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World Tentibus (tents)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kraetys, Feb 7, 2017.


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  1. I liked them all +1

  2. I liked two of them +2/3

  3. I only liked one +1/3

  4. I like them, but not the idea of tents. +1/2

  5. I liked them, but _____ +1/2

  6. I disliked them. 0

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  1. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    So housing comes up a lot right?
    (Don't shoot this down just yet it's not 'housing' just hear me out).
    I have a suggestion that reskins housing, probably decreases lag output from that kind of thing, and makes it so we don't have to have actual houses.
    It also fits lorewise with the persona of a soldier.

    A quest received item, (or an item you start with), that, like a horse saddle, 'spawns' a tent that has multiple functions.

    Function One - Resting
    A regeneration boost while inside/near your tent. 0.1% per second.

    Extra Possibilities
    Region Based Camping and Messages
    Plains/Hills/Normal areas - "You find a nice spot to setup your tent." (Normal Regeneration)..

    Forested areas - "The shade makes it easier to fall asleep." ("Shady" Effect +10% Regeneration).

    Nearby a City - "The nearby city bustle makes it hard to sleep." ("Noisy" Effect -10% Regeneration).

    Time Valley - "Time heals all wounds, but not when it's slowed down." ("Chronos" Effect -50% Regeneration).

    Shore/Island areas - "The sound of the waves is very calming." ("Calm" Effect +20% Regeneration).

    Gavel Decay areas/Wynn Jungle - "The bugs are really getting to you here." ("Itchy" Effect -20% Regeneration).

    Cold areas - "You can feel the biting air even through your tent." ("Cold" Effect -25% Regeneration).

    Savannah/Desert/Canyon - "It's entirely too warm here." ("Hot" Effect -25% Regeneration).

    Caves - "There's a small drip coming from somewhere but it's safe." ("Safety" Effect +25% Regeneration).

    High Mountains/Sky Islands - "That's a very long way down..." ("Anxiety" Effect -50% Regeneration).

    Twain area/Canyon of the Lost - "The howling is very unsettling." ("Fear" Effect -50% Regeneration).

    Inside a City - "The city guard wouldn't appreciate you putting a tent up here." (Unable to set tent).

    Hive/Nether Portal - "You don't think you should sleep here..." (Unable to set tent).

    Molten Heights - "You can't put your tent up here! It'll catch on fire!" (Unable to set tent).

    (Tell me if I forgot anything).

    You can negate these effects through special effects added by regional merchants.
    The catch? You can only have one special tent at a time.
    A second message will be added onto the first message, giving you the extra effects for your tent.
    Normal - Purchaseable from Ragni. Cost - 16E

    Padded - Purchaseable at most major cities. Cost - 4E x City Level

    "But slowly the sound goes away as you close the flaps."
    (Cancels "Noisy" Effect).

    "All is eerily quiet as you close your tent."
    (If you're not near a city - "Unsafe" Effect -25% Regeneration).

    Temporal - Purchaseable from/around Asher? Cost - 32E

    "As you tie the last stake down, time returns to normal."
    (Cancels "Chronos" Effect).

    "Your joints ache, and are those... Wrinkles?!"
    (If you're not in Time Valley - "Unstable" Effect -100% Regeneration)

    Netted - Purchaseable from Iboju Village and Olux. Cost - 3Eb

    "You pull the netting around your tent to prevent the bugs from getting in."
    (Cancels "Itchy" Effect).

    (No negative effects).

    Wooly - Purchaseable from a merchant in Lusuco. Cost - 2Eb

    "You quickly close the tent, and immediately feel warmer."
    (Cancels "Cold" Effect).

    "It's getting a bit warm in here."
    (If used in normal areas - "Hot" Effect -25% Regeneration).

    "It's hard to breathe it's so hot!"
    (If used in Savannah/Desert/Canyon areas - "Heatstroke" Effect -75% Regeneration).

    Airy - Purchaseable from Ternaves and Rymek. Cost - 48E

    "A breeze blows by and you feel cooler."
    (Cancels "Hot" Effect).
    (If in normal areas - "Breezy" Effect +10% Regeneration).

    "It's a little chilly in this shade."
    (If in Forested areas - Cancels "Shade" and "Breezy" Effects)
    ("Chilly" Effect -10% Regeneration).

    "Your tent is useless here, but at least there's no snow on you."
    (If in Cold areas - "Hypothermia" Effect -75% Regeneration).

    Staked - Purchaseable from Pirates Cove and Kandon-Beda. Cost - 5Eb
    "Good thing your tent is firmly attached to the ground."
    (Cancels "Anxiety" Effect).
    ("Nervousness" Effect -25% Regeneration).
    (No Negative Effects).

    Fireproof - Purchaseable from Dogovi. Cost - 8Eb
    "Oh, wait, fire won't be a problem."
    (Allows you to set a tent in Molten Heights).
    (If used anywhere - "Asbestos" Effect -50% Regeneration).


    Function Two - Cooking
    Will allow you to cook food items that have special effects, if limited.

    Activated by a villager 'Squire' NPC, beside a cooking pot.
    Right clicking him will open a GUI that allows you to put in ingredients, and it will take the ingredients, (and some emeralds), and give you your food, (or just the effects).

    Ingredients can be purchased, found, and traded. (Some exceptions may apply).

    Recipes will be unlockable based on level/quest status.
    (I'll work on this later)


    Function Three - Storing
    Just 9 slots for storage, held in a 'footlocker' in your tent.

    (If extra storage isn't possible yet, perhaps wait until 11.2 and use shulker boxes).
    (If they don't plan on updating past 1.8 if possible, make just the first row of your bank accessible through the tent).
    (IF that's not possible Idek).

    If there are mobs within a 15(?) block radius, you won't be able to use your tent, and your tent will despawn if mobs get too close.
    You also won't be able to use your tent while inside of cities.
    Nor near any NPC's.

    To prevent more issues, the area to place your tent must be flat, and large enough to accommodate it.

    If you regenerate a total of 100% of your HP in a day using the tent, you gain 'restlessness' giving your tent -50% regeneration.. Resets every 24 hours.

    Cap of -100% regeneration on the tent to make it useless, but not dangerous.

    Cooking and Storage are unlockable by quests at later levels, or purchasable.
    Cooking - Level 25
    Storage - Level 50

    You can only cook something every so often, trying to cook something before your Squire cools down will give the message -
    "You've just eaten, I'm not cooking you more!"

    The Footlocker will only store 3 slots at first, with upgrades to be purchased, reaching 27 slots.
    1-3 - Quest
    4-6 - 32Eb
    7-9 - 1Le

    Only your first 5 classes get a footlocker.

    The Tents are not shared between classes.

    Possiblity One - Using setblock or clone to just build your tent.

    Possibility Two - Using stationary particles to 'build' a tent.

    Possibility Three - Using those weird armor stand things that 'big' servers do to make gorillas and stuff, and banners, to make your tent. (Credit @Jamieverse)

    Probably given by the King of Ragni during the tutorial quest.
    If not -
    Working on it

    Working on it.

    Working on it.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2017
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I appreciate the pun, but there will always be issues with Housing suggestions and anything similar.

    Biggest of all; where will they go? If we have solid tents, they can be abused via boosting and otherwise. If we have particle tents, they'll cause lag in large numbers. If we teleport to tents, they can be abused as a safe-space type thing.

    As for other issues; there is no need for another bank. You are not supposed to have infinite space; you need to learn how to manage your items via the bank and bank classes. Having a link to your bank won't work either, or you could abuse it to essentially have extra inventory space on the go.

    Housing needs such severe limitations to be properly balanced that it's hardly even a proper feature, which is a pity, but better than having flawed, abusable features.
    Stag2001, Ice Guy and Pokextreme like this.
  3. Jamieverse

    Jamieverse Legendary Adventurer VIP

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    As an idea, use armor stand banners as tents.
  4. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    If it's solid, boosting won't be much of an issue, because they'll want to make it small, and most of the classes have movement spells.
    And boosting into/past quest areas won't be a thing because of the reasons in that list.

    If it's particles it will be laggy.

    If they use that weird armor stand thing though.

    It's not another bank, it's a footlocker, and yes, we technically have 'enough room' for all our items, us normal users don't have the luxury of more classes, that leaves us with limited choices, and if we ever want to make any real amount of Le we will need storage for items to sell.
    I have two playable classes, and I'm not storing any items to sell right now.
    I was wondering how that would work, thank you.
  5. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    i don't like the cook function, cause, you know, we don't eat on wynn. besides that +1
  6. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    But what if we could.
  7. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Granted, the limitations are pretty good, and I must have accidentally skipped over one of the latter parts, but there's still issues. Using armour stands is a good alternative, though they are still laggy and notoriously glitchy on wynn.

    The footlocker is literally just a smaller, portable bank. "Normal" users have 3 classes they can use as a bit of extra storage, if they really need to hoard items and sell them. MMORPGs are not meant to have abundant space; Wynn doesn't need to be sugar-coated.
    Jamieverse and colin350 like this.
  8. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Actually, I have my bank full with my current builds for my mage + powders/Le
    One class is for quest helmets/items. (All items in there are pretty much necessary if I want to help anyone with a quest).
    One is for Collectibles. ("Get rid of them," then what is the actual point in playing).
    One is for old things that I'll be using on my other class as it levels up.
    3/5 used.
    I have two playable classes.

    Laggy, a little bit, but less so, and presents less problems than solid blocks.
    As for glitchy, test it a lot, make sure it works before you put it in.
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Two playable classes at once is more than enough. Desperate measures come in, you can shift items between main classes. Collectibles are your choice to keep; there's no point to them other than, well, collecting, so if you're desperate for space you can choose to get rid of them.

    I will agree that visually and functionally, banner stands would be the best way to go. If you yourself really wanted to get the suggestion implemented, you could do a Proof of Concept showing how such a thing would work, to prove that it can and will work.
  10. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Multiple much more successful MMORPG's have much more bank space as well as giving you options to increase inventory space as you go.
    "Wynn isn't every other MMORPG."
    Much more successful.

    I'm going to have to learn how to work with 1.8 command blocks, aren't I.
  11. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    More successful MMORPGs also have far more items and gear to deal with than Wynn, especially considering there's only a few viable builds at once for a class.

    Just watch some tutorials on youtube and you'll be fine.
  12. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    I'm not saying we don't have enough space, I'm just saying we shouldn't have to use what are supposed to be active classes for the purpose of being mules to hold items.
    Even with the increased amount of items and gear on other games, I've never had to store things on a class, the bank was always enough.
  13. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    You only ever have one truly active class.

    The bank itself is enough to hold money, a few builds, and extra items with space to spare. The only real space issue is Quest items, and there's already a fantastic suggestion about a Quest Bank to deal with that.

    Would it be useful? Yes, probably, but it's still essentially just sugar-coating any space management. A small upgrade to banks themselves would not be an issue; but having a portable bank that's still rather large is not the way to do it.
  14. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    1, Is it confirmed to be added.

    It's essentially the size of the space of a class, would your sensibilities like it better if I made it just 9 slots of space?
  15. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    I don't recall it being confirmed, if it is, wonderful.

    The size of a class is enough to contain several builds, or the majority of every quest item in-game. To be honest, the worst part is that it's portable, essentially being somewhat of a /bank command. It'd have to be small to the point where there's not much use, as in less than one full row of space.
  16. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    You have 29 slots, and each build is 9 pieces total. You can have 3 builds.
    One bank isn't enough to store all the quest items ingame, as you're leveling up, maybe, but no, it's not nearly enough to store them all at once.

    I've always noticed the ranked players saying 'you don't need more room,' and the non ranked players saying 'yes we do,' and tbh you guys have extra classes so you can't be fully aware of the situation.
  17. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    You can fit at least one full set of accessories in your normal accessory slots, depending on your level; if you've got two semi-active classes, that'll work even better.

    Your one bank is enough to store the quest items; the issue is that there's hardly any space for anything else.

    Even when there were only 3 classes for me to choose from and I hoarded items, I still managed to find space for everything. Granted, there were less quest items, but you can still throw those away anyhow, and there were still plenty of items to hoard.
  18. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    Not nearly as many event/special unobtainable items as there are now.
    Not to mention there's 2000 regular items now.
    We also have 36 slots being taken by powders.

    27 extra slots of inventory will not hurt gameplay, nor will it be as overpowered as you think.
    It's the equivalent to an extra class of inventory space.
    And since tents are shared between classes, it isn't really an issue of getting '5 extra classes.'
  19. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    There were still tons of items; and far less inventory space. Especially since only VIPs got a full bank. We still managed. There's no logical reason to have all 2000 items either.

    A portable half-bank that can be accessed by all classes is most certainly overpowered. Having it shared between classes only makes it worse.
  20. Anárion

    Anárion Screw Maex #Dogovi4Ever CHAMPION

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    idk mate, food will completely break the mana system.
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