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World ✧ Class Idea ✧ - The Shaman - Now In The Game, But Only By Name

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by xKindredKinesis, Apr 7, 2016.


What'd you think of this class suggestion? Would you want to play it, should it ever be implemented?

  1. Looks great! I'd totally play it.

  2. Looks bad. I'd rather not play it. (Please leave reasoning, otherwise I can't make improvements)

  3. Looks nice, but it could be changed for the better. (Please leave your suggestions below)

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  1. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Several elements of this suggestion have not been updated in a very long time. As such, there may be obvious inconsistencies or balancing issues. Seeing as I haven't kept up with gameplay updates for Wynncraft since Gavel, I don't have plans to make major changes to this suggestion thread. Sorry for the inconvenience...

    (It's recommended that you view this thread with the Starry Night theme. Here's the link to the chooser: )
    (Due to exceeding the text limit, I've had to put a part of the thread onto a second post. Here's the link to the second post: )
    Credit to @Witcher for providing a faster path to changing forum styles.
    • - Lore
      • "Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer."
      • The art of shamanism originates from ancient jungle-dwelling tribes, whose grandmasters derived their mystical powers from the spirits of the ancients, and were entrusted with maintaining the balance of nature itself. Each Shaman is a versatile combatant armed with a stave, a sacred tool used to channel the elemental energies deep within the earth. They can fire energy bolts to prod enemies from afar, slice through surrounding mobs with a single slash, or combine both for the secret Rendshot attack, an efficient combination of both melee and ranged damage. In addition, Shamans also possess an array of otherworldly abilities, capable of switching the balance of the fight in moments. Heretics beware, for the power of a Shaman can change your fate depending on their mercy.
    • - Class - The Shaman
      • Unlocks at 0 Levels
        • Players can pick up the Shaman at the start, though it's recommended to play with other classes first
      • VIP+ Variant: The Weaver/Alchemist
      • Chat Tag: [Sh/X], [We/X], or [Al/X]
      • General Info
        • The Shaman is a close-combat fighter that uses an array of magic spells to fight, which also include ranged attacks
        • Lack of early mobility vantages is compensated for in the form of enemy manipulation spells
        • Crowd control and effective usage of spells are the key to success
    • - Base Stats -
      • Damage - [■ ■ ■ ■]
        • Can deal 120% damage to single targets, as well as having powerful spells
      • ❤ Defense - [■ ■ ■ ■ ]
        • Mediocre defense, requires vigilance and constant action to survive
      • ➳ Range - [■ ■ ■ ■]
        • Does more damage up close but can still deal damage from a distance, as well as having ranged spells
      • Spells - [■ ■ ■ ■ ]
        • Has a reliance on spells for damage output, versatility and manipulating enemy encounters
    • - Standard Attack - Rend/Shot
      • Weapon Item: Stave (Iron Hoe)
      • (Rend) Left-click to inflict a melee attack, dealing 50% damage 90 degrees around the player's rotation
        • For example, if the player stands in the middle of a circle facing north, all enemies 90 degrees north of the player are hit at normal hitting range
      • (Shot) Left-clicking also launches a small projectile that deals 70% damage, traveling a straight distance for 6 blocks before disappearing
        • (Rendshot) Striking an enemy with both the melee attack and the projectile totals up to 120% damage on a single enemy, while dealing 50% damage to any other enemies around
      • ★ How It Looks
        • Uses 1.9 sword slash effect (Rend)
        • Launches a Fire Charge that leaves a trail of smoke or the player's Weapon Effect (Shot)
          • Launches a Snowball that leaves a trail of Broken Wool particles or the player's Weapon Effect (Shot) (Weaver Variant)
          • Launches a Magma Cream that leaves a trail of yellow firework particles or the player's Weapon Effect (Shot) (Alchemist Variant)
    • - Spells -
      • β - Spirit Call - Utility - Unlocked at Level 1
      • Invoke a sacred summoning ritual, sending a spirit from the ancestral realm to distract enemies.
        • Right - Left - Right
        • Mana Cost: 7
        • Spell Duration: 5 Seconds
        • Aggro Area of Effect: 2 Block Radius
        • ❤ Entity HP: 1 Hit
        • Entities Summoned: 3
          • When casted, the user summons three spirits that dash towards incoming enemies, acting as a distraction to support an attack/provide an escape
          • Enemies will aggro onto spirits
          • Only one usage can be active at once
        • ★ How It Looks
          • Spirits are floating blue-wither skull entities that emanate light-blue particles
        • How It Sounds
          • Entities use "Idle Blaze" sounds, and are summoned using the "Thrown Fireball" sound that is shared with Vanish
        • Grade II + Harmonics - Unlocked at Level 16
          • ✮ Mana Cost: 7
          • Entity Buffs: Speed II
          • ❤ Entity HP: 2 Hits
            • Summoned spirits gain Speed II and can now withstand two hits before perishing
        • Grade III + Distortion - Unlocked at Level 36
          • ✮ Mana Cost: 7
          • Area of Effect: 3 Block Radius (Blindness), 5 Block Radius (Slowness III)
          • Debuffs: Slowness III (for Three Seconds) & Blindness (for Five Seconds)
          • ❤ Entity HP: 3 Hits
          • Other: Removes Invisibility from targets
            • Summoning spirits unleashes a flash of brilliant light, stunning/blinding and revealing enemies caught in the radius; spirits now withstand three hits before perishing
    • α - Root Frenzy - Offensive - Unlocked at Level 11
    • Uproot powerful tendrils from the earth that rush out and latch onto enemies from afar.
      • Right - Right - Right
      • ✮ Mana Cost: 6
      • ✣ Damage: 100%
      • ✮ Elemental Damage:
        • ✤ Earth: 40%
      • Debuffs: Slowness IV (for Four Seconds)
      • Block Range: 9 Blocks
      • Movement Distance: 5 Blocks (Root Frenzy-assisted kill)
      • Area of Effect: 3 Block Width
        • When casted, the user summons roots to pull enemies towards the user from afar
        • If an enemy is captured, it will be sent towards the direction where the spell was casted
        • Enemies entangled by roots are damaged and locked in place, until the roots wear off or the user attacks the target
        • If an enemy is not caught with any roots, pull the user sharply ahead to where the roots end
        • Enemies slain on contact with roots pull the user forward
      • ★ How It Looks
        • Creates a fast moving line of jungle-leaf blocks, dirt particles and green particles that skim across the ground, catching enemies that come in contact with the line
      • How It Sounds
        • Uses the "Door Break" sound shared with Uppercut
      • Grade II + Thorn Pulse - Unlocked at Level 26
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 6
        • ✣ Damage: 125%
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • ✤ Earth: 40%
          • Enemies entangled in the roots can be remotely damaged from afar, dealing 10% damage per standard attack that does not land on the enemy
      • Grade III + Spore Cloud - Unlocked at Level 46
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 6
        • ✣ Damage: 150%
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • Earth: 40%
        • Buffs: Regeneration II (for Five Seconds upon a Root Frenzy-assisted kill)
          • Enemies slain while entangled create an explosion of spores, which grant a brief Regeneration bonus to players (in PvE) & afflict enemies with Poison, worth 15% of the user's damage every 2 seconds for the next 10 seconds
    • α - Will-o-Wisp - Offensive - Unlocked at Level 21
    • An unholy hex that unleashes an infernal bolt of dark flames, reducing thine enemies to ashes with the fierce might of a phoenix.
      • Right - Left - Left
      • ✮ Mana Cost: 8
      • ✣ Damage: 20%
      • ✮ Elemental Damage:
        • Fire: 15%
        • Thunder: 10%
      • ✣ Damage Per Second: 1 hit/4 ticks
      • Block Range: 8 Blocks
      • Area of Effect: 3 Block Radius
        • When casted, unleashes a traveling magic bolt that moves slowly, dealing rapid damage in its wake
        • Enemies caught in the attack will continue to sustain damage for three seconds, or until the spell ends
        • Life Steal/Mana Steal only work five times per usage, and six if Nova Catalyst is unlocked
      • ★ How It Looks
        • Wisp uses Acid Charge entity, followed by fire, spell and witch particles
      • How It Sounds
        • Start with a "Thrown Fireball" sound and follow with a series of "Fire Crackle", "Thrown Fireball" "Fire Extinguish" and "Enderdragon Hurt" sounds in rapid succession
        • When Nova Catalyst is unlocked, the explosion uses an "Explosion" sound... (duh)
      • Grade II + Spectre Blaze - Unlocked at Level 36
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 8
        • ✣ Damage: 20%
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • ✹ Fire: 20%
          • ✦ Thunder: 10%
        • ✣ Damage Per Second: 1 hit/4 ticks
      • Block Range: 5 Blocks
      • Area of Effect: 3 Block Radius
        • Debuffs: Weakness II & Blindness (for Ten Seconds)
        • � Other: Negates buffs (players) -or- cancels the current casting of a mob's spell (mobs)
          • Negates buffs/cancels current mob spell and inflicts enemies with debuffs
      • Grade III + Nova Catalyst - Unlocked at Level 56
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 8
        • ✣ Damage: 20% + 75% (Nova Burst) + 25% (Nova Shock)
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • ✹ Fire: 20%
          • ✦ Thunder: 15%
        • ✣ Damage Per Second: 1 hit/4 ticks + 1 (Nova Burst) + 1 per Projectile (Nova Shock)
        • Block Range: 5 Blocks
        • Area of Effect: 2 Block Radius + 3 Block Radius (Nova Burst Explosion/Bomb Arrow Size) + 5 Block Radius (Nova Shock)
          • Creates an explosion when the bolt dies out (Nova Burst), which in turn fires a circular barrage of fireballs (Nova Shock) that deal damage upon contact
    • β/γ - Rain Dance - Utility/Mobility - Unlocked at Level 31
    • Call upon the rain gods and send down healing rains upon the earth, granting a blessing in harvest and in combat.
      • Right - Right - Left
      • ✮ Mana Cost: 10
      • Spell Duration: 10 Seconds / Take 3 hits
      • ❤ Damage Immunity: Three 50%-damage-negation hits
      • Area of Effect: 5 Block Radius
        • When casted, creates a protective veil of enchanted mist that grants 3 hits of 50% damage nullification
      • ★ How It Looks
        • Creates rings of raindrop particles that revolve around the player, leaving behind a trail of water particles (works like a Player Effect)
        • Creates a cloud of white smoke and bubble particles, that hovers 5 blocks above the player in a 3x3 area
        • Cloudburst's windup animation causes more rain to drop, the cloud hovering above the user turning darker, and water particles swirling around the user in a vortex shape
      • How It Sounds
        • Starts with a "Thunder Boom" sound, before following with "Rain Splash" and "Water Splash" sounds
      • Grade II + Riverstream - Unlocked at Level 46
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 10
        • Buffs: Speed II and Jump Boost III (for duration of spell)
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • ❉ Water: +5% / Adds true Water Damage to attacks
        • Area of Effect: 5 Block Radius
          • Leaves a trail of water that grants a 10-second mobility bonus to anyone that walks into it, as well as the user
          • The trail of water continues to exist for 10 seconds after the trail placement finishes, allowing more players/the user to come in contact with the trail again while attacking
      • Grade III + Cloudburst - Unlocked at Level 66
        • ✮ Mana Cost: 10
        • ✣ Damage: 175%
        • ✮ Elemental Damage:
          • ❉ Water: 35%
          • ❋ Air: 10%
        • Area of Effect: 3 Block Radius
        • Startup Time: 2.5 Seconds
        • Debuffs: Slowness I (for Five Seconds)
        • � Other: Negates all incoming spell damage while charging
          • Breaking immunity unleashes a short-range area-of-effect attack that inflicts Slowness I
          • Hold Shift to trigger Cloudburst and end the spell immediately
    • - Abridged Version -
      • - Standard Attack - A close-range frontal slash that also launches a low-damage projectile
        • This allows for versatility in attack options, whether circling an enemy or damaging multiple enemies in a group
      • β - Spirit Call - Unlocked at Level 1 - Summons an entity that seeks out and distracts enemies
        • Entities will vanish upon taking damage, just allowing enough time for escape or approach
      • α - Root Frenzy - Unlocked at Level 11 - Summons roots from the ground that can entangle enemies from afar and bring them closer
        • Mobility is not as great for Shamans, so instead of facing the enemy yourself, you can bring them to your ground
      • α - Will-o-Wisp - Unlocked at Level 21 - Summons a high-energy projectile that glides forward slowly, dealing rapid damage in its wake
        • Moves straight forward in the direction it is casted, and deals no knockback on regular hits
      • β/γ - Rain Dance - Unlocked at Level 31 - Summons a veil of water that protects and strengthens the user, granting limited immunity to incoming damage
        • Provides protection and advantages that are crucial when faced with tougher enemies in close combat situations
    • [ǃ] - Highlights -
      • [ǃ] 100 Supporters
      • [!] 200 Supporters
      • [!] 300 Supporters
      • [!] 400 Supporters
      • [ǃ] Heavily Outdated Class Suggestion
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2019
  2. Hiradaei

    Hiradaei 1080 Pound Phoenix HERO

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    Enough with the long threads bro, im getting tired of reading them ._. (jk great thread again)
  3. CrazyCookie

    CrazyCookie The Craziest Mage

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    This class spells reminds me of World of Warcraft (WoW) I miss that game.
    Other than that, I like the idea.
  4. Kinizo

    Kinizo Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Usually it's the 2nd spell that gives some kind of mobility, warrior's leap, mage's teleport, archer's escape but ninja only gets it's higher mobility at lvl 3 2nd spell, which is the same lvl as when shaman gets it's speed, just thinking do you want shaman to be the lowest mobility class. It's still a good suggestion of a class though.
    LionII, Trash, Ghalt and 3 others like this.
  5. Untitled Doc

    Untitled Doc 1 man robotics team

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    Quite a good Idea for a shaman type class, although weaver doesn't seem to fit the shaman idea. Perhaps something more nature-ry.

    I support
  6. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Continuing from the first post...

    - Items List -
    1. Depressing Stave
    1. Oak Wood Stave
    2. Light Oak Wood Stave
    3. Stone-hewn Stave
    4. Birch Wood Stave
    5. Andesite-hewn Stave
    6. Light Birch Wood Stave
    7. Spruce Wood Stave
    8. Diorite-hewn Stave
    9. Light Spruce Wood Stave
    10. Jungle Wood Stave
    11. Granite-hewn Stave
    12. Light Jungle Wood Stave
    13. Flawless Oak Stave
    14. Flawless Stone Stave
    15. Flawless Light Oak Stave
    16. Flawless Birch Stave
    17. Flawless Andesite Stave
    18. Flawless Light Birch Stave
    19. Flawless Spruce Stave
    20. Flawless Light Spruce Stave
    21. Flawless Diorite Stave
    22. Flawless Jungle Stave
    23. Flawless Granite Stave
    24. Flawless Light Jungle Stave
    25. Pure Oak Wood Stave
    26. Pure Stone Stave
    27. Pure Light Oak Stave
    28. Pure Birch Bow Stave
    29. Pure Andesite Stave
    30. Pure Light Birch Stave
    31. Pure Spruce Stave
    32. Pure Diorite Stave
    33. Pure Light Spruce Stave
    34. Pure Jungle Stave
    35. Pure Granite Stave
    36. Pure Light Jungle Stave
    37. Impeccable Oak Stave
    38. Impeccable Stone Stave
    39. Impeccable Light Oak Stave
    40. Impeccable Andesite Stave
    41. Impeccable Light Birch Stave
    42. Impeccable Diorite Stave
    43. Impeccable Light Spruce Stave
    44. Impeccable Granite Stave
    45. Impeccable Light Jungle Stave
    1. Alpha
    2. The Arbiter
    3. Hawk Spirit
    4. Illusionary
    5. Earthbound (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    6. Typhoon (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    7. Leaf's Melody (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    8. Peacekeeper (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    9. Shadow of Vengeance (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    10. Redemption (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    11. Herbal Remedy (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    12. Frisk (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    13. Wendigo (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    14. Shattered Soul (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    15. Dreamcatcher
    16. Meditation (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    17. Reckoning (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    18. Inrekei's Staff (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    19. Citadel (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    20. Mindscaperer (credit to @ShadowMage1)
    21. Insomnia Dreams
    22. Gaia's Wrath
    23. The Harvester
    24. Entamis' Loss
    25. Blazing Heart
    26. Crescendo
    27. Dusty Totem
    28. Shimmertail
    29. The Silencer
    30. Ephemeral
    31. Royal Flush
    32. Incognito
    33. Laughing Skull
    34. Reception
    35. Horned Beast
    36. Providence
    37. The Bludgeoner
    38. Rumors
    39. Magic Feather
    40. Transcendance
    41. Bear Spirit
    42. Fimbulvetr
    43. Poison Fang
    44. Staff of Exodus
    45. Curtain Call
    46. Walking Stick
    47. Nivla's Shade
    48. Bargainmaker
    49. Grim Reaper
    50. Thread of Fate
    51. Fairytaler
    52. Rexcalibur
    53. Wooden Snake
    54. Candy Cane
    55. Autumn Festal
    56. Brimstone
    57. Whalcking Stick
    58. Fabled Legend
    59. Stardust
    60. Whistleblower
    61. Lodestone
    62. Enchanted Vine
    63. Grave Digger
    64. Blaze Rod
    65. Rending Gale
    66. Lynx Spirit
    67. Cracked Onyx
    68. Domination
    69. Tribal Terror
    70. Nightshade
    71. Brynhildr
    72. The Revenant
    73. Calamity Gate
    74. Omega
    1. Eternal Reward
    2. Vajra
    3. Relic Stave
    4. Black Mamba
    5. Scourge
    6. Tiger Spirit
    7. Grassknot
    8. Silver Flute
    9. Flux Siphon
    10. Runic Scepter
    11. Morningstar
    12. Diamond Hoe
    13. Oracle's Sight
    14. Ragnarok
    15. Your Voices
    16. The Exorcist
    17. Glyphic Edge
    18. Ninetails
    19. Twilight Archon
    20. Sacrificial
    21. Progenitus
    22. Cursed Scroll
    23. Equinox
    24. Stigmata
    25. Primal Instinct
    26. Lost Reflection
    27. World's End
    28. Guilty Thorn
    29. Parallel Shift
    30. Staff of the Magma Phoenix
    31. Withered Soul
    32. Punishment
    33. Darkstone Chassis
    34. Pluto's Despair
    35. Mercury's Signal
    36. Venus's Charm
    37. Mars' Passion
    38. Uranus's Skies
    39. Neptune's Waters
    40. Saturn's Fortune
    41. Jupiter's Reign
    42. Eschaton
    1. Harbinger
    2. Didgeridoo
    3. Soulseeker
    4. Wild Hunt
    5. Blossom
    6. Rend Heaven
    7. Lizard Spirit
    8. Rymek's Wanderer
    9. Talons of the Wind
    10. Gaia's Wrath
    11. Catharsis
    12. Zero Hour
    13. Rift Walker
    14. Kairos
    15. Olux's Prized Stave
    16. Mark of Origin
    17. Novaclysm
    18. Old Kindred Stave
    19. Trinity Palm
    20. Mark of Oblivion
    21. The Negative
    22. Singularity
    23. Infused Hive Stave
    1. Devoid
    2. Respawn
    3. Calling
    4. Halcyon
    5. Eclipse
    6. Phantasm
    1. Aesinite Scepter
    2. Fortitudo
    3. Temperantia
    4. Iustia
    5. Sapientia
    6. Firebrand
    7. Earthmaul Staff
    8. Sol
    9. Luna
    10. Astra
    11. Blanc
    12. Noire
    13. Cerberus
    14. Fenrir
    15. Elucidator
    16. Infernoplex
    17. Fruit of Grisaia
    18. Snowblinder
    19. Jade Liner
    20. Fusion
    21. Fission

    - Icon Index for Patch Notes -
    • - Thread
    • - Buffs/Positives
    • - Nerfs/Negatives
    • - Remakes
    • - Miscellaneous
    • - User Input

    - Patch Notes -
    • April 7th, 2016
      • Created suggestion for the Shaman class
      • Edited thread to add alternative suggestions from user-input
      • Added sound effect details
      • Added entire list of Basic items
    • April 9th, 2016
      • Edited thread format
      • Added colored text
      • Added new feature to Cloudburst
      • Buffed Cloudburst damage
      • Buffed Rendshot damage
    • April 10th, 2016
      • Added elemental damage values
      • Added colored text
      • Increased mana cost of Root Frenzy / Starts at 6, upgraded to 4
    • April 11th, 2016
      • Completed list of Rare, Legendary and Mythic items
    • April 24th, 2016
      • Changed Cloudburst effect: Deals Knockback II effect → Inflicts Slowness I for five seconds
        • Allows enemies to be kept closer while dealing consistent damage
    • April 27th, 2016
      • Nerfed Life Drain: Regeneration II for 8 Seconds → 5 Seconds
      • Nerfed Will-o-Wisp: 15 → 10 Total Hits
      • Changed Will-o-Wisp: Sprays rapid-damage flames → Unleashes a magic bolt that deals rapid damage in its wake
        • Applied some suggestions from @Esfores
    • April 29th, 2016
      • Added an Abridged Version due to popular demand
    • April 30th, 2016
      • Renamed Weaver's Puppet Weave → Puppet Master
      • Renamed Weaver's String Barrier → Weave Guard
        • Still subject to change
    • May 1st, 2016
      • Buffed range of Will-o-Wisp: 5 → 7 Blocks
      • Added icons for patch notes
      • Moved Items List to second post
        • Link is under Items List tab
      • Nerfed Totem Call: 2 → 1 Active Usages
      • Nerfed Totem Call's Aggro AoE: 5 → 2 Block Radius
        • Issue was that bosses could be baited with ease
        • These changes will keep the intended effect of Totem Call as a distraction, while preventing it from being used as a boss-baiting method
        • Credit to @Twin Lotus for bringing this issue up and helping with other balancing changes
    • May 5th, 2016
      • Completed list of Unique items
        • Credit to @ShadowMage1 for helping with a remainder of the item names
    • May 25th, 2016
      • Added class lore
    • May 28th, 2016
      • Nerfed Root Frenzy damage: 100%/125%/150% → 75%/100%/125%
      • Set mana cost of Root Frenzy to 6 for all upgrades
      • Renamed Dark Flame → Ghost Flame
      • Renamed Flare Burst → Nova Burst
    • May 30th, 2016
      • Buffed Cloudburst damage: 125% → 150%
    • June 13th, 2016
      • Renamed Devotion → Steel Soul
    • August 20th, 2016
      • Added details for the Alchemist reskin
      • Unnamed Steel Soul → Devotion
      • Merged Allegiance to Totem Call's base effect
        • Now summons three entities at the start
      • New upgrade to replace Allegiance
        • + Clairvoyance, unleashes a blinding flash that inflicts certain debuffs on enemies depending on how close the user is to them
      • Merged Root Prison to Root Frenzy's base effect
        • Now locks enemies in place at the start
      • New upgrade to replace Root Prison
        • + Rush Grapple, get pulled 5 blocks straight ahead if no enemies come in contact with it / Slaying an enemy with Root Frenzy upon contact pulls the user forward towards its previous location
      • Added a vortex effect to Will-o-Wisp, guaranteeing damage if caught by the projectile
      • Added AoE range of three blocks to the Will-o-Wisp projectile
      • Nerfed Rain Dance water damage bonus from +10% → +5%
      • Buffed Cloudburst attack damage from 150% → 175%
      • Added a startup animation to the Cloudburst attack
    • August 28th, 2016
      • Removed Total Levels requirement for unlocking Shaman
        • Players may now access the Shaman at the start, though it's recommended to try other classes first
    • A Pretty Long While Ago → October 15th, 2016
      • Too much to describe; nerfed some, buffed some, merged some, reworked some

    - Miscellaneous - Spell Variants -
    • Spirit Call
      • Outlook Variant
        • Sends a spirit that travels forward a long distance at high speeds, inflicting Spectral & Weakness effect for 30 seconds and dealing 20% damage to enemies in its path / Cannot be destroyed and does not aggro, can travel through walls
        • If Allegiance is upgraded, the width of the affected area is increased
      • Guardian Variant
        • Creates a spirit that stays in place and attacks enemies with projectiles / Projectiles deal 75% damage and have a knockback effect / Spirits still aggro enemies
        • If Allegiance is upgraded, more spirits are deployed to attack enemies
    • Root Frenzy
      • Stalker Variant
        • Pulls the user towards the first entangled enemy instead of pulling the enemy closer, as if the user were using Charge towards the enemy
        • While entangled, the enemy cannot deal damage to the user
      • Shadow Variant
        • Locks onto enemies from a slightly shorter distance / After entangling one enemy, any nearby enemies within close proximity are also entangled
        • Entangled enemies are not pulled back but if Root Prison is unlocked, they stay for longer
    • Will-O-Wisp
      • Reversal Variant
        • Sends out a low-damage Slowness-inflicting bolt that travels slightly further & faster, then returns the bolt in the same direction to deal higher amounts of damage on the way back
        • If Nova Burst is unlocked, a special effect is added / Upon going out as far as possible, it draws enemies towards the bolt / Upon returning to the user, creates an explosion
      • Hellfire Variant (credit to @ShadowMage1)
        • Leaves a trail of fire that lingers for a few seconds, dealing low damage to any enemy that treads upon it.
        • If Nova Burst is unlocked, the explosion leaves a five-block radius of fire for several seconds, dealing moderate damage to enemies inside the radius.
    • Rain Dance
      • Nimbus Variant (credit to @ShadowMage1)
        • Rain Dance heals you and your allies within its range with moderate portions of health per second for the duration of the spell. You can still get hit by enemies during this spell.
        • When Cloudburst is unlocked, a Resistance boost occurs at the end of the spell’s duration or when you hold shift to end it early, giving you and your allies Resistance II for 30 seconds.
      • Tempest Variant (credit to @ShadowMage1)
        • Low rapid damage is dealt to all enemies within the Rain Dance's range for the duration of the spell, causing Slowness I for 10 seconds.
        • When Cloudburst is unlocked, Rain Dance will activate a high-damage lightning strike at the end of the spell's duration or when you hold shift to end it early.

    - Reskin Changes -
    • β - Spirit CallShadow Weave/Elemental Spawn - Unlocked at Level 1
      • ★ How It Looks
        • (Weaver) Puppet entities are transparent zombies with puppet-skins that emanate flashing redstone particles
        • (Alchemist) Elemental entities are Blazes that emit lava and fire particles
      • How It Sounds
        • (Weaver) Uses "Zombie Metal" and "Arrow Bounce" sounds on startup
        • (Weaver) Puppets use "Idle Enderman" and "Ghast Scream" sounds
        • (Alchemist) Uses Thrown Fireball" and "Ender Teleport" sounds on startup
        • (Alchemist) Elementals use "Idle Blaze" and "Blaze Hurt" sounds
    • α - Root Frenzy Marionette/Arcane Laser - Unlocked at Level 11
      • ★ How It Looks
        • (Weaver) Creates a line of wool blocks and cobwebs, as well as white particles
        • (Alchemist) Creates a line of magenta & purple glass blocks, as well as portal particles & Guardian lasers
      • How It Sounds
        • (Weaver) Uses several "Arrow Bounce", "Hit" and "Wool Break" sounds
        • (Alchemist) Uses "Guardian Laser", a low-pitched "Guardian Idle On Land", "Thunder" and "Explosion" sounds
    • α - Will-o-WispPin Cushion/Cluster Spark - Unlocked at Level 21
      • ★ How It Looks
        • (Weaver) Sprays gray particles and mini-explosion particles
        • (Weaver) Particles surround a block of red wool
        • (Weaver) Fires Flints after the explosion
        • (Alchemist) Sprays rainbow potion particles, glyphs and witch particles
        • (Alchemist) Particles surround a Shulker projectile
        • (Alchemist) Fires Stained Glass blocks after the explosion
      • How It Sounds
        • (Weaver) Uses "Arrow Shot", high pitched "Anvil Place" and "Hit" sounds rapidly
        • (Alchemist) Uses "Level Up", high pitched "Glass Break" and "XP Orb Gain" sounds rapidly
    • β/γ - Rain DanceWeave Guard/Gold Chrysalis - Unlocked at Level 31
      • ★ How It Looks
        • (Weaver) Creates numerous rings of white particles around the user and a white Wool block above the user's head
        • (Alchemist) Creates critical hit particles, yellow and orange firework particles around the user, and a trail of gold nuggets
      • How It Sounds
        • (Weaver) Uses "Wool Break", "Door Break" and "Arrow Bounce" sounds
        • (Alchemist) Uses high-pitched, lengthened "Anvil Place", "Iron Golem Hurt" and "Tool Break" sounds

    Last edited: Dec 12, 2017
  7. MrCoffeeTime

    MrCoffeeTime King Of Corkus VIP

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    Did the spells get inspired by Pokemon?
    -Rain Dance
    -Root frenzy
    -------- They seem to be kind of like what the original moves do. Great thread BTW!!!
  8. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    No, but I entirely see how you'd think that.
    Gearsalt_Mark likes this.
  9. LelPop

    LelPop Famous Adventurer

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    Very nice very nuxe
    Elite likes this.
  10. Witcher

    Witcher the crappy class suggestions guy

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    Could Ou discribe how you would make all spells look like? I mean projectile isnt really possible in Minecraft, so would it be an arrow or a wither skull?
    ShinyAfro likes this.
  11. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Normal attack would fire a Fire Charge projectile.
    Witcher likes this.
  12. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Updated thread to include elemental damage values.
    I'm not too familiar with how these work, so please leave feedback as to how I can go about balancing them.
  13. DJBorbo

    DJBorbo Wannabe edgy memeboi HERO

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    First thing that came to mind when I saw the title:
  14. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    This might be a bit early, but I guess I'll bump the thread.
    In any case, I've made a few changes to the thread in general, for those who follow it closely.
  15. SnakyOmnivore

    SnakyOmnivore actually fan of DC comics CHAMPION

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    I like this new class idea, I feel that it could coming up as new class update,

    small chance of this being added right?
    xKindredKinesis likes this.
  16. Mistrise Mystic

    Mistrise Mystic Surfing winds and chasing windfalls HERO

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    Nope none.

    Good idea, is there a way to give +2 support? 1 for the class idea, and one for the most creative reskin I've seen?
    Stag2001 and xKindredKinesis like this.
  17. oHybrid

    oHybrid What's poppin' individuals

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    Seems to OP
  18. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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    Could you be more specific?
    What aspect of this class seems overpowered to you?
    Otherwise I can't really do anything to fix it, unless you tell me what needs fixing.
  19. TehFancyFedora

    TehFancyFedora Trying his hardest HERO

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    Created an account just to vote yes for this.
  20. xKindredKinesis

    xKindredKinesis .[_]. VIP

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