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Skill Tree Suggestion (wip)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by StarDraco123, Dec 15, 2016.


Is this a cool idea?

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    19 vote(s)
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  1. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    Trophy Points:
    The player is given the option to "upgrade" skills upon reaching level 71, where they will be give a new form​
    of skill point for each skill at level 71, 81, 86... and so on.
    Each skill for every class will (should) have the ability to become a new skill or stay the same which won't necessarily be stronger, but instead add a new gimmick and potential for combos for the class.

    ~The Skill Points~​
    At lv. 71: 2x point

    At lv. 76: 2x point

    At lv. 81: 3x point

    At lv. 86: 3x point

    At lv. 91: 4x point

    At lv. 96: 4x point

    In total: 18

    ~Further Information~​
    Each initial skill point for the spell will be able to "spec" it and develop it, after the skill changes its form (ex: Meteor becoming a beam) every point invested will increase its quality or quantity.

    ~Skill Section Notes~​
    • "Additional Specs" are the abilities you can spec into from the evolved skill form. Some specs can be combined, some will cost more points and can't be used with others to balance things out. I'll try to go into more details with reference pictures later on in the thread.
    ~Skills~ (Yeah this is the wip section)​
    Path #1, Double Strike - You hones your physical strength and adapt 2 powerful consecutive strikes in the direction you are facing. (stats added later...)
    Animation - using either the new 1.9 sweep particle, or simply the normal spin attack particles done in a vertical arc 1-2 blocks in the direction the player is facing upon cast. There is a 1 second delay between strikes.
    Additional Specs:
    Momentum - You use the power of your strikes to continue your blows and gain +5% melee damage after cast, this can stack with additional casts of Double Strike.
    Crippling Blows - Strikes have a 50% chance to cripple targets giving them slowness and a bleed effect(!?!)

    Path #2, Spin Mastery - You continue to hone your skills on spin attack gaining additional power in your spins
    Additional Specs:
    Hinder - Cause enemy spells to now cost 2 more mana.
    Critical Strikes - You channel some of your damage onto a single enemy within the spin, doing 20% more damage to a random target in the spin.

    Path #3, Blade Storm - You gather knowledge to hone your skills with daggers. You now flash about in a short storm (lasting for about 4~ seconds) sending a flurry of blades at your enemies.
    Animation - 1.9 sweep particles in a 5~ block radius around the player
    Additional Specs:
    Lure - The storm attracts enemies towards the eye of the storm causing them to be flung forward towards the center of the storm, similar to a tornado.
    Storm Surge - You are given 15% resistance to damage while in the storm.
    Sea sickness - Enemies caught in the storm are given slowness for 4 seconds after the storm has faded due to the sudden motion.

    Path #4, Aura Burst - You channel your mana throughout your body, creating a shield of energy around you, which is then released around you to harm enemies.
    Animation - Fire particles bursting in a 4-5 block radius from the assassin. (fire blocks could also be used)
    Additional Specs:
    Guardian - Gain immense slowness, 30% damage resistance, -85% damage, and 1000 health regen for 5 seconds.
    Heart of Fire - Ignite your soul and body setting yourself on fire for 5 seconds. After the fire is fades (cannot be healed away by a mage) the assassin gains 4000 hp, 1000 regen, and 15% fire damage for 15 seconds. The effect does not carry over through death and is canceled if the player dies during the fire. It cannot be stacked.
    Hellscape - Sends a heatwave at all enemies in a 10 block radius of you, giving them -10% damage and halting their regen.

    Path #5, Assault - You hone your speed, allowing you to now swiftly dash through enemies in a straight line.
    Animation - Similar to blink, can also be done like charge but in a straight line not an arc or jump in the air.
    Additional Specs:
    Chaos - Bind enemies into a prison (similar to the air prison weapon ability) and stripping them of their buffs, after 3 seconds enemies trapped are sent flying into the air.
    Shunder - Break apart time and space, enemies caught in the attack now take 50% of all damage they deal in the next 8 seconds (In short after being hit for the 8 seconds all the damage they do will be built up and they take 50% of it at the end of the 8 seconds.)
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4, Fortify - You fortify your body with a fiery energy, gaining 20% damage resistance for 3 minutes.
    Animation - a multitude of the normal "flame" player effect.
    Additional Specs:
    Phoenix - If you die within the first 30 seconds of Fortify, which spamming it does not restart this effect, you are summoned back to their point of death healed by enchanted phoenix essence. You are 'respawned' with 25% of your hp.
    Tribute - Set your soul on fire gaining an immense speed for 30 seconds.

    Path #5, Tempest - You toss up some blades which will orbit you, parrying the next 4 attacks that are sent at you. The effect only lasts for 15 seconds.
    Animation - Similar to arrow shield, 4 daggers orbit the player. As each hit is parried a dagger will disappear.
    Additional Specs:
    Cleric Knives - Upon cast tempest will heal you for 10% of your hp.
    Juggernaut - Tempest now gives the player 15% damage resistance.
    Path #1, Precision - You channel your focus into your next strike doing +145% more damage on the next melee attack.
    Animation - Extra crit and dirt breaking particles appear on the next melee attack.
    Vital Swipe - Cause the target to start bleeding, giving them a minor blindness effect for 4 seconds.
    Combo - The target will be hit 3 extra times automatically as a follow up attack

    Path #2, Rain of Blows - You send out a "tether" pulling the target(s) behind you while throwing a rain of blows upon them, striking them 15 times and launching them behind you.
    Animation - the tether is similar to uppercuts initial particles, cloud particles in a straight line (very similar to uppercut).
    Additional Specs:
    Pressure Point - Now aiming for pressure points, your blows do increased damage and stun enemies for 3 seconds after the rain of blows end.
    Fatal Wound - You now have a 5% chance to inflict a fatal wound onto an enemy which will cause them to bleed, taking away 15% of their hp per second. The effect will stop once the enemy has reached their lowest default hp amount or is healed.

    Path #3, Dagger Mastery - You continue to hone your skills into your familiar fast consecutive strikes.
    Heavy Hits - Further punish the target(s) hitting them harder and throwing them further.
    Consecutive - For every hit that lands another +10% damage is added onto the final fatality hit.

    Path #4, Soul Shank - You quickly lung your dagger forward piercing through enemy armor and defenses. This is a single target spell.
    Animation - A white particle line in a straight line from where the assassin is facing. Or a huge fucking dagger instead :3
    Additional Specs:
    Combustion - Infuse the hit target with a rune of fire. The rune will explode into flames blinding the target after a 5 second fuse.
    Holy - Steal 35% of the damage done to the target as an hp shield.

    Path #5,
    Path #1, Toxic Cloud - You send out a breath of toxic gas in a 120 degree~ arc, with a 5 block range, the gas give enemies poison, blindness, and slowness for 5 seconds.
    Animation - Slime particles in a 120 degree~ arc in the players direction.
    Additional Specs:
    Flow - Instead of a 120 degree arc the gas now spread around the player covering an entire 4 block radius from where the player stands.
    Disease - Poison can now spread from enemy to enemy.

    Path #2, Flash Bang - Throw a bomb blinding everything in a 7 block radius from where the bomb lands for 4 seconds.
    Animation - an egg or item if eggs can't be used as the bomb and white spell particles exploding from it as it gives blindness to all entities in the area
    Additional Specs:
    Triple - More bombs, more flash.
    Foreshadow - The player is teleported 5 blocks in the direction of the bomb after it explodes.

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5, Barrage of stars - Send out a shotgun fire of 10 stars.
    Animation - Shurikens following a straight line in a shotgun formation, similar to that of a drake in the FH cave.
    Additional Specs:
    Decoy - You now send out 2 waves of 15 total Shurikens upon cast.
    Marksman - You now fire with more precision, stars are now fired in a thinner radius.
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1,

    Path #2, Heaven Breaker - You smash your spear down summoning a bolt of pure lighting hurting enemies in a 3 block radius from where the bolt strikes.
    Animation - A normal bolt of lighting possibly retextured can be used or particles similar to those used in the Thunder Storm player effect in game.
    Additional Specs:
    Unforgiving - Enemies hit by the bolt a shocked with a jolt of electricity 5 seconds after being hit.
    Judgment - Send down 4 more bolts in a 6 block radius from the original bolt.

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1, Berserker - Sacrifice 70% of your hp to go into a blinding rage. Due to your rage you gain +20% damage and speed III. The rage lasts for 30 seconds.
    Animation - Emerald and blood particles surround the player for the duration of berserker mode.
    Additional Specs:
    Leech - 10% of all damage done is restored as hp after the rage ends.
    Adrenaline - gain +20% damage when your hp goes below 10% in berserker mode.

    Path #2, Thundering Howl - You yell out fiercely inplanting fear into your enemies. Stun enemies in the path of the great scream.
    Animation - Yellow (similar to those used in the lightning) particles in a war scream shape projected very similar to how war scream is.

    Path #3, Morale Boost - Inspire allies in a 7 block radius of you, giving them Speed III and +20% damage for 2 minutes.
    Animation - A ripplie of explosions sent above the warrior.
    Additional Specs:
    Intimidation - Inspire fear into enemies with imense confidence making them take 10% more damage from all sources.

    Path #4, Thrall - Summon a mighty thrall goving you many defensive properties. Take 25% less damage and absorb 5% of taken damage as a 1 minute hp boost. The thrall lasts for 2 minutes.
    Animation - A firey thrall standing behind the warrior.
    Additional Specs:
    Reflect - 5% of all damage taken is transformed into a 15 second damage buff after the thrall returns.
    Fire born - When a thrall is summoned a wave of fire is released dealing additional damage.

    Path #5, Echo - Warscream bounces off of surfaces 3 times before dissipating.
    Animation - Identical to war scream besides it can now bounce off of walls (is this even possible? Pretty far fetched if you ask me)
    Additional Specs:
    Shatter - The final bounce or when it travels too far without hitting a surface will result in the sound to shatter into a shock wave dealing damage to all hostile entities in a 3 block radius.
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1, Sniper Rounds - Load up a sniper shot which will cause you to be locked in a cast animation for 1.5 seconds, firing an enhanced arrow with imense speed and damage at the end of the cast time.
    Animation - Normal mob spell cast animation at first, after cast an arrow with particles trailing behind is shot with a high velocity.
    Addtional Specs:
    Preparation - Due to extreme concentration you now fire a second shot .5 seconds after your first as the product of practice.
    Patience - The cast time is increased by 1 second but the shot now has enhanced damage and accuracy.

    Path #2, Marked for Death - Send out a sinple bomb arrow (which will not bounce and its damage will be reduced), all enemies hit by the bomb arrow will be marked for death taking 35% more damage from your attacks.
    Animation - A black skull will appear above marked targets.
    Additional Specs:
    Pierce - Your hits now penetrate the defense of marked targets.
    Burst Rounds - Instead of normally exploding, the bomb arrow will now explode into a multitude of arrows on impact.

    Path #3, Cascade - You now fire out 3 bomb arrows in a shot. (Yes this cost more mana, yes these each do slightly reduced damage)
    Animation - 3 bomb arrows.
    Additional Specs:
    Mirage - Send out 2 extra bomb arrows in the volley that will do no damage but retain their ability to ocasionally knock targets back.
    Doubt - Arrows now have a .5 second delay inbetween shots opposed to how they would be fired at the same time.

    Path #4, Incendiary Rounds - Send out a bomb arrow with an arrow head dipped in enchanted fire. Targets hit are set on fire for 1 second (so 1 tick of fire damage).
    Animation - Bomb arrow with fire particles near the tip of the arrow. (Just the tip KEK)
    Additional Specs:
    Wild Fire - Near missed with targets will now set them on fire.

    Path #5, Ricochet - Bomb arrows fired in the air now curve down at targets.
    Animation - Clouds now trail behind the arrow. (Is this skill plausible? Im sure someone could figure it out)
    Additional Specs:
    Ominous Winds - Bomb arrows now try their best to track the closest target.
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1, Herbal Spirits - You focus your magic with ancient roots infused with powerful magic. Herbs only heal the caster and heal in a cascading? recursive? manner (ex: initial heal: 1k, next heal 2k, next 3k...). Herbs get rid of all effects in the third tick of the remedy, but cannot combat fire damage. Herbs also enhance the users strength granting +15% earth damage to all sources.
    Animation - Some particles that can be used include emerald, totem, or leaves breaking around the caster.
    Additional Specs:
    Distribution - Herbs can do be distributed to nearby allies (4 block radius) but the distributed proportions are smaller, making the herbs less effective.
    Illegal - You slip in a special rare herb into your normal dose, 5 seconds after the normal herbs take effect the mage gains +100% damage for 3 seconds.
    Stone Skined - Spirits imbued your skin with stone like properties. The mage gains +15% damage resistance and +10% melee damage (because having stone skin enhances how your wand preforms)

    Path #2, Benediction - You set up a field infused with energy through rigorous prayer. Allies regen 3% hp and mana constantly, do 75% more damage, but take 25% more damage while in the field; However, your hp and mana is drained by 15% for every second Benediction is in place, this effect will stop once you reach 10 hp or run out of mana. While benediction is active you cannot be healed or restore mana, the spell will be canceled if you switch off your wand.
    Animation - Glowstone breaking particles in a 10 block radius from the player, there is a 2~ second delay between each wave of particles.
    Additional Specs:
    Valkyries - Benediction now summons a group of minions who will regenerate you by 2% of your hp constantly while benediction is active.
    Fluency - Benedictions quality is improved through extra training and effort. The spell now takes less of a toll on your body allowing you to withstand benediction longer. Benediction now only drains 10% of your mana and hp per second of cast.

    Path #3, Precipitation - You now summon rain clouds with a 6 block radius from where the spell was casted. Allies in the rain will gain +7% of their hp per second. The rain will last for 10 seconds.
    Animation - Rain clouds. Similar to the player effect reward in game currently, on a bigger scale.
    Additional Specs:
    Thunder Storm - The clouds now harm enemies striking them down with powerful lightning bolts. +105% thunder damage.
    Build up - Water from the rain is built up. After the rain ends water is dispelled from the ground damaging and knocking back enemies in the area.

    Path #4, Flame emblem - Summon the emblem of a low ranked fire spirit. Grant nearby allies 15% damage resistance and +20% fire damage for 30 seconds. Regen 10% hp instantly upon cast
    Animation - an emblem of fire with trails of fire orbiting the emblem.
    Additional Specs:
    Orbital Flames - Flames orbiting the emblem now chase down enemies near by dealing damage per bolt. Heal 5% hp for every bolt that hits an enemy.
    Explosion! - Flames are absorbed into the emblem then released into a burst of energy dealing damage to near by enemies.
    Fire Shield - Absorb 10% of all damage taken into hp for 5 seconds.

    Path #5, Vampire - 15% of all damage done in the next 10 seconds becomes hp for the caster.
    Animation - two fang like particle clouds appear in front of the player with redstone particles around it in a demonic pattern.
    Additional Specs:
    Blood Pact - All targets that are hit during the time period are now marked, 3 seconds after the caster leeches hp targets will take 85% of the hp healed as neutral damage.
    Blood Bound - All targets that are hit during the time period are now bound to the caster, all damage the caster takes for the next 5 seconds will be dealt to the bound targets as well.
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3, Chrono Shift - Shift through time allowing you to set a way point where the spell is casted and being teleported back to it 8 seconds later, then teleport to where you were prior to the previous teleport 8 seconds after that. The entire thing lasts for 16 seconds and is cancelled upon death.
    Animation - A flare of blue particles sprouts up when the mage is teleported back to a way point.
    Additional Specs:
    Sub Zero - Freeze time extremely momentarily allowing you to deal extra damage 5 seconds after warping back to a waypoint.

    Path #4,

    Path #5, Rift Walker - Hope onto a rift of arcane and wind magic allowing you to float forward 8 blocks.
    Animation - A cloud is summoned under the mages feet with arcane (purple magic particles) trails around it.
    Additonal Specs:
    Daze - Enemies in the path of the cloud are blinded for 6 seconds.
    Breeze - Enemies in the way of the cloud are pushed away, hurting them in the process.
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3, Particle Cannon - Send out a burst of pure energy transfering all elemental damage that would have been done into neutral damage.
    Animation - A cluster of spark particles shaped into a cannon shot.
    Additonal Specs:
    Terrorize - Ignore 30% of the enemies defense.
    Precision - Ignore the enemies agility, at the cost of 20% of your hp.

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Path #1,

    Path #2,

    Path #3,

    Path #4,

    Path #5,
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2016
  2. SilverMirror

    SilverMirror Retired IM HERO

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    such detail much wow very like xd
    Chun_ and StarDraco123 like this.
  3. Blizzardgale

    Blizzardgale Famous Adventurer VIP

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    This is *cough every mmorpg *cough
    Relflow, ThomAnn100 and StarDraco123 like this.
  4. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    And wynn is an mmorpg bb ;D
    Blizzardgale likes this.
  5. Kraetys

    Kraetys Hater of Catipalism - Certified Nyanarchist HERO

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    But so far it's stayed uniqueish.
  6. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    huh, wynn? its pretty much a basic mmo with similar elements and concepts
  7. SmileyAlec

    SmileyAlec Olympic Gaming CHAMPION

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    I read assassin

    me like very much
  8. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    no bias on whats being brainstormed first at all
    SmileyAlec likes this.
  9. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    Small Update: Added 3 paths for spin attack, check em out to see the gist of my idea.
  10. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    Spin attack is now "finished" (Stats will be added later when I can bother with my pseudo balancing) Heal is next on the list.
  11. bobrossfan

    bobrossfan Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    Well this thread is not that finished so I can't judge it right now, but the ideas stated in the beginning sound good.
    StarDraco123 likes this.
  12. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    I like it, but I think this should be integrated into the skill point system, where you use skill points to do this starting at lv 1.

    For example, 20 agility at lv 10 would be the same as the current system, but at the same time, progress into a skill tree of some kind.

    and I didnt finish reading the thread, but ya know how there are 5 upgrades per spell? Yeah. 1 upgrade=1 element like fire/defense, earth/damage, air/agility, etc.

    so skillpoints upgrade both spells & your average skillpoint stuff
  13. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    Not a bad idea, but the system I've made so far, I feel adds more chances to mix and match and create interesting combos with cool gimmicks. I'll try to convey this idea better later.
  14. Golfbawl

    Golfbawl [] CHAMPION

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    I love the idea, but this is gonna take you like a decade to finish.
    StarDraco123 likes this.
  15. Happy New Year

    Happy New Year Please bring the shoutbox back VIP+

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    cool idea
    has a lot of details even tho its still wip, gj
    StarDraco123 likes this.
  16. StarDraco123

    StarDraco123 (・8・) VIP+

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    More skills have been added for all classes, specifically war scream, teleport, and bomb arrow.
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