly those situations. That's also why archers have such high damage, to balance out. Overall, great thinking, I can tell you put a lot of work/thought into it, I just hope the Wynncraft developers read this thread and take (at least) some of these into consideration.
    Stag2004 likes this.
  9. Stag2004

    Stag2004 I lost my faith in humanity long time ago

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    Its the general suggestion tho nothing get added to the game from here we are baiscly wasting time
  10. Nukewarmachine

    Nukewarmachine emerald tier above LE when VIP

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    Animal companions won't be added because of the EULA, which prevents/disables several things, including AFK grinding, and you could simply use arrow shield or bomb arrow when mobs surround you.
  11. SeaOfPoison

    SeaOfPoison Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    I recommend getting at least 1 level 100 possibly 2-3+ before making big game mechanic changes
    NinjaPro8000, Epicness937 and 3: like this.
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    You havent experiment the true might of mages right?
    tl;dr make every weapon skin do something different from the rest/add a secondary weapon to each class (at least from what i get)
    np for saving you all 10 minutes of reading that wall of text
    this was possible before with pets, when they hurt mobs
    this got removed by EULA
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2017
  13. logestheknifer

    logestheknifer Travelled Adventurer

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    Hey guys,
    Thanks for the feedback! Sorry that I upset some mage fans. I see what everyone is saying about lag and EULA and I now see that I do not know as much about servers as I thought. It is true that I have not reached level 31 on every character and I will definitely do that before I make another post. If any of these are actually reasonable please let me know. And just to clear any confusion, on the warrior, I was not talking about changing just weapon skins, I wanted a play-style improvement including new weapon techniques.
    Thanks for reading,
  14. Stag2001

    Stag2001 360 mlg hipster cat CHAMPION

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    I do like the idea of customizable spells, but making each class so different and hard to code isn't the way jumla and co. want to go, probably.
    Epicness937 likes this.
  15. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    But why not just more classes at this point ._.
  16. logestheknifer

    logestheknifer Travelled Adventurer

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    That could be a possibility. Maybe sub-classes? Under warrior, there could be classes like berserker or knight. That's a good idea Epicness937.
  17. Epicness937

    Epicness937 Thesead water god. HERO

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    we have a knight class already :P
    but like i feel if we really wanted sub classes an alt spell system would be much better as it would allow fully custom endgame classes
    i like the idea but get at least level 66 before resubmitting a spell change idea cause...you dont have them all yet :P
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