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World Drun'dek, The Orc Continent [86 Supports, 22 Dislikes]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Sonick, Jul 25, 2017.


Do you want to see it in game?

  1. Yeah!

    53 vote(s)
  2. No!

    16 vote(s)
  3. Maybe..

    23 vote(s)
  4. Sup yeah my man for shizzle me mizzle this continent slaps dawg it lit (Another way of saying yes)

    33 vote(s)
  5. Sonick kill yourself this suggestion is stupid and so are you. (Another way of saying no)

    6 vote(s)
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  1. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    About Drun'Dek

    Hello, this is my suggestion for an expansion that would give the orcs a major role in Wynn's story and give them a bit of lore they need. In this expansion, the players would invade the orcs' home continent, Drun'Dek, in order to stop them from unleashing a devastating attack to the coasts of Gavel.

    Besides orcs, there are various other threats on Drun'Dek, ranging from wild animals to an ancient deceased god that's desperatly trying to return to this world.

    So, open the spoilers to see more info about this!

    The continent is separated into three parts:

    The western part, controlled by the Garadar tribe contains grassy plains, beaches and deserts. It is the most populous part of the continent.

    The eastern part, controlled by the Thramar tribe is bathed by the great Grom River, it is a humid area, containing dense tropical jungles and swamps.

    The northern part, it is a large area of dry deserts, plains and tall, cold mountains. It is currently not entirely controlled by any tribes, but it has heavy influence of the desert tribe of Lorekk, which used to be the largest tribe of all (see story for more).

    Lime - Plains
    Dark green - Jungle/Forest
    Yellow - Plateau
    Orange - Mountain
    Beige - Desert
    Brown - Swamp
    Blue - River
    Yellow - Garadar Tribe
    Orange - War Zone, used to be part of the Garadar Tribe
    Pink - Thramar Tribe
    Red - Lorekk Tribe
    Blue - Human Control
    Dark Blue - WynnGuard (Human City)

    30 years ago, Garad the Brave, chieftain of the Plainswalker tribe travelled to Khaz'Gorath, the mountain of spirits, a place where the bodies of his tribe's deceased were buried. When he got there, he heard a voice calling him to one of the graves. A voice so beautiful, charming and seductive that he couldn't resist following its command.

    He stood in front of a small grave made of dark and dense stones, no names were written on it, the only things that were written on it were:

    "Inside this tomb lies an ancient evil, an evil created by the greed and lust for power of our ancestors. I tried to seal it as best as I could, but a power like this cannot be contained forever. I'm sorry, but I was not strong enough to do it. I only ask you one thing: For yours and your tribe's sake.. DO.. NOT.. OPEN!"

    Garad felt like hundreds of eyes were watching him, he felt an unexplicable sense of dread

    "You.. I can feel your strenght, your courage, I know that you are worthy enough to wield me. Open the grave and then.. we will become one"

    He wanted to get out, to run away from it, but in the end he couldn't fight the urge and he opened the tomb.
    Inside, there was a battle axe, aproximatly 1 meter long. It had a beautiful red handle ornate with silver and gold. Its blade was razor sharp, despite the metal being rusted and eroded.

    Garad touched the battleaxe, and at that moment his mind changed. What used to be a noble but valiant chieftain just trying to protect his tribe was now completely taken over by the ancient weapon. He was filled with an insatiable bloodlust and he felt powers beyond those any orc could ever have, he felt as if he had the strenght of dozens of warriors inside him.

    This weapon he found was an ancient ritual axe used hundreds of years ago by an extinct tribe of trolls to perform sacrifices to Sekth, a being made of magic and hatred. It fed on the blood of those sacrificed and grew stronger by each sacrifice, and it was told that when Sekth gained enough power, he would bring doom to other races of the world and glory to the trolls. The trolls were decimated by the orcs, who decided to stop the trolls' foul magics. The weapon was buried in the mountain where the battle took place and it was never touched until then.

    Without any sacrifices, Sekth eventually died, but his essence still lingers inside the weapon, waiting to be restored.

    Garad led his tribe, conquering the other tribes of Drun'Dek, which each kill he grew stronger, and so did Sekth's essence. After 10 years of wars his empire controlled half of the continent, even taking the great majority of lands away from the powerful Lorekk tribe, forcing them to migrate to the harsh deserts of the north.

    Thram, chieftain of the Dire Marsh tribe, afraid that his tribe would soon be conquered by Garad and his empire, quickly allied his tribe with every other tribe of the eastern side of Drun'Dek, forming a great union named Thramar, in honor of its founder.

    Even though the union was not powerful enough to destroy Garad's empire, it was able to take a large ammount of its conquered territory. The war that ensued lasted an entire year, countless orc lives were lost, many orcs fled from their continent by sea to escape the conflict, eventually finding Gavel, and, to avoid more orcs dying at a war none of the sides could win, Thram proposed a truce, that Garad reluctantly agreed to, though his plans of conquest were not over yet.

    After the truce, Garad shifted his focus on building a great fleet that would send his army to conquer Gavel, a land he knew because of its proximity to the island of Grom'Gol.

    2 years after the end of the war of corruption in Wynn, eight emerald carrying ships from Nemract got caught in a storm and got lost in the sea, eventually reaching the coast of the Forbidden Jungle. There, thinking that they were away from any kind of civilization they started colonizing the place. One of the ships sailed back to Wynn and gave word of this new land to the different cities. Soon after, more people came to the new lands and their settlement grew into a city.

    Now, the great city of WynnGuard stands at this peninsula, and only after they had travelled into the main continent did they discover the continent was controlled by orcs. However, the northern parts of the continent were still too devastated by the war, and after meeting some resistance from Lorekk, they took some islands and northeastern parts of the continent.

    One day, a group of orcs came offering peace and information to the humans. The group of orcs told them the story of their people, about the war, and about Garad's plan of taking over Gavel. They told the humans that if they allied themselves with Thramar, they could end Garad's empire once and for all.
    Dun'Drek's questline would revolve around making an alliance between Thramar and the humans and conquering parts of Garad's empire, eventually killing him in the last quest.

    The dungeon would be located on the Jungle of the Plague zone, and it would be unlocked after killing Garad. There, the only remaining trolls of the continent struggle to resurrect Sekth with the blood Garad drew from his victims. They succeed, but they couldn't resurrect it completely, only managing to raise him with a fraction of his former power.
    My suggestion for a mythic that's different from any we have in game now would be Garad's own battleaxe. It would be a high risk and high reward weapon, since it would deal huge ammounts of damage but only when you are at low health.

    Of course, putting a new mythic into the game is a HUGE thing, and this probably has even less chance of making it into the game than Drun'Dek, but still, it's fun to imagine some new weapons.

    Here is the what I imagine his axe looks like (it's just a recoloured version of Hero with an axe head):


    Class: Warrior/Knight
    Min. Level: 96
    Powder Slots: 3
    Obtain: Not specific.
    Attack Speed: Normal

    Neutral - 350
    Air - 210
    Earth - 260

    Requires 45 strenght and 45 agility to use.

    Maximum Health: -1200
    Raw Health Regen: +220
    Life Steal: +300/4s
    Defense: +17
    Earth Defense: +3 %
    Thunder Defense: +3 %
    Water Defense: +3%
    Fire Defense : +3 %
    Air Defense: +3%

    On shift-left click: Drains 10% of your maximum health

    For each 1% missing of your maximum health, the weapon's neutral damage increases by 25 and its air and earth damages increase by 6.

    This means that if you're at 1% of your maximum hp, this weapon would deal 804 air damage, 854 earth damage and 2825 neutral damage per attack.

    Lore: "It was with this legendary axe that Garad almost conquered the entire continent of Drun'Dek. Now that Sekth's essence was cleared from it, it has lost the great majority of its power, but it is still a formidable weapon."

    So what do you guys think? Should it be added into the game? I 'm sorry for any spelling or grammar mistakes this may have, since english is not my main language.

    If you do vote 'NO' or 'maybe', please tell me what I could do to improve the thread and the suggestion in general.

    Thanks for reading this wall of text!

    Edit: Changed "a group orc" to 'a group of orcs'
    Edit2: Added some things to the text.
    Edit3: Added a lot more things to the text, and also a mythic weapon suggestion.
    Edit4: Fixed a few spelling mistakes I found.
    Edit5: Changed the mythic weapon suggestion a bit
    Edit6: Changed everything about the mythic weapon.
    Edit7: Changed the mythics stats a bit.
    Edit8: Changed the spoiler placements so that thread looks a bit prettier.
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2018
  2. Tealy

    Tealy a businessman of sorts GM CHAMPION

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  3. General Skien

    General Skien is the best character in Wynncraft. HERO

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    I like this, but I don't like orcs.

    EDIT: I also am afraid of mythics that are not outright terrible.
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2017
    Sonick, carlossey, Polossorus and 2 others like this.
  4. Freigt

    Freigt 10 years a newbie VIP+

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    Pretty cool.

    One question: What part of gavel is shown on the map?
  5. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    This one here, but I guess I kind of screwed up because there are mountains where I thought there would be sea.

    Crimson Corsair likes this.
  6. Freigt

    Freigt 10 years a newbie VIP+

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    Well, judging by Corkus, mountains can just be replaced with sea.
    Wynncrab, Gigavern, Aya and 2 others like this.
  7. Crimson Corsair

    Crimson Corsair Le funny Corkus Corsair

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    This. Is actually. Amazing. Of course Dern and Fruma have higher priority, but this has been well planned out, well presented and it's a workable idea, too. I want to see this in the game at some point.
    Plasma~, Kraetys and Sonick like this.
  8. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    Actually reminds me a lot of Runescape! I like the idea, though I do think that the placement could be improved a bit. Judging by your drawings, it'd be right "in front of" Gavel, though it might be better off as a seperate realm, or some place that isn't accessible from the start on. That way you'd avoid people finding & trying to explore it before actually knowing what is going on / reaching Gavel.
  9. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    I like the idea of an orc island in the ocean but I don't think there should be an entire continent. Maybe just an island like skiens island where they have a settlement. There could be a cool quest made out of that
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  10. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Now all we need is a big tower with an eye and this suggestion will be perfect!
  11. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Wait that was an eye?
  12. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    at first i thought:
    ew another province thread... let me guess, it will end up like mineralium's one right?
    then i read half the thread and:
    Crimson Corsair and Sonick like this.
  13. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I think we should have a continent and sub-continent system.
    Like -
    Continents: Fruma, Dern, Gavel, Wynn
    Sub-Continents: Corkus, Drun'Dek, (etc)
  14. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Kind of an old meme, but thank you sir!
  15. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    memes never die and never get old
  16. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Tell that to Harambe.
    Lexwomy likes this.
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    except harambe and gabe... animal memes die after all i guess...
    rest in pepperonies doggy ;-;
    Sonick likes this.
  18. Plasma~

    Plasma~ Antishitposter

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    Wow... this has to be the best area suggestion thread I've ever read. It doesn't intrude too far upon the existing Wynncraft lore, and it just works well. (and your English is totally fine!)
    Sonick likes this.
  19. Sonick

    Sonick Post Anarcho-Eco-Fascist Anti-Centrist

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    Even better than Bloomi? Man I feel honoured.
  20. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Have you ever watched good movies? Like Lord of the Rings?
    hmtn and Dohdo like this.
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