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Quest: Revolution

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Snek, Feb 11, 2016.

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  1. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    Hello. this is a quest idea I made. I won't put down coords as I am not sure where exactly to place them due to possible obstructions
    Stats of mobs will be shown down below at the bottom
    Min level:73
    Difficulty: Medium (Harder than most medium quests)
    Step 1: Talk to Serac outside Troms amour merchant
    1: Hello, human. As you are aware, I am not from around here
    2: I am a scientist from Dern who was called in on helping with a project involving this world's top scientists
    3: This project is a new type of guard golem, far more efficient than the villager-powered ones we see here
    4: This new prototype needed no living beings to be added to it. we had 2 built
    5: But one was stolen. The rest of the team were bound and gagged by the thieves. Go to the lab in dernel jungle and find out any important information.
    6: Ask anyone you see and free all the team.
    7: Find the thieves and return the golem's power core. Our entire team is counting on you.

    Step 2: Find the lab in dernel jungle and talk to the science team.
    A puzzle similar to the one in wynnexcavation D where flashing lamps must be mimicked. there will be 2 different patterns. After this you enter the lab through teleportation.
    Talk to the different team members. You must talk to them in the order shown.
    The dialogue is as follows
    Niestein (A Human)
    1: Thanks for freeing me!
    2: The thieves? Ah, that is an important subject
    3: I heard them talking about re-coding. If they are making a war machine out of our golem....
    4: The results won't be good. Go find anyone else in the lab. I'm sure they know more

    Tewnon (A villager)
    1: I thought I would never get free!
    2: If you need info on the thieves, I know what they also took
    3: They took several other plans for machinery. We have many copies but in the wrong hands they can be extremely dangerous
    4: The thieves looked human to me. No big noses or monobrows.
    5: They also captured gankwih, one of our team members. Probably to help them reprogram the golem.

    Rycion (A humanoid slime)
    1: HELP ME!
    2: Wait, you aren't an intruder?
    3: I don't have to scream! Yay!
    4: oh, the thieves? I know how they got the golem out of here
    5: A man named Ferro transported it away with his wagon. He lives in Nemract. You should find him in his home near the city

    Jeff (A pig. This is optional)
    1: oink
    2: What? I'm the team's pet, not a scientist!
    3: Yes, pogs talk. we just don't like to do it normally!

    Step 3: Find ferro outside nemract and extract information from him.
    1: Intruders! Kill them!
    Fight off the level 71 hired mercenaries. They have low health but are fast and hit hard.
    1: Okay, okay. Don't point that at me. It's sharp!
    2: You want to know where the golem prototype is? I won't tell you until you kill that thing the people who stole it placed in my basement
    3: it's like some sort of guard to stop me blabbing. Where do they even get monsters like these?

    Step 4: Kill the level 75 mutated brawler in ferro's basement. Give him a shattered bone(Bonemeal dropped by the mob) to prove it
    1: Thanks. The place they took it to is in the canyon. It's guarded well. The golem itself may be there too.
    2: Now get out of my house and take your weapons with you!

    Step 5: Locate the thief hideout in the canyons. the entrance is on top of one of the areas near the small settlements.
    Guard: Kill them!
    Kill the level 72 smugglers guarding the entrance. They are slow ranged mobs with the ability to use te charge spell (level 2)

    Step 6: break into the hideout.
    You must locate the key first. the key itself is guarded by a puzzle like the one in the jumgle minidungeon where all lights must be up to unlock the door. Place the key in a hopper next to the door to the hideout. You will be teleported into the main area

    Step 7: Rescue Gankwih from the thieves. Level 72 smugglers and level 74 renegades spawn inside the area before Gankwih's rescue.
    1: Did the team send you? Thank goodness!
    2: There isn't much time. The golem prototype is reprogrammed already!
    3: They are going to attack wynnic cities with it to take the money in the banks
    4: I stole the key to the main chamber where they keep the golem. Take it, quick.
    5: Be warned. That thing makes the regular golem guards pale in comparison

    Step 8: Retrieve 1 power core from the golem.
    You must make it through a few corridors filled with the mobs mentioned before. Toss the key into the hopper and enter the golem's chamber
    The golem is a very strong mob with both ranged and melee capabilities. It uses melee attacks but can fire a level 3 smoke bomb at the player. When killed it drops a power core(Redstone block)

    Step 9: Get the power core to Serac
    1: You made it? i'm not surprised.
    2: The golem prototype may be destroyed but we had two, and now thanks to you we have the power core of the old one.
    3: We only need to rebuild it's body now. The complex part doesn't need to be redone.
    4: Thank you, human. I must reward you for your kindness.
    5: Here. Have these emeralds and also a little something I have been working on.
    Rewards: 400,000 EXP
    40 emeralds
    1 Serac's pride (Level 73 legendary chestplate)

    Serac's pride stats
    Requires 20 dexterity
    +1850 health
    +20 thunder defence
    -10 water defence
    3% walk speed
    +2 dexterity
    -2% water damage
    +4% thunder defence
    +6% loot bonus
    +2% crit damage
    -4% spell damage
    A higly modified chestplate made by master scientist Serac. This chestplate pulses with electric energy

    Level 75 Mutated brawler
    Health: 4900
    Spell: bash level 2
    Actual mob: Skeleton. Has a villager head and black leather armour. Carries a trident to attack you.
    Noises; Deep, slow villager noises. hurt sound is that of a pigman. Death is a donkey's death sound
    Drops a crushed bone

    Level 71 Hired mercenary
    Health: 1700
    Damage: 456-522
    Spell: Multihit level 2
    Actual mob: Villager
    Makes regular villager noises for everything
    Regens 300 health in 10 seconds

    Level 72 smuggler
    Damage: 300-497 ranged
    Spell: Charge level 2
    Actual mob: Zombie with a villager head and red leather armour.
    Noises: slightly slowed down villager sounds for everything
    Regens 450 health in 10 seconds

    Level 74 Renegade
    Health: 3000
    Damage: 500-650
    No spell
    Actual mob: Zombie with a human head. Wears iron armour and carries the higlest level fire dagger model
    Regens 600 health in 1o seconds

    Level 79 Prototype Golem
    Health: 14000
    Damage: 500-743
    Spell: Smoke bomb level 3
    Actual mob: A wither skeleton with a custom head appearing to be mostly white and mechanical. It has 1 red eye on one side, but the other side is mostly covered by a black casing except the "chin" and has a white dot for an eye. it wears black leather armour and carries the model of the highest level water dagger.
    Noises: Blaze sounds slowed down. When takign damage it makes a blaze's damage sound. when killed it makes an enderman's death sound.
    Regens 1800 health every 10 seconds

    Notes: The names of the first 2 science team members are anagrams, as well as Gankwih. They are the surnames of various well known scientists. The golem boss also has a certain inspiration that my friend asked me to add but I'm a dirty scrublord so I won't tell you >:)
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2016
  2. XGhostzzz

    XGhostzzz Well-Known Adventurer

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    Its a little too quick in my opinion, it doesn't build up tension slowly but just trows you into the action, and also, why would a scientist tell this to you? If its about guard golems I can guess it might be a little secret that he wouldn't just tell to everyone who passes by. Also this quest involves quite a bit of travelling, from dernal to nemract and to the canyons. I also want to note that Dernal jungle has absolutely no relationship to Dern. Other then these points it is a good quest, I like the idea of having like a next quest in the story about golems, Might need a bit tweaking but after that is great!
    Ascended Kitten likes this.
  3. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    No, Reason: Quest reward, a quest reward that gives an item.. only suitable for 1 class, thats really unfair... what would we do with the spear if were not warrior, sell it? give it away?
    XGhostzzz likes this.
  4. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    I'll edit that to be better actually. It's changed to an armour piece. Also Dodegar's ultimate weapon.........
    I know it has no relation with Dern. The scientist who gives you the quest does though. I wanted it in dernel since I like dernel and most people who are at that level go there/have been there. Also horses solve the travel issue. Wynn travel is easy since wynn is smaller than gavel.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2016
  5. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    Dodegars ultimate weapon, can be sold... plus its used a collectiable for some people.
  6. cardaroy

    cardaroy ThreadSins VIP

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    Colour it next time :)
  7. DrakeM1

    DrakeM1 101 Archer / Made RPRT / Mayor of Tree Island HERO

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    An okay suggestion, but:
    • [1/3] Use proper text colors.
    • [2/3] Add regeneration statistics.
    • [3/3] Use correct dialogue and mob format.
  8. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    This quest wont get added, most dont do because
    1 Not so good suggestion
    2 It has to do something with the wynn/gavel history
  9. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    A confused farmer has nothing to do with history. Neither do many of the other quests. Tribal agression doesn't, neither does Grand Youth. These are only a few of the ones that have no connection to Wynn/gavel history.
  10. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    Most high level quests do good point tho
  11. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    I literally forgot everything about the history except the Iron Heart quests so I know how golems are made and why the scientists made the bossfight in this quest xD
  12. Mouse :)

    Mouse :) cicetil is no longer a slave VIP+

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    History is very interesting and important, get into it
  13. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    Why would the scientist be from Dern? We dont even know what Dern is.
  14. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    Because we kind of know. It's a third province inhabited by Endermen. Most seem to be hostile, but what if one was kind to humanity?
  15. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    We cant confirm Dern is a province, and really, they havent been any signs of an enderman showing intelligence equal to ours to show that that even can be peaceful. I mean, the greenskins attack us, but some show intelligence equivalent to ours. There's only, like, 4 endermen mobs in all of Wynn and Gavel, it just seems extremely unlikely that and enderman would be a good guy here.
  16. Snek

    Snek Resident idiot

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    Unlikely but not impossible. And most people agree that dern IS a province. This is constructive criticism, not flat out hate right?
  17. jpmrocks

    jpmrocks A Lone Wanderer

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    Yes, it's constructive (thats what I'm going for at least).
  18. GungLau

    GungLau Is Cute

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    I agree to this suggestion
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