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Mythical Crafting - Read Before Criticizing

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Theeef, Nov 26, 2016.


Should Mythical Crafting Be Added?

  1. Yesh! +1

    21 vote(s)
  2. No!

    18 vote(s)
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  1. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I think a lot of us can agree that Wynncraft' economy needs a change. After talking to my guild mates, we determined one of the biggest problems is mythics. They're too expensive, and result with people having hoards of money. Our idea is: Craftable Mythics

    There will be a new structure for where you can craft your mythics. The NPC inside the building is called a Blacksmith. When you right click the Blacksmith, a 1x9 gui will open. On the right side there will be a button represented by a sticky piston. When you hover over it, it will say "Craft Mythic". When you click it it will open up a smaller GUI, which I will get into later. The GUI looks like this:

    Crafting a Mythic:
    You craft Mythics at the Blacksmith NPC using Soul Gems. You get Soul Gems by deconstructing items. The amount of Soul Gems you get from deconstructing an item depends on its tier and level. It costs emeralds to deconstruct items. The cost would be about 10% of what you would get for it from an item buyer. So if I sell an item at the item buyer and get 100 emeralds, the cost to deconstruct the same item would be 10 emeralds. Note: This is an example.

    Normal: 1 Soul gem
    Unique: Lv. 1-50: 3 ---- Lv. 51-85: 4 ---- Lv. 86-100: 5
    Rare: Lv. 1-35: 9 --- Lv. 36-55: 10 --- Lv. 56-70: 11 --- Lv. 71-83: 12 --- 84-95: 13 --- 96-100: 15
    Legendary: Lv. 1-35: 20-22 --- Lv 36-66: 23-30 --- Lv. 67-86: 31-35 --- Lv. 87-100: 36-40

    When you drag and drop an item into the item deconstructing area, it would close the menu and tell you how many Soul Gems you deconstructed the item for, just like an item buyer. When you open the Blacksmith GUI back up, the sugar icon would show your new amount of Soul Gems.

    Once you save up a certain amount of soul gems, you can craft a mythic. You craft a mythic by clicking the piston. In order to go to the next stage of crafting you must have 5000 Soul Gems when you click the piston. If you don't have enough, it will close the menu and tell you that you need more. If you do have enough, you would get sent to another GUI. In this GUI there would be buttons representing each class or armor (Shears, Stick, Spade, Bow, and Iron Chestplate). If you hover over each it would say the class name as well as "click to craft a mythic for this class". If you click the class icon a random mythic for that class will be put into your inventory. It could be any of the mythics for the class, as it is random. If your inventory is full it will tell you to make more space in your inventory before crafting. Now, the fact that it is random may be making you all rage. I know, but bear with me. If you get a mythic you don't want, you can deconstruct it for 3000 Soul Gems. This will be the only thing you can do since MYTHICS WILL NOT BE TRADABLE. Yeah that's right. I said it. Rich people who make all of your money by selling mythics, well I'm sorry. This seems like the best way to help the economy. Note: Any existing mythics would be able to be traded at an NPC for new, fixed mythics. If they are not traded after 1 month after the update, they will be deleted. If people aren't selling and buying mythics, people won't be broke or extremely rich. You may be thinking "oh, but then the price of legends will go way up". Nope! Since people will only be crafting mythics as needed (why would they need more than a few) since they are untradable and only for personal use, the price for legends would practically stay the same. Anyways, the gist of it is, you save up Soul Gems, craft your mythic, and if you don't like it you can deconstruct it and save up for a new one.

    Sorry for that huge wall of text. That's the gist of the idea. Tell me how it might need balancing and such. Also feel free to comment and point out grammatical errors. Make sure you vote!

    Also, thanks to @Elite744 and @Yotam for helping me think of the idea.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  2. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    This is an interesting idea which could aide in Wynn's "overpriced" mythic situation but doesn't this devalue emeralds by quite a bit? As many players tend to save emeralds to buy this treasured mythic item. This results in the only use of emeralds to be the merchants, player services, and legends. Most legends don't cost over a stack of le. Wouldn't the built up emeralds from grinding eventually cause them to be worthless? (The use of legends to create more mythics would also eventually run out) This of course won't happen immediately but it could end up making Wynncraft's economy worse than it already is. ;-;
    -On a Side Note wouldn't this basically make legend weapons useless?
    -Also how do you plan to implement the gaining of mythic armor?
    (Also Sorry for this only pointing out flaws)
    EDIT: For the people who aren't extremely rich and have earned mythics I feel as though this cheapens their find.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  3. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Forgot about the armor, I will change the thread.
    Also, some legends and rares and such complement certain builds better than mythics can.
    As for emeralds , as I stated the myrhics you get a randomly picked based on your selection. It could take people several tries to get the mythic they want. People would also be scrapping their normals unique and rares for soul gems, so they would be making less profit from those. Also, new and more fun money sinks can be added.
  4. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Maybe also add a level function/restriction? (As someone could easily play through to 100 and get a mythic) (35 Legends with grinding especially from 1-100 is fairly easy xD)

    Edit: I completely forgot about uniques and those are much easier to get in quantity which could be an easy mythic grind from uniques. ;-;
  5. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Mythics themselves already have level restrictions though, so I don't see that being needed. Also, why shouldn't you have a mythic at level 100? It is the highest level you can get to, excluding level 101.
  6. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Mythics are currently something that you have to grind quite a bit for so I feel as though you shouldn't be able to use legends from level 5-60 to get say a Thrundacrack, Freedom, or any other high level mythic. (I guess I'm just trying to preserve some of the extra grinding for mythics)
    -Also as one suggestion of a emerald purge I saw earlier this would also cause some rage in the community. (Even though the majority doesn't own a mythic)

    Quick Edit: It takes about 333 Uniques to get a mythic which including the rares from grinding as well would make a loot bonus set extremely effective to get someone every mythic quickly ;-;

    (Also going to stop nagging on the thread)
    sorry xD
  7. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    As for the level of mythics, it would require the same amount of effort to attain as it would at a higher level. You still have to grind to get it... You don't magically get legends and rares; you have to kill mobs.

    Also, I may be as a money sink, the items you deconstruct need to be identified?
  8. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I expected the identification and my only issue with this now is the ease of mythics. As you know grinding in Frozen Heights for items can quickly fill your inventory (Not to mention with loot bonus sets). This could also cause more claiming of areas again as well as running back and forth to trade the uniques and rares for soul gems. Which actually allows a interesting dynamic. As this would cause the demand for loot bonus items to drastically rise. I guess I just see this as a chance for everyone to easily gain the main component for a OP build which could easily make the PVP factor much more hectic. I honestly don't see how this can be added in without breaking another factor of wynncraft. I can definitely see how this could aide in balancing the economy , but I would see mythics as the best items yet extremely easy to get :/. Then you have issues with the rising price of loot bonus items. The rich would have most of their le become worthless as mostly mythics are bought with such large amounts.
    (I love the idea of decreasing the value of mythics ,but I can't think of any viable way that doesn't harm another factor of wynn)
    I said I was going to quit but I keep thinking of more factors xD
    Now I'll quit xD
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
  9. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Yeah no. This would just cause the price of all legendaries to quadruple (good luck trying to get one below lv 50) and someone can just deconstruct like 50 lv 5 legendsries for like 20le and get a mythic. It would either crash the price of mythics (arent they supposed to be rare?) or inflate the price of legendaries. Both are shit.
    GiraffeMemeLord likes this.
  10. Miles_

    Miles_ hi CHAMPION

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    Awesome suggestion, I have an idea I think could improve it though.
    Normal = 1 soul gem
    Unique = 3-5 soul gems {Levels below 50 get 3, 51-85 gets 4, 86+ gets 5} I've nerfed this because it would be too easy to get a mythic with 15 gems per item imo.
    Rare = 9-15 gems {Levels below 35 get 9, 36-55 get 10, 56-70 get 11, 71-83 get 12, 84-95 get 13, 96-100 get 15} I've nerfed this because it would be too easy to get a mythic with 30 gems per item imo.
    Legendary = 20-40 gems {Levels below 25 get 20, 26-35 gets 22, 36-45 gets 24, 46-55 gets 26, 56-65 gets 28, 66-75 gets 30, 76-85 gets 33, 86-93 gets 36, 94-100 gets 40} I've nerfed this because it would be too easy to get a mythic with 100 gems per item imo.
    I think mythics should give around 2,500 gems each, with some exceptions like
    Cataclysm: 3.3k soul gems,
    Fatal: 3.1k soul gems,
    Stratiformis: 3.0k soul gems,
    Gaia: 2.95k soul gems,
    Idol: 2.8k soul gems,
    Spring: 2.7k soul gems,
    Guardian: 2.6k soul gems,
    Apocalypse: 2.6k soul gems,
    Grimtrap: 2.8k soul gems,
    Weathered: 2.55k soul gems,
    Warchief: 2.9k soul gems,
    Slayer: 2.675k soul gems.
    I might have forgotten some mythics.
    BTW when you forge the mythics, what IDs will they have? I think it should be 75% of the average displayed IDs. I also think that they should not be reIDable.​
  11. GiraffeMemeLord

    GiraffeMemeLord Has Crab AIDS HERO

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    Lets fix that by mass producing items and overall devaluing them in the process. This will with no doubt trash the economy even more. Also mythics have unique lore intertwined with the history and culture of the provinces. For example, Weathered was a relic of time valley that was eroded for ages, so much so that it was imbued was the power of wind itself. Wouldn't weathered loose its charm and lore significance if you could just materialize one out of thin air? This suggestion takes away the uniqueness and value of weapons and armor and reduces them to a nameless resource. Im going with a strong no.
  12. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    I could make it more of a trading process. Meaning, you trade soul gems for mythics the blacksmith (if this became the case the name would most likely be changed) already has.

    Also, the idea is that mythics need to be less valuable. Right now they're so expensive that people collect hoards and hoards of LE, while the other people have nothing in comparison. If you have a way to improve the idea, go ahead and tell me.
    Yeah, I like that idea. Will be adding them. Also, there are like 30 mythics or so. Would you mind finding all of them and creating soul gem prices for all of them? Apparently, I'm not very good at pricing things :). Use Wynnapps.tk >>> item guide >>> set the type to mythics
    Well, you will get them pre-identified and I want people to be able to re-id them because if not it would take forever to save up for a mythic you really like. I think the mythic should be above 50% and you can re-id it.
    Last edited: Nov 26, 2016
    Miles_ likes this.
  13. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    I agree that mythics should be easier to get, but they should be something you work towards. i say it should take 2-4 times the soul gems to get the mythic. then you get something you were working towards, not something you farmed for like a couple hours to easily get.
    also mythics should be tradeable.
    dis is going to draw it out, but can you add a maybe, with some changes. to the poll
  14. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    It wouldn't even take hours with loot bonus gear or even without it. It would be extremely easy to get a large amount of uniques and rares.
  15. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Changed some of the values that each item tier gives. It is now affected by the items level.
  16. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    Ye. This seems good on paper, but if you apply it to the game, it becomes unbalanced quickly. also not to be rude to Eldrex but the non tradeable mythics part is garbage. What if you get a duplicate? What if 2 people have the mythics the other wants, but they cant trade? but tbh the non tradeable part isnt that big a deal becuase the loot sets will unbalance it further

    WAIT U CAN GET DISCOVERE FROM THE MYTHIC CRAFTING. Yep rip the rarity of mythics.
  17. Theeef

    Theeef Owner of The Crossroads CHAMPION

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    Yeah, I'd rather just have people vote yes or no, and comment what needs changes.
  18. Lemon

    Lemon God has forsaken me CHAMPION

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    That helps, but in the endgame getting the high lvl stuff isnt that hard, and can be easily obtained. that is a minor fix to a yuge problem.

    (sry for being mean)
  19. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    Needs to be nerfed since well...
    But I do like the idea of being able to craft mythics.
    The luck factor right now simply seems a tad too big to me.
  20. DoctorC

    DoctorC Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    Thank you xD
    This at least makes it quite a bit more challenging to get the mythic
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