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"fun" Class Idea : Diviner

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by FluffyWarspite, Jun 3, 2017.


What do you think?

  1. 10/10 (ayy thanks! +3 mythic luck)

    2 vote(s)
  2. It's gud (yeah I know >:D +2 mythic luck)

    2 vote(s)
  3. Not bad (thank you :) +1 mythic luck)

    1 vote(s)
  4. It's alright,but it can be a better one (neutral answers,and tell me how to make it better)

    1 vote(s)
  5. Meh. (Alright :( )

    4 vote(s)
  6. Quite bad (ok den)

    1 vote(s)
  7. It's shit. (Waw)

    2 vote(s)
  8. Minesweeper( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (uh ok…)

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  1. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    This is a work of mine when I was so very bored that I was literally about to play minesweeper on my computer,so…enjoy!

    And also,the thread looks better on the starry night theme
    Diviner,the mythical,vigilant and sacred,is a bastion with a berserker's heart. Featuring both offensive and defensive spells,Diviner is considered as an all-rounder,but still does them excellently. However,while focusing on one role,Diviner sacrifices the capability of the opposing role,making him a rather extreme class that constantly swaps between offensive and defensive roles. On the right hand,Diviner is extremely powerful and versatile. Diviner is unlocked after the completion of a hidden quest(I guess it's something similar to ??? quest?) and uses maces and shields as his main weapon(due to this,Diviner is probably a 1.9+ class)
    Class Info
    Class Name : Diviner
    Unlock : Hidden
    Weapon : Mace & Shield
    Health : 100%
    Armor : 80%
    Description :
    With mythical vessels and extreme skills on combatting,Diviner conquers all enemies he sees with his mace of destruction and an impenetrable shield,Aegis
    Offensive :
    Damage : [] [] [] [] [] []
    High damage,high mobility together with an insanely powerful power-up spell,Diviner is one of the most powerful warrior with sheer destruction power

    Defence : [] [] [] [] []
    Although with superior offensive capabilities,Diviner sacrifices defensive capabilities while being a great damage dealer. Featuring spells that decreases Diviner's survivability furthermore,Diviner isn't the easiest class to play

    Spell : [] [] [] [] []
    With a decent amount of buffs and supportive usage,Diviner can also be versatile in terms of supportive and offensive usages

    Range : [] [] [] [] []
    Diviner does have some nice range on his abilities,allowing him to reach out to enemies and quickly draw distance from any potential threats
    Defensive :
    Damage : [] [] [] [] []
    Unlike the offensive side of Diviner,this side of him clmpletely sacrifices any offensive potential and have nearly no damaging methods,which may also prove tricky to play

    Defence : [] [] [] [] [] [] []
    The defensive side of Diviner is pretty much an absolute tank. With highly defensive spells,knockbacks and a ridiculous 99% damage reduction,Diviner may also be a bastion of his friends

    Spell : [] [] [] [] []
    Just like the offensive side,Diviner on defence also has some buff spells and supportive usages to his abilities

    Range : [] [] [] [] []
    Being mainly a tank,Diviner on defence doesn't have an awful lot of range. Most of his spells are mid-ranged. Moreover,these spells will slow Diviner down while active,making him basically with no movement capabilities.
    Passive :
    Mace and Shield - Lvl 0

    After casting offensive spells,Diviner will wield swords as his main weapon,dealing 100% weapon damage and has a range of 3 blocks. After casting defensive spells,Diviner wields shields as his main weapon,dealing 40% weapon damage,but can also block by holding down the left mouse button. Blocking reduces all incoming damage from in front by 12% and cut stun durations received in half. Diviner wields swords as his default weapon and switching weapons inverts his wielding weapon back to swords. For players using 1.8 or older versions,I guess it will have to be that you receive less damage while wielding shields
    Spell 1 :
    Petrify - Lvl 1 - "Defensive Spell" <-- this means Diviner wields shields after casting this spell

    Diviner uses his Aegis to petrify enemies in front in a cone shape,slowing enemies down and petrify them after dealing continuous damage for 1.5 second,but also slows Diviner down when casting Petrify. After being petrified,enemies receiving damage from Petrify refreshes the timer
    Range : 4 blocks
    Duration : 3 seconds (Spell's duration)
    Duration : 1 second (Petrify)
    Walkspeed Reduction : -30%
    Damage : 4%/2 tick
    Slow : -30% walkspeed

    Mana cost : 6 mana
    Earth dmg +15%

    Tier II :
    Arcane Shield - Lvl 16

    Reduces incoming damage and ignore all stun and negative effects while casting Petrify
    Range : 4 blocks
    Duration : 3 seconds (Spell's duration)
    Duration : 2 seconds (Petrify)
    Walkspeed Reduction : -30%
    Damage : 4%/2 tick
    Damage Reduction : -35%
    Slow : -
    35% walkspeed
    Mana cost : 6 mana
    Earth dmg +20%

    Tier III :
    Gorgon - Lvl 36

    Greatly increases the effective range of Petrify,but decreases Diviner's walkspeed while casting Petrify furthermore
    Range : 7 blocks
    Duration : 5 seconds (Spell's duration)
    Duration : 2 seconds (Petrify)
    Walkspeed Reduction : -65%
    Damage : 4%/2 tick
    Damage Reduction : -35%
    Slow : -
    40% walkspeed
    Mana cost : 7 mana
    Earth dmg +25%
    Spell 2 :
    Assault - Lvl 11 - Offensive Spell

    Diviner takes a leap and charges forward,dealing damage and knocking hit enemies back
    Range : 10 blocks
    Knockback : 3 blocks
    Damage : 180%
    Mana cost : 6 mana
    Thunder dmg +15%
    Air dmg +10%

    Tier II :
    Blood Rush - Lvl 26

    After hitting an enemy,using Assault on another enemy adds one count to the combo counter. Each combo count adds extra damage and range to Assault. The combo counter stacks up to 10x at max
    Range : 10 blocks
    Knockback : 3 blocks
    Combo window : 1 second
    Damage : 180%
    Extra damage : +15%/1 combo count
    Extra range : +1 block/1 combo count

    Mana cost : 6 mana (Initial cost)
    Mana cost : 1 mana (During combo stacking)
    Thunder dmg +20%
    Air dmg +10%

    Tier III :
    Berserker - Lvl 46

    As the combo counter goes up,Diviner receives more damage,but also deals more damage
    Range : 12 blocks
    Knockback : 3 blocks
    Combo window : 1.5 second
    Damage : 200%
    Extra damage : +
    25%/1 combo count
    Extra range : +1 block/1 combo count

    Extra damage received : +15%/1 combo count
    Mana cost : 6 mana (Initial cost)
    Mana cost : 1 mana (During combo stacking)
    Thunder dmg +20%
    Air dmg +10%
    Spell 3 :
    Aegis - Lvl 21 - Defensive Spell

    Diviner expands his Aegis and summons a barrier of pure energy in front,blocking all incoming attacks from in front and knock all enemies approaching back. While Aegis is active,Diviner receives major walkspeed penalty,may not perform any kind of attacks and jumps,and is immune to all negative effects. Diviner is also capable of protecting allies behind the shield. Casting Aegis while already active manually deactivates the spell and costs 0 mana
    Shield size : 7 blocks/5 blocks (Length/Height)
    Knockback : 4 blocks
    Walkspeed reduction : -70%
    Damage reduction : 80%
    Mana drain : 0.5 mana/s
    Mana cost : 1 mana/60 damage blocked

    Tier II :
    Warding Shield - Lvl 36

    Diviner grants nearby allies with a magical shield of protection,granting them immunity to negative effects and reduced taken damage
    Range : 5-block radius (Warding Shield)
    Shield size : 7/5 (Length/Height)
    Knockback : 4 blocks
    Walkspeed reduction : -70%
    Damage reduction : 85%
    Mana drain : 0.5 mana/s
    Mana cost : 1 mana/
    200 damage blocked

    Tier III :
    Serpent Shield - Lvl 56

    Staring at enemies while Aegis is active grants them Slowness IV
    Range : 5-block radius (Warding Shield)
    Shield size : 9/5 (Length/Height)
    Knockback : 4 blocks
    Walkspeed reduction : -70%
    Damage reduction : 99%
    Mana drain : 0.5 mana/s
    Mana cost : 1 mana/
    850 damage blocked
    Spell 4 :
    Authentic Hellfire - Lvl 31 - Offensive Spell

    With sacred power,Diviner summons a torrent of cleansing hellfire,sacrificing 50% of both his current and max health,while receiving buffs on his attack speed,damage dealt,walkspeed and mana efficiency. Using defensive spells will immediately dispel Authentic Hellfire and Diviner's maximum health point will return normal,but his current HP remains. Casting the spell while already active deactivates the spell and costs 0 mana,also refunding 50% of the health used to cast the spell
    Walkspeed : +45%
    Health reduction : 50%
    Attack Speed bonus : +30%
    Damage bonus : +175%
    Mana Efficiency bonus : +25%
    (-25% mana cost)
    Mana cost : 8 mana

    Tier II :
    Halo of Truth - Lvl 46

    Diviner slows down enemies over a large area and grants all allies within range knockback and stun immunity
    Range : 7-block radius
    Walkspeed : +50%
    Health reduction : 50%
    Attack Speed bonus : +35%
    Damage bonus : +175%
    Mana Efficiency bonus : +25%
    (-25% mana cost)
    Mana cost : 8 mana

    Tier III :
    Retribution - Lvl 66

    Diviner deals increased damage to the last enemy damaged him
    Range : 7-block radius
    Walkspeed : +60%
    Health reduction : 50%
    Attack Speed bonus : +35%
    Retribution : +75%
    Damage bonus : +175%
    Mana Efficiency bonus : +25%
    (-25% mana cost)
    Mana cost : 7 mana
    I guess this class is kinda cool,and slightly overpowered
    And yes,the lore is gone again,lazy me

    Also,you can give me some ideas or comments on what do you think about Diviner and any space for improvements,CONSTRUCTIVE criticisms are always great for the development of these class ideas,and boi I have to highlight that word. Finally,I apologise for my extremely bad English as I might have just triggered a bunch of grammar nazis out there…
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
    Stag2001, Crimson Corsair and RogP like this.
  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    Traditionally, swords don't match wynn's customs
  3. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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  4. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Assassin already uses swords.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  5. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Swords & SHIELD
  6. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Also, how would you get a shield (like, a texture for one ingame) without Wynncraft switching fully to 1.9?
    Dude, that doesn't prove anything. I don't know what you're getting at here.
  7. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    For 1.8 or older users,they would probably have to block with their swords and the description of the spells would probably change
    And it's not like that I'll give my Diviner a gun to use,they are a set of weapons,not just one single weapon,as his spells are double sided,his weapon is also double sided and what fits better with a shield and a sword/spear?

    Oh wait I know
    A mace
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  8. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    As a side note, I believe there are 20 ticks per second. This would place your 1st spell at 80% damage/second. The spell lasts for 3, so 240% damage.
  9. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Isn't it 10 ticks per second?

    Anyway if that's the case,I would definitely lower the damage,thanks for noting
  10. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    How would they block? Traditionally, in Minecraft, blocking is initiated by a right click (this applies to 1.9+ as well). But right click is already used to start spells.
    Huh? Actually, a gunslinger would be pretty cool.
    But I don't really understand what you're saying here...
    And an axe would fit with a shield as well. All classes have only 1 weapon that they use, not 2 (or 1.5.. because it's a shield).
    Well, t1 smoke bomb does 600% damage (60% dmg/half second, spell lasts for 5 seconds).

    I also don't understand how petrify turned into a living thing (Gorgon). All other classes just use t1, t2, and t3 without changing the name of the spell.
    And your second spell looks a lot like charge. It also costs considerably more (but I guess 2 mana for [at t1] knockback and +30% damage makes sense). I also don't know why it is categorized as an "offensive" spell as all R-R-R (or L-L-L for archer) spells are movement spells.
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2017
  11. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    So you don't like swords
    That's fine I've changed it to maces

    And now it's apparently not ok for a class to be a little bit more special and uses a set of weapons instead of one single weapon.
  12. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    No, I like them. It's just that no other class has used a weapon that other classes use.
    I never said it was not ok. I just was wondering how you'd do it, as the current block mechanic in Minecraft calls for something that cannot be implemented in Wynncraft due to spells.
    As a side note (you don't have to heed this), but maces are traditionally used to bash on someone's armor until it caves in. Or something (hey, you could bash someone's skull in! What a happy thought! /s). It would be cool if there are more earth (strength) weapons, as that would make sense (hence the whole "bashing something in" thing..)
  13. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    For the Gorgon upgrade,it's something about the lore of Aegis,for that I'm not gonna spend hours explaining that when you can go search it yourself

    For Assault,yes it's basically a charge with a built in combo counter. The description of offensive and defensive spells aren't exactly the description of the spell,they are to note you what weapon will Diviner wield after casting the spell. Also,in my opinion mobility spells are considered as offensive spells,as they allow you to quickly close up the range and engage enemies

    And no,I didn't change the name of the spells
    Well I've thought about this issue when I was making the class too,and honestly,I guess that the closest thing we get is to change Blocking into a passive where you receive less damage when wielding shields
  14. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Yes, I vaguely know the story (something to do with Athena, and her shield which petrifies people b/c it has medusa's head on it), but that doesn't change the fact that it would be different. All classes don't change the spell name, as that would be very confusing to new players (I mean.. "omg i just got a new spell.. but it's the same as the other one..?"). Not to mention the values set to the spells (I mean, it would just be easier to do "Petrify3" as a data tag [or something, idk a lot about coding]) rather than "Gorgon." It makes sure you remember what the spell is without remembering too much).

    Please make this clearer, as this might lead to another misunderstanding.
    In my opinion, Assault should be connected to the shield (so a "defensive" spell) as I personally think it is easier to throw enemies aside with a shield.
    Right, that makes sense.
    I think it would be cool if there was a blocking mechanic, as that would make combat so much more interesting.
  15. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Well I mean they are the name of the upgrades,Petrify is still Petrify at tier III

    For Assault,I think that it would be better for it to be an offensive spell. If it was a defensive one,the player would be using shields every time he casts a spell until level 21,and dealing 40% of the weapon's base damage all the time isn't really that fun,so I think it'd be better off as an offensive spell
    Also,since now we're using maces,smashing someone's face so hard that they get knocked back is way cooler than bashing someone with a shield
  16. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    That would kill them.
    Jk, it is an RPG, you can't expect to instakill everything. Actually, it would make sense if spells were initiated (well the first 3) with the shield yet all of the melee attacks use the mace. Your third spell is like a reward - now that you're lvl 31, you're finally skilled enough to use your mace for spells.
  17. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Well,having 3 defensive spells and only one offensive one doesn't really balance out,as Diviner is a double sided class,and I don't see how difficult it is to use a mace

    Also,Assault is quite damaging once the combo counter starts to build up,and it's not very defensive I'd say
  18. Poiu429

    Poiu429 yote VIP+

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    Well you don't have to be defensive with a shield, do you? You're the one who put limiting "offensive" and "defensive" tags on your spells.
  19. Crimson Corsair

    Crimson Corsair Le funny Corkus Corsair

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    Thats why it's not a starting class, it's a special art only gifted to a few from the gods.
  20. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Behold the sacred power,thy Diviner shall slam with his mace(actually,I guess both sword and mace works for him)
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