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Website & Forums Ban Housing Threads (a.k.a. Ruled-out Ideas Thread) 40+ Supporters

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Dr Zed, Jun 1, 2017.


Should this be added?

Poll closed Aug 24, 2017.
  1. Yes

    53 vote(s)
  2. No

    29 vote(s)
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  1. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    After seeing many housing threads come and by, I think there is a better way to avoid housing threads. Suggested by @what, a new thread named "Ruled-Out Ideas" will be pinned to the first page of the General Suggestions, where people can learn about which topics have been suggested and/or rejected. That way people won't accidentally create a thread that the community will bash them for. Now, I want to be clear: No new threads about housing or other suggestions will be deleted or locked if this guideline is implemented. I'm not saying we should delete any thread just because it has been suggested before or is unpopular, or that we should be rude to other players (especially newcomers) for suggesting them. I know that people can still (and probably will) continue to post housing threads, and that seems hypocritical to say that we shouldn't be rude and at the same time say we should discourage their posts. Though why I think this is the best way to go about it is so that new players can see what and what not to suggest instead of telling them to scroll through pages upon pages of dead threads to see that it was already suggested and rejected a million times. On top of that, if players are more knowledgeable about what's already been suggested and rejected, we will have less players feeling put down and picked on.

    So in the end, is it fair to keep new players in the dark about past suggestions and keep the way open for people to be rude to them about posting a suggestion? This works out for new players to help them navigate the general suggestions and be up to date, and prevents more future suggestions that the community is tired of seeing so many times.

    P.S. I know players can use the Search tab, but adding an extra rule to the first post of the General Suggestions is easier to see and use than searching through random posts. Plus, most new players don't use the search tab or know which threads are unpopular/rejected, so they wouldn't know what to look for without scourging through the whole forum.

    What's wrong with housing threads? If you don't like them just ignore them.
    For me, housing threads don't annoy me as much as other people on the forums. Sure, they are usually poorly written, lack detail, and have major flaws, but I don't have to read it if I don't want to. The real problem with housing threads is that because they have been suggested and rejected a million times, the community is so tired of them that they shit on and scrutinize newcomers that do post them. They then say that they should have done their "research" first and they should have known about the issue. All this does is make newcomers feel singled-out and picked on for suggesting their ideas and are given a bad impression of the community.

    So are you saying that they shouldn't do their research before they post?
    No, but how we are going about it isn't helpful for new players to know what's been suggested and rejected before. If you're a newcomer to the forums, which are you more likely to do: go through pages upon pages of dead threads to see what has been done before OR look at the first few threads on the first page to see what has been suggested before? Most new players just want to get their first idea out their and share it with the community, they don't want to stop what they are doing and search for 30 minutes for dead threads that had been rejected. They don't even know what to look for anyways. Does this excuse threads to be poorly written? No.
    Though would it be easier for people to know what's been done before without being shit by just posting a thread on the first page? Yes.

    How can you guarantee that this will stop all housing threads or other poorly-written/useless threads?
    It doesn't... people will still be able to post whatever they want without fearing it will be locked or deleted. Otherwise that would go against being rude to new players and be controversial in the community. That also means though that poorly-written/repeatedly suggested threads can still occur. For example, even though there's a "How to Suggest" guide, not every suggestion is well thought out or unique on the forum.

    If people don't read the current guides in the General Suggestions, then what's the point?
    The only thing that makes this suggestion different from the status quo is that at least there is a chance for people to notice that their suggestion had been done before and not post that thread. The current guidelines are somewhat inadequate because their rules are subjective to people and most importantly they fail to acknowledge ideas that have already been suggested/rejected a million times. I bet that if most players knew that their idea was already suggested or rejected a million times, then they wouldn't have posted their thread in the first place. Even if someone still decides to post a housing thread, they would be doing at their own risk and would have a much weaker excuse that they couldn't have known.

    Why housing in particular and not other suggestions?
    The thread also addresses some of the most popular threads on the forums so that way people don't end up creating the same thread. For housing though, the reason why I choose it over other suggestions is that it is the most unpopular and least feasible. It's been suggested and rejected a BILLION times and was confirmed by the CONTENT TEAM that it's not going to be added. I'm not saying that every housing thread is terrible or that people can't, but it's clear that they community doesn't want any more housing threads. Sure, you can say that they won't add new classes so those should be discouraged against too. But adding more suggestions to the list would create more unnecessary controversy than good.

    Are you limiting freedom of speech just because you hate housing threads?
    No, not at all. Like I said earlier, people can still post whatever they want. It's just that now there would be a guide that says their suggestion might have been suggested and/or rejected before.
    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
    Snippy, Clickbaitz, Kaelan~ and 6 others like this.
  2. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    Why not just get a "Ruled-Out Ideas" thread instead? People making housing ideas isn't that big of a problem, to be honest.

    Straight up deleting their thread would raise a lot of questions to unaware newcomers.
    Clickbaitz, SUPER M, Kaelan~ and 8 others like this.
  3. DaveZombee

    DaveZombee -0-

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    You could make the search bar more accessible but you'd have to ask the people who made xenforo to change that.
    coolname2034 and ILostMyShoe_ like this.
  4. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Just because a good housing suggestion hasn't been made doesn't mean it can't be made... It would just take a miracle.

    Honestly, as much as I enjoy trashing bad suggestions, I'd rather not have them in the first place. +1 for the idea of more regulations and clearer guidelines for suggestions.
  5. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    You think if we players actually read that thread, then they could make quality content?

    EDIT : Let me re-word this.

    If you think that us players actually read that, then we would have top-notch quality housing threads, wouldn't we? And so I tip me tea to you, posh gentleman.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
    coolname2034, Miles_ and Kraetys like this.
  6. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    The whole point of adding guidelines to the General Suggestions is to AVOID ideas that have already been rejected and proposed a million times and/or have been confirmed by the Content Team that they won't be implemented. The point isn't to improve those ideas (it would be nice to have better suggestions yes, but because of how many times they were rejected it doesn't make sense to keep suggesting them). I also acknowledged that yes, we probably will still have people post useless or poorly written threads, but if we implement this, we will ALSO have people know about what to suggest and what not to suggest and avoid MORE poorly written threads in the future. Again, this will save the new players' time when they suggest ideas and avoid them getting shit on for suggesting something.

    As for a "Ruled-Out Ideas" thread, that's basically what I'm proposing, except it's focused solely on housing. The reason I didn't include other suggestions is that Housing is the most unpopular and rejected idea and adding other ideas would be more controversial. For me, I'm not that annoyed by housing threads as other people, but this idea is more so to help newcomers to the forums as well as the community. No new threads about housing or other suggestions will be deleted or locked if this guideline is implemented. Otherwise, it would go against not being rude to new players and making them feel that the community is unfair. If the suggestion is really poorly written to the point where it's a shitpost, a mod can simply lock/delete it like any other thread.
    Oh I agree, that's why I'm saying that it should be discouraged against as a guideline instead of locking/deleting every new housing thread. If someone is passionate about housing (for whatever reason) and wants to do it (like a particular CMD), that's fine, just that they should know that it's been suggested a million times and rejected and probably won't get implemented...
    I guess that might work, but most newcomers don't want to search through pages upon pages of dead threads to see what was done. Plus, they wouldn't know what to look for at first anyways, so they wouldn't bother. Having guidelines in the first thread of the General Section is much easier to see than the latter.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2017
  7. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    What I was trying to say is.
    Housing threads would be higher of quality if suggesters actually read Pretzule's thread on How To Suggest. Adding another rule there won't help, and there always is the chance that someone can learn out of it.
  8. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    That's the thing, even in a perfect world, criteria such as "Does it fit Wynncraft" is somewhat subjective to some people, so they'll just post whatever they think "fits" Wynncraft. This is why the status quo hasn't solved the problem of housing threads because people think it fits the criteria until they get put down by the community. The reason why it would be better to add this is so people don't make housing threads AT ALL since they know the IDEA of housing has been rejected.
  9. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    I guess you could throw that in, but the main point of that thread is to tell you to have QUALITY AND DETAIL. Most suggesters don't use either of those, and I'm thinking "ofc they didn't read the thread."
    I doubt your change would make a difference, no offence, but it's a step closer.
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    SeaOfPoison likes this.
  11. Jbip

    Jbip yea QA GM CHAMPION

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    Just pin a "Common suggestions" thread with... the common suggestions?
  12. Historicals

    Historicals yo HERO

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    Please remove housing thread's they're just a waste of time + it's a dumb idea.
  13. Pepo

    Pepo Snt best cult! QA GM CHAMPION

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    I don't support housing suggestion, just to start my reply, I'll be starting a DEBATE here, don't try turning this into a fight, thanks!

    Housing doesn't fit Wynncraft but banning them wouldn't be a good idea, there are people who support Housing, there are some cool points about housing too, banning housing suggestions would be messy and confusing...

    If you don't support a suggestion you just say that you don't, staff deleting housing threads in my opinion would be a really Desperate call, the only reason why you want them banned is because you and most people don't like these kinds of suggestion, banning them would be imature and unreasonable.

    You'll probably say, housing suggestions will never be added, but tell me, how many suggestions were added to the game?

    You can don't like them and use the no vote button, but there's no reason to be rude, report and ask for the thread to be banned, constructive criticism sometimes is good...
  14. ?!

    ?! Famous Adventurer

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    why should you ban it?many ppl wanted better quest books,and everybody hated it,so Lotem made one and everybody loves it,its GENERAL
    suggestions,you can suggest basically anyhting
    efilim elf, coolname2034 and Pepo like this.
  15. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    There seems to be a misunderstanding for what the suggestion does and doesn't do. The only thing that will be changed is that a new rule/guideline will be added to the "How to Suggest" thread that discourages players from posting housing threads and WHY. That's it. This doesn't apply to other suggestions, only housing (in the future more could be added, but adding others to the list at the moment would be too controversial). Anyone could still make a housing thread, and they DON'T have to worry about it getting locked or deleted. This suggestion isn't claiming to 100% prevent poorly written suggestions either about other suggestions.

    Just a new rule/guideline in the thread "How to Suggest" about posting housing threads and why they are discouraged.

    Fair enough, that's an understandable point. I'm not expecting for this suggestion to get rid of poorly written threads or even all threads about housing. At the very least though, people who do post housing threads in the future and get shit on can't use the excuse that they couldn't have known housing was already suggested a million times before. Plus, if this is implemented, at least there is a chance someone would see it and not post a housing thread versus a zero chance in the status quo.
    llllllllllllll likes this.
  16. sorae

    sorae drifting VIP

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    Now your problem is specifically targeting housing threads.

    Honestly, there's no point to devoting this much of a suggestion into a problem that's not even that big of a problem in the first place. Just direct them to the search bar, say their suggestion was nice, and go on.

    If you really want to develop on this suggestion, just make a Ruled-Out Ideas thread that covers EVERY popular/common idea that has been suggested that the developers have decided not to add due to various reasons. That would be far more useful than just "oh don't make housing threads xdd".
    coolname2034 likes this.
  17. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    You don't think people would READ any of these proposed threads, do you?
  18. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    If all it takes to add two or three sentences to an already existing thread in order for people not to get shit on for making the billionth housing suggestion and help them navigate the forums, I think it is worth it. A Ruled-Out Ideas thread does sound like a good idea, I'm not quite sure though which other unpopular suggestions the community should put down or other content in general (maybe for the popular threads Item Locks, Lotem's Better Quest Book, Skill Point Perks, etc.)
    The fact that we still keep getting housing threads is proof that newcomers don't bother to scroll through pages upon pages of dead threads to see what has been suggested and rejected before. For example, @iQuizex is a relatively new member on the forums and posted a thread about his concerns for the economy. Now everyone knows about Wynncraft's horrible inflation and economy and so many other threads exist about the topic, so some people didn't take his thread seriously and told him to do his research first. iQuizex said "Ok fine,
    But I am sure that you dont do "research" every time you post anything on the forums." So, this is just one example of new players not knowing about past threads and getting criticized for it. While in theory, every player should look at past threads and see what has been suggested, most newcomers won't bother. Now, say instead he was going to post a housing thread, but saw the "How to Suggest" thread or a thread titled "Ruled-Out Ideas" and saw that housing has been suggested and rejected a million times before. Then, he would probably wouldn't post a thread about housing and save himself time and scrutiny from other players for posting that suggestion.
  19. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    There's a "are you stuck thread" on wynncraft, yet people keep posting about being stuck. You severely overestimate the average Internet citizens intelligence
    Aya likes this.
  20. Dr Zed

    Dr Zed Famous Adventurer HERO

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    I never said that they weren't intelligent. Your point here has nothing to do with why newcomers don't bother to search through countless pages and ignores the case I brought up about a new player who was in a similar situation.
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