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World Balancing Classes To Improve Gameplay

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Johnny183, Jan 4, 2016.

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  1. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    Hello everyone this is my first post and I made an account just to post this since it was very frustrating and balancing needs to be looked into. Just wanted to share my thoughts so take it lightly if you don't agree with me.

    I am a lvl 65 Warrior and I have come to realize how pointless every class except for Archer/Mage is. (Don't really know about Assassin so take that out the picture)

    Right now, in its current state gameplay is focused around loot and getting lucky to have better loot then other players. Since every single armor piece no matter what class can wear it makes the Warrior class very useless and makes the Archer class very OP. The warrior is full of negatives to list and I am going to show you them and explain why I think that this the warrior is unbalanced.

    - Warriors have to get up close to deal damage
    This is a problem since the entire system is revolved around getting loot and being lucky. So if I am not as lucky as other people I might have a lot less health and when your running in to trying to kill NPCs that spam or deal huge damage. It becomes really difficult to stay on top in the battle and becomes extremely aggravating.

    - You don't gain health/mana on level up
    This is a huge problem, like I stated above that the entire system revolves around loot to determine how good your character is. I have a friend who is an Archer, same level, has more health and does 4 times the amount of damage I do. Like above, if you don't have a lot of health as a warrior it becomes difficult to get up close to attack when certain mobs spam you with attacks.

    - Gear is shared and not specific to classes except weapons
    This is another huge problem that I have come across. The fact that there are Archers/Mages with way more health then me at the same level is very bad. Archers already are extremely overpowers with there abilities and the fact they can get the same gear as me makes them even more OP. Some types of gear should be specific to certain classes. For example, warrior gear will most likely have a lot more health and Archer gear will have attack speed and less health and such. This is how I think it should be and it would benefit and balance out the classes. Right now there is NO POINT AT ALL going warrior since the Archer/Mage is very OP at the moment and has range, same gear and very good abilities.

    - Why is warrior so unbalanced summed up?
    No specific gear other then weapons, no health gain on level up. Has to get up close to deal damage. Has to be lucky to get the right gear to play its class properly (Right now anybody can have the same gear other then weapons). If your fighting NPCs that deal a lot of damage and your not lucky enough to find good gear that can protect you. You get pretty much destroyed very fast since you have low health, low defense. Really does suck and makes it boring and frustrating.

    - How should we balance classes?
    Add specific gear for all types of classes that help to make that class what it is meant to be. For example, warrior should do less damage but be able to sustain with its large amount of health and single target damage. Archer should have less health but deal more damage and have a faster attack speed and not so OP AOE spells. Mage should be able to heal and also have less health and have AOE spells. Assassin should be able to have a lot less health but dish out huge amounts of single target damage. Also there should be cooldowns on abilities to stop the ability spam there currently is. Right now from what I have seen an archer can just run around has huge AOE damage and single target damage if they are lucky to find a good weapon it is impossible to stop them. They can also use that escape ability to get out of situations.

    These adjusts will create a more balanced and fun game for everyone. Right now, no point rolling as warrior or Assassin with the amount of disadvantages it has. If you want to run around and destroy everything, spec Archer or Mage since the abilities are way to overpowered. I have also come to realize that the weapons I find for warriors do a lot less damage then the weapons I find for Archers in the same level category. Which is fine if there is specific gear and you gain health/mana on level up. Since there is none of that it is once again, another blow to the warrior class and points out how useless it is.

    + Gain health as a warrior on levelup.
    + Gain mana as a Archer/Mage on levelup
    + Gain attack speed and damage as a Assassin on levelup
    + Add cooldowns to spells.
    + Create class specific gear to balance gameplay.
    + Add better AOE damage spells to the Warrior
    + (GEAR SPECIFIC) Assassin to have high attack speed, high burst damage with less health
    + (GEAR SPECIFIC) Archer to have moderate attack speed, moderate health and moderate damage.
    + (GEAR SPECIFIC) Mage to heal players, slow attack speed with moderate damage.
    + (GEAR SPECIFIC) Warrior to have lots of health, weak damage and moderate attack speed.
    - Balance the Archer/Mage so that its abilities are not so overpowered since in its current state, they destroy everything before anybody else sees it.
    - Questionable, but remove Single target damage spells from Archer/Mage and just have AOE damage.

    This server needs quite the overhaul if it wants to be balanced but it will work out well and better in the end. This will also give a good incentive for players to work together to defeat dungeons and such since every class has a specific role.

    Thanks for reading.
    Please reply with your thoughts or mistakes I have made.

    EDIT - Skill points
    I have not really targeted skill points but my suggestion is that they add specific skill points for all the classes. For example, warrior can have all 4 types of defense they can put skill points into and archer has attack speed, damage, mana, health. Mage has healing amount, health, mana, attack speed. Assassin has damage, mana, attack speed, overall defense. Something along those lines might work out well.

    EDIT - Adding this reply I made to a comment highlighting some of the important aspects I stated in this post.

    The problem is, in short, is that Archers or Mages because they can have the same gear as the Warrior and have even better spells although the uppercut spell on the warrior is good. This causes a problem since they can have more health, deal more damage. I mean, the Archer is stupidly overpowered with its abilities and they should have a cooldown system they are so overpowered. There is no point picking warrior as a class since they have NOTHING to benefit and thats the point I am trying to make. The archer is 10x better since you have range, you can have the same health/damage/defense/walk speed etc as the Warrior. The majority of weapons I find for the archer seem to do 3x the amount of damage of the weapons I find for the warrior. The disadvantages of the warrior are so large that its a pointless class at this point. If you want to be really good and destroy everything you see with little worry, you spec archer or mage since they can have everything a warrior or assassin can have with better abilities and have RANGE to stay away from those NPCs that spam attacks. The archer even has the speed buff to help dodge those attacks and the mage can heal I think full health, it really needs to be changed. The hole point is to make classes have different advantages and disadvantages so no matter what class you play, you can play quests by yourself but you WILL need other players with different classes to help you in some dungeons/bosses.

    EDIT - Adding this to clarify that I made a mistake in how I have written the post since I think people might be getting confused.
    The post is meant to suggest that every class has different advantages and disadvantages. I only targeted the warrior as being the weakest since I play that character and compared it to my Archer character and saw the disadvantages. What is meant to represent is that every class should have different advantages in combat.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  2. Dutch_Gh0st

    Dutch_Gh0st VIP VIP

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    Actually this is a good idea... kinda

    Cuz now, you can be a warrior archer, dealing not so much dammage but being verry tanky. Or a hyper assassin, dealing tons of dammage and you don't have much defence/health
  3. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    The hole point of the post is exactly that. To add character to every class so that no matter what class you are. You can't just run into a dungeon solo and expect to destroy everything. With this, you have to work has a team to over come things like dungeons/bosses and it makes it even more rewarding when you finally beat a boss with your friends or people you find on the servers. It makes everything a lot more fun and makes every class useful in some way. Warrior is a tank, archer is all around decent damage/attack speed/health, mage is healing/decent damage and assassin is high single target burst damage.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  4. MythicalMayhem04

    MythicalMayhem04 Custom Title!

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    This is a pretty good idea my question is what about skill points? If you have more skill points in defence than your friend even if they have more health you can take more hits, but i still agree with you that classes should be balanced more it makes alot of sense
  5. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    I have not really targeted skill points but my suggestion is that they add specific skill points for all the classes. For example, warrior can have all 4 types of defense they can put skill points into and archer has attack speed, damage, mana, health. Mage has healing amount, health, mana, attack speed. Assassin has damage, mana, attack speed, overall defense. Something along those lines might work out well.
  6. MythicalMayhem04

    MythicalMayhem04 Custom Title!

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    I agree I think that would help balance out the game more because it's really hard to play as warrior :/
  7. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    Yep at the moment there is no point playing as a Warrior or a Assassin since the Archer and the mage has really good abilities and can have the same amount of health/defence/mana and even more if lucky.

    There are so many disadvantages I could list for the Warrior and I have listed the important ones in the post.
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  8. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Well, noone gets anything for leveling up, apart from skill points, and having different rewards for leveling a certain class could upset some people, as they might want more damage as mage/archer, instead of mana, etc. The armor system has always been that every class can get the same piece of equipment, which is balanced already. To be honest, if you don't think you're dealing enough damage or are using up too much mana, change your build. Have an atck/int setup, which greatly helps. Warrior does kinda have decent range... uppercut will reach mobs quite far away, and that's your best spell. Assassin right now *lmfao* does less damage, has less range, and is bugged like hell. (Smoke bomb doesn't even work.) An assassin's multihit will do 2-2.5k dam with multihit, while warrior can do 4-5k dam with uppercut, and it has more range. If you think archers/mages have more health than you, then they are just wearing better armor. You can get better armor by buying it off people or grinding :3. I do find your idea on having different playstyles for different classes quite interesting, but a lot can be done with skill points already, and there are quite a few armor pieces with good walk speed. I personally think that warrior isn't in urgent need of a buff, but it does seem weaker than mage/archer right now.
    Paradoxical likes this.
  9. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    The problem is, in short, is that Archers or Mages because they can have the same gear as the Warrior and have even better spells although the uppercut spell on the warrior is good. This causes a problem since they can have more health, deal more damage. I mean, the Archer is stupidly overpowered with its abilities and they should have a cooldown system they are so overpowered. There is no point picking warrior as a class since they have NOTHING to benefit and thats the point I am trying to make. The archer is 10x better since you have range, you can have the same health/damage/defense/walk speed etc as the Warrior. The majority of weapons I find for the archer seem to do 3x the amount of damage of the weapons I find for the warrior. The disadvantages of the warrior are so large that its a pointless class at this point. If you want to be really good and destroy everything you see with little worry, you spec archer or mage since they can have everything a warrior or assassin can have with better abilities and have RANGE to stay away from those NPCs that spam attacks. The archer even has the speed buff to help dodge those attacks and the mage can heal I think full health, it really needs to be changed. The hole point is to make classes have different advantages and disadvantages so no matter what class you play, you can play quests by yourself but you WILL need other players with different classes to help you in some dungeons/bosses.
  10. ohwooops

    ohwooops Not Very Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Yeah, I get what you mean. I think that warrior could have a buff as they mainly have slow atck speed weapons, and less range than the other two classes. However, I'm pretty sure the armor system will stay the same, and that you won't get better armor for warrior/assassin. I actually prefer armor to be universal among the 4 classes, but yeah, the fact that you go short range increases your chance of getting hit. You should make a poll to get other's opinions on your idea :3
  11. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    Well the poll really means nothing. I would rather have people reply with there own thoughts like you have. That way we can truly come to a conclusion at the end of what people think is best.
    ohwooops likes this.
  12. Kurumiii

    Kurumiii Princess of the Foxes | Twinsies with Fangs

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    I play a Mage and in my opinion, it's the worst class to exist. Warrior had a FAR easier time doing anything (well except healing) when I tried it out..
  13. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    Could you elaborate on why you think that?
  14. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Warrior has a 20% damage reduction while archer has about +40% damage received.
  15. D3monw3st

    D3monw3st Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    Has it always been like that? :)
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2016
  16. Glow_D

    Glow_D Well-Known Adventurer

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    First of all well done with writing such post but I have to dissagree. There are some aspects which I think make warrior special. For example we have weapons that deal lot's of neutral damage which is essential to many mobs like Bob and while mages/archers don't get that many neutral damage, at the end they need help of either assasins or warriors and health system isn't that bad at all, because I am now 81 and I have more health than my 83 mage friend. So I think Gavel is made for not solo but team work because every single class fills other ones so yeah that is my point so just keep trying, just grind a little to find better loot or trade with people and you will be good.Good luck! Thanks-Glow_D
  17. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    That does not mean anything because obviously it has not been as effected as expected. It needs more then just one variable that differs between two classes. Like I said, the disadvantages are more relevant in the warrior then the Archer and I hope you can see that there is a problem too. The class is nowhere near as good as the archer.
  18. Cubie

    Cubie VIP+

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    Lol. I solo'd all of the hive apart from Qira, no pots, with my Warrior, while my Archer got one shot on the 2nd floor. (Both the same amount of Defense.)

    The issue with gear for specific classes is that is greatly lowers your chance to get armor you can use, whether it's through trading or grinding. Another issue is Quest armor rewards.

    Also, isn't your opinion slightly biased because of the fact that you play Warrior?
  19. Johnny183

    Johnny183 Travelled Adventurer

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    If you think its made for teamwork then I would think you might agree with my post that adds more incentive to play as a team. It would change every class so they all have a completely different purpose so that you can't just run into a dungeon by yourself or with 6 archers and no other class and win. You have to have a mixture since every class serves a different role and has different states and a completely different play style. If you want to sit back and play support you do Archer/Mage. If you want to get your hands dirty and go face first into the action you become a Warrior or Assassin.
    That is exactly the problem. Obvious you were about to obtain much better gear then the archer and therefore since you had this really good gear can solo the floors. That is not how it should be in my opinion and instead you would have to work with that archer in the sense that you drain the fire since you have that large amount of health and that archer is supporting you by dealing lots of damage on top of your own damage output.
  20. Sanae_pls

    Sanae_pls That Fucking Dark Wizard

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    If you knew how to use the class, you'd find Warrior to be OP or at the least, really powerful
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