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World Morgar

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by tjmoore04, Nov 30, 2016.


Could this be turned into a real thing and how interesting does it sound? Please leave suggestions!

Poll closed Jan 30, 2017.
  1. Could definitely be in game and sounds interesting

    0 vote(s)
  2. Could be in game but needs some work

    4 vote(s)
  3. Will never be in game (Leave Reasons Why)

    4 vote(s)
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  1. tjmoore04

    tjmoore04 IMMA DO IT VIP+

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    So I know this was a mispronounciation by Grian during the most recent build night stream, but as I thought about it this could be turned into a very interesting part for the map. (I'M NOT SAYING IT SHOULD BE IN THE GAME NOW)

    -If the max level was increased past 100 this idea may work-

    -For level 100+
    -A constant struggle to not be ATTACKED
    -Would contain only dead/undead and flesh hungry mobs.
    -Look similar to Mordor except it wouldn't be completely mountainous
    -Wouldn't contain towns, but camps
    -Camps would be similar to towns except they would either be hostile or neutral
    -Neutral Camps would consist of merchants or scam merchants, powder masters, and would have a very small chance to have a tradealbe horse merchant with skeleton and zombie horses (which ld be the strongest horses)

    Possible Locations:
    -A teleport from The Roots of Corruption or Ozoth's Spire
    -A tunnel from Molten Heights
    -(To keep people going to the Province of Wynn)*Not yet decided*

    Possible Quests:
    -Sight from the Darkness- Allowing a teleportation to Morgar *Level 99*
    -The Dying Village- A abandoned tree village that has been abandoned for hundreds of-years and taken by the evil within the land *Level 102* (obtain a quest item that is used later on in a quest to start the destruction of evil)
    -The Destruction of the Destructors- Use the quest item obtained in the dying village to destroy the bosses in the quest (a helmet). Must be worn to move through the areas. The bosses will be harder than anything seen before. (For the story of the essence of evil can only be destroyed with the power of many sources of purity)
    *Level Unknown*

    (Please keep in mind that I don't know the entire story of Wynncraft and that this section will very likely change multiple times depending on what the team decides to add)
    Story: Morgar was not always called Morgar. It used to be a place of Happiness and love until the fire of hatred and despair took over from a corrupt being not like the decay and corruption. This being was unlike any other. It had once lived in Wynn, but fled to Gavel due to the corruption. Not knowing that the decay had been taking over Gavel this being stayed for many years being mentally destroyed and corrupt. Many villagers and humans realized this corruption and the being was banished to the Molten Heights. But this only made the Being more powerful. It learned to live in fire and darkness. It saw what power it gave and wanted it to its self and a land of its own. It grew powerful enough to summon its own beings more formally known as the Harbinger Demons. Every time guards tried to enter its chamber the Demons sounded an alarm and the soldiers were wiped from existence, not even a bone left. Once enough guards were destroyed the Being took its chance to escape. It easily was able to fight through swarms of knights of magic. It found the land of happiness in turned it into its land of happiness. A place where very few men dare enter. A place now known as Morgar.
  2. MoustacheBleue

    MoustacheBleue Like to RP|One of the Rymek bandit Leaders HERO

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    While you certainly put a lot of effort into it, I would say that if the word Morgar (or Morgor...) appear in game, it would just be as an easter egg. Even then, Bloomi is far more known and have a bigger chance to be one.
    They already have a big chunk of LotR related content, I don't see why they would add much.
    But the idea of a REAL despair land is appealing. (But then you have Dern)

    TLDR : Nice Idea, Won't Happen, Already LotR Stuff, Bloomi More Easter Egg-est.
    tjmoore04 likes this.
  3. McMasterx

    McMasterx ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Valar MorGavelis HERO

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    The most I've seen is that people (including myself) want to name the Main Entrance gate to Fruma the Morgor Gate.
    tjmoore04 likes this.
  4. tjmoore04

    tjmoore04 IMMA DO IT VIP+

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    I do realize that what you say is true but just thought I'd make some sort of conecpt behind Morgar for fun. *Thinks to self-now i've gotta make somthing for bloomi*
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