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World ▲▼[quest] Bairy Tree▼▲

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Bear, Feb 23, 2016.

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  1. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    *Hi! First I wanted to thank you for coming to visit this idea, and then wanted to apologize if any word is wrong, I'm using Google translator because I'm not American but Brazil: S

    *That and a repost, the month I posted many were traveling and having fun, and when all the back post was no longer being discussed because it was leaves behind.

    * Quest Name: Bairy Tree
    * Quest NPC: Isaac
    * Quest Difficulty: Hard
    * Quest Level: 65+

    * Story: Barry was just a sheep among several of his band, its owner was called Fred, a man who lived in a tree house in a remote island Wynn was usually a quiet and beautiful island, however this would change after a time, the Kingdom of Detlas decided to raid shape of the island and after a long time the warriors came to the island, Fred tried his best to defend his the Bairy after hearing the sound of firing guns got scared and ran into a large cave was nearby when it was night Bairy decided to return to the tree and see if its owner and his friends were right when Bairy arrived we found a lot of destruction, houses were destroyed, crops, pastures, everything except the tree, Bairy quickly ran for the tree to find its owner, but it was too late, Fred was overpowered and taken to the dungeon Detlas. Bairy swore to himself that he would defend the tree to honor its owner and that nothing else enter or leave the island until its owner returns, there are many travelers and adventurers who went to the island that never returned.

    * Quest:

    [1 /7]Isaac: Wait, I realized his ability defeating these monsters, and I think you are the perfect man for this mission.
    [2 /7] Isaac: My name is Isaac and I always loved trees, I'm trying to get all seeds of Wynn région, already have almost all, need just a seed to seed possessed.
    [3 /7]Isaac: This last seed is in a very distant and shadow island called Theynu of first seems a mission until easy, however the problem is that Sheeps living in the region protect the tree.
    [4 /7]Isaac: I've been researching the island lately and found that they protect the tree to honor its owner named Fred who tried to protect the island against invasion of Detlas.
    [5 /7]Isaac: They hate the visitors will have to go undercover, I have a friend in Newract is called Barry that can solve the problem for you making a mask.
    [6/7]Isaac: Meanwhile I'll find out more about the island, after taking the mask back here and tell you what I found.
    [7 /7]Until more adventurous!
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Find Barry]

    Once you find Barry:

    [1/3]Barry:Hello adventurer, I can make a mask for you ...
    [2/3]Barry:I will need [45 Strings] to mask and [6 Emerald Blocks] as payment ...
    [3/3]Barry:Bring me these materials that will make a perfect mask for the masquerade ..
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [45 Strings],[6 Esmerald Blocks]

    After catching and give the materials to Barry:

    [1/3]Barry:Already I planned how I will build the mask, brought the materials?
    [2/3]Barry:Perfect, me a few minutes to build the mask.
    [3/3]Barry:Here, I believe that this is one of my best masks, even younger adventurer.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Talk Thomas]
    [Sheep Mask]

    When talking to Thomas again

    [1/3]Isaac:Go away sheep! I'm studying!
    [2/3]Isaac:Wow! It was you all the time! Well, I've been studying and found that if you get the wool of it I can make a powerful armor for you,That is actually the Monster and a Sheep.
    [3/3]Isaac: While you're away I'm going to study a little longer to find out what Fred's dungeon. Goodbye young adventurer.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Go to Theynu]


    The system will work day following way:

    When the adventurous reach the island will not be minions protecting this tree, only when you hit at the root of branches minions will appear, to hit again on another root you will have to defeat all minions that aparecerm after you hit the first branch, understood?
    After you beat all appeared Bairy branches.

    [Battle Exemple]:



    Bairy Guard

    Mob: Sheep (Magenta color)

    Level: 55

    HP: 400

    Damage: 180

    Regen: 32

    Spell: Speed

    Agro Range: 17

    Type: Minion

    Crystal Pink Sheep

    Mob: Sheep (Pink color)

    Level: 60

    HP: 500

    Damage 200-300

    Regen: 35

    Spell: None.

    Agro Range: 15

    Type: Rare Minion


    Mob: Sheep (Purple color)

    Level: 70

    HP: 7600

    Damage: 350-400

    Regen: 95

    Spell: Teleport / Speed

    Agro Range: 25

    Type: Boss

    Before battle with Bairy a message appears:

    [Bairy]Damn Detlas soldiers! Meep! Give back Fred now for me it was a great owner!
    [Bairy]Okay, it suffers as Fred suffered going into the dungeon!

    You Defeat Bairy!

    [Quest Book Updated]
    [1 Bairy Wool]
    [1 Seed Possessed]
    [Tell the story of his adventure to Isaac and delivered the items.]

    While delivering the seed Isaac:

    [1/5]Isaac: Thank you for seed! Finally I can complete my collection.
    [2/5] Isaac:I do not have all the necessary pieces to make this armor, I need more wool.
    [3/5]Isaac:Let me think, who will be having more of wool Bairy at Wynn?
    [4/5]Isaac:Of course! Fred probably will have more wool!
    [5/5]Isaac:From what I've been searching for other files to localization of the dungeon is:(coords)
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Find Fred]

    Upon reaching the dungeon our adventurer will have to contend with:

    Detlas Guard

    Mob: Zombie(Green armor)





    Spell: None

    Agro Range: 13

    Type: Minion

    Item: Sword


    Seasoned Warrior

    Mob: Zombie(Gray Armor)





    Spell: Critical/Speed

    Agro Range:16

    Type: Minion

    Item: Sword

    Drop:1-3 EB

    The Executioner

    Mob:Skeleton(Black Armor)

    Level 73



    Spell: Critical/Teleport/Speed

    Type: Boss


    Drop: Executioner Chestplate

    After defeating the executioner talk to Fred.

    [1/3]Fred:Thank you! I believe that you came looking for my right wool?
    [2/3]Fred:I can not give you the wool now! I'm still chained! ] There is a Key Chain in Detlas called Grunt he must have the key to free yourself from the chains!
    [3/3]Fred:I'll take care of the guards! Come back soon!
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Find Grunt]

    After finding Grunt:

    [1/4]Grunt:Good Day Adventurer what can I help?
    [2/4]Grunt:What? A prison key? It will not be easy to make more will do my best.
    [3/4]Grunt:Well, I'll need the following materials: [Skeleton Key], [Key Spider], [Animal Key], [Key silverfish], bring me the materials I can merge them and make a prison key.
    [4/4]Grunt:See you later!

    After delivering the materials to Grunt:

    [1/3]Grunt:Brought the materials I asked for?
    [2/3]Grunt:Here's a perfect prison key.
    [3/3]Grunt: GoodBye!
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Talk to Fred again.]
    [Prison Key]

    When the dungeon again:

    [1/3]Fred:I thought I would have abandoned me, thank you for coming back.
    [2/3]Fred:Perfect with this key can set me free.
    [3/3]Fred:Here is the wool that I promised you, even more adventurous will go back to my island and live quiet as before.
    [Quest Book Updated]
    [Bairy Wool]

    Delivered to wool for Isaac, and allow it to fabricate your armor.

    [1/3]Isaac:Look! I thought you were not coming back, changing the subject you managed to bring the wool?
    [2/3]Isaac:Perfect! Take your armor.
    [3/3]Isaac: Goodbye!
    [Bairy Armor]
    [+80000 exp]
    [1 Le]

    Tree exemple:

    The Bairy Armor:

    Leave your suggestion in the comments!
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2016
    Coolfood and Inactive666 like this.
  2. Glitch496

    Glitch496 Game Master HERO GM

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    There's already an NPC in the world named Tommy, try picking something else perhaps?

    Great quest, anyway. The XP should be about 80k for a level 65 quest.
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    A repost I see.
    Well, you need to color the name of the quest npc in the text just one shade darker :p
    Another thing I have to say is that it seems a bit too similar to the quests Creeper Infiltration, The Mercenary, and Green-skinned Trouble, what with the whole mask and sneaking in thing.
    Finally, 100 damage is too little- Level 60-65 mobs have around 200-300 damage.
  4. Zombiemonster314

    Zombiemonster314 Protector of all Potatoes VIP

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    I only skimmed through it but I didn't see that stats for the bairy armor. Other than that it seems good
  5. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    [Post Updated!]
    * The name of the first NPC has changed for Isaac.

    *The names of the characters in the dialogue were darker for better reading.

    *The damage of monsters was also changed.

    [Doubts, criticisms and suggestions.]
    * Hi okay One eyed? I remember you well in question the similarity also thought of it, so that not found a considerable solution that was not very hard to be done by the programmers, I'll be thinking tomorrow and might change when have more time, I thank the critically!

    * Hi Zombie! Thank you for your criticism, we change to get better as soon as possible!

    *Hi Glitch! Thanks for the suggestions! The text has been changed!

    Last edited: Feb 23, 2016
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  6. Flubby

    Flubby left and accidentally became leftist VIP+

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    Please minimalize colors. I can't effectively read this on dark theme.
  7. Dawn UwU

    Dawn UwU Midi Musician HERO

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    Traduz Google não me falhar agora , isso parece um bom trabalho boa idéia

    No hablo en Portuguese
  8. Stycore

    Stycore some random golem CHAMPION

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    [2 /7] Isaac: My name is Tommy and I always loved trees, I'm trying to get all seeds of Wynn région, already have almost all, need just a seed to seed possessed.
    Isaac: My name is Tommy??
  9. Bear

    Bear Well-Known Adventurer

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    [Post Update]
    -Name errors

    [Doubts, criticisms, and sugestions]
    *Hi Stycore! The error was corrected, thank tou for thw warning.

    *Hi Weemer! This was almost :D! Thanks for the help!

    *Hi Flubby! You can write your suggestion again if you do not brother? The translator dos not translate correctly.

  10. fasdfsadfwewf

    fasdfsadfwewf Deadpool CHAMPION

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