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Vr Support Please!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SayThink, Apr 21, 2017.


Would it make the game more immersive if you could see players with lifelike movement in game?

  1. Yes

  2. No

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  1. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Are you daft?
    That's literally what this entire suggestion topic is about:

  2. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    End of discussion ABOUT the plugin, we should only talk about an original
  3. TheZearis

    TheZearis Lyla HERO

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    The amount of time it would take to get this to work with the server's custom built plugins alone is a big enough reason for this to not be implemented. Let alone the lack of support from the community, as evidenced by the poll. Plus, suggesting changes to a server you have only played one day is kinda ludicrous. This server has been around for 4 years and we are still waiting on some of the most popular suggestions to be added (See Better Quest Book). Not a lot of people even have HTC Vives so it would be a feature that only a minority could use. Seeing as you only have a level 17 mage you also don't realize the extent of how many times you have to spin around your camera in this server. Some of the bosses will have to switching targets often. If it's an option I'd say just use the mod without the plugin if you really want to and it doesn't break any server rules. Maybe suggest this in the future when you are a much higher level and have put time, and maybe money, into the server. Also, maybe when the general public has more VR.
    SUPER M likes this.
  4. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Hi. Player who used to be active here a good while ago.
    Plenty of time invested in the server with at least two lvl. 75 characters - which used to be the cap, don't know if it still is.
    Invested money into the server too, moooooreeee than enough, I don't know if people will remember all the world shouts and fireworks and item drop ... things.. forgot what it was called.
    Investing money into the server is definitely an important part in getting a good suggestion heard and totally does not sound like bribery.

    Additionally, I have spent countless hours in VR as well.
    The 'spinning around' is fine.
    There are plenty of games that would require much faster reflexes around already.

    "You can't have any ice cream, ever, because I can't have mine yet right now".
    Nobody's saying the implementation would need to be top priority.
    The Vive community right now is only asking Wynncraft's team to be open minded to the idea and possibly look at implementing it in the future.

    See, the thing is, Zaeris.
    We're only at the starting phase of VR and the amount of HMD owners is steadily growing, as is content for them.
    But the variety of the content is lacking.
    An MMORPG would be perfect as a game with longevity.

    You need to ask yourself this:
    Would the companion mod be implemented to please a large HMD owning userbase,
    or would it be implemented to be part of laying a foundation for the future of gaming?

    We need experiences like Wynncraft in VR for Virtual Reality to become a success.
    They're not essential to it, but it will help a lot.

    I don't think the Vive community here is asking "Waaaaaa. I want to show off my superiority in-game", but rather to be supportive of the progress the system is going through.
    And be able to look back in a couple of years and be proud that we've been early supporters of this amazing technology.
  5. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    Whoa. Let's take a moment to relax and think, before we start attacking an idea. While the idea of implementing VR is something that is really quite new, I seriously doubt that anyone who is being negative about it has any real experience in coding anything for Wynncraft. We all have experience in playing the game, to some degree, however, I doubt that anyone has serious experience in coding. Without that experience, your objections are really just conjectures, that is, guesses.

    It appears that the addition of VR would not affect anyone that chooses to not implement VR on their own system, and I seriously do not see why there is such intense negativity against the use of VR. While it may require a hefty initial expense for most of us, that does not mean that the suggestion is bad. Whether or not the admins will choose to try to implement it, is up to them.

    If VR were required in order to play Wynncraft, that would be a different question. However, that is not the suggestion, or request, here. The suggestion is only to please try adding a specific plugin on a server, in order to see if it's compatible. In the future, who knows what will happen? Maybe VR hardware will fall in price to be fairly inexpensive as the number of users of VR increases. Wasn't VR in the thousands of dollars a few years ago? Who knows what it will be next year. And, Mojang has implemented a rudimentary internal VR, already, also. Whether VR is the next step in the future of gaming or not, that's no reason to be so negative about an idea, request, and suggestion, about it.

    Since Wynncraft was posted to reddit, and specifically cross-posted to the VR subreddit, instead of acting rude to new players, it's time to be a lot nicer to them. Stop being rude. Stop being nay-saying to ideas that you really know little to nothing about. This isn't the way to act towards new players, and it isn't the way this community should behave. If you really want to discuss this, as you should, then discuss it, as far as you have knowledge about the topic. However, discuss it. Don't be rude.

    And JJTH, welcome back. Your insight is quite refreshing to have back.
    The suggestion is about the plugin. Chill yourself out.
    Last edited: May 24, 2017
    Abberdine, Ackro, SUPER M and 10 others like this.
  6. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    Thanks for chiming in!

    Just in case you weren't able to keep up with every post in this thread, "jrbudda" is the creator of Vivecraft and is more than willing to assist with any server integration. He can be contacted on Reddit/Steam/Discord.

    If there is some reason integration proves more difficult than expected than it makes plenty of sense to have it shelved for the time being as it isn't necessary.
  7. TheZearis

    TheZearis Lyla HERO

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    I apologize, I didn't get my message across very clearly. I wasn't trying to be super rude to OP, I was trying to point out my opinions on things but I didn't go about it well. I also wasn't trying to say that we should get what I want added first, I was trying to say that the Devs add stuff at there own pace so if this suggestion was to be added it may take a while.

    Part of why I may have been ruder than I meant was my pang of envy towards HTC Vive (and any other VR headset) owners lol. Tbh I would love to try out VR in Wynncraft if it was a feature and I had a headset, even if it ended up not being my cup of tea. Sorry for coming across so rude.

    Side note: The level cap got raised to 100 and there is a whole new province, Gavel, across the ocean with tons of new quests and dungeons throughout the world. You've your work cut out for you if you get back into this server, @JJTH. Welcome back :saltedhappy:
    SUPER M likes this.
  8. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    I want to include, for anyone who has been unable to try VR but would be interested in experiencing it, there are several stores over the US who will offer you a demo!

    For a list of Gamestop stores that offer a demo, see here
    For a list of Microsoft stores that offer a demo, see here
    Some Micro Center locations might also offer a demo, unfortunately, the company doesn’t have a complete list of participating locations.
    But you're best off giving any location you intend to visit a call first to inform yourself in any regard.

    @TheZearis , you won't be able to try it out in Wynncraft there, but they'll likely offer demos of a few games that will still blow you away nonetheless!

    Thank you, Moe.
    Both for the compliment and for coming by in this topic. ;)

    I don't think I'll stick around for anything but this topic this time around, though.
    I know I've only seen a small part of the community in this topic, but based on that, I think I made the right decision to leave.

    However, once a more complete VR integration might ever be implemented, I'll probably come have a look in-game at the very least.
    It'll be so much prettier than it already is.

    Soon™ , wasn't it?

    I was aware of Gavel, I think it released just after I left. Didn't know about the level cap, but that makes sense.
    I just can't be bothered playing 2D Minecraft, I've played that game for so many years, and even in Wynncraft it just got boring.
    Vivecraft is so impressive though.
    You know how blocks in Minecraft are supposed to be like 1 metre by 1 metre? THEY ACTUALLY ARE IN VR!
    The world looks so much bigger, and it just gives you a sense of wanting to explore it again.
  9. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    You left somewhere in October, Gavel released Dec. 21st, if you're curious.
    JJTH likes this.
  10. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Apparently as of yesterday, the Vivecraft mod is one year old.

    I'm sure it will have been mentioned, though maybe not much.

    Doing a quick 'vivecraft' search on the minecraft subreddit alone did only turn up one page, but you have to remember that it's a new medium still.

    Plus a lot of us simply aren't very vocal outside of VR orientated communities.
    Compare: https://www.reddit.com/r/Vive/search?q=minecraft+vivecraft&restrict_sr=on

    In the end, we are still only a small percentage of players relative to 2D players.
    VR as a whole is not a huge userbase. VR players that play Minecraft is smaller still.

    You're hearing of it now, and that's what counts.
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
    Yilos likes this.
  11. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    Keep in mind, I did make that post back in April, I was not aware that Vivecraft's growing fanbase at the time, at first I thought this was just a normal suggestion, not a thread of Vivecraft players wishing to make Wynn compatible with the HTC Vive.

    If they are capable of having Wynncraft work in VR, then by all means, go ahead.
    SUPER M likes this.
  12. Vyzzle

    Vyzzle Runs Around in Underwear

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    Sorry but need to repeat this for emphasis (not calling you out specifically but many seem to be missing this point)

    Wynncraft already works in VR (was playing it last night!) The plugin just gives a more complete experience, allowing you to see my body motions. For example, me waving a hello or nodding my head.

    EDIT: Want to add that Wynn in VR was an INCREDIBLE experience. The world is huge and full, it was amazing. The only awkward thing was as the archer the Bow is huge and faces down in my VR hand and arrows shoot out of my right (not bow holding hand). Obviously these aren't deal breakers but everything is possible in VR already, just the plugin adds a level of immersion for us to interact with the world which is important since using the standard VR keyboard is slow to use and cumbersome for most people.

    After changing some keybinds on the controller around (The trackpad is able to be a lot of buttons, different actions for being pressed in different locations and different actions when being swiped as welll) I was having no problem performing actions contrary to the belief of many here.
    Last edited: May 25, 2017
    SUPER M and JJTH like this.
  13. Academyfail

    Academyfail That one vet that still doesn't have a level 100 CHAMPION

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    There's a problem, To make wynn compatable to other devs, they either have to learn SamJumla's style in coding, or have jumla going and try to make the code understandable, which may break the game several times over, and still cost a ton of time.
  14. scrubbedaccount

    scrubbedaccount Well-Known Adventurer

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    I realized that I probably overreacted with my response, but I still am not 100% on-board with the idea. Going to revise my previous response.

    I feel like this one is a valid explanation, so I'm not going to try and debunk this.

    This is where I completely overreacted. Yes, it's possible for someone to trip over a wire, but that would partially be their own doing. Nausea is also a problem, but, as before, their own doing. This point is now void.

    I don't really have experience with VR or Vivecraft, but judging based off of the OPs description of it, this was how I envisioned it and how it could potentially be a con. Possibly a void point, I'm not too sure on this one.

    Once again, this was given by the description of the OP. I don't have any experience with it, so I assumed they'd actually jump (heck, they actually might, I truly don't know). Once again, possibly a void point, but I'm not too sure.

    While it is optional and would immerse the playing experience, I still am not sure about making it a full-on feature. Even then, (based on OPs description) wouldn't it be hard to send packets to the game to move ONLY certain parts to certain angles? That could potentially disconnect someone for sending invalid packets. If it still jogged like the regular Mineman, I'd probably be slightly on-board. I don't have too much experience, this was simply my view, my perspective.

    As for the posts saying "hate from Wynncraft community," I wouldn't classify MOST of the answers as hate. I tried to be mature about my responses, and not completely roast people in the process (albeit my decisions in how I said it being slightly ridiculous). Answers that just straight up say "omg no u succ" would definitely be classified as hate, atleast in my book. I didn't see much on that, but I can see how you could jump to that conclusion. I'm unfamiliar with the Vivecraft plugin (and just VR in general), so I based it on the OPs description, which was considerably vague.

    As an optional feature, it would be cool, but I feel the time and effort you'd need to put into making it a full-on feature not many people would acknowledge existed (unless it was one of the announcement messages) wouldn't really be worth the trouble. I'm not basing my estimate for the people who use it on the amount of people who have VR, I'm basing it off of how many of those actually play Wynncraft with VR. You can still use VR with the mod though, although I'm unsure if Wynn fully (or even partially) supports it.
  15. JJTH

    JJTH Left the forum. Skype name in Info tab profile

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    Wynncraft uses Skills and not actual melee strikes or arrows, so there's no worries for the archers there.
    As for disabling melee attacks on our end, I'm sure there's a way to do that.

    The thing is though, this topic is about the NonVR companion mod and VR Support, which would introduce some minor fixes.
    So if melee attacking is possible, it will already be right now. If anything, introducing official VR support would mean being able to put in settings that would make it more fair.

    Climbing and Jumping was introduced in a Vivecraft version based on "Climbey", a VR game.
    For the climbing, you actually need to craft an item, which is impossible in Wynncraft. I think for the jumping too.

    Have you been reading all posts since your last one?
    I think I've made some good points on why it would eventually be worth officially supporting VR.
    I'm happy to go over them again, elaborating more this time perhaps.
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  16. scrubbedaccount

    scrubbedaccount Well-Known Adventurer

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    (going to be posting my rebuttals/anti-claims/feedback in bold so that it isn't confused with the actual text)

    Also found this from the previous quote. I actually did understand it, atleast the core function of it. If I acknowledge it correctly, it basically tracks your movement, and sends packets to the game to tell it "hey, this nerd did something, let's mimic it to the best of our abilities."

    (edit: thanks btw for properly supporting your claim. Most people I try to have a proper argument with ends up with "nerd" or something biased with no information to support their side or anything. I appreciate you supporting your side and not doing the above, kudos to you.)
    Last edited: May 27, 2017
  17. Kasper Olesen

    Kasper Olesen Newbie Adventurer

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    A few years ago I heard Minecraft was one of the best VR experiences early on with the Oculus Rift and since I just got VR it seems one of the things I need to try. I also want some VR RPG games, and then someone mentioned this mod, and I would mainly want to play it as a VR game, otherwise I would just see it as another nice Minecraft mod, but I have too many other games I want to play.

    So, someone earlier in this thread, mentioned it would be possible to play Wynncraft even without any change to the server? I can probably figure it out on my own, but might as well ask here.

    Another thing, room scale VR is getting several alternatives, and one of them seems viable and is cheaper. Well, for me it is viable. Its NOLO VR.

    I have been playing several VR games with it. It also supports mobile VR, and you can make mobile games with NOLO VR support so you get positional tracking and controller tracking as well. But Minecraft for mobile seems very limited at the moment, and I am pretty sure it does not have VR support of any kind yet.

    NOLO VR still requires a decent gaming computer, so probably at least a GTX 970, and a i5 or i7 CPI or equivalent. You also need a pretty good phone. Something like Galaxy S7, iPhone 6 or newer. I personally use a LG V20 phone, it is a nice 1440p display and a 5.7" screen which is very nice for VR. I got this as part of the Kickstarter for it, but you can get the NOLO VR for 200 dollars and a Google cardboard headset can be bought for somewhere in between 10 and 40 dollars. I am using VR Box v2:

    It is very cheap even though the quality is rather good. You can get it for about 10 dollars here, with delivery and a bluetooth controller:

    Not really sure how it can be that cheap, I think I bought mine for about 20 dollars, and that was without the bluetooth controller. My phone I bought recently for a bit under 400 dollars, but if you already got a phone that can be used for Google Cardboard and Riftcat + VRidge, then the total price for room scale VR is about 210 dollars.

    My point being is it is becoming much more affordable to have VR, and maybe this solution would be interesting for some of the people here who considers the HTC Vive and such too expensive, like I do. Here is a video of me using the NOLO VR to play Rick and Morty - Virtual Rickality. I have mounted the base station to the ceiling as it gives 360 controls using some velcro tape.

    Meh.. had to remove all links as the forum does not allow me to post them yet, but it should all be easy to look up. Except my own youtube video of me using NOLO VR I guess.
  18. PurpleHeroZ

    PurpleHeroZ Destroyer of Dreams

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    I came here from I believe to be your reddit post, mocking us..kek
    VR support isn't necessary imo. The portion of players who would use it would be below 10% as VR is expensive and you don't really require it to play Wynn.
  19. Moe_Ronickah

    Moe_Ronickah Traveling through hyperspace . . .. CHAMPION

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    I would like to know which reddit you saw that on, exactly, please.
  20. PurpleHeroZ

    PurpleHeroZ Destroyer of Dreams

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    Um..Rereading it I do believe that I was mistaken in my original thread. But I'm confused about the whole ordeal now (If I was mistaken, I do apologize. But here's the Reddit post.)
    (@Moe_Ronickah I accidentally didn't reply directly to you whoops)
    Last edited: Jul 20, 2017
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