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Progression Some Thoughts From A Newbie (leveling, Inventory Space, Etc.)

Discussion in 'Feedback' started by Syric, Feb 11, 2017.

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  1. Syric

    Syric Travelled Adventurer

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    Hello! I'm new, having joined a week ago, and thought I'd contribute some of my early-game thoughts. Before I do, though, let me say this: in general, the game is fantastic and I love it. It's extremely enjoyable to play, the world is staggering, exploration is fun, combat is challenging. Secondly, I'm an active participant on the Suggestions forums of other games, so I know that newbies will often come up with ideas that are either very common or stem from a lack of understanding about the game. PLEASE, PLEASE let me know if I do this (I won't be offended), but also be certain that I'm saying what you think I'm saying before you do so.

    WARNING: Wall of Text incoming. Bold sentences summarize their sections.

    First, Inventory Space.
    As I've played the game, inventory/bank space have been an important limiting factor for me. I understand that this is an important emerald sink, and I don't want it to be cheaper or easier to get. However, I do wish that there were fewer things that swallowed it up.

    Example 1: the dungeon stuff. Each dungeon has a key, a boss drop, a Fragment, and a scroll. It's gotten to the point where I just keep the keys and throw away the rest. It would be very helpful if there was only ONE dungeon drop that could be spent in the shop, not the boss drop/fragment split, and if this drop could be used to teleport to the dungeon, eliminating the Dungeon Scroll Merchant. The teleport functionality is of lesser importance, though, since you can just buy scrolls as needed. There's too much dungeon stuff.

    Example 2: potions. My inventory is continually filling with potions which I then blow through in a few minutes when I'm in a hard area. I'd prefer if potions healed you more, but had proportionally longer cooldowns and proportionally lower drop rates. This would keep you healing at the same rate, and obtaining healing pots (in terms of raw hp) at the same rate, while reducing inventory clutter. Healing potions clutter my inventory.

    Example 3: Quest items. These items are often obtained from lower-level quests, but aren't used until (If the wiki is correct) the much-higher-level Temple of the Legends quest. In between, they can't be lost, and so they just soak up your bank space uselessly. I don't know 100% how the retrieval function works, but I'd love if there was some way to get rid of these items and get them back when needed. I know I could do the quests as required during my TotL quest, but they're so low level that they'd be unsatisfyingly easy at that point. Perhaps they could be thrown away and then purchased from the quest NPC for emeralds (this shop would only work if you'd one the quest, ofc). Quest Items take up space.

    Example 4: powders. Currently, these powders are taking up a ton of space in my Bank, and I only have them up to Tier 3. You need up to 4 slots per tier before you can change them into the next tier, and 5 slots (that last longer) if you want to control what kind of higher-tier powder you get. This is a massive inventory soak, and should be minimized. Perhaps there's only one 'tier' of powder, and the effect on a weapon/armor is based on how many you use? One powder is equivalent to Tier 1, four is 2, sixteen is 3, sixty-four is 4, etc. That way you'd only need 5 stacks up until Tier 4. After that, though, it would explode, so perhaps a full stack could be crafted into a 'crystal' or some such, so a Tier 5 is 4 crystals and a Tier 6 is 16. When you applied powder to an item, each powder slot could hold as much powder as you wanted, but it would round down (63 powder is a tier 3 application). This system would work exactly the same as the current one, balance-wise, but would be a massive help for inventory space. Powder drops would merely have to be increased, so instead of dropping a Tier 3 powder a mob would just drop a stack of 16. The different kinds of powder take up space.

    TL;DR: Having limited inventory space is GREAT and STRATEGIC. Having limited inventory space and needing to keep lots of items if FRUSTRATING and IRRITATING. If you're going to limit how much we can have, don't make us need a lot.

    Second, Dungeons.
    Dungeons in this game are something of an oddity. Based on the number of boss drops and the prices in the Dungeon Store, if you can beat the dungeon you're expected to grind it (or hold on to the drops until you can, see above). In my opinion, beating a dungeon should be a difficult, stressful challenge, with a great victory at the end if you succeed. To achieve this, dungeons should be made more difficult, but the number of boss drops should be increased and/or the dungeon store prices lowered, so that one victory is sufficient to get at least one or two pieces of good gear. The dungeon store gear itself is odd as well, since it's powerful for the level of the dungeon, but weak for the level you need to be to consistently (and cheaply) grind it. By the time you can grind the dungeon to get the gear, you don't need the gear anymore. Dungeons are treated as grinding zones, not landmark achievements.

    Third, Powders.
    This is a small suggestion. The powder system is fun, but there's no way to consistently get them. If there was an area, or even just a type of mob, that dropped powders more frequently, you'd be able to grind for them. It doesn't have to be at all fast, or easy, just slightly faster than the alternative. It's much more fun to know you're taking an active hand in getting the thing you need rather than needing something and being unable to do anything beyond just normal playing. Relying on RNG for powders is annoying.

    Fourth, Leveling.
    This is my biggest issue with the game right now. As it stands, there is a huge and spectacular open world for me to explore, with dozens of quests and fun areas to grind. Unfortunately, I am leveling too fast to get all the enjoyment out of it that I want. By the time I get around to doing a quest or exploring an area, I'm high enough level that there's no challenge there. There's no difficulty. Exploring should be fun not just because you get to see cool stuff, but also because you have to fight your way through challenging combats to do so. (Incidentally, this also means that avoiding encounters to level slower defeats the purpose). I already have a backup of quests that are low-level for me, and the more of them I do the higher level I get, and more quests become available, and more quests become less challenging. While I obviously don't level from quests faster than they become available, this defect is more than made up for by the exploration I want to do. While I could start over with a new character and focus on the areas my old character didn't hit, I'd love to be able to travel to, and be challenged by, every quest and region, with one character. The devs have chosen to err on the side of speed, which I understand and respect, but I'd much rather level slowly, even if it means I do have to grind for levels on occasion (because that can be fun, too. I like running around the Abandoned Mines).

    As for a solution, I have several:
    The first is to simply decrease xp gain across the board or to increase the xp requirements for leveling. This method would allow you to experience Wynncraft fully while still recieving benefits for all of it. This isn't ideal, though, for obvious reasons- namely, everyone would complain.
    The second one is more complex. Every time you level up, you merely get the option to level up. Until you take that option, you are for all intents and purposes the lower level. You can't use items with a higher level requirement, you don't get more skill points, quests don't unlock, your spells don't improve. You also gain xp much more slowly, perhaps at 25%. This means that you could theoretically grind at a good level until you can level up several times at once, but it would be very difficult. In addition, you get a notification if your leveling would cause you to exceed the recommended level for an area or quest by more than 3. For example, when leveling to Level 14, you'd get the message 'This level may cause the Detlas region to be less challenging for you!' This would usually happen at levels _4 or _9, since most areas are leveled in increments of 5. This would also happen at most levels for quests.
    The third is identical to the second, but you can change (in a menu of some sort) how much of an xp penalty you take, from 0% to 100% (100% being 0 xp for everything).
    The fourth is simply that a new NPC appears in major towns who allows you to alter your xp-gain rate from 0% to 100%, for a fee of emeralds. Everyone could use this however they wanted. He could possibly also alter it to above 100% temporarily for some sort of rare item.

    UPDATE: I have been informed that this problem does not appear at higher levels, which are grindier. All my suggestions except the first still work, but it should be noted that they apply mostly to the lower levels. I do not expect higher-level players to use them much.

    1) If you want to limit inventory space, that's fine, but please don't have lots of cluttering items.
    2) Dungeons are treated as grinding zones, not as climactic and challenging encounters.
    3) A way to grind for powders would be nice, even if it's slow and hard.
    4) I'm leveling too fast to properly enjoy the amazingly detailed map and excellent quests.

    Thanks, anyone who actually managed to read that wall of text. I was completely not expecting it to be this long.

    Feedback is welcome, especially if it's telling me how to fix these problems OR explaining why these problems aren't problems, but PLEASE make sure you know what I'm saying before you comment. For example, I'm NOT asking for inventory space to be cheaper.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2017
  2. Terezi Pyrope

    Terezi Pyrope gallowsCalibrator I Former CT I dead

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    +1 support :)
  3. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    Because you are only lower lv you will level up quite fast, however at level 30+ you need to actually start grinding more, and at lv60+ you won't be complaining about too fast levelling, you'll be complaining about too much time spent grinding if anything
  4. Syric

    Syric Travelled Adventurer

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    That doesn't really solve the problem of the lower-level quests. It just shows that they're replaced by different problems later, and while I'm glad my problem won't last forever, the fact is it still exists now, and I'll have other problems later (even if those problems are more suited to me than my current ones). In that case, leveling should be slowed for the first thirty levels and accelerated for the last thirty. I'm level 40 now, and I've barely explored the mesa or the islands, and haven't been to Nesaak at all.
  5. NotAFish

    NotAFish An evolved jungle slime Discord Moderator CHAMPION

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    If you do all the quests as soon as you get them, which you should because you'll spend less time grinding and they can also give good gear for the quest level as a reward, you should've explored the mesa fairly well if you did them, you also shouldn't have explored the Nesaak region much yet though because you just got to the recommended level, also if you would've done tower of amnesia you would have gone to Nesaak already
  6. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    Well then. A detailed suggestion. Given the general lack of those, that in itself is enough to warrant a like.
    As for the suggestions themselves:
    • There is already a "Quest Item Bank" suggestion that has received massive support; it will likely be implemented at some point.
    • As for leveling, the last time I checked, early-game leveling is at a decent rate, but I'll take your word for it that they buffed the XP rewards or something. Late-game leveling is rather slow, actually; a fairly high amount of time then is spent on grinding. Perhaps change the suggestion into simply lowering early-game quest XP rewards?
    • While it is unlikely, given your new-ness to the server, do keep in mind for when you reach higher levels that you can use the /guild xp command to contribute a percentage of XP to your guild (if you join/make one) rather than earning it (quests included), which can be useful if you run into the same problem in the future (though also unlikely).
    Other than that, these are actually some pretty good suggestions. If you have the time, be sure to organize and simplify your ideas to promote more support from those that don't bother to read as far.
    Examples in single-player with images are helpful, too; use this site with this site to color text in items and the like ("&" and then color code before text: ex. &7Hi ==> Hi).
    Syric likes this.
  7. Syric

    Syric Travelled Adventurer

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    Wow, thanks! That's really helpful. I'll add a brief sentence to each section summarizing it.

    Questions: Speaking of guilds, how many are there, really? According to the map site, pretty much everywhere belongs to HackForums. Also, how would I go about joining one? Secondly, could you explain the 'Examples in single-player...' paragraph? Are you suggesting general ways to improve Feedback threads?
  8. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    There has to be over a thousand different guilds at this point, but being totally frank, they're ridiculously glitched and have really no benefit to being enrolled. I'd recommend you save your cash for more useful endeavours.

    The examples in single-player thing...he's essentially saying, try making a faux GUI or fake-setup for some of your suggestions in single-player as a visual guide to what you mean, in case your words aren't clear enough. They help reinforce your point.
  9. Syric

    Syric Travelled Adventurer

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    Okay. I'll see what I can do, if I have the time.
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    in game guilds are rather glitched now, what you can do is join the guild communities instead on other platforms like ts skype or discord.
  11. orange0401

    orange0401 Fortified with Vitamin C HERO

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    Power :3, Hephaestus and Stag2001 like this.
  12. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Just gonna address one thing: There actually is a type of mob that is used to grind powders, it's called a Flareling. The issue is that you can only encounter this mob in Molten Heights, a level 85-95 area.
  13. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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    Actually, Villageacules added Powder Imps...
    XavierEXE likes this.
  14. Chun_

    Chun_ Any broken builds founder,nerfed by Salted VIP+

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    What a crime thing that he made unstackable powders in grinding......
    And it's pretty not relevant kek
  15. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I have never seen this mob.
  16. Theepicsquash

    Theepicsquash Error: Originality not detected. VIP+

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    I saw it once, it dropped a t4 earth powder
    XavierEXE likes this.
  17. Moss

    Moss shoutbox meme supplier

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    Well. It is rare..
  18. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Powder Shrines do exactly that. Also, in the late-game, there are mobs called flarelings that drop powders
    Actually, IMO once you get to around level 4o+, the dungeons get a lot harder. for example, the Ice Burrows dungeon has multiple areas where if you don't regulate your mana usage you're more or less guaranteed to die, and a few parts of the Galleon's Graveyard are really hard to not mess up. Also, Corrupted Dungeons are decently difficult at their level, and I will admit to dying to them a couple times even at level 100
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2017
  19. coolname2034

    coolname2034 Formerly known as NPCGrian HERO

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    1. You just have to learn to economize inventory space, this prevents people from just sitting on their butt with tons of junk.
    2. Interesting. Maybe increase the difficulty and rewards?
    3. This is already a thing, in the form of flarelings found in molten heights.
    4. Oh boyyyyyy…wait till you're higher level!
  20. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    What have you been smoking ?
    coolname2034 and Pokextreme like this.
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