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World General Changes

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Rexolboy, Apr 6, 2016.


Do you agree?

  1. Yes, With everything

    1 vote(s)
  2. Only with the general/player changes (all of them)

    0 vote(s)
  3. Only with the assassin changes (all of them)

    0 vote(s)
  4. Not with everything, only certain points

    6 vote(s)
  5. No, with nothing

    1 vote(s)
  6. This is too long i am to lazy to read

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  1. Rexolboy

    Rexolboy Veteran Assassin HERO

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    Ok so before you run away like "OMG another buff thread like gosh", this is not a buff thread, at least not entirely.

    These are my general suggestions to improve the gameplay on Wynncraft.

    General/player changes:

    - Give infinite sprint or be able to sprint without it affecting mana. By that i mean that you should be able to run without it reducing your mana. Because it is REALLY annoying to run around and not be able to use spells when you run into an enemy. Or when you use multiple spells and you can't run after. The list goes on. But as an assassin, it is very VERY annoying that when you vanish and run, it destroys your hunger/mana in like a second.hon

    - Reduce the cost of spells OR find a way to increase mana. Having a spell that consumes nearly half your mana bar can be annoying in an intense fight, and can screw you up. I know that Intelligence is supposed to reduce the cost, but I honestly barely see it. Maybe reduce it by half a hunger, or instead of 20 mana, have 30, maybe 40.

    - Increase regenration. Because god damn is it slow. I hear you "POTIONS", but still. It shouldn't take a minute to regen 800 health. Early game this isn't really a problem. But as soon as you get over 2000 health, it really gets slow. It seems that without a mage to help, or tons of cash to buy decent potions, your just stuck waiting. (It took like 45 minutes to regen around 3500 HP. 45 MINUTES)

    - Nerf Armageddon (is that what he is called?), the boss of the Tower of ascension for level 50-60. He is level 67 with over 50'000 HP. How does that make any sense?! He destroys you if you are between level 50-60 if your alone.

    - Reduce the need for grinding. This only applies if you play like me and do the quests before the rest. If you grind all the time and never do missions, you play as you want. But I am a person who does quests and hates grinding. But when you do all the missions for your level, and you still have half a XP bar to go, that does not really encourage you. I'm currently at level 66 and i did the only quest I had for that level and it didn't even get close to the middle of the XP bar. To resolve this, maybe bump up some of the XP given by quests, or reduce the amount of XP you need to level up, or add more quests for each level. I'm not saying that only doing quests should automatically level you up, but it shouldn't leave you with that much grinding to do.

    - Bump up a little bit the chances of getting better horses when fusionning them, or reduce their price. Because it is really expensive (it took me 7 LE to get a chestnut, screw getting a white one). Especially since it is the only way now to get better horses.

    - Bump up the emeralds you gain from missions (missions, the temporary things you gain randomly, not quests). In the beginning, they are worth doing, but when you pass level 40 i'd say, it is just not worth the time. Maybe increase the number of emeralds you gain from it, but also increase the number of chests you need to gain. For the XP ones, they are good but there is a bug i think where on the scoreboard it will say a number of XP, but when you complete it, it only gives half of the XP.

    Now i just want to address some changes that should be made to the assassin. I will only be addressing assassin because i only play him.

    - Buff the damage of Multi-hit but reduce a little bit of the knockback. Don't buff it like it was pre-Gavel because i'll admit it, it was straight out overpowered. But still it needs a damage buff because it is not worth using that much mana for such little damage. Especially when assassin/ninja is supposed to be the damage class. It doesn't feel like it at all.
    - Reduce Smoke bomb ticks by 1 or 2. It does to much damage. I know i just said we are the damage class. We are, but in close combat, not at range. We have the least range so it doesn't make sense to have a ranged attack do so much damage.

    Anyway, thanks for reading this long thread. If you made it to here, thanks. Feel free to let me know your opinion(s) and add stuff that you think should be changed/buffed/nerfed. But don't hate. I am just giving my opinion
  2. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    You've got an introduction sentence but no suggestion???
    Yuno F Gasai likes this.
  3. Bart (MC)

    Bart (MC) Ex-Item Maker & Day Counter (MC) CHAMPION

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    Yeah getting horses shouldn't be so hard
    For all the other things, you just need to end quests with dxp, or have a horse, or just play for some time and don't spend your money on shot you're only gonna use for 2 levels anyway
    Or you know, git gud.
  4. Rexolboy

    Rexolboy Veteran Assassin HERO

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    What do you mean by suggestions?
    Trust me, I double xp as soon as i have a new quest to turn in. Still doesn't give much XP.
  5. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    1) use horses
    2) mana regen/steal and dont spam spells
    3) dont know what to say, I'm a mage
    4) soloed him as a pre gavel mage at level 50
    5) they are working on it
    6) horse calculations were made back in vip town days and need a rework (btw you were lucky with that chestnur , it tajes 16le and 20eb on average to breed a chestnut)
    7) missions are random and buggy and need a complete rework
    8+9) I dont play assassin so I dont know what to tell you
  6. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    Okay, here we go.
    I've taken the liberty to add my opinions/thoughts/answers to your suggestions in bold.
    it means all of us who use dark theme can barely see your writing

    use the "None" option for text next time.
  7. Rexolboy

    Rexolboy Veteran Assassin HERO

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    That's cool, but why why in white? x)
  8. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    10k in 10 minutes? Thats shit.
  9. captainganon

    captainganon God of k | Derpalope VIP+

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    My point exactly.

    I did say "less", you know. I don't typically count how long it takes to regen fully
  10. Rexolboy

    Rexolboy Veteran Assassin HERO

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    For the mana/hunger bar : I would guess so but my goal wasn't to go into deep coding stuff.
    For more mana/less cost: I do have those and compared to pre-Gavel, I doesn't seem as efficient.
    For healh regen: if i knew that was a thing, that part wouldn't be in that post. Where do you get this?
    For the boss: You could level one, why not level two? The fight is just a mess, you got archers dealing damage every second knockbacking you everywhere, and he has too much health. If he was level 62, for say, and had 40k health, it would be less painful. And trust me on messy fights, i play Destiny. It is full of messy fights.
    For the grind: I'm pretty sure i'm not the only person who plays quest over grind. And i beg to disagree. Most RPGs aren't as grindy, or at least you can grind in other ways. Let's take some modern examples. Destiny, the story will level you up, and you can grind on pvp and pve, as well as bounties, strikes, so on. The Division, you have missions, side missions, encounters, Dark Zone. There are probably other examples. I'm ok with some grind, but to much grind gets repetitive and boring, and will kill the envy of playing.
    For the horses: It's not that it cost so much, it's that the system is too RNG based and to punishing.
    For missions: Yes, emeralds are easy to come by. But another source of income never hurt anyone, did it? Bump up a little bit the difficulty as well as the rewards for missions for a player every 10 levels, for example.

    For Multi-hit: It is a good spell, and pretty cool as well, but it doesn't do enough damage for it to be worth the mana it cost. If it did 15% instead of 10, i think it would be worth and not OP as it was before.
    For Smoke bomb: THANK YOU

    oh and ok got it for the dark theme i just didn't know that was a thing sorry bout that
  11. Selvut283

    Selvut283 Circadian rhythm stuck on Tokyo time ♪ Music GM CHAMPION

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  12. LunarWiz

    LunarWiz [/^_^]/ <3 \{^_^\}

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    Y'know, Earth and Fire type or Dex - Earth / Dex-Fire aren't meant to go really fast or anything. In fact, fire type armors mostly give walk speed penalties. If you really wanna go fast, use Agil-Water or something. Agil gives walk speed buffs, and I heard you can travel faster than a white horse...?
    A for Effort
  13. StarchPlatinum

    StarchPlatinum Back with a starchy vengence

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    About the missions... On the one hand, I agree that they need to be reworked, as they are glitchy as crap at the moment. On the other hand, it's always funny to see people with things like "Kill 23 Bob's Reincarnations in 10 minutes for 62 emeralds!" in their sig.
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