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Level 90+ Quest - Be Like Heracles

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by 31Yoshi31, May 7, 2016.


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  1. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    Hey today i´ve had an idea for a new quest. It should be like the 12 heroic actions of Heracles. It should be a hard, high level quest due the amount of steps and bosses. At each of the steps you will have to get a special Item and show it to you quest-giver.

    Possible Story: You want to marry the daughter of the king of Ragni and so she gives you twelve task to do until you can marry her.
    1. The Nemeian Lion:
    You have to fight a giant lion, which is very fast and deals a lot of damage. Sometimes it runs out of power and then you can hit him at his mouth (can maybe programmed with the directions).
    Possible Location: Lion Lair
    Possible item: Lion´s hide

    2. The Hydra of Lernea
    You have to kill a giant beast with 9 heads and each of them is spitting fire. And if possible you should add that if you kill one head, two other will spawn unless you kill her with is given to you by a quest npc.
    Possible Location: Olux Swamps
    Possible item: Fire gland

    3. The Hind of Kerynitia
    You have to catch a hind (horse?) running around. It only has 1 Hp so one hit will be enough to obtain the proof of having killed it. It is very fast and jumps around in a certain area.
    Possible Location: Dernel Jungle
    Possible item: Golden Antlers

    4. The Boar of Erymanthia
    You have to catch a giant boar running around in snowy areas. It will run fast for ~1 minute but then it will become slower and after ~3 minutes i will stop completely.
    Possible Location: Ice Canyon
    Possible Item: Boar Fangs

    5. Stables of Augea
    You have to clean a stable in a time limit by killing lots of 1 hp mobs. There are like 30 of them and you have to kill them in 1 Minute.
    Possible Location: Katoa Ranch
    Possible Item: Spade

    6. Birds of Stymphalia
    You will have to search for the birds while wearing a special helmet which is obtained from Athene. If you find them they will attack firing arrows.
    Possible Location: Mesa
    Possible Item: Iron feather

    7. The bull of Creta
    You will have to find the bull in a labyrinth and have to fight him. After fighting him he will become unconscious and you will ahve to fetch some wheat and tame him.
    Possible Location: Karoc Quarry
    Possible Item: Wheat Ear

    8. The Mares of Diomedes
    You will have to claim the horses of Diomedes. To do that you will have to kill Diomedes while getting attacked by his horses. Diomedes himself won´t attack.
    Possible Location: Half-Moon Island
    Possible Item: Horse Hair

    9. Girdle of the Amazon queen Hippolyta
    You will have to assassinate 3 of the Amazon generals and kill the queen of them.
    Possible Location: Castle Dullahan (near Gelibord)
    Possible Item: Hippolyta´s Girdle

    10. Cattle of Geryon
    You will have to fight Geryon a man with three bodies to get his cattle. You can only kill him if you shoot him with an obtained Crossbow (every class) which is shooting silver arrows and if you would hit all three bodies. If thats not possible you can fight every body alone.
    Possible Location: The farm next to Ternaves
    Possible Item: Heart of Geryon

    11 The apple of the Hesperides
    11.1 You will have to steal an apple from the garden of the Hesperides. But when you arrive there you will notice that they are well-guarded by a mighty dragon called Ladon. So you will have to go and take the help of Atlas who wants 1LE (or more?) for it.
    You will have to sneak past Ladon to get the apple.
    Possible Location: An big island in the ocean (Next to the Jofash docks. The one with the plated top)
    Possible Atlas Location: at the top of Mount Wynn
    Possible Item: Golden Apple

    12. The Hellhound Cerberus
    You will have to find Cerberus and bring him to a special place. You will have to go close to him that he wants to attack you and then run away so that he will follow you. He won´t do much damage but have a lot of health.
    Possible Start Location: Netherportal
    Possible End Location: The Tower next to Elkurn (Not the tower of Amnesia)
    Possible Item: Cerberus Collar

    Other possible stuff:
    -After every task you will have to go back to her and show her what you´ve got.
    -Because some of the fights are impossible with normal gear, you will have a second quest npc called Athene after the Greek myths. She will be located in the Temple of the Legends and gives you stuff.
    -If thats too much for one quest you can split it into multiple quests
    -At the end of the quest you can do a cutscene where you can see the wedding of yourself and the kings daughter

    Last words:
    Yeah i know it has very much Wynn but i wanted to have a high level quest in Wynn. There will be a lot of travelling so i thought that the kings daughter is located in Ragni next to him to save emeralds for scrolls.

    If you like my idea please show it to me by voting or writing comments. Im open for improvements or ideas!

    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  2. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    No offense but this is basically a SUPER fetch quest.

    P.S. Wynncraft is medival fantasy. Not greek mythology.
    Andy0132 likes this.
  3. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    I thought of this because the last quest is level 90 and then there are 10 levels of grinding. So why dont make a huge quest? And you can adapt the names if thats too "Greek" for you.
  4. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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  5. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    Lol im sorry but i dont know what you mean.
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Follow-Up update.....
  7. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    It is a update in the workings that will add a ton of endgame quests as well as other things.

    BTW: What happens if a ton of people beat the quest? Will she be married to everyone? What about the girls?
    He doesnt know....poor soul
  8. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    Just looked it up. I was just an idea for a new quest. And about the marriage: Quest Npcs are talking the same to everyone and giving everyone like 1 million emeralds. Where do they get them from? And same-sex marriage is legal, or?
  9. Chocolaty_Bear

    Chocolaty_Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    I just laughed my ass off reading that last sentence
  10. mike543217

    mike543217 Food is lyfe

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    Theres A LOT of traveling. its like the Tower of Amnesia, Zight Island, and ToL. I like the idea but less traveling and instead of marrying her, u help her to take down a corrupted princess. And instead of returning to her with like 6 items, go to a elite group of mages, archers, warriors, and assassins, to combine the power of 3 CRUCIAL items to weaken the corrupted princess. With this addition there would probably be new additions to gavel building wise. I like the concept, but what would the reward be?
  11. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    Thats a good idea. If you split the quest into multiple smaller quests the travelling would be okay, or? And you can do it like this: The king of Ragni gave you a list with tasks and you have to choose 6 to fetch the items and bring them to this elite group. And i thought the Reward should be a lot of Emeralds and XP and as an item you will get a helmet called corrupted crown(?). And if you decide to do all of the tasks you will get a very strong weapon called Wand/Spear/Dagger/Bow of the Godess(?)
  12. CrazyCookie

    CrazyCookie The Craziest Mage

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    How many emerald do you get? How much xp do you get? What are the stats for the weapon and helmet?
    You need to put more details
  13. 31Yoshi31

    31Yoshi31 Im the greenest Yoshi of all! CHAMPION

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    I thought about 1 million xp and 10 le as reward. The helmet should give +3000 health and 20 of each element. It also gives 2/2s mana reg and 15% walking speed, +1 tier attack speed. The weapons should be like this:
    Wand: 100 normal damage, +100% spell dmg and 3/2s mana reg, slow attack speed
    Bow: 100 normal dmg 75 of each element, 15% walking speed, slow attack speed
    Spear: 300 normal dmg, 75 thunder and fire dmg, 750 health, normal attack speed
    Dagger: 500 normal Damage, 50 water dmg, 20% melee dmg, normal attack speed

    Too op or too weak?
  14. CrazyCookie

    CrazyCookie The Craziest Mage

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    I don't know about weapon and armour but you should get 750000 xp and 5le, 10 le is a bit to much
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