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World --> Marketplace <-- Better Market System !!! [+39 Supporters]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Giames, Apr 9, 2017.


What do you think about this suggestion ?

  1. I would love to see this Marketplace !!!

  2. The idea is good but... (Let us know in the comment)

  3. The idea is bad because... (Let us know in the comment)

  4. Nah... i don't like it

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  1. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    ---> Don't Forget to vote the poll, is important to have a feedback, thanks <---


    Are you busy to scream in Detlas chat on WC1 to see if someone wanna buy your stuff ???
    Are you busy to scroll pages and pages on the forum to find the best item for your build ???
    Are you busy to see the same item you bought with a better price in less 5 min ???

    Today i want suggest a new Marketplace system !
    Really i've already made this suggestion some time ago, but today i have the proof and the examples of how it works, simply because it was adopted on another rpg server and works great !

    Well with this suggestion we can gain:
    - No More scam around the Wynn world !
    Because anyone can see the price range of an item directly in the Marketplace !
    So no one can try to sell an item so much overpriced
    - No more discussions to define the price of an item !
    That's right ! And obviously there will be discussion !
    If you want sell an item you will surely ask/discuss the price (in game or on the forum) and compare it with other prices in Marketplace, there is only one more parameter to compare ideas !
    - Much more time to enjoy Wynn and his adventures !
    If you're a conscious buyer/seller you can simply place or take the item you want buy/sell if the price is right !
    Without: Making/searching a thread, wait for response, accord to meet, wait for your buyer/seller and other possibly complications
    (Sadly) not all players have tons of time to spent on wynncraft and when i'm online i prefer to enojoy the game and have fun

    • There is a classic Villager-NPC
    • And in his GUI you can put inside whatever you want (in a limited quantities) and set a price of any single item you want sell
      This screenshot is an example, maybe there could be subcategories like:
      Item level---Tipe of item (Armor/Weapons/Misc)---Price---Rarity
    • It'll have a limited number of slots for each player
      Because you can't take and sell all the whole bank at the same time !
      A limited number of item is better to manage and prevent the flood of too many items during updates/dxp weekend
      To prevent the usage of marketplace space as a bank
    • It's not free, but a percentage of the price will be spent for the commission
      This need an depth analysis but for example:
      - 5% of the price for any item
      - 5% for Uniques, 8% for Rares, 10% for legendaries
      - A percentage based on item level

      This prevent "64 rotten flesh --> 999999999 LE"
      The are so much options, the GM will choose the best one
    • The items can be sold in a time range, after that time range you lose the commission price (not the item)
      Thys will prevent a flood of random items in the marketplace !
      If you want sell an item you need to be sure of your decision to not waste money
      Maybe a system like:
      -1 Day --> Standard percentage price (see previous point)
      -2 Days --> 3% More for commission
      -3 Days -->5% More for commission
      With a maximum limit of days obv !
      At the end of the time, if your item is not sold you can take it back but you've lost the commission "tax"
    • As we know, wynncraft have players all around the world with differet time zones and sometimes is difficult to meet for a trade set on the forum
      With this method anyone can sell the items off-game and profit in the next login
      Perfect ! Marketplace is not obligatory !
      You can use the good-old method or, if you have personal commitments, use the Marketplace ! Is a comfortable choice.
    • This will bring benefits to all !
      - We could check all the (temporary) prices together
      - No more time lost on the forum searching in shops or threads comparing prices and stats
      - No more useless negotiations
      That's right ! Absolutely negotiations (like discussion) are useful to define a price !
      But sometimes there are 2 point of view without meeting point !
      And here the Marketplace speak for itself
      - No more price-check from random players
      Pricecheck like discussion and negotiation are surely useful, but sometimes the price check change based on the player who pricecheck the item.
      With Marketplace you have a global idea of the price range of an item
      - More time to spend in game enjoying Wynn
      - The global economy will settle himself
      Err... nope. Let me explain.
      Is the common "Free Market Rule" the same one that is there now, nothing will change.
      There are a lot of identical items ---> price drop (Common set items for example)
      There are an equal demand/offer --> price will stay mid (Prism/Chestnut/gravity are good examples, the price may fluctuate but is in a stabile range)
      There are a few of good items --> Price will raise (Like mythics or godlike items)
    Same Item, Different seller, Different Price

    Same Item, Different Stats, Different Price

    5.png 6.png

    I really would love to see this Marketplace method in Wynncraft
    And i'm sure our Jumla-Senpai can do this and can do it better !

    Let me know your opinion or suggestion to improve the idea in the comments and vote the poll to have a general survey !


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    Last edited: Apr 13, 2017
    Geia, EpicBear, MihayKill and 12 others like this.
  2. donda biblioteca

    donda biblioteca donda esta dond CHAMPION

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    so u took the idea from another rpg server and put it in general suggestion... k
    pantsTM, Stag2001 and funnysillyman like this.
  3. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    as i said, i've already done the same suggestion with the same idea some time ago, actually i've redone with a functional example !

    And to be honest, there's nothing wrong to take the good ideas elsewhere and improve them for a better result.
    Last edited: Apr 10, 2017
    orange0404, Aya, RogP and 3 others like this.
  4. Hexorcism

    Hexorcism warrior class enjoyer CHAMPION

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    Sorry but his is an MMORPG not a factions server
  5. Homruh

    Homruh From 0 Emeralds -> 120 Stacks In 5 Months. HERO

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    no scams mean no profit to me.
    meh add it plox
    RogP and orange0402 like this.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Okay, big issue throughout the entire thread; spelling and grammar. Try and use a spell-checker.

    Oh, there's more. Much more.
    The search function allows you to find items quickly and efficiently. The few times I've used the trade market, I've been able to get find the items I wanted very easily. The prices don't really vary. For less expensive items, the variation doesn't matter; for more expensive items, the variation is minimal, due to most people checking the price before selling.

    This won't stop scams. It makes them easier; you don't even need to convince people. People are lazy, they'll just take the first items they see that are good, without checking other prices.

    Those discussions aren't "Stupid." They help the economy and they help stop scams.

    Wynn's not a he or a she, nor would this really give that much more time to enjoy Wynn.
    These are all major drawbacks to this system. A black market will develop instantly and people will sell it there instead. Prices will rise. The third one doesn't make sense.
    It's not difficult to set up a meeting time on the forums. The majority of the playerbase is from NA or Europe, so the time difference isn't too hard to manage. Anyone can already sell items and profit next time they log in.

    So-called "benefits":
    1. The prices that will end up varying greatly due to people overpricing, and nobody being around to give a fair price?
    2. A few minutes of time is not worth all the drawbacks in this suggestion
    3. Negotiating is how both people get a fair price
    4. That's why the forums exist. Not to mention you can ask multiple people in-game, too.
    5. Hardly. Again, not enough so to make up for the negatives.
    6. No, it won't. It'll get worse, faster than it is already.
    A more automated way to sell your items would be fine. But this is not even close to a good way to do it.

    TL;DR fix the language issues, and remove the drawbacks.
    pantsTM, Pokextreme, Stag2001 and 4 others like this.
  7. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    it'll not remove the good-old methods :)
    And the tipe of server is not determinated from the trade style
    Thx for the help, as u know in italy we're the best to say "IT'S MEEEE MAAARIOOOO"
    Prices will set their range with the request, like now, is the classic "Free market rule"
    And they will be more clear for newbies and it won't take time to check the forum.
    Errr... nope, people don't waste le.
    If an item is approachable ok, if not they will be more thrifty
    Obviously not all the discussions are stupid, but sometimes people want sell mid-range items as if they are godlike.
    It make sense, because you can't park your items for ever in the market.
    True, but anyone has it's own commitments and sometimes is not easy to meet for a trade
  8. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Having a set price range could work, but it'd have to be done very carefully. How many of the items exist in-game, what item rarity they are, how good their IDs are, and what the demand is. That would require adding a "Request" feature, one that needs detailing itself.
    Yes, they do. People already waste money when shopping on the forums, but at least there's people to tell them not to buy it here. In-game, there's nobody to prevent people from making dumb mistakes or getting scammed. You may think people won't waste LE, but they will. They already do.
    That's a perfect example of why the discussions are not stupid. Without price-checking discussions, people would constantly be over and under-pricing items.
    ... That's just another drawback, in that case.
    Those rare occasions do not make this con-heavy suggestion worthy of implementation.

    These still need work, and so do all the other things I talked about.
  9. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    go play factions ya skrub (I can't believe I've had to use this twice in a week)

    This is literally just the auction house plugin. Wow, a totally original idea m9

    The trade market right now is fine as it is, but let me roast your points.

    - No, because that's what a shop thread and bumps are for
    - No, because all you have to do is make a buying thread. Plus, you literally are scrolling through pages in the auction house.
    - No, because I'm not dumb and don't buy items instantly

    - No more scams? What is this, legit? I can't ask other people to check if the price is good enough or not, unlike on the forums.
    - That's only happening because you put a ridiculous price for it. This'll just make scamming easier too, because you CAN'T discuss the price, and you are then overwhelmed to buy it, because you've given up on a stupid scrolling system like this and have only found the item after going through at least 20 different pages to see the 5,000 or so WynnCraft custom items.
    - Much more time? No, because you're scrolling through a million pages. With forum trading, you leave an offer, continue adventuring a bit, then continue the offer. It's easy.

    Really? That other server must have a horrible economy

    - Rotten flesh priced at 69 le by noobs

    This wasn't very obvious, but alright.

    - How many?
    - How much?
    - How much?
    Put some examples m9

    That's the problem. Selling items offline means you can't negotiate a price. It's like going to a 24/hr McDonalds late at night, but it's a robot serving you. You order your meal, but the robot charges extra price. Robot also gets your order wrong.

    There, I fixed the first line.
    - How are you going to do that? If I have to chat with other players, I need to open and close the GUI. Which means I have to scroll back a few pages.
    - Search or buying thread.
    - Useless? It let's you negotiate to a reasonable price. If you don't like the price, you dropout of the deal. You can't even negotiate with others, as there are different timezones they live in.
    - Yeah, because you're scammed on a ridiculously high price ya fucks
    - No, you're spending less time trying to get on the same time as the seller, to negotiate a price. You don't constantly watch the forums ya know
    - Umm, no. This would ruin the economy.

    You need to show us how the items work. In WynnCraft, all the stats are different, you can't just name the same price to another item so that it sells out another player.

    Oh, and didn't you like, sell an item and everyone said it was a ridiculous ass price? I remember something from you like that. I believe it was an auction
  10. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    But mysticrunes sucks
  11. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    why did i expect it
    i expected this server being mentioned too
  12. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    EDIT: Added some Q&A i hope this help to understand the thread
    Really nope, this is not from Mysticrunes
  13. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    then ventureland? if not, i ran out of ideas because zentrela closed (at least i cant see it open anymore)
  14. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Really ? How old are you ?
    Btw i never played factions in my life.
    I never said this is original and there's nothing wrong to take the good ideas elsewhere and improve them for a better result.

    I updated the entire thread with some Q&A for explain better my point
    Yep :)
  15. Vaward

    Vaward First 100% Discoveries as of 12/19/17 22:42 CHAMPION

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    I really like this idea, but I just can't seem to fit this any where in Wynncraft. Great idea though!
  16. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thx for the support <3
  17. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    i like the idea, but i believe you can add even more details, im not 100% convinced
    including quest items?
    you got my support
  18. Giames

    Giames Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    If you have suggestion feel free to expose them :)
    The wynncraft dream "no more inventories full of quest items"
  19. Aya

    Aya Very Serious Gensokyo Journalist HERO

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    ThomAnn100 likes this.
  20. llllllllllllll

    llllllllllllll Famous Adventurer

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    It kinda puts shame on wynn. Instead of using an original plugin, we're using a knockoff.
    ThomAnn100 likes this.
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