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Class Idea,because I'm Bored : Necromancer

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by FluffyWarspite, Apr 30, 2017.


What do you think?

  1. Amazing! I loved it! (Thanks :D)

    9 vote(s)
  2. Very nice! I enjoyed it. (Thanks too :D)

    1 vote(s)
  3. Good,decent ideas. (Mhm you're welcome)

    6 vote(s)
  4. Some tweaks can be made (neutral answers,but plz tell me what can be done)

    3 vote(s)
  5. Nay,not a big fan of (ok den :( )

    1 vote(s)
  6. Ugh,it's bad (fine.)

    1 vote(s)
  7. Fxck it's terrible (I guess it's a lot like you then)

    3 vote(s)
  8. Rip off of Necromancer ewwww (wut)

    7 vote(s)
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  1. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Necromancer,the dead riser,the commander of the dead,is more of a defensive style class with solid defensive capabilities. Although classed as a defensive class,the Necromancer has both decreased armor and health,his main strength relies on area denial abilities and literally be a one man zombie apocalypse. The Necromancer also has exceptional supportive capabilities,tho he is considered as a more difficult to play class than other classes.The Necromancer is unlocked after the completion of Beyond the Grave quest and uses split swords as his main weapon
    Class Info
    Name : Necromancer
    Unlock : Upon completion of the Beyond the Grave quest
    Strength : Area denial,damage spreading,damage absorption
    Armor : 80%
    Health : 80%
    Weapon : Split Swords
    Description :
    Rise an army of the dead from hell with this summoner that plays with the dead as his own weapon
    Damage : [] [] [] [] []
    Featuring both high burst damage and damage over time spells,the Necromancer might surprise you with how much offensive potential he holds as a defensive caster

    Defence : [] [] [] [] []
    With spells built to defy death and summon an army to fight alongside,the Necromancer is an excellent defence class. However,having both decreased health,armor and little mobility,the Necromancer must rely on his spells and the knowledge to the spells if wish to stay alive

    Spells : [] [] [] [] []
    The Necromancer,apart from a defensive caster,is also an excellent support as he is able to provide useful utilities to allies,or even escape death

    Range : [] [] [] [] []
    Being a great class after all,the Necromancer still suffers from not having mobility spells to conpensate for his mediocre range,and is very vulnerable when facing off ranged enemies
    "All lives fear death,all mortals desire immortality."
    'It was a stormy night,the rain shatters the ground and lightning roars at the night,no one was out in the streets of the Cinfras city. A mother has just arrived at the airbase with her son,unfortunately for them,the hostel was full and they have to beg for someone in the city to lend them a bed or so. Luckily,someone was kind enough to give a shelter to these strangers from Wynn.

    Thunder strikes throughout the whole night,echoes within the walls of Cinfras,the mother stayed beside her son,singing him to sleep,the son asked,"…mom…is it that…underground corpses…comes back to live…when…there's a thund…erstorm?" The mother smiled,replies,"Yes or no,I will protect you from them." As it continues,the mother sings a song of harmony,and the son fell asleep.

    All in a sudden,a scream broke out,in the middle of the night. Louder than lightning,the mother was awake. Seeing outside,she saw a woman running for her life,screaming,"ZOMBIES!!!ARGHH!!!" The mother looked behind the woman,as a few tangling corpses were chasing her,the mother panicked,she picked her son up,and ran out of the house. As the 'zombies' broke into other houses,more of them comes out from the same house. The mother ran in fear,but running over a slippery road,the mother slipped and fell. She desperately get up and protects her son from anything that may decide to eat them alive - she fear death,but she will protect his own son till the very last moment.

    The mother tried to get up and run,but the slippery road rejects her. As the zombies get closer and closer,she thought to herself,is this what I deserve? For being homeless on even her own homeland Wynn?


    A strangers voice,who is he? The mother thought,as she look behind and seeing a warrior of death magic,he commands the corpses with his scepter,the zombies all kneels down,seemingly obeying this death magician as their king,the mother was amazed. How on earth did he do that? She thought to herself. This…guy then commands the zombies,and leads them back to the graveyard. The mother then get back up,seeing her son is crying out loudly,but is completely safe from corpses chasing people almost brings tears to her eyes,as she has just escaped from the dead.

    The warrior returns to the city after a minute or so,walking up to mother and asked,"Do you need some medical treatment? I'm so sorry for us to not keep an eye out on the safety of refugees from Wynn to escape from war." "No I'm fine,but how did you just do…" The mother replied. The warrior look towards the graveyard,and said,"You mean…necromancy?" The mother seemed to be confused,as she had never heard of such thing as necromancy. "Well,I guess all you need to know,is we playing with the dead,they are our weapon,our tool,and our guidance." The warrior explains,"but we don't only appreciate death…" He looked at the mother's son…

    "Life is also beautiful,and we never kill someone who doesn't deserve death to make them our tool." "But at the end,we all have to die,and everyone desires immortal." The warrior said. "Alright,enough necromancy speeches. It's not very good to stay outside when there's a storm,let me take you to a safer place,shall we?" '
    Weapon Attack :
    Dual Secrets

    Necromancer uses a kind of weapon that is put together with two swords back to back. For normal,fast,very fast,and super fast weapons,they appear as two swords. For slow,very slow and super slow weapons,they appear as a double sided sword. Apart from visual changes there is no statistic change for different attack speed
    Passive :
    You get nothing - Lvl 0

    Only mastery classes have passives,normal classes aren't quite worthy enough to have passives
    Spell 1 :
    Soul Repellence - Lvl 1

    Necromancer punches the ground and hits up to 13 enemies around in their soul,dealing high damage and knocks them back with great force
    Range : 5-block radius
    Enemies : 13
    Knockback : 8 blocks
    Damage : 180%
    Mana cost : 6 mana
    Fire dmg +20%

    Tier II :
    Fracturing Punch - Lvl 16

    With focused energy,Necromancer fractures hit enemies' armor,increase their damage taken over time
    Range : 5-block radius
    Duration : 8 seconds
    Enemies : 16
    Knockback : 8 blocks
    Damage : 180%
    Damage Multiplier : x1.2
    Mana cost : 6 mana
    Fire dmg +35%

    Tier III :
    Soul Stealer - Lvl 36

    Necromancer renders hit enemies consciousness,stunning them and remove any active effects they currently have
    Range : 6-block radius
    Duration : 8 seconds (Damage Multiplier)
    Duration : 3 seconds (Stun)
    Enemies : 16
    Knockback : 8 blocks
    Damage : 210%
    Damage Multiplier :
    Mana cost : 5 mana
    Fire dmg +35%
    Air dmg +15%
    Spell 2 :
    Mend - Lvl 11

    With death-mending power,Necromancer rejuvenates and heals himself for x0.15 of weapon damage every half second,continuously regenerates his health back
    Duration : 6 seconds
    Heal : x0.15 weapon damage/half second
    Mana cost : 6 mana

    Tier II :
    Regenerating Velocity - Lvl 26

    Necromancer boosts himself and allies within range's walkspeed and removes any slowness effect
    Range : 5-block radius
    Duration : 6 seconds (Heal)
    Duration : 12 seconds (Speed)
    Walkspeed : +35%
    Heal : x0.2 weapon damage/half second
    Mana cost : 5 mana

    Tier III :
    Vitality - Lvl 46

    Necromancer boosts himself and nearby allies with vital powers,+10% maximum health for 20 seconds
    Range : 5-block radius
    Duration : 7 seconds (Heal)
    Duration : 12 seconds (Speed)
    Walkspeed : +40%
    Heal : x0.2 weapon damage/half second
    Health boost : +10%
    Mana cost : 5 mana
    Spell 3 :
    Rise of the Dead - Lvl 21

    Necromancer brings deceased souls back to life and commands the dead,summoning slaves the enemies of the highest level killed recently and fight for him(boss and mini boss type enemies cannot be resurrected by Necromancer,meaning you can't summon Bob's soul to fight alongside you). The resurrected enemies have the same health as if they weren't killed,but have their health slowly decay over time. These resurrected enemies will draw enemy attention and protects Necromancer and his allies. Casting Mend will heal these minions. Recasting the spell will kill previous minions if Necromancer have killed stronger ones,otherwise he would bring existing minions to him
    Resurrect enemies : 5
    Health Decay : 4% of maximum HP/s
    Damage Multiplier : 125%
    Mana cost : 12 mana

    Tier II :
    Death Bond - Lvl 36

    Necromancer links all the summoned minions' health,sharing all damage taken by the minions between them.
    Resurrect enemies : 7
    Health Decay : 3% of maximum HP/s
    Damage Multiplier : 125%
    Mana cost : 12 mana

    Tier III :
    Defy - Lvl 56

    Necromancer connects nearby allies to him,sharing half of his health to allies receiving lethal damage and heals them,defying their death
    Range : 7-block radius
    Resurrect enemies : 9
    Health Decay : 2.5% of maximum HP/s
    Damage Multiplier : 150%
    Mana cost : 11 mana
    Spell 4 :
    Abyssal Blossom - Lvl 31

    Channelling his death controlling powers throughout his body,Necromancer smacks the ground and summons a pit of hellish soil,reinforcing the armor of allies standing on top(note that the minions Necromancer summons are considered as allies) and slows down enemies on top. Enemies on top will have their healing disabled
    Range : 6-block radius
    Duration : 15 seconds
    Slow : -20% walkspeed
    Armor bonus (damage reduction) : 25%
    Mana cost : 12 mana

    Tier II:
    Power Drift - Lvl 46

    Casting Mend while on top of Abyssal Blossom's pit will activate Power Drift,increasing all damage dealt of those under the effect of Mend and Abyssal Blossom
    Range : 6-block radius
    Duration : 18 seconds
    Slow : -25% walkspeed
    Armor bonus : 30%
    Damage Buff : +15% dealt damage
    Mana cost : 12 mana

    Tier III:
    Miasma - Lvl 66

    Necromancer pollutes the air with death powers,causing a lethal poison effect to enemies in range and knocking them back. Miasma also corrodes enemies' armor,decreasing their damage resistivity for the whole duration of poison
    Range : 6-block radius (Pit's radius)
    Range : 10-block radius (Miasma's range)
    Duration : 22 seconds (Pit)
    Duration : 6 seconds (Poison)
    Slow : -25% walkspeed
    Armor bonus : 40%
    Armor Reduction : 30%
    (I don't think the poison benefits from this,as poison ignores armor,right?)
    Damage Buff : +15% dealt damage
    Damage : 125%

    Poison : 25% weapon damage/s
    Mana cost : 12 mana
    Earth dmg +40%
    Fire dmg +30%
    Phew,look at the last upgrade for Abyssal Blossom! I've never seen a spell that does so many things…gosh,i think I've spent nearly half an hour working on that upgrade

    But anyway,I think I'm pleased with this class idea. I know there are a bunch of Necromancer ideas out there and so I've tried my best to come up with interesting ideas that doesn't sound 'oh yeah,of course,a Necromancer must have this spell'. Now,the third ability is essential for necromancers so I can't do much on that :P,but I also tried to put in some abilities that makes him a more unique class than others. So yeah,I guess this will be my attempt on necromancers

    Version 1.0
    -Thread Added
    Version 1.1
    -Numbers Tweaking
    The final upgrade of Abyssal Blossom,Miasma now deals 300% poison damage,instead of 600%. Both the range on Miasma,armor bonus on the pit and the walkspeed Reduction has been toned down

    -Ability Rework
    • Rise of the Dead
    Death Bond - will now protect Necromancer from lethal damage while the ability is active,but will also drain all mana and destroy the minions
    Version 1.2
    -Ability Rework
    • Mend
    The second upgrade has been replaced with a walkspeed buff to all allies within an area,Vitality has been moved to the third upgrade slot
    Version 1.3.1
    Huge rework!
    -Ability Rework
    • Rise of the Dead
    Death Bond - No longer protects Necromancer from death

    • Abyssal Blossom

    No longer deals damage to enemies on top of the pit,but will now instead disable their natural healing,spell healing and life steal ability. At tier three,Miasma will now corrode enemy Armor and cause them to receive more damage
    -Numbers Tweaking
    • Soul Repellence
    The maximum count of enemies hit has been buffed from 6/8/8 to 13/16/16
    • Mend
    The walkspeed bonus has been buffed from +20/20% to 35/40%. Also,the healing duration has been increase by 2 seconds,leading into more healing overall

    • Abyssal Blossom

    Miasma's poison effect has been toned down from 300% weapon damage/s for 1 second,to 25% weapon damage/s for 6 seconds,it's ability radius has also been reduced by one block. Also,the initial damage Miasma does has been reduced from 150% to 125%,turning the ability into a mainly damage-over-time spell. This spell now deals 275% damage in total,where's before it would be an insane amount of 450% in total
    -Minor Changes
    • Stats points
    Damage : 4 --> 3.5
    Defence : 3.5 --> 4
    Version 1.3.2
    -Ability Rework/Remove
    • Passive is now a legend instead of a real thing,yeah,it's gone

    • Weapon Attack

    Necromancer is now a melee class. Also,the weapon he uses has been changed into splitswords

    Version 1.3.2
    Last edited: May 2, 2017
    Twerk4Twinkies likes this.
  2. Tato

    Tato Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    This is rly good.
  3. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Thanks :D
    Oh dumb me forgot to add a poll

    There we go
    Also @captainganon is welcomed to roast my ass on making Necromancer suggestions
  4. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    The second spell needs to be a movement spell


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    It's a good base idea, but the suggestion lacks detail. What mobs will the necromancer summon? How will they be summoned? Will they be there forever or despawn?
    I mean you've given spells, but not the main play-style. Currently this seems overpowered, with high attack and being able to summon monsters that you have not stated. It's a good post, but does not seem like a necromancer, unless you give more specific examples. If the necromancer can only spawn those mobs that are killed, it's underpowered.
  6. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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  7. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    He said that the mobs would be the mobs you recently killed and he also said they will decay over time and die.

    Really good I like your detail though you need a movement ability maybe something like vanish and teleport together? And 4th ability seems OP
  8. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Like I said,it summons the strongest killed enemies,and multiplies their damage by 1.5

    And if it doesn't feel like Necromancer,I'm sorry,but if I go along the same root that everyone does,the kit would be unoriginal and boring. Necromancer is more than just rising the dead,they play with the dead. Mend is an ability symbolizing Necromancer's power to mend corpses and bring them back to life,and overall Rise of the Dead should not be the only thing noted with this class
    Don't want it to be like every class,I've decided to give him a heal,instead of mobility. But the heal is nowhere as good as mage's heal,it's more like a bonus add on to him


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    Necromancer - gets aggro - can't escape - dies.
  10. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    i might tune the poison damage and the range down,as well as the Armor buff,but overall I want to keep MY Necromancer a defensive style class so the major role of him won't change
    I don't think he can die quickly with 45% damage reduction
    tortellini likes this.
  11. tortellini

    tortellini spoopy noodle VIP+

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    Ok I feel like that make it less OP and I do see it as kinda a Warrior and Mage mix
  12. FluffyWarspite

    FluffyWarspite Class Suggestion Spammer

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    Indeed,my Necromancer focuses a lot of reducing damage,spreading taken damage and keep your teammates' asses alive
    How about now Necromancer defies death and kills you with a 300% damage poison
  13. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Right, how about you start off with a class suggestion that isn't lacking a vital feature for every single class? Class suggestions have to follow the lines set by the current classes.
  14. captainarcani

    captainarcani That guy that creates crazy WynnCraft theories

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    I told him about the movement spells
  15. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I noticed. I'm still not going to critique his suggestion until it's actually finished.
  16. BMW

    BMW Cows. VIP+

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    A movement/escape spell could be something like Astral form, for example, increasing moving speed x2 and can not attack/be attacked, like spiritual form, for a couple of seconds.
    But that's hella work with coding, although that kind of spell fits the character
    Kraetys likes this.
  17. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Like assassin used to.
    (Ya they fixed it but after how long)?
    This sounds decent but possibly overpowered.
  18. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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  19. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Pre-Buff assassin vanish?
  20. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    It was still a movement spell ._.

    It doesn't need to physically move you to be a movement spell. Even aiding you move, like escape also does, counts.
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