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Housing (quest And Mechanic)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Durabilities, May 14, 2016.


This should be implemented?

  1. Yes

    10 vote(s)
  2. No

    19 vote(s)
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  1. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    General Idea:
    The general idea of the Housing idea is that once a player finishes a special quest, they have the ability to collect resource type items that include things such as logs, stone, flowers, wool, stairs etc, etc. Almost any block can be considered a resource block for housing. So, to build or buy a house, a player must talk to the contractor of a major city in either the Wynn or Gavel Province. Once the player talks to the contractor, a menu of options is opened (I'll go into detail) that help them build the house.

    Housing Quest:
    To unlock this mechanic, the player must complete a quest in Nemract titled Lumbering Issues. The quest will be given by the lumberjack of Nemract and he needs the player to chop down and collect the finest logs from the Nivla Woods. The quest becomes a hastle as the logs are seemingly out to get you and you must (in short) destroy a boss by the name of Baobub (named from the tale of the little prince). Once you've destroyed the boss, you are given a sapling instead of the hundreds of logs you were instructed to retrieve for the lumberjack. You will return to the lumberjack, he'll be shocked to know that you slew the Baobub and will tell you to go to Ragni with the sapling, as his old friend Urswyc is the contractor of Ragni. Upon speaking with Urswyc, the player will have access to all contractors. Now they can pick nearly any place in Wynn or Gavel to live.

    Uses for Housing:
    Housing will allow the player to rest during any time of the day and receive 2 soul points rather than one the next time they'd get a soul point. The player can also invite other players to their house as guests or members of the household. Guests have access to the house and can visit at any time. Members can edit the house to an extent. Players who stumble upon another players house can send Bird Mail (mail) to the owner of the house, and can also send gifts in the owners mail. Owner and Members can cook in furnaces and crafting tables in the household and depending on the dish, different buffs are given for different variations of time.

    Housing Mechanic and Building:
    When the player unlocks the contractors, they must speak to the contractor. A menu will open up with options such as Create House, Reset House, Add Guest, Promote to Member, Housing Rooms etc. Now, the Housing Rooms options allows the player to tag an area of his/her house as a specific room. When he/she does so, one of the following applies as below:

    Kitchen- Player can officially cook dishes on crafting tables and furnaces in the selected kitchen area.

    Bedroom- Player can officially rest on the bed in the selected area and receive 2 soul points the next time he/she receives 1. (Cooldown of 5 Minecraft Days)

    Storage: Player can officially place chests and enderchests to store items.

    Lab: Player can officially make potions with the appropriate resources for the potions.

    Garden: Players can farm resources for food and even some potion brewing. (Seeds and hoes bought at farmer merchants)


    To build these rooms in a house, a player must have the right amount of resource items required for a room. Each room has 3 tiers of required resources, Tier 1, Basic design with few needed resources, Tier 2, moderate design with more need resources and tier 3, advanced design with many needed resources. Each increasing tier increases the size, decoration and efficiency of a room.
    - NOTE: Tier 1 rooms cost 5 LE, Tier 2 rooms cost 10 LE, and Tier 3 rooms cost 30 LE

    Kitchen Tiers:
    Tier 1 - Basic dishes with small buffs
    Tier 2- Larger dishes with more required resources to make and larger buffs
    Tier 3- Large variety of dishes, advanced dishes requiring many resources to make huge buffs.

    Bedroom Tiers:
    Tier 1- Basic +1 soul point buff with 5 MC day cooldown
    Tier 2- Moderate +2 soul point buff with 10 MC day cooldown
    Tier 3- Advanced +3 soul point buff with 15 MC day cooldown

    Storage Tiers-
    Tier 1- Small storage with few chests and enderchests.
    Tier 2- Larger storage with more enderchests and chests.
    Tier 3- Giant storage with enderchests/chests and a bank villager.

    Lab Tiers:
    Tier 1- Basic brewing areas and crafting tables with tier 1 potions
    Tier 2- Moderate brewing areas and crafting tables with tier 2 and 3 potions
    Tier 3- Advanced brewing areas and crafting tables with a witch who brews tier 2 potions for you at half the price of a potion shop.

    Garden Tiers:
    Tier 1- Basic garden with space for 6 seeds
    Tier 2- Garden with water block in the middle of 9 spaces for seeds.
    Tier 3- Magical garden with 18 places for seeds, 2 water blocks and x2 crop growing speed!

    In the Housing Room Menu, a player can also choose a Living Room which simulates a blank room that the owner and residents have access to customizing however they want using resource type blocks.
    In the Contractor Menu, the player can select what type of wood is used on the exterior of their house.

    Housing Mechanic Main Setup:

    When a player chooses the Create house option in the Contractor Menu, they are given the option of buying a house in their city or spending liquid emerald to create their own house and lot size.

    Lot Size Tier 1 - 15 x 15 Cost: 300 Liquid Emerald
    Lot Size Tier 2: 20 x 20 Cost: 400 Liquid Emerald
    Lot Size Tier 3: 28 x 28 Cost: 580 Liquid Emerald

    If the player chooses to buy a house, they are given tier options for house pricing in their city.

    Housing Tier 1 - 30 Liquid Emerald for a housing apartment
    Housing Tier 2- 50 Liquid Emerald for a 2 story housing apartment
    Housing Tier 3- 80 Liquid emerald for a 2 story housing apartment with a terrace for garden room.

    NOTE: If a player chooses to buy a house, they are given a fixed amount of space, meaning they might not be able to create all tier 3 rooms, and may only have enough space for 1 of each room, or in the worst case, not even enough space for all rooms.

    FINAL NOTE: I realize there isn't infinite space for housing in Wynncraft, which is why I made housing so expensive, and eventually if all houses and plot areas are bought, contractors are closed until someone gives up a house or sells their lot. Players cannot sell a house they buy, they may simply leave it by speaking to the contractor of their city.

    I hope you guys like this idea :saltedhappy: I thought it was pretty cool so yeah...

    Last edited: May 15, 2016
    Andy0132 and brokenfurnace like this.
  2. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    This is thought out, but it's just... Not Wynncraft.
    IreczeQ, XavierEXE and K_kki like this.
  3. brokenfurnace

    brokenfurnace Thread Scouter / Wandering Adventurer

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    I like the idea but I'll remain neutral
  4. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    I see that you have put time on this thread but the countless amounts of housing threads have made it very clear that a feature like this will never exist probably.
  5. aayl

    aayl Famous Adventurer

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    Like @_Firox_ said, you obviously put a lot of time into this, and I really really really want housing to be implemented but sadly it's probably never going to happen.

    My echest is close to imploding.
    Also, you should change the pricing for room upgrades. To some people, *cough* @MagicGum *cough* @SahilMaxd *cough* @Net_Twerk *cough* countless other rich people 1LE is simply nothing. Honest. MagicGum gave away MYTHICS for gods sake!
    kokonut_pi, XavierEXE and SahilMaxd like this.
  6. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Hmm, I could, though I'd assume the rich ones would buy the largest lots and room tiers possible. Good thought though, I'll think about that one :D
    aayl likes this.
  7. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    Please no.. good idea but not on wynn.
    IreczeQ likes this.
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    last time I checked wynn had 1.3 million registered players, that means 1.3 potential houses, lets say each house takes a chunk (16*16) that will be 1.3 million chunks, that's 332.8 million blocks not counting the Y axis. the current wynn map barely has 50 million blocks. this will cause severe lag.

    now on to your mechanics.
    1) there is no hunger in wynn so there is no need for food
    2) that's a nice bonus but beds in wynn don't work that well
    3) there isn't any need for extra storage space, that will only encourage hoarding
    4) you'll need to invent a whole mechanism for brewing
    5) you're thinking of another game, we are army recruits and adventurers, not farmers
    gadfskhj and IreczeQ like this.
  9. XavierEXE

    XavierEXE ♪ Wynncraft's Composer and Ability Tree Lead ♫ ♪ Music Item Team CHAMPION

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    I really
    wish there was a way this could work.
    But there isn't.
    Havelo likes this.
  10. Zelefant

    Zelefant wizard fortress will return one day HERO

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    Hello, NinjaShisui,

    Unfortunately your suggestion will never be added. We do not want to be rude, but this suggestion has been suggested many times and the devs' answer was "No".

    Rating: 8/10. Unfortunately it can't be added.

    Best Regards,

    The CriticBot team

    Hey look ! I programmed a bot so i don't have to look at suggestions anymore. Because there ARE some bad suggestions out there, and i burn my eyes seeing them. Now I will never look at ANY suggestion again with CriticBot.

    AI, anybody?
  11. bob10234

    bob10234 wabaldedablede HERO

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    you could use server "shards" where you split one server into multiple worlds so all the entities wouldn't be in one world. Even that would still be really hard to run.
    XavierEXE likes this.
  12. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    First of all this would take a shit ton of coding to assure stability, bug proof etc. And food is just a no. Wynncraft is sort of a small server for coding and advancing SoonTM so think about the workand flaws first before all the benefits.
  13. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    That is registered users. The amount of players that could actually afford this would be very low for obvious reasons, and I'm assuming you didn't read the thread as I stated that I understood this may become an issue to space, which is why it would be so very expensive and there would be a limit to the amount of players who have housing.

    1) Food for buffs, not feeding
    2) Selection perms would allow a certain perm group (owner and member) to sleep in the bed only in that selected area.
    3) Chests could be used simply to store emeralds and whatnot, and E chests, just the simplicity of having some.
    4) Not exactly, its a simple pop up menu in which you select what potion to brew and what tier.
    5) This is true, Though what do players do when they do everything possible in Wynncraft? They could either get bored at some point, or strive to create the ultimate living quarters with many guests and even loophole a business for profit >.>
  14. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    I like the idea, and this is incredibly well thought out, but I can't see it implemented on a player-by-player scale...


    Guild Housing. Raise the level of this quest significantly, (Level 60~), have the quest contractor be in Nesaak, in the abandoned logging camp, and have the quest send you to somewhere tougher than Nivla for wood. Upon completion, if you own a guild, you will be able to purchase a house. Instead of having tiers such as these, all non-recruit members of a guild recieve shared ownership of the house. Recruits will be like guests, or perhaps something along those lines.

    Such an idea has its own issues, but I'm in no mood to flesh the concept out - I should be writing a mini-textbook for English right now.

    Either way, 9/10, but I highly doubt this will be implemented, regardless of the form it takes (Solo or Guild).
    XavierEXE likes this.
  15. Durabilities

    Durabilities Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Brilliantly thought out. Good luck on the mini-txtbook O_O
    Andy0132 likes this.
  16. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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  17. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    Fun fact, Urswyc is actually the name of a character in Game of Thrones.
    I know, nobody cares.
  18. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    If you raise the price so much that only a fraction of the players could afford it (smallest lot 300le) then it's a suggestion that will benefit only a fraction of the playerbase and won't have a big impact on the server (except being a money sink)

    1) what kind of buffs? If it's the same as potions then this is pretty much a cooking sim.
    2) I meant that a certain plugin makes beds do strange stuff which is why there are close to no beds in wynn.
    3) E chests are alright as they don't provide extra inventory space, normal chests will give unnecessary storage space which will encourage hoarding.
    4) sounds fair
    5) that's true but only a fraction has the 4.6 stacks of le for that.
    Andy0132, IreczeQ and dead zeffe like this.
  19. Turtlebomb

    Turtlebomb idk VIP+

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    The problem with this is: weapons in wynn are just textured blocks. So what would look like some birch stairs could look like a giant flaming spear. It would be very confusing to make things if the materials all looked like completely different from what they are.
  20. Andy0132

    Andy0132 King Beneath the Mountain

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    Indeed - given those issues, it might be better to bring this idea back up in 1.9, soonTM.
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