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World Change Key Npc To Something That Fits The Lore Better, 215 Supporters. 97.7% Positive Support!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Lexwomy, May 6, 2017.



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  1. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    So, you're just wandering around, and you want to do a dungeon. Say, Underworld Crypt. You find a villager saying," HALT! YE AIN'T PASSING UNTIL YOU GIVE ME THIS KEY THAT SUPPOSEDLY UNLOCKS THIS DUNGEON." Wtf. So, you're at the literal gates of hell, and there's this villager making you give him a key before you can enter...

    Now, what I'm thinking is that the key collectors should be changed. I've listed some examples that I'd think would fit each dungeon's lore more.
    Thanks @Tylow i stole ur lore and put it on here :)

    Decrepit Sewers:
    Decrepit Sewers were the entrance and the main hub of Ragni's grand sewer system and overflow prison. But the Corruption corrupted and an empowered skeleton named Witherhead took dominance over them.

    1. The key collector can instead be an NPC block in the barricade, and you can open the blockade with it. It makes sense; the key guardian is an armored skeleton, and the sewers is home to the skeleton. So why wouldn't the skeleton have the key to open its home/residence?

    Infested Pit:
    Infested Pit was a normal hole in the ground when the Corruption corrupted and filled it with monstrously sized spiders, which bred and invaded the neighboring forest, hence Nivla's sorry state.

    1. A web blocking the entrance should suffice. An NPC web can be clicked to open the web. The guardian is a spider resembling thing, so, as stated above, it makes sense. Spider = open web.

    Lost Sanctuary:
    Lost Sanctuary was the home of the creepers up until Garoth invaded, pretty much killed them all, and still tortures the remainders today. He's been doing this for so long that Humans have completely forgotten the creeper's existence, negating them to an obscure myth.

    1. Put leaves over the sanctuary hole. However, a chicken has no correlation with creepers or lizards whatsoever. So
    a) change the key guardian to suspicious chicken. Since the creepers hide in their sanctuary, any creepers outside of the sanctuary ought to be hiding. (this one makes no sense)
    or b) Change the key guardian to a creeper. It has the scaredy cat AI, like the terrified pigs around Lake Gylia.
    i) Plus..the creeper has a set amount of time before it detonates (cuz its so scared [think of it as the equivalent of you peeing your pants when you're frightened beyond shit]}

    Underworld Crypt:
    Underworld Crypt was originally a hole that the Ancient Nemractians threw their dead in after the great loss of the Battle of Nemract, before escaping. Turns out that a million dead spirits makes Charon, a corrupted Death, realize that opportunities are to be taken and open a little thing called a portal to the underworld. K no thoughts on this one that villager needs to die.

    1. This one will be an actual door. Remove the villager. Let the entrance be free. However, when you get inside, you approach the start of the Underworld Crypt. This is when you use the key to open the actual door.
    2. @Hodsonius suggested that General Graken be the NPC Collector.

    Sand-Swept Tomb:
    Sand-Swept Tomb is a mysterious place. It existed in Wynn before any humans did. (Humans actually come from the province of Fruma, where the player arrives from in the tutorial.) While it has been uncovered from the sands it lay under, it still is an odd place. It's morbid and many traps keeps people from entering.

    1. A key collector makes sense here, however, it shouldn't be a villager. It should instead be one of those bandits, like the one in Wrath of the Mummy. "GUARD ZE TOMB SO WE GET ZE RICHES THEN IF SOME RANDY ADVENTURER COMES UP LES TAX HIM SO MUCH ZE RICHES"(i nailed it)

    Ice Barrows:
    Ice Barrow's lore is a footnote in a much longer, extensive writing which is complicated and concerns the people who protected Wynn before Fruma and Gavel began helping. The areas around Nesaak and Lusuco weren't always cold. But then a insane man, the last of his kind, a family of incredible power, whose name was Theorick, froze the land to suit him, before eventually dying and being laid to rest in one of it's many caves. However, his enemies' spirits took control of his body and now he haunts the land, from deep inside the Ice Barrows.

    1. A wall of ice. To break it...
    a) The key from the ice barrows guardian is a pickaxe, makes sense since that dude wields an axe. You then use the pickaxe to break the wall of ice.
    b) Do some magical shit (idk)

    @AdventureOfWynn suggested that the key unlocks a ghost or smth who burns away the wall for you

    Undergrowth Ruins:
    Undergrowth Ruins is the now-forlorn site of an experiment long ago. Troms, in a last-ditch attempt against the Corruption, began trying to make living weapons, with the following catastrophe resulting in what we call "slimes", horrible (if slightly cute) being who drain the life out of victims. Years later, a nearby tribesman named Slykaar became fascinated by these creatures, and began surrounding himself with them. His tribe fearfully condemned him in return, as they began to see the slime's effect on him. He went and hid deep in the ruins, and began creating an ultimate form that would let him be the most powerful being ever.

    1. Standard npc, but it's a bunch of troms guards. The general will not allow you to enter unless you have the key. Some backlore would be nice:
    "Troms General: This here is the remains of a disastrous experiment, boy. It's not safe for anyone to enter, lest they want their souls taken away.
    Troms General: However, the threat from this area has started to increase. Slimes are appearing everywhere. We need someone to stop the threat.
    Troms General: We don't just send random hapless strangers into the ruins, however tempting that may be, we send only the elite. If you can get Ildan's approval, and a magical runestone from those slimey guardians, you will be granted access to the ruins."
    Ildan's approval can be either the completion of the passage, or a sidequest that unlocks at 54. The passage would then change accordingly, with Ildan saying they need your help again.

    Galleon's Graveyard:
    Galleon's Graveyard is the sight where the terrifying Pirate captain Redbeard crashed his ship in a storm whilst heading off to attack Gavel, killing him and all his crew. But his malice-filled spirit lingered...
    1. @Shanaaro with a ghostly sailor NPC instead of the villager NPC

    2. @Meister Stung with an area in a ship that requires the key. There's a pickaxe which will be used to break a weak spot in the walls, allowing you to enter.

    3. @SPYROHAWK suggested that redbeard has a trapped chest, when you open it, some stuff happens.

    4. @pantsTM suggested that you use a cannon to catapult yourself over a pool of water.

    5. @lowercase suggested that in the ship, you find a room with a pickaxe mob, and you need a key to access it. Then you break open a weak spot, and you find ghosty pirates. One as a pot dealer.

    6. @Altakar suggested that you sail into a ghostly portal to access Galleon's Graveyard.

    Fallen Factory:
    Fallen Factory was a productive, important factory mostly controlled by the Antikythera Supercomputer, a technological marvel that could think for itself. It's coding told it to attack the most immediate threat to it, which, after watching the Human's treatment of the native Avos, decided was the very things that programmed it! Since then the only thing that factory has produced is deaths.

    1. Do the door and unlock, since the door already opens and stuff.

    Corrupted Decrepit Sewers - Corrupted Underworld Crypt:
    The same as the normal versions, except corrupted-fied

    Corrupted Sand-Swept Tomb:
    Instead of a live bandit, it should be a skeleton of the bandit. You have to pay tribute to the bandit cuz like magicks and stuff, or else you can't pass.

    Corrupted Ice Barrows - Corrupted Fallen Factory:

    Reformatted le thread
    Added ze changeloge



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    Last edited: Nov 21, 2017
  2. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Add a pool
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  3. orange0404

    orange0404 corkus is actually here HERO

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    Last edited: May 6, 2017
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  4. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Solid image
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  5. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    nice image
  6. orange0402

    orange0402 I got exposed by pyro VIP

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  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Decent idea, but it may need a bit of work and tinkering. I especially liked this part
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    Wait wait wait the dungeons have a Canon lore? I thought they were just fillers (most of them)
  9. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    imo galleon's graveyard should have a ghostly sailor who was attacked by redbeard's crew in the past and wants you to get revenge for him/her/it
    Lexwomy and Nukewarmachine like this.
  10. Trash

    Trash Add earth dagger VIP

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  11. Rimuwu

    Rimuwu Nyah HERO

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    Amazing Idea

    At least it makes more sense than this "Hey, behind me is the entrance to hell and you have to kill Charon so we can life in peace again. But wait, give me the key first, because I definately need it"-NPC
    Tisaun, ShadowWarp, Nyam and 4 others like this.
  12. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    I'll think about it
    k Added pool
    :O tanti liked my post
    coolname2034 likes this.
  13. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    bump i guess why not
  14. Theeef

    Theeef Self Proclaimed Idiot CHAMPION

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    Wouldn't mind this in the slightest... +1 Supporter
  15. Snerp

    Snerp Grand Terrainer Modeler HERO Builder

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    Creator Karma:
    Decrepit: no lore really
    Infested: no lore really
    Sanc: angry fire lizard commits creeper genocide
    Crypt: killing plutos moon with a soldier
    Tomb: no lore
    Barrows: theorick let's it go
    Undergrowth: sealed by ibujo dudes cause they don't like slime I guess
    Graveyard: redbeardio
    Factory: pissed robos
  16. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    decrepit = old ragni sewer got invaded by a skeleton
    infested = why the hell would you enter a damned spider pit, it's like you're asking to die -_- (I agree, this one has no lore, but anything better than the npc villager)
    tomb = some random tomb appears out of nowhere, u explore it for riches n stuff (bandit is better than stupid villager)
  17. AmbassadorArt

    AmbassadorArt Protesting bad changes since 2019 VIP+

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    I second the idea of the Ghostly Sailor.

    I second this WHOLE idea actually! It'd be a nice atmospheric touch to the server, and it's not like they didn't do this for other NPCs in the game. Javier on Pirate Island got a pirate skin, before he was a cillager, like wtf. Same for a lot of the human NPC's, they were all just normal villager sprites.

    I like this. Oh and also, Corupted Fallen Factory isn't necessarily a thing, only hypothesized, and u forgot Corrupted Ice Barrows in the list. :P
    Lexwomy likes this.
  18. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    lemme get that
    what's the extra tp in the forgery for?
    plus that tp matches the theme of the ff
  19. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    the lore of the Undergrowth R is that Slykaar was the old shaman of a jungle tribe who started doing some evil stuff and then was kicked out and retreated to the dungeon to continue his work, I believe.
    also Charon is named after a character in greek (I think?) mythology, a ferryman who ferries souls of the dead over the river styx into the underworld.
    Tisaun, coolname2034 and Snerp like this.
  20. Tylow

    Tylow Well-Known Adventurer

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    Decrepit Sewers were the entrance and the main hub of Ragni's grand sewer system and overflow prison. But the Corruption corrupted and an empowered skeleton named Witherhead took dominance over them.
    Infested Pit was a normal hole in the ground when the Corruption corrupted and filled it with monstrously sized spiders, which bred and invaded the neighboring forest, hence Nivla's sorry state.
    Lost Sanctuary was the home of the creepers up until Garoth invaded, pretty much killed them all, and still tortures the remainders today. He's been doing this for so long that Humans have completely forgotten the creeper's existence, negating them to an obscure myth.
    Underworld Crypt I believe was originally a hole that the Ancient Nemractians threw their dead in after the great loss of the Battle of Nemract, before escaping. Turns out that a million dead spirits makes Charon, a corrupted Death, realize that opportunities are to be taken and open a little thing called a portal to the underworld.
    Sand-Swept Tomb is a mysterious place. It existed in Wynn before any humans did. (Humans actually come from the province of Fruma, where the player arrives from in the tutorial.) While it has been uncovered from the sands it lay under, it still is an odd place. it's morbid and many traps keeps people from entering.
    Ice Barrow's lore is a footnote in a much longer, extensive writing which is complicated and concerns the people who protected Wynn before Fruma and Gavel began helping. All you need to know is that the areas around Nesaak and Lusuco weren't always cold. But then a insane man, the last of his kind, a family of incredible power, whose name was Theorick, froze the land to suit him, before eventually dying and being laid to rest in one of it's many caves. However, his enemies' spirits took control of his body and now he haunts the land, from deep inside the Ice Barrows.
    Undergrowth Ruins is the now-forlorn site of an experiment long ago. Troms, in a last-ditch attempt against the Corruption, began trying to make living weapons, with the following catastrophe resulting in what we call "slimes", horrible (if slightly cute) being who drain the life out of victims. Years later, a nearby tribesman named Slykaar became fascinated by these creatures, and began surrounding himself with them. His tribe fearfully condemned him in return, as they began to see the slime's effect on him. He went and hid deep in the ruins, and began creating an ultimate form that would let him be the most powerful being ever.
    Galleon's Graveyard is the sight where the terrifying Pirate captain Redbeard crashed his ship in a storm whilst heading off to attack Gavel, killing him and all his crew. But his malice-filled spirit lingered...
    Fallen Factory was a productive, important factory mostly controlled by the Antikythera Supercomputer, a technological marvel that could think for itself. It's coding told it to attack the most immediate threat to it, which, after watching the Human's treatment of the native Avos, decided was the very things that programmed it! Since then the only thing that factory has produced is deaths.
    Lexwomy, Faurel, CookedPelvis and 6 others like this.
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