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Game & Forum Rules

Discussion in 'Rules & Information' started by Salted, Feb 15, 2016.

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  1. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Wynncraft Rules

    To make sure everyone has a great time in Wynncraft, every member of the community must follow these rules. Do not worry, we aren't monsters. Most of the time, we will simply warn you if you break a rule. However, in more serious cases, it can end up with a ban. Fortunately, you can appeal for a second chance.

    Keep in mind that the rules are subject to change for either clarity, to remove an old rule, or to add a new one (if there is an issue with a rule msg @Naraka00 or @Viridian). Moderators also have discretion in how they enforce the rules. Some might be more tough than others, and it's fine. These rules can be interchanged between the different platforms depending on the situation e.g. in-game rules may be used on the forums.
    Specific rule clarifications are available here.

    (Last update: 28th of January, 2024.)

    Game Rules

    1. No hacking/hacked clients.

    Any modified client that gives you a gameplay advantage is hacking. Modded clients that do not give a gameplay advantage (for example optifine) are allowed. (ex. fly hacking, aimbotting/killaura, water walking, xray, entity tracker, speed hacking & possession of a hacked client, even when not in use.)

    Having a hacked client running when you connect to Wynncraft is not allowed even if none of its features are enabled. There’s no reason to join using a hacked version other than to hack, and it creates too much of a risk that it will be turned on and thus being an unfair advantage. Additionally, making a client for Wynncraft that contains any illegal modifications is not allowed. If you are unsure if a mod is allowed send a private message to one of our moderators.

    2. Macros

    Macros are only allowed to be used to input a single 3-click spell command at a time or to automate chat commands such as the party system. Macros that loop or are designed to do anything else are not allowed as it gives you an unfair advantage. However, macros that loop melee attacks by keeping a mouse/keyboard button pressed down are allowed.

    3. Do not abuse bugs, glitches or exploits.

    Any behavior of the game which is unintended by the developers and gives the player an advantage or can otherwise be exploited is a glitch. Showing or sharing any information about a glitch or an exploit with another person (other than moderators or QAs) is not allowed and will be punished for if done by any player (Leaving the map, duping, possession and distributing illegally obtained items, bypassing restricted areas, bypassing territory cool-down, and using colored text in chat are some examples.)

    Not knowing that something is a glitch is not an excuse and can be punished. If you are unsure if something is intended you can send a private message to one of our moderators. If you find a glitch and report it to us and/or create a bug report marked as exploitable you will never be punished provided you don’t use it afterwards.

    4. Do not curse at, insult or harass people.

    Includes bypassing words that are censored. Swearing is fine, as long as it is not abused and not directed at someone. (This includes, but is not limited to, racism, bigotry, sexism or sexual harassment, belittling players, ignoring requests to stop annoying them, making fun of mental illness and other psychological issues that one may have as well as suggesting suicide and jokes thereof. This applies to the following chats: /p, /g, /r, /msg, /report, shouts, public chat, and trade market booth descriptions.)

    5. Do not spam.

    Spam is sending messages extremely quickly or sending messages with no useful content in an attempt to clutter chat, either through individual means or collectively as a group. (This includes through /p, /r, /msg, /report, shouts and trade market booth descriptions.)

    6. Do not misuse /report.

    Tools to contact mods are only for serious issues. (Fake reports, spamming /report, reporting to get attention, sending joke reports.)

    7. Do not scam players.

    Scamming is selling something that is grossly overpriced, tricking someone into underpricing their item, tricking someone into buying an item that was not promised. Additional information concerning of scamming other players can be found in this thread on the Trade Market. A price check (PC) does not offer you immunity or extra protection from a scam. Fake currencies are not allowed as a medium of exchange (ex: giving 1 stack of roses in exchange a mythic - instead of 1 stack of LE)

    Loaning is moderated the same way as lending - the account currently holding the item will be counted as owner. Not returning a lent/loaned item is not a scam, so always ask for a collateral when lending items.
    Predatory loaning schemes are not allowed. In cases where these appear to be widely organized and/or affect a large quantity of players (determined at our discretion), the moderation team may choose to investigate reported loans and deal punishment where necessary.

    8. Information on keeping and/or trading certain items.

    It is not allowed to keep or sell vanilla items and UI items. This includes abusing glitches to obtain them and selling/buying them. If you get one by accident just throw it out. Should a moderator request you give up an in-game item, it is required that you comply. Some items are allowed to be kept, but not allowed to be traded or sold. See the spoiler below for a more detailed explanation.

    1. Not allowed to keep or trade:
    • Vanilla items (default Minecraft items that lack the lore that Wynncraft items have. For example, a Wynncraft Rotten Flesh item will have “Crafting Ingredient” as lore, a vanilla one will not)
    • UI items (items that have glitched out of the user interface, for example the item identifier checkmark)
    • Duped items/Items acquired through illegal means (must be reported)
    2. Allowed to keep, not allowed to trade:
    • Items with broken IDs (items that have weird purple text as lore)
    • Pre-Gavel armor (items that didn't update to the ID system, items with special characters in their name)
    3. Allowed to keep and trade but with restrictions (seller can not advertise these items for a higher price than usual, but buyers can offer a higher price):
    • Glitch dyed armor
    • Stacked unidentified boxes for armor/weapons/accessories that are still functional
    • Old dungeon keys
    4. Allowed to keep and trade with no restrictions:
    • Positive to negative ID items (like jester set)
    • Enchanted items that work normally
    • Seaskipper passes and unprocessed materials
    • The rest of the item pool

    9. Do not advertise.

    Advertisement of Wynn-related content is allowed if they comply with the information in the spoiler below. Advertisement of YouTube content, Twitch content, Minecraft servers, etc. unrelated to Wynncraft is not allowed. You are allowed to talk about any of these, but giving a direct link/IP in the goal of advertising is not tolerated. Invite links of Discord servers (except the official Wynncraft Discord) and similar third party platforms are only allowed through PM if requested by the receiving party.

    Advertising in shouts is only allowed if:
    - Wynn related content (shops on the Wynn forums, Wynn videos, Wynn streams, etc), and...
    - Only once per hour max, and...
    - The creator of the content has to be the one to shout, and...
    - No more than 3 times a day max, and...
    - If it's a livestream, it has to be on Wynncraft and you cannot switch to another game/server/IRL stream for at least an hour after shouting (to prevent people from playing Wynn for a minute, shout about it, and then switch to another server for cheap advertising).
    - External URLs for Wynn-related content are allowed in the shout itself.

    This includes guild advertising, such as: "Join <guild>!", but those can be shouted by any members from that guild (still subject to the once per hour limit and 3 per day max for the whole guild).

    10. Do not impersonate players.

    Changing your MC name as well as your nickname to a name very similar to a staff member and/or claiming you are staff when you are not. Staff includes Content Team. Impersonating other players with names or nicknames without their consent is not allowed.

    11. Do not make invasions or deliberately kill players.

    Leading mobs towards a city with the intent to kill players within the city is a player made invasion, or PMI. Also includes leading mobs towards people that are “safe” in order to get them killed or pushing players into unsafe and dangerous areas or into lava/water. Using totems to make mobs keep spawning in a city is also not allowed even if you didn’t bring the mobs there.

    12. Do not buy or sell in-game items for real money.

    Using real life money, or something worth real life money, to purchase an in-game item from another player. This includes selling/buying Wynncraft store items for items in-game (with the exception of Silverbull shares) or selling art or services for real money using our platforms. Breaking this rule directly breaks the EULA, which will never be tolerated, and which will be punished for, accordingly.

    Players are allowed to exchange store rewards for services or vice-versa, with a few restrictions in place, so that players can present gifts to each other occasionally, but without abusing this system:

    - Players cannot create a business (ex: offering a player 10 workers to level up their classes in exchange for store rewards, giving Hero rank to 8 players if they grind xp for them, etc.)
    - Advertisements are not allowed (example: "looking for 3 players to finish TNA Raid with me, offering 2 item bombs" or "offering raid help in exchange for totems").
    - Players cannot grind, or gather, items and LE for others in exchange for store rewards, furthermore they cannot exchange services for IRL money.
    - Players cannot be forced, or blackmailed, to work for others under the premise that it was fair because they would receive store rewards.
    - Players cannot be forced to pay someone with store rewards if the agreement didn't stipulate it.

    Examples of allowed situations:
    - A guild gifting a rank to their top warrer;
    - A player placing down a totem as a way to thank someone for saving them from mobs;
    - Helping someone with raids or dungeons and being paid with 4 loot crates, etc.

    13. Rules regarding alternate accounts.

    Alternate Minecraft accounts are allowed to be used ingame. If one of your accounts breaks a rule they will all receive the same punishment.

    If you are banned, you are not permitted to use an alternate account to continue to play, as this is ban evasion.

    Anyone who you willingly give access to your account may use the account as if it is their own. Additionally if the account violates any Wynncraft rules it will be considered an offense against that account regardless of who was using it. For these reasons sharing accounts is highly discouraged.

    14. Do not leak information.

    Leaking information about unreleased content or updates, including blocked off areas is prohibited. You may talk about unreleased content that has been shown publicly by the content team or admins.

    15. Refunds Policy.

    We cannot refund items that are acquired in-game, no matter how they are lost. For any problems with items (packages) that are purchased through our store, please contact us at [email protected].
    Any items shared between accounts will belong to the account holding the items regardless of initial ownership. Entrusting other players with your items will put you at risk for not receiving them back and will not be refunded.

    16. No inappropriate usernames, nicknames, pet names or skins.

    Usernames, nicknames, pet names, guild names, guild tags, crafted item names and crafted item lore that contain vulgar or offensive language or innuendos are not allowed. This is true for all languages. Player skins that are offensive or nude are not allowed and must be changed to something appropriate. Builds on public housing plots must also be appropriate.

    17. Minimaps.

    Minimaps and waypoints are allowed. Entity radar that show mobs, and/or chests are not allowed. Player radar is allowed only to show players who are mutual friends with you, party members, or guild members (the same restrictions as Wynncraft’s online map). Cave maps (Map that shows any blocks not open to the sky) are also not allowed.

    18. Do not purposefully prevent or delay a territory from being attacked

    Stalling wars to maintain a territory and preventing, or significantly delaying other guilds from attacking them is against the rules. Normal warring, with no malicious intents, is not affected by this rule. Using a sub-guild to support the parent guild is allowed, but using said sub-guild or the help of an allied guild to capture territories from each other as a means to reset territory cooldown is not.

    Stalling is when by taking a territory with a third party guild (sub-guild/allied guild) you reset the 10 minute cooldown imposed on every territory after taking it. This will prevent the other guild from taking the territory for an extra 10+ minutes (accounting for queue cooldown and extra time spent in the war). As stalling is always situational, moderation discretion will be used in every report of war stalling. When reporting a suspected case of war stalling, please send our moderator the following information: guild(s) doing the stalling people online from the offender guilds explanation of what happened, preferably supported with territory logs

    19. Do not AFK farm and do not grind at unintended locations

    You may not receive benefits of any kind (xp, items, emeralds, etc) if you are AFK, this includes passive drops. You must be inputting actions to receive rewards. Using sustainable builds that take advantage of Health Regeneration, Thorns, Reflection, and or major IDs such as Guardian, Heart of the Pact, and Magnet is not allowed while AFK (this includes warring or collecting drops at Seavale Reef). Receiving party xp while afk is allowed.

    Mobs that are unintended to be farmed include, but are not limited to: Boss minions, mobs used for quest progression, mobs used for discovery progression, and mobs used for dungeon progression. (Boss minions are mobs spawned during boss fights that can sometimes spawn in large numbers). ToA and Qira Hive are an exception to this rule. If you are unsure whether a spot is farmable, please contact one of our Moderators. Killing the above-listed mobs and collecting their drops while completing content normally is allowed.

    20. No In Game Bots

    You are not allowed to waste server player slots with bot accounts for any reason. Bots outside of the game that use the information provided by the public API are allowed.
    (Specific example: Setting up bots in different worlds to track and send information when an xp bomb drops, providing a free alternative to paid features.)

    Forum Rules

    1. No inappropriate posts.

    This includes also making hints towards inappropriate stuff. (Anything NSFW or borderline, keep it PG-13.)

    2. No useless content, spamming, or cheating the 10 character limit.

    (Useless content is: not putting any thought into a post or a post that has no purpose or does not add anything to the section or thread.) Spamming is any low quality post submitted repeatedly on the forums, including profile posts and comments. Skipping the 10 character limit by adding something like “10chars” to your message is also not allowed except in the Trade Market (when offering or negotiating an item price), General Suggestions, or Guild subforums. You are allowed to post an otherwise useless message to bump a thread such as a shop, but not more than twice a day.

    3. No Alternate accounts/owning more than 1 account.

    You are only allowed one forum account. You are not allowed to share forum accounts or create accounts for groups such as guilds. Alternate forum accounts are called “sockpuppet accounts” and will lead to punishment if created. You are responsible for your own account.

    You are also not allowed to create a sockpuppet in order to attempt to evade a forum ban.

    4. Do not hijack threads.

    Do not purposefully create a new, unrelated topic within someone else’s thread.

    5. No airing dirty laundry.

    If you don’t like someone or think they’re doing something wrong, don’t spread it everywhere, take it to a private message or contact a Moderator about the issue.

    6. Do not Like bomb or ask for likes.

    Asking for likes in any way is not allowed. (Liking a person’s content with the intent of getting their like count up, liking a large amount of posts in a thread)

    7. Do not post referral, scam, or malicious links.

    Referral links are websites that advertise things such as free steam money or Minecraft capes, often in exchange for reposting the link. These are almost always scams and can be dangerous.

    8. Do not spur on Flame Wars.

    If you see a flame war (people arguing and the argument getting out of hand), hit the report button. Do not add more fuel to the fire. Flame wars are posts that do nothing but create controversy and mass-arguing with no resolutions.

    9. Do not harass, insult, or be passive aggressive to other people.

    (Harassment includes, but is not limited to, racism, sexism or sexual harassment, belittling people, ignoring requests to stop annoying them, making fun of mental illness and other psychological issues that one may have. Examples of being passive aggressive are posting "who cares", or excessively making fun of someone.)

    10. Advertising.

    Streams and videos are fine anywhere. Discord invites (except the official Wynncraft Discord) are only allowed in PMs if requested by the receiving party. IPs of servers and referral links are not. If you are unsure, ask a Moderator before posting.

    11. Giveaways.

    Giveaways and rank giveaways are allowed. Donation pools, normal tier items, or under 1LE are not allowed for giveaways. “Lotteries” (in which participants need to provide some form of payment) are not allowed because they can easily be rigged and used to scam. Public, player-organized gambling systems are disallowed as they can also be easily rigged.

    12. Introduction and Goodbye posts.

    Only new members may create introduction posts, not returning members. Goodbye posts are allowed on either your profile, or in the Introduce Yourself forum section. You are only allowed to make one goodbye post unless a mod approves you making another. You may add a giveaway to a goodbye post if you want to.

    13. Do not necropost.

    Posting on a thread that has been untouched for more than around 30 days or has no discussion is called a necropost and is not allowed unless your post starts a new discussion. The poster of a thread can request for an unlock by sending a private message to a moderator or reporting the thread with the message “please unlock”.

    14. Selling Unidentified Items

    Selling unidentified items is allowed. If a player sells an unidentified item with a promise that it will be a certain item, and the item turns out to be a different item than is advertised, a refund must be given, as it would be considered scamming. Additional information is given in this thread.

    But the most important rule of them all is to have fun in Wynncraft. Use some common sense and enjoy the game!

    November 18th, 2016:
    Created changelog.
    Edited rule 10 of forums category to include mental illness.

    Edited rule 15 of forums category to give more detail.
    December 10th, 2016:
    Edited rule 13 of forums category to be more clear.

    December 23rd, 2016:
    Added Discord rules.
    December 24th, 2016:
    Edited a Discord rule.
    January 5th, 2017:
    Clarified rule 16 of the forums.
    January 25th, 2017:
    Discord rules have been removed, they are on discord.
    May 2nd, 2017:
    Added Refunds Policy
    June 26th, 2017:
    Added rule 19 for forums.
    Edited rule 8 for in-game.

    June 27th, 2017:
    Clarified rule 2 of the Game.
    June 28th, 2017:
    Game rule 2 re-written for clarity.
    July 9th, 2017:
    Edited rule 19 for forums.
    August 13th, 2017:
    Added rule 17 for in-game.
    January 1st, 2018:
    Added rule 18 for in-game.
    March 11th, 2018:
    Rules have been updated and reworked entirely.
    December 3rd, 2019:
    Edited rule 3 including possession of duplicated items and its distribution.
    Edited rule 4 to include suggesting suicide and jokes thereof.
    Adjusted rule 8 to crafted items.
    Edited rule 12 to point out breaking the EULA.
    Reduced rule 13 excluding restriction of using alternate accounts in guilds.
    Edited rule 15 to clarify stance on shared and lent items.
    Revamped rule 18 to allow sub-guilds but strictly enforce stalling.
    Edited forum's rule 15 to allow selling revealed mythics.

    December 17th, 2019:
    Edited rule 9 to include prior statement made by owner.

    March 5th, 2020:
    Edited rule 9 and rule 10 to ban Discord invite links.
    August 2nd, 2020:
    Edited rule 7 to include organised scams to be punishable now.
    February 3rd, 2021:
    Reworded extra information of rule 9.
    Revamped rule 10 to include all players, rather than just staff.
    Reduced rule 13 to now allow warring on alternate accounts.
    Edited rule 19 to include AFK warring.
    February 11th, 2021:

    Introduced rule 20 for using bots and automation.
    June 4th, 2021:
    Edited rule 18 to include abusing the refresh timer.
    January 30th, 2022:
    Edited rule 2 to add melee macros.
    Edited rule 3 to include making a bug report.
    Edited rule 4 to add bigotry.
    Edited rule 5 to include trade market booths, removed /g.
    Edited rule 7 to add price checks and information about scamming.
    Edited rule 8 to include item categories.
    Edited rule 16 to add guilds, crafted items and housing builds.
    Revamped rule 19
    Edited forum's rule 2 to add extra information.
    Forum's rule 4 was reworded slightly.
    Removed forum's rule 11: Ask Me Anything.
    Edited forum's rule 12 to clarify lotteries.

    June 7th, 2022:
    Revamped the clarifications.
    June 25th, 2022:
    Reworded rule 8 and forum rule 14 a tiny bit for clarity.
    October 10th, 2022:
    Edited rule 1 to include the creation of hacked clients.
    Edited rule 3 to include arrow storm on crafted armour as an example.
    Edited rule 4 to include all chats to be moderated.
    Edited rule 5 to include group spam.
    Edited rule 7 to include fake currencies.
    Edited rule 8 to reclassify old dungeon keys as "allowed to keep and trade with restrictions".
    Edited rule 12 to include exchange of store rewards for services.
    Edited rule 18 to remove HQ locking as being viewed as stalling.
    Revamped clarification 6 to include the creation of illegal modifications

    February 3rd, 2023:
    Edited rule 8 to include moderator item requests for deletion/trade reverts
    Edited forum's rule 11 to clarify the illegality of public gambling systems
    April 5th, 2023:
    Edited clarification 6 to remove Litematica as a disallowed modification
    August 26th, 2023:
    Edited introduction of rules page to highlight location of rule clarifications
    October 17th, 2023:
    Edited rule 12 to accommodate for Silverbull shares
    Edited clarification 3 to accommodate for Silverbull shares

    January 28th, 2024:
    Edited rule 3 to remove deprecated examples of glitch abuse
    June 24th, 2024:
    Removed “Shoutbox” from “Forum/Shoutbox Rules” header because Shoutbox no longer exists.
    August 31st, 2024:
    Edited clarification 1 to incorporate world events.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2024
  2. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    Moderators' Clarifications
    Salutations Community of Wynncraft!

    In this section, we will be compiling a list of moderators' interpretations, clarifications and expanding on the current official ruleset to make sure everyone is on the same page. This section is subject to change at any time. This section will be periodically updated with new things. If it is not mentioned in this section, it does not mean it is legal. Feel free to contact our Moderators if you cannot find the answer to the question you are looking for.

    Table of contents:
    1. AFK rules, macro rules, mob grinding
    2. Regarding items, trades, trade market
    3. Exchange of in-game services/items for real life money (Rule 12)
    4. Guilds and guild wars
    5. Discord & Forums
    6. Modifications
    7. Other
    8. How to Report a Player
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 26, 2022
  3. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    1. AFK rules, macro rules, mob grinding

    Am I allowed to AFK while waiting for rare mobs to spawn?

    Am I allowed to use macros in game?
    According to rule 2 you are only allowed to use certain Macros. You are allowed to use Macros that do not loop. You are not allowed to use Macros to gain a competitive advantage over other players. Examples of macros like this: AFK macros, /gu attack macros, macros that perform multiple actions with 1 input. If a command macro is bound to a button on your keyboard, you are not allowed to spam it.

    Am I allowed to queue spells with a macro?
    Not allowed
    Macros are only allowed to be used to input a single 3-click spell command at a time. You are not allowed to queue spells so they automatically cast after each other.

    Am I allowed to use a macro that holds down melee attack?
    You are allowed to use a melee macro. However, you have to hold a button down to keep your macro active.

    Am I allowed to grind at a spot which drops items very frequently?
    Allowed, unless unintended
    You are allowed to grind at any spot that works as intended. Unintended grindspots include (but are not limited to) the examples listed in rule 19. Locations with excessive mob-drop rates are assessed by Staff and can be deemed unintended. If you are unsure whether a spot is okay or not, please contact one of our Moderators. We will always warn you first if you are grinding at an unintended location.

    Am I allowed to use /class to respawn bosses in order to farm them?
    Not allowed
    Respawning a boss to get an item that you need for game progression is okay (examples: Legendary Island, and bosses that drop quest items).

    Am I allowed to be AFK (for example in a grind party) with a build that sustains myself and others around me?
    Not allowed

    Am I allowed to use multiple accounts simultaneously to grind world events (like Annihilation)?

    Not allowed
    You can only play on world events on one account at a time. Joining a world event on multiple accounts is considered AFK farming, as one account will always be AFK.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 31, 2024
  4. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    2. Regarding items, trades, trade market

    Am I allowed to sell dyed items? Am I allowed to sell enchanted items?
    Selling these items is allowed, as long as they are functional items (usually with counterparts). The old Fiërte for example is not a functional weapon, and thus cannot be sold. An enchanted Upside Down Bowl is a functional helmet, and thus can be sold. The items are not allowed to be sold for a higher price, but they are allowed to be bought for a higher price (basically: a seller cannot sell for more, a buyer however can offer more). Collector's items are an exception, they can be sold for more since they are more valuable. Ex: Santa's Armor, Pumpkin Helmet, Mama Zomble's Memory.

    Will a price check (PC) grant me immunity if I scam people (knowingly or unknowingly)?
    Not allowed, no immunity
    Make sure to get multiple price checks from different people to avoid this. Make sure the price checkers are not biased towards/against you. Price checkers cannot be punished for giving an incorrect price check unless they do it to with intention to mislead or harm others, or for their own benefit.

    Am I allowed to make advertisements with items on the trade market?
    Not allowed
    Using crafted items (with rename/relore) to advertise guilds, mythics or other trades is not allowed.
  5. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    3. Exchange of in-game services/items for real life money (Rule 12)

    Am I allowed to sell art for in game Items/Emeralds?

    Am I allowed to design a housing plot for someone in exchange for LE or items?
    This is effectively selling art for LE, which is allowed.

    Am I allowed to pay someone emeralds to move their market booth, so I can place mine?
    Not allowed

    Am I allowed to pay in game currency to have someone throw a purchasable bomb?

    If the bomb was purchased using Silverbull shares, it is ok to exchange in-game currency to have someone throw the bomb. Otherwise, paying in-game currency to have someone buy the bomb from the store is not allowed.

    Am I allowed to trade Wynncraft items or emeralds for items in other games?
    Not allowed
    This is considered IRL trading, which is not allowed according to the rule.

    Am I allowed to ask a guild to throw bombs in exchange for my guild to stop raiding them?
    Not allowed
    Trying to blackmail other players is not allowed under any circumstance.

    Am I allowed to pay someone emeralds for placing mob totems?
    Not Allowed
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 17, 2023
  6. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    4. Guilds and guild wars

    Am I allowed to auction guild territories?
    Not allowed

    Am I allowed to give away store items to guild members for contributing to the guild?

    Am I allowed to buy someone store items to make them join my guild?
    Not Allowed

    Poaching members from other guilds with store rewards is not allowed. However via in-game items is allowed.

    Am I allowed to war on multiple accounts?

    Using alternate accounts to war is allowed, but having alternate accounts war simultaneously is disallowed. This is considered AFK farming, as one account will always be AFK in a war while you also war on the other account. It is your responsibility to leave a war with /kill or /hub if both of your accounts were in wars at the same time.
  7. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    5. Discord & Forums

    Am I allowed to indirectly send a Discord link (as in, a link mentioned somewhere on a website)?
    Exception: Links that are harmful or inappropriate.

    Am I allowed to send links unrelated/weakly linked to Wynncraft on the forums?
    Google forms, Imgur, Tenor are all ok, as long as the links have a basic function (for example embedding images). If the linked websites (for example Google forms) serve a purpose in relation to Wynncraft, then this is fine as well. However if a link has no practical function, or is used to be obnoxious or to advertise something outside of Wynncraft, then this is not allowed.
    Possibilities of external links are not limited to the examples above. If you are unsure whether a certain link is fine or not, feel free to ask one of our Moderators.
  8. BTK2000

    BTK2000 helo im btk CHAMPION

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    6. Modifications

    If a mod or a feature is not in this list, it does not automatically mean it's allowed. Making third party modifications for Wynncraft that contain illegal features is not allowed. If you are unsure of what is allowed vs. disallowed, ask a moderator.

    Disallowed Modifications:
    - Any sort of hacked client
    - Schematica
    - Wynn expansion
    - Wynn enhanced
    - Notifications for item drops
    - Autoscreening chests
    - Mini-map displaying caves and off-map locations
    - Entity radar
    - X-Ray or CaveFinder
    - Automatic potion drinker
    - Automatic inventory sorters
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 5, 2023
  9. _purplegiraffe_

    _purplegiraffe_ Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    7. Other

    Can I use /class or /switch to consistently reset immunity in Hunted Mode to avoid getting killed?
    Not allowed
    If it happens once or twice (panic) then that is fine. If it is however systematically used to reset the immunity cooldown to avoid getting killed then this is not allowed, as it is considered an exploit.

    Am I allowed to follow players across worlds?
    Not allowed
    Following players across multiple worlds to interfere with their gameplay is considered harassment, unless both players are in hunted mode. If you are in hunted mode you accept the fact that other hunted players can follow you around to hunt you.
  10. Naraka00

    Naraka00 Warrior of the Revolution Staff Member Mod Manager Moderator CHAMPION

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    8. How To Report A Player

    In the Player Reports section of the forums you can report a player if they broke our Code of Conduct in game or on our Discord server via #contact_staff channel. You can also contact a moderator in the Discord and make a direct report there or through a private conversation on the forums. You can also report a player directly in game with the command /report playername reason.

    If you want to report a bug that happened in game or receive related assistance please visit the Bug Reports section of our forums.

    If you wish to report a moderator for misconduct, please do so by messaging a Mod Manager or through completing the Moderator Feedback Form.
    Mod Managers: Naraka00 (Discord: naraka00), Viridian (Discord: viridianforest)

    Forum Reports

    To report a player for something that happened on our forums we have a Report button attached to every post that is created (at the bottom right of the post, below the user's signature), even on private conversations. Please click that button so we can be redirected towards the appropriate post:
    Report button.png
    report post.png

    In Game Reports

    Please add the player name, along with a brief but complete explanation of what happened and most importantly, evidence. Evidence can be in game screenshots, video proof or minecraft logs. The screenshots cannot be cropped and must show the full context, not just the messages where we see the user in violation of our rules. Minecraft logs must be complete and non edited.

    To report text chat violations screenshot evidence is enough, but in the case of scam reports please send evidence not only of the trade negotiations (screenshots or minecraft logs) but of the trade itself, such as video evidence. This also applies for cases where text chat evidence might not exist, such as player made invasions.

    How to post screenshots or minecraft logs:

    You can take a screenshot in game by pressing F2. Those images are saved in your minecraft folder, on a folder named screenshots. Our forums has a file system that allows up to 8 screenshots to be attached to your report (choose "Upload a File" at the bottom of the post creator), but if the screenshots extend past that number you can upload them on image websites easy to use, such as imgur or gyazo, and post the direct image links in the report.

    How to access the minecraft folder:
    • In Windows the directory is %appdata%/.minecraft
    • In MacOS the directory is ~/Library/Application Support/minecraft
    • In Linux the directory is ~/.minecraft
    Minecraft logs are located on a folder named logs. Most minecraft versions compress the logs (except for the latest log, which corresponds to your latest minecraft session), this means when you access them a bunch of symbols show up instead of the text chat. They are still easy to access: right click on the log file you wish to send and choose "open with", select an unzipping program such as WinRaR or 7Zip, and you should be able to read it now. To send us the complete log you can post it on Pastebin and send us the link or send us the log through discord.

    The log's names correspond to the date you played minecraft, they are also organised by numbers if you played more than once on the same day, for example:
    If a user played three times on 29th May 2022 then three logs will be created in order:
    2022-05-29-1.log (this is the first log created, it contains the chat of your earliest play session)
    2022-05-29-3.log (this is the last log created)

    How to post video evidence:

    On Windows 10 you can record videos by pressing the Windows key + G on your keyboard. On MacOS you can use the QuickTime Player to record videos as well. If your computer doesn't come with recording software there are free recording programs you can use, such as bandicam. Select the video file you want to show and upload the video to YouTube, make sure it is set to unlisted. Once the upload is done send us the video link.

    Discord Reports

    Please send the full Discord tag of the user (+ their discord id if its a case of impersonation, which you can obtain by enabling developer mode in advanced settings, and then right clicking their name and choosing copy id) along with a brief explanation of what happened and corresponding screenshot evidence from our main discord server.

    If it was something that just happened you can tag us directly in the Discord by typing @moderator on the Discord channel you need assistance in for a faster response (don't forget to add a brief explanation of the situation along with the tag).

    On Discord we do not take care of situations that happened on private messages, due to the fact that Discord evidence is easily forged, so we do not accept them unless they are spambots/raidbots. In extreme cases of harassment or highly inappropriate messages the Discord user should be reported to the moderators.

    If a user is bothering you through pms Discord has a built in block function (right click their name and the option should show up) and in case they broke a rule from the Discord Terms of Service you can send a report to the Discord Trust & Safety Team.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 30, 2024
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