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World Province Of Callan And Ships! (8+ Supporters)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Durabilities, May 17, 2016.


Should Callan be Added?

  1. Yes!

    10 vote(s)
  2. Maybe

    6 vote(s)
  3. No.

    8 vote(s)
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  1. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    You might be wondering, why am I making a Province Idea? Well, I've seen many great idea threads that show off great things that could be implemented into Wynncraft, but I felt like even the giant ocean separating Gavel and Wynn wouldn't be big enough to house the epic adventure at sea. So I've decided to create a thread with a new Province idea, I've been inspired by many threads, though I'm keeping this as original as I possibly can.
    The name Callan in Province of Callan comes from the Scandinavian word that means "flowing water".

    Province Terrain:

    Now obviously, considering this Province would be ideally to expand the world of water travel and sea empires, the base terrain is water. Though many islands will be in the surrounding waters, almost all of which for quests. Now, in this Province, many cities and major cities will either be underwater, above water, island cities, or in the sky to some extent, to add to the mythical feel of the sea.

    - As always in Wynncraft, structures will be medieval, but taking its own twist, some of Callan's major cities might be built on a more greek type theme, or something of the sorts.

    Province Lore:
    Callan... what a sea. The place was driven by the spread of the Corruption. Back when you... the small adventurer saved Wynn, the roots of the corruption had somehow managed themselves into the waters of Wynn, though Wynn was pure, Callan was not. The poor creatures of Callan now suffer as the Corruption spreads not by land... not by command... by will... by water... by power. The corruption is back, Adventurer, and so are you. Learn to take control of the sea, meet new people, and become the ultimate hero once more. We of Callan need you.

    Some Callan Mobs:
    I won't go in to detail about mobs as I am not great at mob stats and in general making mobs. but here are a list of some of the mobs I'd like to add.

    Siren - Ranged, weak mob mastering battle in number and effects on their victims.

    Wynn Hydra - Speedy, giant fish with lasers. Yikes.
    Corrupted Siren - Corrupted sirens, now the corruption spreads through blood and veins, taking control of victims and adding its own taste to the power of the victim. Corrupte Sirens are pure chaos with dark effects and illusions beyond human perception.
    Imphlaqua - A Fire dragon that dwells in the hot terrain of the dark sea. These are mini-bosses and are ranged. Quite scary.

    Ok Ok so don't yell at me, those are just like a few of the mobs I personally would want in an oceanic province. I thought it was cool. XD

    Ship Mechanic
    This mechanic will be quite a detailed one, so let's just go right in to it.

    Ships do not transfer with classes, so say one level 100 assassin had a ship, he/she cannot use that ship as a different class.

    What are ships in Wynncraft?

    Ships in Wynncraft would be something like plot worlds. Except... not. So when you get to the Province of Callan, you'll do some quest that I won't go in to detail with as this is already going to be long enough, and you'll unlock Dock Areas for major cities and some smaller cities. Dock areas will allow you to access your ship.
    To access your ship, you simply talk to the
    Shipwright at any docks and a menu will pop up.
    The menu will have loads of other selection menus used to design your ship and buy designs and furniture, weaponry and defense.

    Designing your Ship:
    For designing your ship, simply speak with a Shipwright and select the "My Ship" menu. You'll be taken to a world where your ship is. Like... your real... stationary ship is. On this ship will be your Captain Room. In this room you can look at a special book that shows your recent battle and travel data. You'll also have a bed, of course. On your ship will also be the Cabin Rooms where you'll have a certain number of beds. That amount of beds shows you how many players you can invite to be your Crew Members. You can design your ship, but with restrictions.

    While on your actual ship, you'll notice that you have a shipwright standing at your ship's boarding dock. Talk to the shipwright and select
    Design. You'll be moved to a menu with Minecraft block themes, this will change the main theme of your ship, you must buy themes, and some are found by killing bosses or rare creatures in Callan.

    You can also make furniture and visual weaponry for your ship. But obviously, what ship would a ship be if said ship had no ship flag logo? That's right, when you buy your first ship, you name your ship crew name and design your flag icon.

    Ship Crew:
    Your ship crew is basically your Callan guild. Your ship crew will give you a 0.5% boost on all of your attack and defense stats per crew member you have.

    Your ship crew cannot use your ship for travel, but they do have access to the shipwright in a special crew member menu where they can rent a boat that has double the speed of a regular boat.

    What is Ship Travel Like?
    Well, obviously no godly coder could make a real moving ship, so when you travel to a city on your ship, you simply talk to your shipwright and select the "Travel" button. Any locations you have unlocked will be available for travel without cost! When you travel, you will receive blindness, and you'll hear like splashing water and all of that cinematic stuff XDD, then depending on how far your destination is and how fast your ship travels, you'll be at your destination in no time!
    - While you travel, this is your chance to raid and be raided. When travelling, if other players are travelling with you, this will happen in your chat:

    [1/1] You engage in a ship war with another adventurer!

    Now, all of these messages can occur during your raid:
    You raided 4% of the enemy's EXP Tube supply!
    The enemy raided 4% of your EXP Tube Supply!

    You raided 20% of the enemie's Emerald Cache!
    The enemy raided 20% of your Emerald Cache!

    You've put the enemy's ship condition down to 50%! They retreat!
    The enemy put your ship condition down to 50% Retreat!

    Your enemy's shipwright will have to repair their ship!
    Your shipwright will have to repair your ship!

    You hit the enemy and lowered their ship condition by 10%!
    The enemy hit you and lowered your ship condition by 10%!

    You managed to use Oceanic Defense! All enemy damage is lowered by 60%!
    The enemy managed to use Oceanic Defense... all of your damage is lowered by 60%!

    You landed a critical hit on the enemy! Their ship condition was lowered by 20%!
    The enemy landed a critical hit on you! Your ship condition was lowered by 20%!

    And the list goes on. Any of these messages can appear and at the end of a battle it will show you your battle results, and your results will go in your info book in your captain room.

    Ship Weaponry and Defense against Ship Stats and Wars:

    So basically, you can buy ship upgrades that upgrade attack and defense. Attack and defense increases your stat chances for successfully defending against or raiding other ships. When raided or raiding, you can take a certain number out of 100% of someones supplies. Now, people have many different types and amounts of supplies, and the information for that is right here:

    NOTE: NONE OF THESE APPLY UNLESS A PLAYER TRAVELS USING THEIR SHIP. That means the more frequently you travel by ship with other players travelling at the same time, the better your chances of raiding or being raided. So win /lose ratio is pretty even right now. XD

    Also note, if your ship or your enemy's ship condition is dropped down to 50% during your ship war, you or your enemy must retreat, but you can still be raided and have to stop at the nearest shipwright to repair your ship at a HIGH COST. Ship condition does regenerate on its own unless it needs to be repaired.

    Emerald Cache: This is your stash of Emerald. How this works is for as much Emerald you have in your Emerald Cache you can both buy ship upgrades and/or be raided of your money. You cannot buy ships or upgrades with inventory emerald. All players who are buying their first ship only buy it with inventory money because they don't HAVE a ship XD.
    - The Emerald Cache has a 50 to 100% chance of being raided, and depending on your defense and your enemies weaponry, up to 30% of your cache can be raided from you while at sea.

    Experience Tubes: Get this: your ship is embedded with the magic of Wynn and has magical EXP tubes on its bottom, allowing you to fill experience to level up your ships, or even WORSE, be thieved of your EXP! Basically, any time you travel by sea, you gain a very small amount of experience to fill in your ship's EXP Tubes, when it cannot hold anymore, you can spend money to upgrade your base ship, making you travel faster, allowing more player spots to invite your crew members, and etc! Be warned, however, you can be thieved of EXP when raided successfully and you will loose up to 6% of your EXP per successful enemy raid.

    Ship Condition: Yes, yes your ship is magic. So are others' though, and your ship can easily take beatings even with great defense. Your Ship Condition percentage can be found by talking to any shipwright and selecting the item button that shows your ship information. If your ship is damaged to a point where ship condition is below 35%, you must pay your shipwright to repair it for you. Yeah there's more than one type of shark in Callan. $$$

    Shipwright Happiness: Wynncraft is OBVIOUSLY real, and in a real world, any Shipwright who constantly has to repair your ship is going to be mad. The more you're successfully raided, the larger the fines for your repair is, and the Shipwright will eventually make lower-quality repairs! Note: Fine multipliers and Shipwright happiness will reset every 7 Minecraft days. (Whatever the tick count for that is. XD)

    Ship Attack and Defense Upgrades:

    Attack Upgrade 1 (Grade 1)
    - +5 % Win chance
    - +5% Chance to steal an extra 1% of Emerald or EXP

    Attack Upgrade 2 (Grade 2)
    - +20% Win chance
    - +20% Chance to steal an extra 5% of Emerald or EXP
    Cripple, your ship attacks during combat have a 4% chance to be critical hits.

    Attack Upgrade 3 (Grade 3)
    - +50% Win Chance
    - Due to your ship's large size, you can no longer spot level 1 ships, and therefor you cannot commence battle with them.
    - 30% Chance to steal an extra 10% of Emerald or EXP
    Godly Ship, You have a 14% chance to deal 2 critical hits in a row.

    Defense Upgrade 1 (Grade 1)
    - +6% Chance to secure extra Emeralds and EXP to lower the highest amount enemies can take.
    - +1% Chance to take no damage from an attack.

    Defense Upgrade 2 (Grade 2)
    - +12% Chance to secure extra Emeralds and EXP to lower the highest amount enemies can take.
    - +4% Chance to take no damage from an attack.
    Shark Phalanx, 10% chance to gain control of the sharks by sheer intimidation and gain a 20% resistance boost for the whole battle.

    Defense Upgrade 3 (Grade 3)
    - +4% Chance to secure extra Emeralds and EXP to completely negate the enemies ability to steal supplies from you.
    - +10% Chance to take no damage from an attack.
    Oceanic Defense, 1% chance to completely secure your ship in an aquatic aura for the entire battle, negating over 60% of all enemy damage.

    Ship Leveling:

    Ship Level 1: (New Ship)
    - 10 Crew Member Slots
    - Access to Grade 1 Attack and Defense Upgrades
    - 10,000 Ship EXP Required to level up

    Ship Level 2: (Battle Baby)
    - 15 Crew Member Slots
    - Access to Grade 1 Attack and Defense Upgrades
    - Overall travel time decreased by 3 seconds.
    - 20,000 Ship EXP Required to level up

    Ship Level 3: (Midway Peaks)
    - 20 Crew Member Slots
    - Access to Grade 2 Attack and Defense Upgrades
    - Overall travel time decreased by 6 seconds.
    - 50,000 Ship EXP Required to level up

    Ship Level 4: (The Craft Pearl)
    - 30 Crew Member Slots
    - Access to Grade 2 Attack and Defense Upgrades
    - Overall travel time decreased by 6 seconds.
    - +Access to Banking System Upgrade:
    You are paid by the Wynn banks to sail the seas. (5E per travel)
    - 250,000 Ship EXP Required to level up

    Ship Level 5:
    (End of the Sea)

    - 50 Crew member Slots
    - Access to Grade 3 Attack and Defense Upgrades
    - Unless battle is initiated, no travel time for ship destinations
    - +Access to Banking System Upgrade
    - Your ship can now be viewed by the people of Wynn, you're now known as a fearsome warrior of the sea!

    I'll add much more based on suggestions and ideas -
    Last edited: May 18, 2016
  2. FishWaffle

    FishWaffle It's ya boi VIP

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    Wow, this is...really in depth. It amazing and would be awesome, however I think it would absolutely kill Jumla to code
  3. coga

    coga Noob CHAMPION

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    I'm wandering around wondering how you confused wondering with wandering
    XavierEXE likes this.
  4. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Sounds great but rip Jumla
  5. Ziel

    Ziel Drifting far away HERO

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    RIP Jumla

    But sounds like a great idea though! :)
  6. CrazyCookie

    CrazyCookie The Craziest Mage

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    RIP Jumla
    Do you know that Gavel came out 6 months ago.
    It's not 100% finish yet.
    Are you trying to make a parody of the Province of Corkus?
    XavierEXE, Plasma~ and brokenfurnace like this.
  7. PurifyX

    PurifyX Famous Adventurer VIP+ Builder

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    I like how everyone says RIP Jumla BUT also says its a good idea, sounds like you're just hatin'

    Anyways great detail, maybe in 2 years they'll look at this. We need Gavel finished first ^u^
  8. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    SturerElch and Ascended Kitten like this.
  9. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Spellcheck time O_O :salted:
  10. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    dark theme please (highlight all your black text and select the none color option)
  11. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    See the large, bolded, underlined, and italic text? If every level 80+ player had one of these ships, it would be complete madness. The server would be lagging like crazy. I really hate to bring down a good suggestion, but it will never exist if every player gets their own world. If it's implemented some other way though, then this could be added after Gavel, Fruma, and Dern.
    Plasma~ likes this.
  12. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I visualized a plot world with very large plots, and roads for the plot word would be raised decks and water below with standard things like coral, wood pieces, broken ships, ropes, etc. Like a port would have, and players are designated to stay on their ship/plot. Though, I do sadly see this taking a bit of the point out of Wynncraft, plotworlds obviously aren't a focus or thought in Wynncraft, but it's the only non-laggy way I can think about going about the visual ship.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  13. Inactive User

    Inactive User Famous Adventurer VIP+

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    A whole plotworld would be far less laggy, but would still have some lag. Still, it's not a bad idea, even though it wouldn't fit in with the lore.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  14. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Well, the reason for the plotworld is simply to have space for players to customize their ships and whatnot, it isn't a necessity though it might add to the mechanic because many people love designing. However, if it did come to it, I might remove the idea of plotworld ships
    XavierEXE likes this.
  15. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    Don't you mean "I'm wondering around wandering how?" c:
  16. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Thank you! Support is appreciated, if you have any suggestions feel free to PM me and I'll check them out!
    FishWaffle likes this.
  17. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    This does sound kinda cool, but we still have 2 provinces being planned. PLANNED. This idea would take like 4 years to get implemented :/
    XavierEXE likes this.
  18. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I understand this, though still, I had the idea and decided to make a thread for it XD
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