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Dungeons Virulent Void: The Darkness Welcomes You... ( Dungeon Idea )

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dark5010, Jul 9, 2017.


What's your opinion on Virulent Void?

  1. I want to see this happen!

  2. I'd rather not want this.

  3. I like cheesecake. (Another way for saying I like it.)

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  1. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    A while back, I remember how some of my friends told me how they were expecting a dungeon in Molten Heights or Sky Islands, but since that hasn't happened yet, I've developed an idea for a dungeon in the Sky Islands. There will (probably) be spoilers.

    I was thinking that the dungeon should have 8 rooms and all of these rooms together would be 50% battle (4 rooms), 12.5% parkour (1 room), and 37.5% puzzle (3 rooms). To have access to the dungeon you would need to complete "One-Thousand Meters Under" (or had already done it) similar to how you have to do "The Envoy Part II" to do Fallen Factory. I will explain the reason for having to complete "One-Thousand Meters Under" in order to go to the dungeon soon.
    When you enter the dungeon, you will be greeted with dialogue and the first (but only) room that contains parkour. Similar to the parkour of the 5th room in Togak's Dungeon, you would activate a nearby button that would start spawning in floating gravel blocks (by having barriers under them) that the player would have to parkour on to get to the end of the room. The problem with this is shortly after you press the button, the gravel blocks will start to fall into the dark pit under the player (by having command blocks remove the barriers).
    This room takes inspiration from the gravity puzzle in Astralaus’s Tower (from Recipe for Disaster). The player would to be teleported to 1 of 3 different mazes and will have to navigate through it by using gravity pads to either place them on the ceiling or throw them back down onto the floor. There would be multiple directions the player could choose but the wrong one could end up having the player fall into the void below forcing them to restart the maze.
    The first battle room the player finds would be the 3rd room where they are met with a challenge of fighting reanimated versions of the villagers/humans that died in “One-Thousand Meters Down” except for Captain Olof. Each of them would have their own spell and elemental defense that distinguishes from each other, and when you manage to kill all 4 of them they each drop a token that would be dropped into a hopper to activate the door. More information about them will be listed in the “Mobs/Bosses” section of this thread.
    The player must escape from a “void gas cloud” and to the door in 15 seconds (similar to “The Canary Calls”) while avoiding Idle-Void Gas Clouds and Shifting Void Gas Clouds (both would harm the player if they made contact with them similar to the steam clouds in “Desperate Metal”). The door at the end of the room would of course be opened and have a coal block-teleportation inside it (I don’t think that’s what they’re called but you know what I mean) instead of a tripwire hook since as we’ve seen from Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb, some players are not able to make it in time and are not aware of “backing up” (no offence I just sometimes find this annoying). However, I do not believe multiple people would go in the dungeon at once and it would be “a Virulent Void party” I am just saying this so players do not get upset over restarting the dungeon due to the tripwire failing.
    Just like in Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb's 1st room, the player will see a pressure plate in the center of the 5th room that must be stepped on to start the 5 waves of mobs and each wave could only be activated after the previous one is defeated by standing on the pressure plate. After all 5 waves are defeated a final one will occur with a single Void Anomaly spawning near the center as the mini boss.
    Each wave would spawn 10 of each mob that would have to be defeated. More details about these mobs will be listed in the "Mobs/Bosses" spoiler.

    Wave 1: Corrupt Soul
    Wave 2: Reanimation
    Wave 3: Void Stalker
    Wave 4: Skeletal Arachnid
    Wave 5: Dark Beast
    Boss Wave: Void Anomaly
    Similar to room 3, in room 6 you would have to fight another mini boss (this time only 1) which would be Reanimated Captain Olof along with two Angels of Virulence to aid him in battle and once you slay Olof, he will drop a boss token which is placed into a hopper to activate the door to continue on. Once again, information about Olof & Angels of Virulence will be shown in "Mobs/Bosses".
    The 7th room is the final room where you are shown a puzzle. The puzzle would have 6 holes in the wall with a mob behind every hole called a Glaring Shadow. They will shoot rapidly at the player and to get rid of them & open the door the player must activate 2 buttons on each wall with the Glaring Shadows (4 buttons in total) and once this is done a 7th hole would appear in the wall and release a single Void Parasite for the player to chase after (like the Emerald Imp) and upon death would drop a token that would be thrown at a hopper and this would cause all 6 of the Glaring Shadows to suddenly fall (due to the hopper activating a sticky piston) down into a hole below them so they could no longer shoot the player and the door would activate leading to the boss room.
    Finally, this is the boss room where you must battle against Mehro. Similarily to the Antikythera Supercomputer Core boss, Mehro will be rapidly running around the room, striking the player from time to time. In order to kill him, you must kill Ethereal Shadows to gain their "Essence of Discord" and drop it in dispensers placed around the room. This will cause cracks in the walls to break open as void parasites crawl out and attack Mehro, slowing him down enough for the player to land several hits. Soon after, the parasites will despawn and Mehro will begin to quickly run again.

    Level: 99
    AI Type: Burst Ranged
    Health: 30,000
    Regeneration: 1000 per 10 seconds
    XP: 3,000-4,000
    Damage: 375-1,125 Neutral, 375-1,125 Thunder
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 3 seconds
    Defense: Earth, Thunder
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Running
    Vision: 20 Blocks
    Spells: Pull, Flame Thrower
    Spell Cool-down: 8, 10
    Spell Damage: 25, 50, 100
    Sustained Knockback: -50
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Zombie
    Appearance: Similar to a Black Dragonling, but instead has purple eyes and purple-grayish skin running down the backside of its head.
    Level: 99
    AI Type: Charge
    Health: 2,500
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 100-500
    Damage: 4,00-5,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: 2 attacks per 1 second
    Defense: None
    Weakness: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Thunder
    Speed: Sprinting
    Vision: 50 Blocks
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Skeleton
    Appearance: Floating withered skeleton skulls with a dark-purple liquid seeping out of their eye holes.
    Level: 99
    AI Type: Crawl
    Health: 8,000
    Regeneration: 4000 per 10 seconds
    XP: 200-600
    Damage: 1,000-1,500 Water, 1,000,1,500 Earth
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Water, Earth
    Weakness: Thunder
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 50
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 50
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Appearance: Bizarre creatures with completely pale, slightly saggy skin that somewhat resemble zombified villagers.
    Level: 99
    AI Type: Rapid Ranged
    Health: 5,000
    Regeneration: 750 every 10 seconds
    XP: 300-700
    Damage: 750-1,000 Fire
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 3 seconds
    Defense: Earth, Fire
    Weakness: Water
    Speed: Running
    Vision: 50
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Baby Zombie
    Appearance: Dark-gray, humanoid worm creatures with razor-sharp teeth in one huge gaping mouth.
    Level: 99
    AI Type: Jumper
    Health: 10,000
    Regeneration: 5,000 every 10 seconds
    XP: 400-800
    Damage: 1,000-2,000 Neutral, 1,000-2,000 Air, 1,000-2,000 Earth, 1,000-2,000 Thunder
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Air, Earth, Thunder
    Weakness: Fire
    Speed: Run
    Vision: 50
    Spells: Spiderweb
    Spell Cool-down: 10
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 150
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Cave Spider
    Appearance: Similar to cave spiders, skeletal arachnids still have skin but instead it is directly attached to their bones.
    Level: 99
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 8,000
    Regeneration: 300 per 10 seconds
    XP: 500-900
    Damage: 8,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 1 second
    Defense: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Thunder
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 50
    Spells: Multi-hit
    Spell Cool-down: 10
    Spell Damage: 150
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Zombie
    Appearance: Completely black, slow, bear-like monsters covered with thick, scaly skin and glowing eyes.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Charge
    Health: 20,000
    Regeneration: 3,000 per 10 seconds
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 3,000-5,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 1 second
    Defense: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Thunder
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Sprinting
    Vision: 50
    Spells: Meteor
    Spell Cool-down: 10
    Spell Damage: 200
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Zombie
    Appearance: A more aggressive version of the Dark Beast, they have a horn-like bone coming out of the top of their head and ferocious red eyes.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Ranged
    Health: 15,000
    Regeneration: 6,000 per 10 seconds
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 1,500-2,500 Neutral, 1,500-2,500 Thunder
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Thunder
    Weakness: Water
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 50
    Spells: Teleport
    Spell Cool-down: 10 seconds
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Appearance: Similar to the angels of Sky Islands but in a dark robe and hood to cover their pitch-black eyes with purple pupils and gray skin.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Rapid Ranged
    Health: 1,000,000
    Regeneration: 100,000 per 10 seconds
    XP: 0
    Damage: 1,000-3,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 1 second
    Defense: Water, Earth, Fire, Air, Thunder
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Standing
    Vision: 50
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Skeleton
    Appearance: An alternative version of the beholder, Glaring Shadows are giant floating eyeballs that shoot ghast tears at any nearby player.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Scared
    Health: 5,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 100-500
    Damage: None
    Attack-Rate: None
    Defense: None
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Sprinting
    Vision: 30
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Silverfish
    Appearance: Not much to explain about this since it's just a silverfish.
    All of the reanimated mini bosses look exactly like their original characters, but instead have a decayed theme added to them.
    Level: 103
    AI Type: Ranged
    Health: 30,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 3,000-5,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Air
    Weakness: Earth
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 30
    Spells: Arrow Storm
    Spell Cool-down: 20
    Spell Damage: 100
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Level: 103
    AI Type: Charge
    Health: 30,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 3,000-5,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Fire
    Weakness: Air
    Speed: Sprinting
    Vision: 30
    Spells: Flamethrower
    Spell Cool-down: 20
    Spell Damage: 100
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Level: 103
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 30,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 3,000-5,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Earth
    Weakness: Thunder
    Speed: Running
    Vision: 30
    Spells: Multi-hit
    Spell Cool-down: 20
    Spell Damage: 100
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Level: 103
    AI Type: Crawl
    Health: 30,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 3,000-5,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Water
    Weakness: Fire
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 30
    Spells: Teleport
    Spell Cool-down: 20
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Level: 105
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 50,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 1,000-2,000
    Damage: 5,000-8,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per 2 seconds
    Defense: Thunder
    Weakness: Water
    Speed: Walking
    Vision: 30
    Spells: Meteor
    Spell Cool-down: 20
    Spell Damage: 100
    Sustained Knockback: 100
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Pigman
    Level: 110
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 300,000
    Regeneration: 6,500 per 10 seconds
    XP: 2,000-3,000
    Damage: 5,000-8,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: 2 attack per 1 second
    Defense: Thunder, Earth, Fire
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Sprinting
    Vision: 100
    Spells: Heavy Multi-hit, Vanish
    Spell Cool-down: 10
    Spell Damage: 250
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Zombie
    Appearance: Mehro would appear to have a dark "coat" and hood around his figure, as well as a white cracked mask on his face. On the part of the mask where the right eye would be, it is cracked off revealing a dark-purple eye with black, withering skin around it.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: None
    Health: 999,999,999 (Undamagable)
    Regeneration: None
    XP: None
    Damage: 1,000-3,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: When contacted with.
    Defense: None
    Weakness: None
    Speed: None
    Vision: None
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: A mass of ender particles & smoke particles.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 999,999,999 (Undamagable)
    Regeneration: None
    XP: None
    Damage: 1,000-3,000 Neutral
    Attack-Rate: 1 per 2 seconds
    Defense: None
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Running
    Vision: 50
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: A mass of ender particles & smoke particles.
    Level: 100
    AI Type: Melee
    Health: 50,000
    Regeneration: None
    XP: 0
    Damage: 2,500-4,000
    Attack-Rate: 1 attack per second
    Defense: None
    Weakness: None
    Speed: Running
    Vision: 100
    Spells: None
    Spell Cool-down: None
    Spell Damage: None
    Sustained Knockback: 0
    Gravity: True
    Mob: Skeleton
    Appearance: Entities completely bathed in black with white eyes.

    You feel nothing but the absence of morality.
    *Shortly after Entering Text*
    1/3 (Shifting Letters)
    2/3 My apologies, it seems you are not aware of our foreign language.
    3/3 I will not tell you who I am, or rather who I was until you escape my chambers of insanity.
    *Finish Room 1*
    1/2 I see you have made it across the room.
    2/2 Other humans have came to my chamber, but fell victim to the darkness.
    *Finish Room 2*
    1/4 It seems you have navigated through the gravitational maze. Was it nauseating?
    2/4 Also, a while ago I had found your comrades in fatal condition.
    3/4 I had been watching you wander the void islands after your catastrophe with retrieving the crystal.
    4/4 A human or villager without life is but only a heap of flesh and bone, therefore I have decided to reanimate them for you to battle. Mainly for I do not want you to proceed any further.
    *Finish Room 3*
    1/4 It is impressive that you were capable of defeating my reanimations, but it is a shame that the floor was unstable.
    2/4 What are the odds that the room you fell into was an area flooding with void gas?
    3/4 I recommend not coming in contact with it, unless if you are suicidal.
    4/4 Then again, maybe you are, for only a masochist would wish to remain here any longer.
    *Finish Room 4*
    1/3 I did not believe you would have escaped the gas in time.
    2/3 But then again, we humans are always filled with "surprises", aren't we?
    3/3 And those surprises could be for the best, or for the worst...
    *Finish Room 5*
    1/5 My apologies for not warning you about the previous battle.
    2/5 But, as I warned earlier, those "surprises" can have terrible outcomes.
    3/5 It also seems you have one last comrade that I had forgotten about. I guess we cannot let him go to waste.
    4/5 You wouldn't want that, right?
    5/5 I do not think this villager can fight you alone, so he will bring some "companions" along. Good luck.
    *Finish Room 6*
    1/2 Even after fighting against all the horrors you faced, you still stand tall and mighty.
    2/2 Well, at least I have one last trick up my sleeve until our encounter.
    *Finish Room 7*
    1/3 ... After all you've been through, you still wish to battle with me?
    2/3 I suppose you do wish for a horrible fate indeed.
    3/3 But what I do not understand is that if you had wished for such a terrible fate, then why are you still here?

    *After Falling*
    1/3 Now, I did not expect that to happen.
    2/3 It seems you fell through the floor of another unstable room. Well, this place has been abandoned for several decades by now.
    3/3 I would help you find a way out, but you will just attempt to murder me so I will leave you there to rot.

    *After Falling Again*
    1/3 That room certainly must have been unstable while the villagers lived here.
    2/3 If you wish to, then I suppose we shall duel.
    3/3 You've made a grave mistake, my dear reflection.
    *Finish Room 8 & Activate "Cut-Scene"*
    1/8 Gah... even after decades of training and battle I still crumble before any foe.
    2/8 Ever since that horrid day, I have changed drastically.
    3/8 My personality, my anatomy... my morality.
    4/8 They have all become victims to the darkness of (More Shifting Letters).
    5/8 Even if you do slay me, my blighted soul has been bonded to the steel chains of the void...
    6/8 It does not matter. I am aware you just want to defeat me. I see it in you. You wish to become even more powerful by doing so, and if that is what you ultimately desire...
    7/8 Mehro positions his dagger.
    8/8 You are aware that power corrupts, right?

    920,000 Experience Points
    68 Falling Emeralds
    1 Mehro's Parasite
    3 Virulent Void Fragments

    Ahmsord is well aware of the disaster that was the Wind Fortress' descent into The Void. Although officials had stated it collapsed due to flaws in the structure's stability, rumors had spread that it was no mistake. Rather, an inside job to remove a bigger threat that now lies beneath the Sky Islands.

    This section has been abandoned (again).
    Health: +3000
    Fire Defense: +200
    Water Defense: +200
    Air Defense: +200
    Thunder Defense: +200
    Earth Defense: +200

    Lv. Min: 99
    Strength Min: 30
    Dexterity Min: 30
    Intelligence Min: 30
    Agility Min: 30
    Defense Min: 30

    -50% Walkspeed
    +35% Fire Defense
    +35% Water Defense
    +35% Thunder Defense
    +35% Earth Defense
    +35% Air Defense
    -50% Melee Damage
    -50% Spell Damage
    -20% Soul Point Regen

    Rare Item
    Price: 6 Mehro's Parasites

    Health: -1000
    Fire Defense: -100
    Water Defense: -100
    Air Defense: -100
    Thunder Defense: -100
    Earth Defense: -100

    Lv. Min: 99
    Strength Min: 80
    Dexterity Min: 60
    Agility Min: 30

    +20% Walkspeed
    -25% Fire Defense
    -25% Water Defense
    -25% Thunder Defense
    -25% Earth Defense
    -25% Air Defense
    +75% Melee Damage
    +75% Spell Damage
    +1 Tier Attack Speed
    -2/4s Mana Steal
    -10 Defense

    {0/2} Powder Slots
    Legendary Item

    Price: 8 Mehro's Parasites








    Speed: 1/45
    Jump: 1/45

    Price: White Horse & 4 Mehro's Parasites

    Right-click to use

    - Teleports to: Virulent Void
    A key is required to enter the dungeon

    Price: 2 Virulent Void Fragments

    Thank you for reading this all the way to the end and please support my idea by sharing it with friends and showing it positive attention.
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2019
  2. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Good idea! Plus 1. Even if they do add this, which isn't likely, the corrupted dungeons will most likely outshine this as they will be more accessible and if they are the same as their non corrupted types then more people will do those since they will most likely be a lot shorter then this dungeon you came up with. As an example, look how much more people do CSST rather then fallen factory - CSST is more accessible (it's at the forgery) and is ALOT shorter and easier, leading to quick leveling. Overall great idea though. A lot better then mine XD

    Cheesecake is gross @Dark5010

    Edit: Explain the lore of Mehro, and explain the lore of the dungeon. Lore is very important in wynncraft!
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
    mantidmania and coolname2034 like this.
  3. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Don't worry, I have thought of Mehro's lore and he already has dialogue just in case...
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2017
  4. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Alright nice thread
  5. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Ty Normal and spread this idea please
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2018
  6. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    so you complain when a suggestion is shit but you also complain when a suggestion is good?
    Toasted Asian, Nyam, Stag2001 and 2 others like this.
  7. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    I like it but you should add the boss dialogue and mob details like health and damage.
  8. CoolVictor2002

    CoolVictor2002 Dead meme expert,cyberbullied by NicBOMB CHAMPION

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    i won't read it until you split them out i hate wall of texts
  9. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    I did like to read this suggestion but...
    this huge wall of text takes me out...
  10. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Jesus you guys are so picky lmao just read the damn suggestion and stop complaining about how it looks, not everything looks perfect in the world :D
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    bleh i just voted positively bc new dungeons
  12. Stormarend

    Stormarend The classes DO NOT correspond with the elements.

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    Add bloody stats for the mobs, and I can't be bothered to look up that one reply by selvut again so just look in the suggestion by @pantsTM
  13. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    @Dark5010 Make a dungeon for underground molten heights, that area defienitely needs some work, no dungeon or quests!


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  15. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    You could tell that to the content team and WynnCraft would be
    Last edited: Jul 11, 2017
    coolname2034 likes this.
  16. WickedTunes

    WickedTunes Market Enthusiast VIP+

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    Ideas for upcoming dungeons are most likely in place already. (Corrupted Ice Barrows, Galleon's Graveyard, and Fallen Factory)

    If they add more past that they do have to be corrupted to fit the pattern, meaning you're going to have to fix your idea to be a regular dungeon first and then corrupted.

    Also Galleon's Graveyard is annoying already being as long as it is and nobody uses it. I'm sure nobody will use the corrupted version unless it has some crazy good items or the experience payout is insane. td;lr 8 rooms in a dungeon is aids.
    SeaOfPoison, Lexwomy and coolname2034 like this.
  17. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Actually soon after I completely finish Virulent Void, I will move on to another dungeon which would actually be in Molten Heights but I am not sure about it yet.
    EDIT: There's a chance I MAY not work on a Molten Heights dungeon after this though.
    Last edited: Jul 24, 2017
  18. GaryIsAdopted

    GaryIsAdopted I’m gay

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    Alright, my idea was for the dungeon to be a old dognun city (the almost extinct tribe) , and the city was taken over by a fearsome magma beast known as Zurim, which would be a boss with 4 forms, kinda like skylaar in undergrowth ruins. He would have a massive magma cube form from all his energy absorbed from the rich magma fuels. He could cast Uppercut II and Charge II aswell. Then his next form would be a smaller magma cube with the same spells, however it would have lower health and a bit of higher damage. Then he would turn into a blaze that shot flaming arrows. His spells would be Arrow Storm II and he would be much faster and do a LOT more damage. His final form would be a zombie pigman form that would have the spells Uppercut II, teleport III, and charge II. This would his most powerful form and would be difficult to defeat.

    Lore: Zurim was a power-hungry Minotaur that migrated from the Canyon of the Lost, hoping to accumulate more power. Zurim was able to achieve this and absorbed massive amounts of magma energy. Zurim was an ambitious leader and quickly made an army of monsters and took over the old Dogunn city known as Dargon, and controlled it for many years. Then the ancient rodorocians took it over, and Zurim fled to a deep cave where the Dogguns mined for precious minerals. Dargon was quickly abandoned as the purpose of the city was to mine, and now the mines were taken over. To this day, Zurim still resides in the mines, long forgotten by most folk...

    Thanks for reading lol sorry for wall of text!
  19. DishSoapAjax


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    Love this idea, Dark5010! I hope it gets implemented! If anyone questions his knowledge of the lore behind any of his dungeon making, just don't. Dark knows completely what he's talking about.
  20. Dark5010

    Dark5010 Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I actually don't know much about Dogovi or the Doguns so... ._.
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