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Dungeons Echo, The Undying

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by JohnaldBot313, Jul 22, 2017.


Hello. Heres a poll.

  1. Good Idea [Nobody is probs gonna choose this YET]

  2. Bad Idea [Look at other choices first]

  3. Add more detail? [What detail do you want? Put it down there]

  4. Suggestion.... [Put it down there]

    0 vote(s)
  5. More mobs, maybe? [Put it down]

  6. Endo Crystals need to be nerfed!

  7. Endo Crystals are not as good as I thought.

  8. The mobs need to be harder to kill!

  9. Much wow mobs need to be easier

Multiple votes are allowed.
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  1. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    So this is my idea.
    There will be a level 110 Boss which spawns in a certain area. He will spawn because of an event.
    This boss, as read above, will not die.
    The event will only start if there are 10+ people.
    It costs 10 of LE to enter the arena.
    So you guys probably thinking, This idea sucks.
    Well, heres how it works.
    Whoever does 1st and 2nd most damage to Echo will receive a prize!
    1st : 1 Stack of LE
    2nd :32 LE
    4th : A note which reads, "Bad luck, you missed."
    To the completer of the 150 souls [Whoever did the most souls] : 32 LE
    Whoever did the second most souls in the receiver : 20 LE

    Echo DOES DO Damage. It is possible to die to him. His weapon WILL NOT be severely OP, but it will be good.
    560 - 750 Neutral Damage
    100 - 150 Every elemental damage
    Gives you:
    Blindness 1
    Slowness 1
    Mining fatigue 1
    If you are within a 5 block radius
    He has one trillion health [1,000,000,000,000]. However, it is rumored to be said that if 100 souls charged at his blade, he would shatter.
    Every mob in this arena will have Impossible Hit Speed, [Will be changed on your commnets] , which does 6 hits a second.
    He actually has 1 HP, but his weapon is what makes him invulnerable. The way the event ends: either 10 Minutes ends, OR you can collect 100 souls. 10 Soul Shards makes a soul, trade it to the Soul merchant. You can use soul SHARDS to buy potions from the merchant there.
    Different mobs drop more souls.​
    [90] Whisper [10000 HP, 100 Damage each hit] [ 5 Soul Shards]
    [92] Text [25000 HP, 100 HP Regen / 4s, 200 Damage each hit] [1 Soul]
    [93] Repetition [20,000 HP , 350 HP Regen / 4s, 200 Damage Each Hit [2 Souls]
    [94] Shout [10,000 HP, 100 HP Regen / 4s, 500 Damage Each Hit [ 2 Souls
    [95] Speakers [100,000 HP, 1,000, HP Regen / 4s, 0 Damage Each Hit, Gives Strength 1 to all nearby mobs in a 4 block radius. [5 Souls]
    [98] Neutron [50,000 HP, 650 HP Regen / 4s, 750 Damage Each Hit, Drops Neutron Souls. [If 5 are dropped in, summons Mega Neutron, and also counts as 10 Souls] [1 Neutron Soul]
    [100] Mega Neutron [75,000 HP, 2,000 HP Regen /4s , Does 1,000 Damage a hit [10 Souls]
    A player drops 15 souls, so if a player dies by an "accident" then you can take that and put it in. If you end it with the souls, whoever did the most damage gets a prize, same with whoever did the most damage.

    These are a way to start killing the boss WITHOUT grinding for souls for ages. People want this a lot :P
    Endo Crystals, every second they are on, do 10,000 Million damage to him. You will be credited 1,000 Damage every second if you are turning the machine on.
    Nobody, even 15 people, can do 1 Trillion damage. However, 5 Endo Crystals on at the same time might just help.
    [10,000 Million damage a second] [20 Billion damage in 20 seconds] [Killed in 1k seconds] [Only 1] [Killed in 200 seconds with 5 Endo Crystals]
    However, Endo Crystals have a downside:
    They turn off after 10 seconds, so if you do not constantly stay in that tower, they will stop working.
    The Endo Crystals, as a result of working so hard, emit heat. Therefore anyone on the tower of an Endo Crystal will be getting credited 1,000 Damage a second, however, will be taking 1,000 Damage every 7 seconds.
    If 5 Endo Crystals are on, Corruptron Crystal #17 will appear as long as all 5 are on. He has projectile attacks which do 10,000 Million damage a hit. Yes, a corrupted Endo Crystal. Oh, and he is Inanimate. He cannot be killed, unless one crystal is deactivated, but reappears if it is repowered.

    And for people who want to know, only damage to the boss will count towards the attack.
    People who doubt effects by mobs, 1. The devs can do anything, 2. You could just make it so that maybe the guys will contiuously splash potions​
    Last edited: Jul 23, 2017
  2. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    So basiclly "World bosses" from BDO?

    And a stack of LE is wayyy too much, it should be something like 10 LE at most split amongst people who deal damage.
    And there shouldn't be a fee to enter or atleast it shouldn't be higher than to enter "Legendary Island"
    or else it would break the economy with around 15 stacks being created each time and that would cause insane inflation.

    Also this suggestion is just like a boss altar with it having a fee to start and such, please i ask you too just play the game before making endgame suggestions since that there is content that is like that this.
    Also as said before please become higher level before you make suggestion that mainly affect endgame and high level people and some things that may work fine for your level will not work for high level players and some of your suggestion will make endgame nearly impossible to play "Tod The Tax Collector" would litterally ruin the conomy and this would also ruin the economy, but only with hyperinflation instead of hyperdeflation please stop making such extreme suggestions.

    I know that Stack of LE seems fine too you but i think you have gotten the wrong about the wealth of high leveled players, i have 40 LE and i am lvl. 100 i wouldn't even be able to enter the content and the rewards would just make the rich even more rich.
    This would break the economy just in another way than your other suggestions, so please i ask you too take endgame into consideration since many shitty didn't care about endgame, was just lacking detail or just didn't fit and a lot of people think this community is toxic when they make such suggestions, but to be honest people aren't i didn't get flamed for my guild suggestion probably because please would like too see chance in guilds and my suggestion fixed some of those things since i also have played in guilds and know how uncompetetive they can be and how broken they are.

    Add a fucking poll.

    Your tags are also fucking appaling it look's like you are crying for sympathy.
    There are a reason that people don't like your suggestions since they are not that good.
    It's also pretty bad that my response consists of more words than your entire thread and probably has more though and time spend making it.

    "Go into detail. (i
    t is important to explain your idea and why it is good for Wynn, suggestions that lack detail will be ignored and not gain a good reputation even if it has potential to being fantastic)"

    "Does it fit? (
    does your idea actually fit in Wynncraft? If you want guns added then most likely not)"

    Both quotes are from Pretzule in his thread "How to suggest" and it seems like you haven't really read it.

    For mods: please don't delete this it actually contains critisism of the thread and it's not meant to attack him but also a wasy for him to suggest in the fututre and i may use harsh language and it maybe sunds like im attackiung him, but im not i just really tired of his threads and his way of responding to critisism and i hope this will be a wak-up call for him.
    Thx for reading any mod.

    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
  3. NinjaPro8000

    NinjaPro8000 Famous Adventurer

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    Umm, so ekko the undying...

    can he travel back in time?

    Just a random question
    Tisaun, Blizzardgale and Lexwomy like this.
  4. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    A stack of le is way too much to just enter an event. Not to mention his weapon does not make him op, the reason being theres 10 people versus 1 boss, and an archer can easily one shot him therefore making this an extremely op method to farming mythics, or getting stacks of LE.

    I get you're trying to make a money sink having someone donating 1 stack of LE per round, but this dooesn't make the money sink effective, because there are some extremely skilled players and they'll have no problem making easy money, either through the mythic grind or the le grind, it does not improve the economic situation.

    Some other issues, what kind of weapon does he have? Is it ranged? Where will the event be located? You say he can't be killed but he has 1 hp yet you say his weapon give him infinite health? Will there be other mobs to help assist him in battle? Add more detail.

    Its always best to Think of your suggestion, will it be too op? How will it affect the game? ect., Research, to make sure something like this hasn't been suggested before/isn't already in game, and add Detail, so people can get a better understanding about your suggestion.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2017
    SUPER M likes this.
  5. Pyromanic

    Pyromanic Prism/Pyro#8570 on Discord CHAMPION

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    So make the people with cata and alka richer
    SUPER M likes this.
  6. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    So I changed things. Figures you people dont like the rewards :P
  7. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    The rewards are still op, as stated, there are extremely skilled players, who've solo'd L.I once or twice, not to mention the boss is very vulnerable to archers meaning all you need to do is switch to an archer class and spam arrow bomb and you'll get a ton of souls. Plus it makes no sense to give a stack of le then receive a stack of le from doing the event. I mean why gamble a stack of le to just receive a stack of le which you probably might or might not get. You'd almost be better off not doing the event and keeping your le.
    SUPER M likes this.
  8. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    It says 10 LE
    It says 10LE
  9. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    Far enough the le entrance seems to be quiet reasonable, but there are still a few questions i have...
  10. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Wait Patiently
  11. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    First of all: STA-FLOOPIN'-TISTICS, you've posted next to no stats for the boss. How fast does he attack? How fast does he move? Does he shoot projectiles or use melee? Does he have any spells? What are the spells? What are the cooldowns of the spells? How much knockback does he deal? What's his gravity value? Also, mobs cannot be equipped with weapons, they just have their own stats. He deals next to no damage considering elemental defences and you haven't stated his attack speed so we can't really say if his dps is anything special. Mobs also can't have "identifications", it's impossible to add poison to mobs (and 100 poison damage is nothing), life steal is also impossible and it doesn't matter as this boss evidently has "infinite health". Life steal doesn't work in percentages anyways.

    The price to enter and the rewards are also completely ridiculous. 10 LE to enter, what? You've accused this entire community of being greedy before and don't you start again now. If this boss truly is a challenge, the emeralds wasted on pots should be enough, this only makes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Also, how can the person dealing the most damage get a mythic IF THE BOSS ONLY HAS ONE HEALTH AFTER HIS WEAPON IS GONE AND THE REST OF THE DAMAGE DOESN'T MATTER. You've created a paradox here my friend. But on the topic of money, this boss were to have a normal health bar, it would still be unbalanced. It would result in people with the crazy expensive mythics, like cataclysm, which do the most damage getting another mythic. All the other people, who could barely afford participating, however, won't get anything, except a note which reads: "Bad luck, you missed".

    And this boss doesn't have any interesting qualities in the slightest, the fact that you have to grind souls just makes is one great grind-fest. Also we need statistics on the mobs and how many souls they drop. A 50 souls drop from a player is complete bogus. That means that if 3 players die, you've won the boss, what the actual what. The event ending after 25 minutes is also a bad idea. I DON'T WANT TO SPEND 25 MINUTES DOING A BOSS THAT ISN'T EVEN FUN.

    Yes I am thinking that, the boss doesn't sound fun in the slightest, lacks detail and isn't even possible.
    SUPER M and satbyccdoerfe like this.
  12. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    A mythic item should NOT be a prize for breating a dungeon.

    Entering a dungeon with 10LE with a chance to win 20+ stacks.

    SUPER M and Epicness937 like this.
  13. flip

    flip Chef HERO

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    I shouldn't have to considering the detail to the thread should've been there in the first place.
    These 3 words are what make a suggestion perfect. Though if the suggestion is not up to standard, you won't receive as much criticism if you follow these rules.
  14. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Sire, I am trying to make the boss have more details. Its been out, what, 1 hour?
    I know you are saying if 3 players die, the boss is over, and you "Win". Technically you can never lose.... Unless u die

    "The price to enter and the rewards are also completely ridiculous. 10 LE to enter, what? You've accused this entire community of being greedy before and don't you start again now. If this boss truly is a challenge, the emeralds wasted on pots should be enough, this only makes the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. "

    If the damage which I think it will take is related, then I belive I expect hundreds of thousands of damage. The entry fee makes up the reward. Yes, the boss only has 1 health when his weapon is gone, in case 150 souls are put in, his sword will be destroyed.
  15. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    it feels like this has some terraria pillars vibes and some undertale ones... (undying, kill x amount of mobs to kill the boss...)
  16. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    Actua - ............

    Hmm I didnt realize watching undertale did that to you
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    no i mean, undying (never heard it before until i knew about undyne so i associated it with that kek) and 150 souls... but you cant hurt the main mob without killing his army before... thats how pillars work, kill 150 mobs in expert mode in order to be able to damage the pillar
    thats why i feel it references both, the undying idk but the kill x amount of mobs to damage the boss truly reminds me of it
    SUPER M likes this.
  18. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    The detail should've already been there in the first place and even then the idea is still impossible and I doubt stats will save this suggestion.

    And no the reward doesn't make up for the entry fees, as at least 7 people will LOSE money because of it.

    Also, you clearly didn't read my post as: The boss apparently has infinite health, so damaging it would be POINTLESS, so WHY MAKE IT SO DOING SOMETHING COMPLETELY POINTLESS REWARDS YOU. You clearly thought that I didn't know of the 150 soul thingy, even though I addressed it in my post. Also "taking away" the weapon after 150 souls have been put in is impossible.

    In short: doing damage is pointless when he still has his weapon so why reward doing it?
  19. JohnaldBot313

    JohnaldBot313 TheDweebOfMafiaGames

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    The. Point. Is.

    You are being rewarded because the event calls for it, you are being rewarded because you did hard work to try and kill the unkillable, you are trying hard to do something impossible, and trying to make it possible.

    People will lose money. So? They knew what was going on. If they didnt go up to mark on damage, or didnt do the most souls, or got on that leaderboard, then they knew that they screwed up. They didnt try hard enough, or couldnt. They then need to work harder.
  20. Peter_Marius

    Peter_Marius mhm... CHAMPION Builder

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    First of with you trying to kill somthing unkillable dosen't fitr into Wynncraft, lore wise and gameplay wise.
    It's not a fun boss fight it's literally you dodging attacks until you have collected 150 items it sounds so boring it's incredible it reminds me of ToL, but just much, much shittier.

    Second with people losing money it's extreme as i also said in my first post Which you haven't responded to It's not fun for people to go into a not fun boss fight and then have a chance to lose alot of money.
    But with you not having read my first post i assume you probably haven't seen that i said that the eneterance should be more like "Legendary Island" and the rewards should be nerfed since it can just rock the economy if it's too hard the economy could go downhill and do it fast and if alot of people win we acould also experience hyperinflation as i also mentioned in my first post.

    Please make your suggestions fun and interesting or just make wynn better in general, i feel like you just shit out these suggestions since that there haven't gona much thought into it.

    Also, please read my first one as it also have a lot of relevant points.
    SUPER M likes this.
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