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The Tower Of Amnesia Needs To Be Redone

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by That_Chudley, Oct 8, 2016.


Do you think that this quest should be added/revamped?

  1. Yes

  2. Perhaps (Please tell me what you want to change/add)

  3. No

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  1. That_Chudley

    That_Chudley Wynncraft Addict HERO

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    The Tower of Amnesia currently has no backstory, no later relevance and no plot.

    The quest consists of running back and forth between towns that are annoyingly far away or dangerous due to the level difference.

    At the end of the quest, you get 0 experience. Yep. Absolutely none. Also, all of the emeralds you had to spend of the scrolls... you get no emerald reward either. In fact, all you get is a skill reset scroll (Wow... saving 2 soul points for one time only. That sucks) and access to the tower (totally useless and has no function).

    Therefore, I suggest that the quest is TOTALLY redone:

    1. Excuse me, but you look like someone who's travelled a fair bit.
    2. Fruma?! You should find this little task easy then!
    3. I have a contact in Elkurn who is meant to be meeting me, but it looks like he's forgotten about our meeting.
    4. Could you go over there and try to find him for me?
    5. His name is Teron, he spends most of his time in the church.

    (Go to Elkurn and find Teron in the Bovemist church)

    (Before Quest)
    1. May the Great Bovine God smile down upon you adventurer!

    (During Quest)
    1. Bovine Blessings be upon you! Wait?
    2. Tinemild sent you?
    3. Oh dear. You see, I'd agreed to give him a necklace I found, but it has the strangest effects!
    4. When I put it on, I completely forget who and where I am!
    5. Even being near it creates has some strange effects, so I got rid of it.
    6. If you're desperate to have a look at it, I threw it in the hole behind the church

    (There should now be a small black hole behind the church that teleports you to a strange earthy cave)

    (Upon entering you get the nausea effect and have to navigate through the cave. There are a few dead ends but no mobs)

    Upon entering the cave you begin to feel confused and unwell

    (At the end of the cave is the necklace which you pick up)

    (Once you've picked up the necklace, you get blindess too)

    Text: The effects of the necklace worsen as you come into contact with it

    (Navigate your way out of the cave and the effects go away once you're out)

    (Speak with Tinemild)

    1. You're back! What did Teron have to say?
    2. Yes yes, of course I know what it does!
    3. That's why I wanted it!
    4. Anyway, thank you for helping me with this. If I can harness the powers of Amnesia, I may be able to help you out.
    5. And take this whilst you're at it, I was going to pay it to Teron anyway, but I guess you deserve it more.

    [Quest Complete]

    Gain 4000 xp
    Gain 320 Emeralds
    Gain Access to Skill Point Resets

    Before this quest, the player should not be able to reset their skill points freely. This quest is what activates it.
  2. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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    That actually isn't a bad idea.
    However, do note that having access to the tower allows you to buy Skill Reset Scrolls from a merchant within for 6 EB; that's the use.
  3. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    I don't really count that. You have to get into a very strange situation to want to spend 6Eb and walk the entire way out there instead of spending 2SP
  4. awemanrank100

    awemanrank100 custom title

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  5. Pokextreme

    Pokextreme Avos Air Archer HERO

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    The issue with the potion effects are the same as with that mining quest near theased. You can /Class to get rid of the buffs. Other then that, great idea
  6. Coolgi3000

    Coolgi3000 Logician of the Gods CHAMPION

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    I like the idea of revamping the quest but making skill point resetting impossible before it would be annoying unless it became a really low lvl quest, perhaps it could make it only cost 1 soul point instead of 2 when you complete the quest or something like that.
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