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Raids In Wynncraft

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Wickland2, Oct 12, 2016.


Would you like to see raids?

Poll closed Dec 13, 2016.
  1. Yes

    23 vote(s)
  2. No

    11 vote(s)
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  1. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    If you can't be bothered to read and you agreed with the title, type signed or +1 since I can't edit in a poll or just like the post, helps spread the word.

    Now any of you who have played other mmos for a long time will know that most mmos have raids.

    I feel there should be some sort of raid system my idea is that perhaps there would be 1 raid per expansion or large scale update that would be...well...like a raid, many different stages with many unique mechanics that requires aid from every class to complete with raid activities ( raid activities such as puzzles and swarm fights where you must survive against enemies for certain periods of time and also parkour and other such things) complex boss fights involving certain classes needing to tank, certain classes to dps and some to heal ect ect
    And the bosses having specific stages and ways to attack based on current hp that requires strategy and team work there should be 2-3 boss battles a raid all of them being somewhat simple (but still somewhat complex) except the last one which must require, and strategy, concentration, communication and varied classes.
    The raids would require 6-10 (or 10-20 based on the scale of the raid, 4 raid activities with 3 bosses would be 6-10 and any larger would be 10-20) people to realistically beat, but there shouldn't be any number restrictions because some beasts enjoy soloing raids just to say they can.

    I think if done as a guild, some bonus should be awarded, such as better loot or better exp (not both) this would give more of a reason for guilds and the like.

    Also there should be hidden (high teir) chests in each raid activity (wether it gives good loot or not Is randomm but it should always give money) and every boss should drop gear and money (again the exact drops being random, but some gear should ONLY be obtained through certain bosses, and it should have a set, and perhaps a set bonus, e.g. there is a boss called dave, that has really good weapons and armour for archers, with special dave armour if you wear all the dave armour, the dave bow has a damage buff and ect)
    And the final boss should drop better gear then the raid minibosses (the 2 or more bosses before it)

    Speaking of final boss, it should have large scale strategy, and the amount of phases doesn't matter as long as its 2 or more (2 is not recommend tho, also I apologise for writing this like im telling you what to do, this is still a suggestion based on my knowledge of raiding in the mmos wich I have done much of)and there should a
    Raid-activity (parkour, puzzle wave mode, to name some of the most common, but definitely break from these 3 as often as possible to remain unique) during the boss battle (optional to add, should be required to do if implemented) as one of the phases

    And every raid should have a specific theme and colour scheme for it, e.g. if a nether raid, keep it it in the nether and keep it dark red with boss names and loot having and emphasis on hell and damnation, and maybe another one would have an emeraldy green scheme to It with boss names and loot having an emphasis on money and greed ect

    So that's my idea! I said should more then I should have, but most of what I said is required for a successful raid, anyways, if you aggree make sure to comment that you agree, all criticism is welcome (just don't say something like "this iz dum" because id like to actually improve upon my ideas not just have useless insults thrown at me)

    And if you cant be bothered to write anything more then a sentence just write signed if you agree.

    Thanks for your time

    Edit - I forgot to mention raids should take anywhere from 1 - 2 hours to beat

    Edit - hyper dumbed down raid concept

    1 go to the edge of wynn where there is a hole that falls forever, jump in with a party or on your own to initiate the raid (if you aren't in a part no matter who jumps with you you'll be on your own)
    As Soon as you get in there is a long hallway with doors on the walls that are just dead ends. If you turn around you notice melee enemies spawning behind you at an alarming rate, immortal enemies, your only choise Is to run.
    You get to the end of the hallway and there is a door, you open it and you are greeted with a short but simple timing based parkour with appearing a dissapearing blocks, once you get across here there is a platform where you must survive for 3 minutes against increasing amounts of enemies (raid enemies don't have drops nor do they grant exp, only bosses do and in large amounts, this prevents abuse of certain mechanics) once this is done a romeo and Juliet boss fight begins with a wither skeleton and a regular skeleton (for those who don't know a romeo and Juliet bossfight is where you must kill both bosses within 10 seconds of each other or at the same time) these bosses each have 2 phases and different abilities, the wither skeleton will shoot potions that blind people (but can blind a max of half the party) and in order to unblind them archers must shoot difficult to shoot buttons in the distance.
    The regular skeleton just shoots barrages...that's it, in the second phase they just speed up. Pretty simple.

    Then you must go down another infinite hole into the void.

    Here you must defend 3 banners from getting attacked by enemies that attack both you and the banners (honestly this part is just stolen from some of destinies raids lol) in 3 phases, first you must protect the middle banner, then the middle and one to the left, then all 3 banners, then a boss will spawn that has to Mutch health to take down regularly. After much trial and error you find that aoe attacks weaken the boss,allowing you to dps him, meanwhile trash mobs are attacking from all angles.
    Once you've repeated this in till he's dead, move on to the next activity which you must jump down another hole to get to.
    A voice says "you dare enter my void? For this I Will take your soul" you must then just run in any direction in a room with no lighting for 200 block whilst fighting mobs that spawn in the dark.
    Once you've done this a boss spawns

    Darker, the ultimate void. - that's his name

    This guy is a giant zombie who is invincible so you must shoot his feet to bring him down, well...its not that simple, he will follow the highest damage dealer around the arena whilst others shoot his feet, when you have done a fair amount of damage he will turn into a normal zombies and be powerless, meanwhile buttons will appear randomly throughout the map that once pressed, shine light on "darker" this light will cause him damage. He will only be in zombie mode for 15 seconds and the more buttons you push the better, note upon pressing the first button he will say, "the light, it burns!"
    Once he's back In giant mode you do the same thing, note, no matter what you cannot kill him in two downs
    The third time however, epic music comes on, the arena slowly begins to disappear and epic music comes on, (if you fall in the holes you cannot respawn until the team wipes or wins, if you were dead when the team wins you still get loot)
    This time he shoots out explosive arrows at the highest and lowest damage dealers, and also prevents them from doing any damage at all.
    Once he's down that time you push 1 button dead centre in the middle of the arena, this opens the roof to reveal the sun, he will then become a giant, his health bar will refill to full, he will begins shooting at everyone with explosive arrows, and cover will come up from the floor.
    This time the sun is making him weak, he can be killed now, you must dps him until be is at 1 6th of his health and then he will become a small zombie again, you must dps the crap out of him now, if you don't kill him in 10 seconds, he will become permanently immortal and will 1 shot everyone.

    Once you kill him you get a cool end message saying he's dying or something like that, you then get loot!
    (You will never ever get the full set from a raid, generally you get one piece of a set that's always for your class each time you kill him, meaning you need to go through the raid multiple times to get the full set of raid armour for any given boss)

    You also get a ton of exp and stuff

    And finally if you all die, you don't lose soul points nor do you go to a near town, you all spawn at the beginning of that raid activity and need to try again, of course there's a way to leave if your fed up of failing though, probs a command or something

    Edit by no means am k saying this should become an implemented raid, this is just an example of a raid and if put in the game wouldn't be that great
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2016
    Glador likes this.
  2. ThomAnn100

    ThomAnn100 I have reached peak intelligence VIP+

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    You should add a poll
  3. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Please give concepts! :D

  4. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    I don't think I can edit in polls
    Oh and what kind of concepts like kinds of raids? Ill edit that in
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  5. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    It's called a dungeon?

    But I assume you mean like huge, much larger and more interesting stuff.
    So basically larger and more exciting dungeons.

    Problem is that Minecraft is somewhat limited, and Wynn doesn't have the largest coding staff (although the few that we have are very good).
    I assume after the code is cleaned up, updates should be able to be rolled out somewhat quicker, or better content can be created.

    Currently they are trying to solidify a stong base/system for new stuff in the future
    Like revamped Dungeons, Elements, Items, and balancing first

    In the future perhaps larger things like more elaborate dungeons and stuff can be added.
    But that is probably going to take quite a long time before this can be implemented
  6. funnysillyman

    funnysillyman lil uzi fan VIP+ GM

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    Like themes, maybe even builds!

    oh and click "thread tools" and then click "add poll"
  7. LPJebe

    LPJebe Well-Known Adventurer

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    Isnt ToA like a raid already?
  8. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    So loot runs? already added bud. No, dungeons! Those were added way earlier then loot runs! What is this?
  9. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    Added, its not that great nor should it ever be used, its just a concept
    No dungeons and loot runs are like raids on a much, much smaller games, take WoW for instance that has dungeons, raids and loot runs, raids being the much larger, much more difficult version of dungeons basically.
    Based on what you said id assume you haven't played many other mmos?
    Nah raids are bigger and with more people
    Raids are like dungeons times a million on drugs in space that are difficult and in some aspects different from a dungeon
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  10. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    Ive played other MMO's, not many tho. How are we suppose to make larger scale dungeons when there are already going to be lv95 dungeons?
  11. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    Thanks added a poll and some text at the bottom that's worth reading
    It won't be based on levels primarily read the concept I added in if you have the time, imagine something like that but not bad, also it requires a lot of people with strategy and communication, and the raid activities I mentioned are just generic raid activities, it can be anything really that leads to a boss fight
    funnysillyman likes this.
  12. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    So lv 20 mob army made for 10 lv20's to do?
  13. LPJebe

    LPJebe Well-Known Adventurer

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    I know what raids are like cmon Ive done emerald nightmare heroic in wow with my guild
  14. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    Nope, I said they won't be level based primarily, they will still be level based, but its just possible to do the raid around 5 levels below recommended level if you are skilled enough.

    And no, not for level 10s, raids are THE Ultimate end game activity, the very last thing you should be doing in an mmo
  15. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    The last thing you should do is 1v1 Qira, which going passed that is almost impossible to achieve.
  16. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    Ehhh... Qira is strong, but, with the correct build, she is super easy to solo, and I wish there was something beyond that... Just use raw spell assassin and you can even solo with a depressing dagger =D
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2016
  17. Dohdo

    Dohdo I'm back. Cancer in it's purest form.

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    A) What the heck you thinkin, fam?
    Solo'd qira? Show me you solo Orange Wybel.
  18. corsica

    corsica faux

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    So, it's pretty much just dungeons 2.0? +1
  19. chaostitan

    chaostitan Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    Raids are basically super dungeons that REQUIRE multiply people so technically they are already in the game at a smaller scale, light realm dungeon will probably be a raid like dungeon.
  20. Wickland2

    Wickland2 ? VIP+

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    Fingers crossed
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