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World Electromagic Wielding [>131 Supporters<]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Retathrah, May 5, 2017.


Like the idea?

  1. Holy crap, that's AWESOME. I need it now.

  2. Hey, that's pretty good, but some alterations are needed [example].

  3. 50/50

  4. Eh, needs much reworking and detail such as [example].

  5. This is shit. Don't make shit. And I hate 1.9 so F*CK YOU

  6. "I am displeased with this idea with the greatest hate, however I will civilly comment on why so.

  7. Would be a pain for the devs, but i still like it (gives +1 support)

  8. Would be a pain for the devs, and i wouldn't want it anyway.

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  1. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    So, I've finished all 4 Corkus Quests nearly three times, and surprised by one thing: We can't get the use of electromagic to be at our disposal? Yeah spoiler, the Corkians don't get you this ability because not mentioned/brought up/mute protagonists can't ask for cool stuff unless deemed so by plot. So, here we are now!

    TL;DR: Your arm is ripped off by a Corkian bear and the Corkians build you a new one that can do tons off really badass things. These abilities include a Potion Booster, Turret Summoning, Elytra Glide, Tool for discovering small secrets and discoveries, a discount gravity gun, and a fricken laser blast. Various upgrades to the gauntlet are also available at a pricy cost which are passive and always active. These include a passive recharge upgrade, a damage over time effect on to mobs that dealt damage to you, a class booster.

    (Damn that dldr was still realativly long. Oh well, find more details in the actual thread since i actually named all the abilities for you)

    Notice: The idea runs on using the off-hand feature from 1.9, so to you PvP players on other servers:
    • How's Minecraft? I haven't played anything nonstop but WC for months to a year because of idiot kids who don't know what their doing in a game I played a week or two ago which was awful.
    • There is a way for PvP players to PvP in 1.9 and use commands (I think) that are in Minecraft for spam hitting. You'll have to alert the server's owner of this if it is small enough (can't and won't happen on Hypixel or Mineplex), and dig up an old video about altering the hit delay on items to 0.7 for spam hitting at max damage. But you'd be better off converting to the new system (it's not that bad tbh, just takes getting used to and requires thought. That thing slowly walking away from the human species).

    Quest: Envoy Pt III (name can be changed, I am awful with naming too)

    Requirements: Level 91, completion of Envoy Pt II.

    A Corkian asks for you, the island's hero after beating Mech-X, if you can get a flower for his dying mother.

    You hear of a particularly beautiful flower deep in the woods. You find it and are attacked viscously by a wild beast (Polar Bear Entity Model would be my pick) who rips your arm off. You faint as a result.

    Your awaken in a hospital bed, with some mechanical arm where your old arm was, you faint once more.

    A nurse awakes you, and sees your confusion and tells you what happened.

    The man you got the job from finds you and drags you to Corkus City, where you were saved by Corkus' Best Doctors, Engineers, and Magicians for your assistance in the Factory's Revival incident.

    If you've completed the quest on a different class, this tutorial can be skipped on different classes.

    You are then taken to a firing-range like area with dummies and whatnot. You are instructed to use [Use equipped ability key] to fire a laser at a dummy. Then do it to the other 4 dummies. You are directed to equip the turret ability nearby where you exited and recharge the battery.

    You then are told to enter the next chamber to test the turret. And then your teleported to an airship to test the glide feature. You are told to fly as long as you can and land safely, then to talk with the ground test observer in the tent. Who then charges your battery and gives you the Lifesaver ability. Which is locked into your Gauntlet along with Tinker/Operate.

    You use Lifesaver and are told to fight the bear for the flower, as the researchers are curious as to what the beast was guarding.

    You go back to the flower's location and pick it up. You then see the beast again and then face a boss fight. The flower morphs into the battle arena for you and the bear. You kill the bear and gather it's skin/fur.

    You then remember of the starting NPC, who you then go to.

    He says his mother has already passed. And then says if you want to plant the flower in her grave you can or give it to the researchers. It was a month ago and he's accepted her passing.

    NPC's mother's Spirit thanks you, giving you a bracelet with a portion of the flower infused into it for you.

    (She may also tell you of a place where the flowers are relatively common, Bloomi. However the door is locked by vegetation and is lost to time…

    You wonder how up-to-date her information is…)

    Quest Rewards on this route:
    Tier I Gauntlet
    Bracelet of the Morphing Flower (Un-Ided)

    The bracelet would be of a Swiss-Army knife kind of thing, being universally good. Or like The Specialist with being good in x builds if the y ids are given. Bracelet is tradable.

    Researchers identify the flower is a morphing flower, which means the flower petals can be whatever deemed needed/wanted from the owner. The scientists come up with a useful upgrade for your EMG which you gladly except without question.

    Quest Rewards on this route:
    Exp: (less than the "Plant in grave" route by [number.jpg not found]%)
    Tier I Gauntlet
    Upgrade: Vegetation Takeover

    The Electromagic Gauntlet:
    -One per class, rewarded to player after completed the [insert quest here] quest.
    -This is locked onto your class's offhand and cannot be put into your bank.
    -Is upgraded and charged by an NPC in Corkus City.
    -Electromagic Battery (EMB) warnings go off every ~5% after 20% is left.
    -Can hold x abilities and y life determined by level:
    • 90 - 1 ability - 1000 EMB life - no passive recharge
    • 95 - 2 abilities - 1500 EMB life - no passive recharge
    • 100 - 3 abilities- 2000 EMB life - no passive recharge
    -One ability active/equipped, (if applies) 1 or 2 on stand by.
    -Ability is activated by swapping your offhand (right/left clicking if able) and clicking on the gauntlet in the inventory and a mob-immunity menu opens for swapping abilities (would be swapping offhand if right/left clicking works for ability activation).

    These are augments to your gauntlet that yeild passive abilities. These are bought with LE and can be taken off and equipped.

    Passive Recharge Panels:
    • "Because what technologicly advanced species doesn't have something with solar panels attached?"
    • 90 - 1 ability - 750 EMB - +5% per minute
    • 95 - 2 abilities - 1125 EMB - +5% per minute
    • 100 - 3 abilities - 1500 EMB - +5% per minute
    • bought for 8 LE and swapped between the two while at the NPC.
    • Upgrades for thhis upgrade grant an extra +.5% per minute starting at 7 LE, Max % per minute is 10%, and then goes up by 1 LE. So the second purchace is 8 LE, the third 9 LE, and so on.

    Class Booster (By @Dastreyah and altered to fit this system)

    • Passive ability that gives boosts based off what class you are running with this upgrade.
    • Must be level 100 (or 101..?) to equip and use this upgrade.
    1. Archer: +1% extra melee damage per block an arrow travels.
    2. Mage: extra AoE for all spells and melee attacks, including heal's healing radius!
    3. Warrior: takes 10% less damage.
    4. Assassin: Can attack once while invisible
    • Costs 32 LE to purchase
    Vegetation Takeover
    • Reskins your gauntlet with a flower wrapped around it.
    • Enemies who hit you (melee or ranged) are then locked into place, which then has a damage over time effect. Damage is 100-500 HP per half-second, lasting 2-5 seconds randomly. Boss mobs have a tendency to escape the vine's lock. Damage does not have an element.
    • Is Passive and can be deactivated through EMG Menu.
    • Obtained via completion of the quest if you give the flower to the scientists, and cannot be traded.

    -Name of ability
    • "Advertisement quote"
    • EMB costs
    • Cooldowns (if applies)
    • Other
    • "Move rubble and control machines or mechanics across Wynn, Gavel, Corkus, and More!"
    • Battery cost depends on action or particular thing, does not exceed 10% per Operate
    • No Cooldown, the things that would use this feature would be rare and far spread anyway.
    • Basically a discount Sombra Hack only for things that can't try to kill you.
    -Glide (Thanks @captainganon )
    • "Elytra Gliding brought to you by the Electromagic masters of Corkus!"
    • 10 EMB life per block (only on x and z, y cords are irrelevent) and can glide total distance of 100 blocks.
    • Cooldown: 1 minute
    • If in the air when glide time is up, you'll be dropped as if you are falling using the Archer's Escape but without a slam-down thing. Cooldown starts after you land.
    -Discount Gravity Gun
    • Name is still a question, I like anagrams too much ;-;
    1. - Surgic Navuity .07 (Makes Ding sounds)
    2. - Draguison Gun V.57Y (Makes Tic sounds and is the name I like)
    3. - Other and far better anagram of "Discount Gravity Gun?" Something else?
    • "Need some space? Then just push enemies away for some!"
    • Costs 25 EMB life per mob - 50 if boss mob is pushed
    • Cooldown is 0.25 seconds per mob (boss/rare/normal it doesn't matter) starting at 5 seconds and will start after the third mob. If only one mob of any tier/grade/whatever is pushed, then it is a 3 second cooldown.
    1. 3
    2. 5
    3. 5.2
    4. 5.4
    5. 5.6
    6. 5.8
    7. 6
    8. and so on...
    • "Need some backup but you got no friends? Then call in a robot that is both! And won't stab you in the back! We made sure of that!"
    • Once you have the Tier III Gauntlet, you can have 2 Turrets available without having to swap at the NPC.
    • Various types of turrets, but this can be changed and there would be 2 or something. Details on each will be released later/whenever enough people demand me to. List of possible looks and types to be in-game:
    • The Factory's Stationary Security Turret (F5-S7)
    • Damage: Low, range of 48 blocks,
    • Attack speed: Super Fast (or whatever is the fastest)
    • Health: 100 HP {S}
    • HP Regen: None
    • Number active at once:
    1. Tier I -> 1
    2. Tier II -> 2
    3. Tier III -> 3
    • Cost: First is 750 EMB, and the next two are 500 EMB
    • Summon time: 10 seconds
    • Cooldown: 60 seconds
    • Obtained via First Completion of the Fallen Factory Dungeon. If you have already beat it, one more run will give you the turret.
    • 84-57-10N (Serial #R23, and is referred to as "R23" like a given/first name).
    • Number active at one time: Can only have one, but they want friends so feel free to summon 2 more if you can.
    • Cost: 1000 EMB
    • Summon time: 30 sec
    • Cooldown: 100 seconds
    • Obtained: Using Operate on the 845710N Easter Egg. Exclusive to Tier II guantlets, but you can obtain 84-57-10N before you can use him/her/it/zer/xer/whatever the hell he/she/it/ze/xe/other wants to be called (Not an SJW/Feminist, just love poking jokes like this for fun).
    • 2 Modes; Mobile and Stationary:
    Stats of Mobile Mode:
    • Damage: Medium, range of 24 blocks
    • Attack Speed: normal
    • Health: [Player Health] x 1.3
    • HP Regen: [Player HP Regen] x 1.2 (will cause HP decay if negative?)
    Stats of Stationary Mode:
    • Damage: Medium(?)
    • Attack speed: fast/very fast, range of 30 blocks
    • Health: [Player Health] x 1.3
    • HP Regen: [Player HP Regen] x 1.3 (will cause HP decay if negative?)
    • Guns & Rockets
    • Basic Damage: Medium/minimal
    • Basic Attack Speed: slow/super fast
    • Rocket damage: High and 2 block radius AoE
    • Rocket attack speed: Slow-Super slow
    • Health: [Player Health]
    • HP Regen: None
    • Cost: 600
    • Cooldown: 1 min 30 sec
    • Summon time: 20 seconds
    • Obtained: First unlocked turret and has no soul.

    NOTE: The basic can be reminiscent of the TF2 Engineer Turret with fast attack speed but little damage or Torb's Turret (in Ult) with high damage but a slower attack speed.
    • M148 (Melee-Laser-Healer-Bot, Is read M-1-48)
    • Melee Damage: Medium
    • Melee attack speed: normal
    • Laser damage: low
    • Laser attack speed: Very fast, is a continuous beam that can be used against mobs in a 5 block radius and if 10+ mons are in said radius.
    • Laser cooldown: 20 seconds
    • Healing: 10 health every redstone tick, must be within 5 blocks from 'M15 for the heals. Yes Genji, you have to be near the healer for heals.
    • Cost: 1200
    • Cooldown: 5 Minutes
    • Number active at a time: Only one 'M15, but he (yes he is a he) likes having friends so feel free to summon Bastion or Guns & Rockets if you got the chance to
    -Potion booster
    • "Got a potion that's not healing related (we haven't cracked down on that yet) and you in need of a greater boost?"
    • Cost varies from potion to potion, only works on potions of highest level requirement if no level 90-100 variants exist. Will work on all potions level 90-100.
    • Cooldown vary by potion
    • Costs and whatnot are provided to applicable potions:
    1. level 100 Mana potions: EMB life is 1500, cooldown of 2 minutes
    2. level 65 Wisdom Potions: EMB life is 900, cooldown of 4 minutes and 30 seconds
    3. Level 95 Elemental/stat potions: EMB life is 1200, cooldown of 16 minutes
    • "In a sticky situation and your scrolls not working? Never fear with this equipped to your gauntlet!"
    • Can only be used when EMB life is BELOW 8-10% and uses the rest of the battery. One soul point is taken as well.
    • No cooldown.
    • Basically a unlimited Corkus City Teleportation Scroll used at the last minute.
    -Laser Beam (By @Dastreyah and altered)
    • "Because no gauntlet is complete without a laser that can be fired from it!"
    • Takes the damage from the first usable weapon starting from slot 1 in your toolbar and deals 1.5 times collective damage output (not including powders). This is a projectile without gravity and is fast. Deals pure neutral damage.
    • EMB: [Damage]x0.10=EMB used. If EMB spend is greater than what you have, blast fails and has a 25% chance to deal the damage you were going to fire to yourself.
    • Cooldown: [Damage]/1000= number of seconds till next blast.

    -Despermech controller (Just a relatively OP idea but left in for your comments)
    • "Found yourself a dank despermech you wanna fight along side with? No problem!"
    • Costs very from mob to mob. No boss mechs can be controlled, but the key guardian can(?)
    -Mob Locater (Just a really bad idea, but added for your opinion)
    • "Hunting on a mob you wanna find? Kill at least one and you can spot 'em in no time!"
    • If you've killed a non-boss mob, you can then determine if they are within 100(?) blocks for your location. Would work like a Metal Detector with a dinging noise and warmer/cooler thing.
    • Takes 35% to start up, and 2% every 10 blocks after the start up. Will reset once mob is killed by you/an other player. Will need to be started up each time a reset occurs.
    -Suggestions for abilities or think the crap ones deserve a spot as a full idea?

    So that's what I got thus far with this idea, room to improve and edit exists for your thoughts and suggestion to the suggestion.

    Love it? Hate it? Neutral? Whatever it is, I'd be glad to hear it in the poll or in the comments!
    -Added cooldowns to the Abilities
    -Added the Lifesaver
    -Altered (nerfed) the Elytra
    -Details to the turrets
    -How abilities and ability swapping are done
    -Added Achievements
    -Added F5-S7's Details/in progress stats
    -Time per Elytra flight given, that being of 5 seconds to fly
    -Added R23's Details/in progress stats
    -Elytra's hopeful final nerf brought in help with @captainganon
    -Added the Batteries option with passive recharging.
    -Altered EMB max cap % to a hard number.
    -Added details for Guns & Rockets
    -Added details for M148
    -Added the quest outline
    -Added @Dastreyah 's ideas
    -Put a dedicated space in for the Gauntlet Upgrades (Coloring it will come later)
    -Added Tl;Dr
    -Getting 22 supporters in the first 24 hours of posting the idea (Thanks dudes!)!
    -Getting more votes than my last idea (Loose Materials/the Neutral Powder)!
    -Getting 11 likes in the first 24 hours of posting the idea (Again, Great Thanks!)!
    -Getting about 250 veiws in the first ~24 hours!
    -Somehow getting @captainganon 's approval and support!
    -1000+ views before the month's end!
    -50 Supporters! (First Goal Met!)
    -Someone to vote the civil disagreement option

    -75 Supporters
    -80% approval (at about 70%)
    -Getting any moderater/Content Team member/Admin approval whenever!
    -Getting regular Comments and not needing to bump the thread myself.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2017
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    This is the first time in recent memory that I've given a suggestion a like, maybe even ever. This idea has incredible, outstanding potential. Hell, it's already great. It's genius; adding in an extra spark of ingenuity, creativity, and unique elements in to the endgame of Wynn without using quests, events, or minigames isn't something I even considered possible.

    There are but two issues:
    1. Wynn isn't fully 1.9, something that will most likely change in the future anyway
    2. Balancing.
    Let's focus on the second one.
    You've gone and created an amazing balance system for this suggestion, which is probably the most impressive part. Even the Elytra feature, which I normally despise, isn't that bad. Not only is this system endgame-only, reducing any usefulness for abuse, but the EMB concept is brilliant and fitting.

    The main problem is that, since these are almost spells of their own, they need to be expensive and situational, as opposed to normal spells, which you can spam all you want. Really, the only thing that needs changing is the EMB totals. For how good the uses are, especially if you add more (Which I definitely think you should), they need to be lowered. A lot. If they're not, this beautiful idea will be crippled by overpowered features. Some, more than others (Elytra/Glide), would end up being too good, and will end up overshadowing normal spells. They need to be closer to powder ultimates, something you can use often enough, but not in excess.

    If you can find a good balance between broken and useful, then this suggestion could be stellar. As an idea, it already is. Second ever 10/10, especially if you end up balancing it.
    Dr Zed, Enduh, legohead105 and 9 others like this.
  3. memethyl

    memethyl the king of shitposting VIP+

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  4. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    The concept is very interesting and unique, though, if this is to be added, the game will essentially need a balancing revamp to accommodate for a game-changing feature like this.
    Retathrah likes this.
  5. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    OK, I think I'm good now. Had to get to my computer before responding to anon.
    Firstly, this technically would need just one quest for this idea, so the right leveled players can be given these abilities and not earlier.

    Secondly, The elytra is only here because of the initial post about a year ago revealing Corkus. Had that joke be not made I would more or less have not added it or thought it at all.

    Thirdly, might I want to add a static (doesn't change no matter what tier battery) cooldown to each ability? This is currently my first thought, but I could alter EMB life had and used when I cool down myself a bit from all this excitement. Right now I am more focused on getting the mob data/stats for the Turrets and possible ideas as to how they'd look, but will be keeping my eye on the EMB life issue as well.

    Lastly, can I use the fact that you like this idea as clickbait in the title? [Checks box off a newly added thing on the bucket list]

    I do agree, this is essentially an update in it of it's own. Much like hypothetically adding a new class to the game.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Fair enough, I just meant in the way of it being a feature that adds to the later gameplay, which is something that seemed like it could only be done by adding more quests or new things that encourage you to redo or revisit them.
    While that does give an explanation, I do still think it may be a bit much. 2000 EMB at 10 EMB per 5 blocks? That's a max distance of 1000 blocks, which is almost the entire length of Corkus give or take a few hundred blocks. While the rest of the abilities may be fine off with a different solution, this one definitely needs a nerf; just raising the cost by a good amount would work. Another solution may be to limit it so that you can't go upwards, and only increase the cost a little bit.
    If you've got other ideas for the thread, you may want to focus on those first; then, you can balance the entire thing at once and focus on that. As for the issue at hand, a cool-down may be a better solution than simply lowering/raising totals/usage. That way, you don't have to be constantly recharging it in Corkus, but they still won't be spammable or overpowered, so nice thinking! Even so, it may have to depend on each ability. Features such as the potion booster and turrets would need longer cooldowns, but the discount gravity gun could have a much shorter one.

    However, as I mentioned, the Elytra/Glide is a special case. A cooldown isn't enough as is, though, if it's nerfed in other ways, may be unnecessary.
    Thanks to it being a 90+ feature, I don't think it'll be that game-changing. In fact, if done in a way that the features aren't (much) better than a class's normal options, but are simply alternatives and extras, it may require little to no revamping whatsoever. In other words, if it doesn't remove the use of normal spells, then it should be fine. Cooldowns would help with this enormously.

    I suggest you make any changes you have planned, and then we'll go from there.
    Retathrah likes this.
  7. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Ok then, just making sure you didn't gloss that quest thing over, all it would be, in the end, is a glorified tutorial.

    I may swap it to be a max of 500 blocks in distance, or less. I was mostly thinking for the large picture as you could be blowing your battery on just the elytra and be screwed without TP scr- which just gave me an idea I'll take note of later! I may have a thing where you can only be gliding for x time and a cooldown will apply before the next glide.

    Why thank you! As I mentioned, the Turret details (and that thing I just thought of) will be my biggest goal, and go with the changes to the Glide (which I'm half-working on a good anagram using "Elytra" and "Glide." Got "Terdilgayel" so far..). Just to note each turret will get a different cooldown, since having a slow one for something like the portal turrets is going to make those worthless.

    Well, that is a point, if anything on top of this in the hypothetical situation this is an update more would be needed to go with. And I will change the Elytra tomorrow and cooldowns and the Turret details will be coming in parts, as I got the Portal Turret ready-ish, and the B45710N is in production. D374-TP was just added with my starting of Borderlands 2 and will be last more or less.
  8. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    I actually just noticed I gave no detail as to how the 1.9 off hand and gauntlet is used, guess I'll be putting that at the top of the priority list.

    If you want a Tl;Dr it'll have a thing where swapping offhand to whatever in hand activates the designated ability and right/left clicking opens a meun that keeps you from beign attacked by mobs (like loot chests).
  9. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    For the mob locators also make it not track suspicious crates, it'd be too easy to farm them...
    Retathrah likes this.
  10. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    That is part of the crappy ideas section, it may be removed form the thread since it's aplication is poor. That is if we can't detect mobs like the crate or Avias or Flarlings.


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    speechless my boy.
  12. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Why thank you!
  13. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Just thought of something: Recharge rates, passive recharging of the battery.

    And if that's too over powdered to work, passes for a free recharge of any leveled guantlet dropped by Corkian Human enemies. Like getting a skill point scroll from the SeaSkipper.
  14. del fire spear

    del fire spear summitsun

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    Wynncraftian, the batteries in your Electromgic Gauntlet are nearly depleted.

    Cookie to those who understand this reference.
  15. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    I was thinking of an apple phone alert, but i kinda like this... if only i knew where it's from.
  16. Lexwomy

    Lexwomy Lexwomy HERO

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    lemme guess
    mega walls
    Retathrah likes this.
  17. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Updated the thread, thoughts on the Elytra?
    Don't get me wrong, I LOVED that game on hypixel the way skywars is nowadays. Back when you could have your goods stolen from your furnace unless you had a rank is when I first played that game. It was fun. WAS. That spoiler explains my last and maybe final game of Mega Walls.
    Lexwomy likes this.
  18. del fire spear

    del fire spear summitsun

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    It's from Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword, when the batteries in the Wii remote are low
    Retathrah likes this.
  19. Retathrah

    Retathrah Retired Nostalgia Hunter, Tired Metalworker CHAMPION

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    Was more of a mario fan over zelda, no wonder i didn't get it. Nice little detail to be memed for years to come.
  20. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Bump10 char
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