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Dungeons Echo, The Undying

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by JohnaldBot313, Jul 22, 2017.


Hello. Heres a poll.

  1. Good Idea [Nobody is probs gonna choose this YET]

  2. Bad Idea [Look at other choices first]

  3. Add more detail? [What detail do you want? Put it down there]

  4. Suggestion.... [Put it down there]

    0 vote(s)
  5. More mobs, maybe? [Put it down]

  6. Endo Crystals need to be nerfed!

  7. Endo Crystals are not as good as I thought.

  8. The mobs need to be harder to kill!

  9. Much wow mobs need to be easier

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    High-leveled skilled players will just abuse this and win every time and inflate the economy even more. Also ADD DETAIL!
    SUPER M likes this.
  2. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Before you read what I added
    Adding detail. Also, i am trying to make this so that it is the same difficulty for everyone, example the endo crystals
  3. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    This is basically saying: yo you're playing portal 2 but you can only finish the game if you kill every turret in the game.

    You've got to be joking, right? People know they're going to lose money, so they won't even participate. And YES, it does matter if people lose money BECAUSE IT MAKES THE GAME LESS FUN. The fact that they "didn't try hard enough, or couldn't" has nothing to do with it. If there are 3 players with insanely overpowered builds I'm just not going to have a chance killing anything, including the boss. This idea just makes the game more fun for a minority of players as opposed to being a good idea that is fun and has rewards for everyone willing to participate. You're supporting the exact thing your tax suggestion is trying to prevent.

    EDIT: For the effects you added, that's not how wynncraft works, it's still impossible. Wynncraft has unique spells with cooldowns for effects, you can't just give a mob an aoe effect of slowness, weakness, etc. And you should really do your research before posting because 10 trillion health is more than Wynncraft can handle afaik.
    SUPER M likes this.
  4. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    FFS i posted my comment 3 minutes after you cahnged, don't you think that i wrote it before you doy ou think that i can write a 200-300 word comment and before that i also read all of your changes in under 3 minutes?

    I still think that the idea is pretty stupid since it still adds around 15 stacks of LE into the economy if the people win and it can just be farmed over and over again, let's say that 100 groups go through it in a week that would add 1500 Stacks of LE to the wynn economy and it would add 100 mythics literally doubling the amount of mythics or atleast adding an enormous amount of mythics.

    And if it's too hard as i have said before it could remove 3000 LE a.k.a 46 stacks of LE from the wynn economy if th eboss is too hard, the risk too reward is way too high since it could either add 1500 stacks of LE or remove 46 stacks of LE from the wynn economy.

    And i don't like the suggestion since it kinda works like a mix between "Legendary Island" and Boss Altars and i don't like it since it just works like a drawn out boss fight and just to even fight it people would need to do what they need to do to activate a boss altar and it's also just drawn out since they need to kill tanks and enemies which some people would consider bosses or mini-bosses and with you having to fight something like 15 of them to then finally kill a boss/tank which by the sound of it has no weapons at that point since you shattered it before and you would just be hitting a dummy like there is in Troms.

    This here could ruin the wynn economy it's dosen't fit in lore wise and gameplay wise as i have also said and please actually read my comments next time.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    SUPER M likes this.
  5. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    If this spawns all you really need is a good endgame build and BOOM, free stuffs. Plus there are gonna be people to abuse this. You've seen apoc builds, csst, old totems. The Wynn community will find anything that's not a glitch that's really beneficial and abuse it as much as possible
    SUPER M likes this.
  6. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Guys, as mentioned in the first few lines, it is an event. So that means it is special, meaning that you cant od it over and over again. Maybe once a week, or so?

    Peter, the rewards HAVE changed, and it says 1 stck if you win 1st place :P

    Nitrogen2Oxygen, ............... Yes, but builds can be countered if someone uses an endo crystal.....
    Oh, what if the boss couldnt be affected by poison, or any negative effects....

    Yeah, good idea. This way people will have to rely on actual damage, not just overpowered stats. The boss should.not be able to recieve negative effects, however the players can recieve positive effects. This way, super poisin or cactus builds can stilldo nothing against the boss, making everyone have to do the basic things a starting okayer would do.

    No, Peter, it adds, what, 2 stacks of LE and 20 LE. At the same time, it removes 150LE or 2 stacks and 22LE. See, it sinks 2LE,AND thets just the minimum player limit, 15 players.

    Sire, the devs can handle anything, they are amazing
  7. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    What kind of event? How will you start it?

    An unidentified mythic is way too OP. For one, mythics would no longer be special. I mean, you could just enter the arena with a bunch of skrubs and easily do the most damage. This would also utterly break the economy, causing for hyperinflation (the value of the emerald would go down, and everything will cost more). The reward for 2nd and 3rd would cause the same issue, and 4th is just.. mean. You should also explain souls, so a person reading your suggestion wouldn't go "wtf are souls?" The rewards for souls are also too high. This "dungeon"/ boss altar/LI conglomerate isn't a good money sink. Right now we (the community) want the economy to deflate, whereas this would cause only inflation (assuming a lot of people complete it. It does seem easy.)

    This is too OP. Mainly the status debuffs.
    1) Warrior. A lot of warrior builds are melee builds. The only way they would be able to harm the boss is with war scream (not including the other methods).
    2) Assassin. Smoke bomb and spin attack would hurt the boss, but it's not like anybody uses multihit anyway.
    3) Mage is.. fine, I guess...
    4) This event is highly favourable towards Archers. They could just camp somewhere and easily kill everything with bomb arrow.

    These things are useless. At most, you could do 5,000 dps (not including the cooldown). Any class with a shit build could do more than 5k damage/second. And if you're only using these, it would take about 3 million hours to kill the boss (if I did my math right). So I guess you changed this while I was typing.. ugh I'll have to do more math.. So at most, you could do 50 billion damage/second (10,000 million is 50 billion). So 200 seconds to kill the boss (I guess I didn't do my math wrong, as we got the same thing). This would completely invalidate soul gathering, and the bossfight would become a rush to use the Endo Crystals.
    However, assuming that people will grind for souls, the person who gets 100 souls first would get 1st place for damage (I am not including the Endo Crystals, because then nobody would grind). If other people are attacking the boss (even though they wouldn't - everyone would be grinding for souls in the situation I am presenting), you'd do about 1,000,000,000,000 damage to the boss (since if someone has 100 souls, "he would shatter," apparently. And his base health is 1, so...).

    How would this work with the mechanics of Wynncraft? You have to wait for 20 seconds to pick up something if a player drops it.

    Those details should have been present when you posted the thread, not 1+ hours after it.
    SUPER M likes this.
  8. Knights17

    Knights17 tomato

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    "it sinks 2LE" ...uhhh, are you not accounting for the MYTHIC that you added as one of the prizes?
    SUPER M likes this.
  9. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    No, it still says 1 unidentified mythic...
    Actually, thinking back to what @The Grox said, did you get inspiration from Sans? Since, y'know, he has 1 hp.
    SUPER M likes this.
  10. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    I admire your effort and the changes you put into this thread, however the boss is kind of fundamentally flawed, having to just plain grind for a boss. And on paper it actually sounds better than a bullet tank, but there's a problem, AOE. Every player on the battlefield will do damage to multiple mobs. so instead of 15k damage, I could be doing 75k damage in total. The mobs are kind of a joke and furthermore, they're impossible, the strength in a radius of the mobs is impossible, blindness in a radius of the boss is impossible, mining fatigue doesn't affect your attack speed and is also impossible. Aaaaand you're still missing a ton of fundamental stats on your mobs, there's post by selvut which states all the mob's stats and types of AI.

    I'd love to see a more worked out idea, with a different way to kill the boss and some research done if your idea is actually possible in the realm of Wynncraft. Mobs in Wynncraft are rather different from the mobs in vanilla minecraft and thus have different limits and capabilities. Good luck and please add proper detail from the beginning and do your research.
    SUPER M likes this.
  11. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Undynes title is "The undying" And I did deaw inspiration from sans...

    I see you are really pointing out my mistakes here.... Im going to try and help with that now.
    I see you are trying to criticize me, but can you add some additions here, to help me out? Suggestions? :P You are criticizing points but not helping them out
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
  12. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    You just made a suggestion about draining the money away to fix the economy and now you made one which will only require 10 le for IFINITE money, this. boss doesent sound to hard considering mages exist and tanks. you could make
    About 9 stacks of le per hour, this would result in a mass overflow of LE causing mythic prices to skyrocket.
    Stratis cost about 30-90 stacks you could get enough for one in 3 hours, and that's like the most overpriced mythic in the game. A lot of mythics go for under 7 stacks, Hero Weathered to name a few. it would only take like an hour and ten minutes to get one of those AT THERE MAX PRICE.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    SUPER M likes this.
  13. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    It says 1 Stack of LE right now.
    Many people seem to be saying that this is a bad idea... Can you specify WHY?
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
  14. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    You change the rewards and then make it seems like i haven't even read the thread, and you still haven't responded to my critisism on how the gameplay wouldn't be fun.
    The gameplay wouldn't be fun and it wouldn't fit in gameplay-wise and lore-wise.
    So it cost's 100 LE to start and when people have won the event they will get 148 LE, it would just make the better people rich/good build people, so DPS builds would get so much more money than tank builds etc...
    It's still fucking expensive to join the event, 10 LE is way too much to join the event, everybody is not super fucking rich if you have completed one class to lvl 100 and quested all the way up to lvl. 100 you will end up with 1 stack of LE and that means that you will only be able to join this thing 6 times and then yu have to grind 10 LE more before you can join it again, it requires 10+ people to start and that's just way to much it means that potentialy 8 people can walk away without rewards or in a best case scenario 6 people would walk away without rewards, everybody should be rewarded not just the top 10-20% and it shouldn't be that expensive to join.

    Also please actually read the other comments i have made since in there it also says some things about how this would not be fun.
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
    SUPER M likes this.
  15. Cloud Man

    Cloud Man Bruh HERO

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    You really said it all, and yes, if you have a suggestion until it gets really popular you need to read all or most of the comments and use them to improve the idea of close it completely. Think of these big suggestions like Lotem's better quest book. Do you know how long it took to make that idea. VERY long and look how much praise it got. Either work on a HUGE suggestion or make these small ones people don't like and take in the criticism.
    -N2O, on you threads for like the 15th time...
    Peter_Marius likes this.
  16. Enhanced_Human

    Enhanced_Human Natural Born World-Shaker

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    So whoever gets targeted first loses?
    'Cause that's the vibe I'm getting from this.
  17. RandomAdventurer

    RandomAdventurer Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    He litterally did.
    More LE = More inflation = Broken econimy.
    It's really not that hard to understand
  18. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    Because this is nothing good for Wynncraft gameplay and system, and purely impossible. This would easily break the economy as rich people get all the mythics/LEs while poor people suffer from their lost LEs. Like so many other people said, @Peter_Marius as an example, this is not even fun. This is just a long ass underaverage boss fight, who is invincible, and a lot of minions whoo drop souls that can break the boss' weapon, which is not possible to make in today's codings. The most damage system also is impossible to make, as the codes give players items/rewards when a string of updates (dialogue) has been finished, or a mob has been killed, etc., so this thread already has been countered to 0% chance, making it not useful and not being implemented.
  19. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Well, this thread had a good run, but only 5 people seem to like it. If you are about to comment on this, stop. Im not going to reply anymore. I thought it was a fun thing, but apparently not.
  20. Ascended Kitten

    Ascended Kitten The Greatest HERO

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    I understand your frustration, but please don't let that discourage you from coming up with / improving suggestions. Good suggestions aren't simply made, they are created by taking feedback into consideration and constantly working on it.
    Maybe try and go for something less "game-changing" and impactful next time? Small suggestions are always a good start, as they are easy to understand & improve.
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