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Class: King (emperor)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by thanks, Jan 19, 2016.

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  1. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    If you don't wish to support the class, don't leave a nasty comment. I'm not going very far into depth on damage statistics as this most likely will never be added. This is simply a fun little suggestion that I thought would be cool to use in-game.

    This class is based on spells, so don't say; "These spells are too overpowered". They're supposed to be like that.

    This is a spell and defense focused class.

    If you have some suggestions, or fixes. Please inform me below.

    ( ) = Visually Retextured
    Roman Numerals = Upgrades
    [ ] = Statistics
    - = Side note

    Class Name:

    Weapon of Choice:

    Spell 1:
    God's Push
    [3-5 Mana]

    The user will gain a speed boost upon use, any players in a ten block radius will also get a speed boost. It will last for five seconds as it's simply to traverse more area in lesser time.

    I. Speed now lasts seven seconds.
    II. Speed now lasts eight seconds.
    III. Speed increases to it's second level. (Speed 2)

    Spell 2:
    King's Troops
    [5-7 Mana]

    Two undead knights will raise from the dead, equipped with wooden swords, to defend the King. The knights last until death. Their strength depends on the user's level.

    I. Basic upgrades, the undead now hold stone swords and leather armor.
    II. Advanced upgrades, the undead now hold iron swords and chain mail armor.
    III: Masters of combat, the undead now deal even more damage and are equipped with diamond swords and iron armor.

    Spell 3:
    Beyond This Realm
    [5-7 Mana]

    Enemies in an eight block radius of your person will now ignore you.

    I. Radius increases to ten.
    II. Enemies now suffer light damage.
    III. Enemies now suffer increased damage.

    Spell 4:
    - This spell is a beast, it requires quite a bit of mana.
    For Honor
    [8-10 Mana]

    The war must go on. All allies in a thirty block radius of the spell's drop point will do increased damage and will regain health at an accelerated rate, this lasts for ten seconds.

    I. Damage increases, health regeneration increases.
    II. Radius increased to thirty five.
    III: The spell now lasts for fifteen seconds.

    All information on this thread is original, and was not stolen from any other thread. If a similarity exists, so be it. If there is a forums with around a thousand members it's bound to have some similarities in posts. Any negative comments will be ignored, excessive length comments may also be ignored. I will add what I feel necessary, not what the popular opinion is.

    If you're added to this list for some reason without even doing anything, you can blame @joshua123_4 - He decided to tell me I cannot put people who help as a contributor, so I decided to add all of you as contributors. I won't tag you, because I don't think you want random posts coming up on your alerts.
    - @SkySez
    - Gartato
    - DJTemmieMC
    - NEET
    - Sharubii
    - jacksonbe1
    - Belgarath
    - TheGamer_69
    - Kalmy
    - Mr Crack-head
    - Beefandleather
    - GreenGG
    - FierceDeity
    - XavierEXE
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
  2. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Hmm. this is an interesting idea but, the spells order is reversed. Spell 2 is always the movment spell. Spell 3 is assasins vanish just not as OP so change that, You may want to add something to the first spell so you can get over two block areas. Im assuming that the undead nights use guard AI, a suggestion is make it so the knights die after 30 seconds or so, so you can't build up a army.
    ~Collie1121 likes this.
  3. The One-eyed Guy

    The One-eyed Guy that guy VIP+

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    The mage is the spell one.
    And you also need 20 different descriptions for the weapon.
    MajesticMaj likes this.
  4. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    If the mage is the spell one, the archer is the ranged one, the warrior is the defensive, and the assassin is the damage. So does that mean no one can ever make new classes because all of the slots are taken, no. Nor am I taking the time to make twenty different descriptions when this class will never be added. I did this for fun.

    - The spell order can be changed if need be.
    - Spell 3 is fine as is
    - Five seconds is more than enough to travel fifteen blocks if you have speed. The spell is made for quick sprints, and it doesn't take up much mana.
    - The undead knights wouldn't be stackable. You can only spawn a maximum of two.

    For future reference,

    If you aren't going to do anything but criticize, then don't reply. I made this class for fun, and I understand that it isn't perfect. If people have good suggestions that sound important to me, I will add them. If you tell me that the ways I have it are broken, I won't change them.
    The One-eyed Guy likes this.
  5. HammerCloud

    HammerCloud Apparently I'm a Trump Humper

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    For Spell 2 how much health would the Soldiers have the more you level up?
  6. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Erm do you really not see anything wrong with those two quotes? You are asking for only good suggestions, but asking for fixes? That makes no sense
  7. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    actually preety good idea, BUT theres only 3 spell upgrades not 4, And the block radius of yourself? or of the block your standing on?
  8. Cybersoap707

    Cybersoap707 That one guy VIP+

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    If you made this for fun, then why not put it in discussion or nemract's bar? And also, this class would be horrible as there is no damage spell.
  9. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    this class doesnt even have an attack spell, well the zombies, but you cant rely on them, there gonna bug when you use beyond this realm when they turn on each other xD plus i like this idea and i think it should be added, this basically plays the role of the leader, to able to obtain/use this rank, maybe your supposed to earn it somehow.. maybe from a contest, easter egg, picked out by owner or have a lvl 100 class, and for chivarly, what is the mana regen and health regen? for example health regen 4 (gapple) or mana regen Saturation. and you would think gods push would have a combat ability, all travel spells have a combat ability expect assassin i think, im not sure, so maybe gods push can push mobs far away from you, or when your being pushed mobs are pushed from you and etc, or... something like that, great idea but now, if you really want this to be added, use the wynn texturepack build off of from there, and make over 16 textures of swords 2 normal, 3 elemental, 3 thunder/fire/earth/water/earth and like that BUT you have to use blocks you arent able to obtain as an item for example Sponges, idk if u can obtain it as an item to trade for quests and etc, or u can use certain types of wool and blahblah, please do it :D then for almost 75% you will get it added i think, and then use command blocks and make it yourselfs so they can just install it to there server and then its added in one day, ez.
    ik, but i think it focuses in meelee damage, and it plays as a leader to lead a team, it also gives effects so the other players deal more damage and survival longer, And they use the zombie minions to attack them, this would be one decent class to add in, but your right, there attack is low.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  10. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    Because it's a class suggestion? If I put it in Nemract's Bar people would just tell me to move it. The zombies should count as an attack spell. If you'd like a second attack spell, be free to recommend one and I may replace it if I like it.

    Read the thread, read the reminder. I'm not putting extreme detail into this class, nor do I think it will be added. You completely ignored the entire first part of the thread and the comments afterwards.

    Noted. I wasn't sure of the amount of spell upgrades, and the block radius of yourself.

    If you're going to post something nasty, then don't reply. That simple.

    What you told me were not fixes. They were telling me to change stuff that is fine as is.

    I'm not focused on statistics, that could be determined if this class was going to be added.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2016
  11. mArauder

    mArauder Friendly Neighborhood Guy

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    Trying to help you, not being mean to you.
    1) For the second spell, make them last 15 seconds, then 45 seconds, then 90 seconds. Only reason why I say this is because mobs won't target the guards and they would be invincible
    2) The mob ignoring spell is pretty OP... Because it's not like asssssin vanish where it uses mana while using the spell, you could do Spell 3, Spell 2, then Spell 4, and then rinse and repeat. You are invincible, and you can farm lazily away
    Sorry if these offenended you :) I was just trying to give tips
  12. joshua123_4

    joshua123_4 Lord of Chaos, Master of Destruction

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    First of all, why make a suggestion if you aren't prepared for the hate and criticizing that comes with it.
    Secondly, the criticizim is what helps makes suggestions better.
    Thirdly, if it is for fun and not actually a "real" suggestion, than it does not belong in suggestions.
    Forthly, what @SkySez said, there are only 2 upgrades along with the default skill. Not 3 upgrades and the default skill.
    Fifthly, you can't just say @SkySez helped you because he agrees with you. The people who criticize you are actually the best helpers if you edit correctly.
    Lastly, please add more detail, lore, stats, and put skills in order.
    -attack spell
    -movement spell
    -special spell
    -defense or assist spell
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.
  13. joshua123_4

    joshua123_4 Lord of Chaos, Master of Destruction

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    listen to yourself:
    "... suggestions that sound good to ME, I will add them..."
    Sometimes what you think is good enough, isn't actually the best. I found that out in my class suggestion. I was criticized and told to change a bunch of things, but when I did, it was more epic than before. Ask @SkySez (you know the necromancer class suggestion I made?)
    Eirika & Ephraim likes this.

    YYGAYMER reeeee FW FW HIC Master HERO Featured Wynncraftian

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  15. ~Collie1121

    ~Collie1121 Unicorn_Style VIP+

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    its a good idea brother, but u need to change a few things because as i read it (tell me when im wrong) Its a mix of Archer (speed) Assasin, and Warrior?

    Try a spell like Called 'Stolen Love'
    - lvl I: Grabs 250 HP from you're opponent/Enemy and restore it to youre health
    - lvl II: Grabs 1000 HP from you're opponent/Enemy and restore it to youre health + Resistance 1 for 15 seconds
    - lvl III: Grabs 3000 HP from you're opponent/Enemy and restore it to youre health + Give Slowness 1 and Resistance 2 for 15 seconds

    Cost 3-4 Mana

    (something like this?) Its just a idea, (Ploxx dont dislike, it aint needed <3)
  16. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    yes ik.
  17. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    If you want to make your own class, go ahead. I'm not making a class that I don't like. No need to comment if you're just going to talk trash.

    Don't quote me if you're going to twist my words.
    I said; "...suggestions that sound important to me, I will add them."
    Not; "...suggestions that sound good to me, I will add them"
    If I don't think a suggestion is important, I'm not adding it.
    I also won't add something that I don't like myself unless it has overwhelming support.

    I kind of like it, the spell doesn't really go along with the class though. This class wasn't designed to deal massive amounts of damage.
    3000 HP is a lot for a single spell. Maybe if I dumbed this down it could work.
    - 100
    - 500 + Resistance 1 (10 seconds)
    - 1000 + Resistance 1 (15 seconds)
    I'll think about it, and I'll credit you for helping.

    Also, this isn't a combination of archer, assassin, and warrior. It's a combination of close-range, spells, and speed.
    (Assassin, Mage, Archer)
  18. SpicySodette

    SpicySodette Friend? VIP

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    This class does seem OP. It could be added, like how the assassin used to be, when you get a certain amount of combined levels. Like if you get a combined level of 70, its unlocked.
  19. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    like this class is weak alone, but with allies it shall rise.
    yay i was mentioned ;p
    i really liked the point when mobs like attacked each other, it would be hilarious xD, Bob Vs Qira who shall win.
  20. thanks

    thanks Well-Known Adventurer

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    It's not overpowered at all, the King would do hardly any damage, it's spell based like a mage.
    Just because you said this, I'm going to add everyone that posted on the first page of the latest update thread as a contributor. I'm ignoring you from now on.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2016
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