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The Paladin [class Suggestion] [repost]

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by killerboy2807, Dec 25, 2015.


What do you think of The Paladin?

  1. Amazing

  2. Really good

  3. Good

  4. Decent

  5. Acceptable

  6. Bad

  7. Really bad

  8. Horrible

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  1. killerboy2807

    killerboy2807 Shrek

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    I had to make a repost due to various problems with the poll and having reworked an ability

    The Paladin:

    The paladin is a class that highly relies on tankiness and utility when fighting, but he's is rather slow and lacks damage. This makes him best when around other allies. That doesn't mean he can't fight on his own - as his defenses allow him to survive even the largest crowds of mobs.

    While this class may seem like the knight, it really isn't. It does share a SIMILAR theme, but there still is a good difference. The paladin is "divine" and usually goes by the gold color, while the knight is "holy" and usually goes by the white color. The difference is large enough to make 2 different characters out of it.

    Stats and weapons:

    Damage: [][][][][]

    Defense: [][][][][]
    Range: [][][][][]
    Utility: [][][][][]
    Mobility: [][][][][]

    While I realize this isn't the official stat system, I personally think this better showcases the strengths and weaknesses of a class

    Weapon: Shovel

    There is absolutely no need for a new class to use a different weapon type, it will just be a waste of developing time - or at least this is my opinion on the matter.

    -The paladin class gains 115% armor rating if you have any ideas if it should be more or less please respond with that


    Lvl 1: First ability[Right-left-right]: Divine punishment: Calls forth a mighty beam from the heavens at a target location, damaging and stunning opponents in the center, while slowing and mildly damaging those on the outskirts.
    -6 mana
    -Has a minor delay
    -Covers a total of 4x4 blocks – the center covering the first 2x2 and the outskirts covering the rest
    -Maximum of 4 blocks range
    -Deals 150% damage and stuns opponents for 1 second to those in the center
    -Deals 80% damage and slows opponents by 20% for 2 seconds to those on the outskirts

    Lvl 16: Divine punishment upgrade 1:
    -+Outskirts area increased by 1 block in both directions
    -+Outskirts slow increased to 30%
    -+Cost is now 5

    Lvl 36: Divine power upgrade 2:
    -+Now reduces damage of opponents in the center by 60% for 2.5 seconds and by 30% for 1.5 seconds in the outskirts
    -+Cost is now 4

    Lvl 11: Second ability[Right-right-right]: Gust of righteusness: Casts all nearby opponents far away in the target direction, heavily slowing them for a short time at landing.
    -5 hunger
    -7x7 area
    -Slows by 90% for aprox 1.5 second
    -Knocks all enemies 8 blocks forward in the direction you are currently looking at.
    -Knocks all enemies up by 3 blocks as well, mainly to make sure they reach their target destination.

    Please don't come and tell me that this is supposed to be a mobility spell - it's not. It's supposed to be an escape spell. Examples of this can be seen in the lower levels of vanish.

    Lvl 26: Force of righteusness upgrade 1:
    -+Now deals 100% damage on cast

    Lvl 46: Force of righteusness upgrade 2
    -+The slow is now a root with the same duration
    -+Blinds opponents for .5 seconds on landing

    Lvl 21: Third ability[Right-left-left]: Stance of glory: Activates a stance that reduces movement speed and offensive capabilities while greatly increasing defenses.
    -4 hunger on cast
    - -1 hunger per second of use
    -Reduces movement speed and damage by 30%, disables ability use, reduces damage taken by 80% and deals 30% damage (of the paladins damage) to those who attack him

    Lvl 36: Stance of glory upgrade 1:
    -+At the end of the effect all enemies in a 5x5 area around will be blinded for .75 seconds
    -+Damage returned effect increased to 40%

    lvl 56: Stance of glory upgrade 2:

    -+Gains .5 absorption heart every 1.5 seconds when the stance is activated, this can last up to 5 seconds after the stance is disabled

    Lvl 31: Fourth ability[Right-Right-Left]: Seal of justice: Creates a large zone of blessing below you, buffing and healing all allies that stand on it.
    -10 hunger
    -Lasts for 20 seconds

    -Maximum of 1 out at the time Per player
    -Grants 20% damage reduction and .5 hearts every 1.5 seconds

    -Circular shape
    -13x13 blocks wide Except as mentioned - it's a circular shape
    -Cannot create blocks, and will instead replace blocks under you---Even if some of those blocks are at the bottom of a big chasm.

    Lvl 46: Seal of justice upgrade 1:
    -+Increases movement speed of allies standing on the seal by 40%

    Lvl 66: Seal of justice upgrade 2:
    -+Enemies that walk inside of the seal now take 20% damage each second and gets wither hearts

    Please leave me some feedback by responding to the poll or by commenting in the reply section

    PS: It was most definitely intentional to make this class sorta similar to the warrior (you can see those similarities in the first ability and the fourth ability)
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
    Hallowynn likes this.
  2. Shanaaro

    Shanaaro . HERO

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    The problem I see with this is that the alternate Warrior class, Knight, has holy themes in its move names, which would make it seem like there are 2 paladin classes.
    Bebinson and BACCAMASTER22 like this.
  3. killerboy2807

    killerboy2807 Shrek

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    Well not really. The paladin is divine, not holy. It's like world of warcraft - the priests get the holy stuff while the paladins gets the "divine", "justice" and "righteuss" kind of stuff. There is a small difference there.
    In fact the WoW team specifically removed all hints of "holy" from the Paladins kit just to underline this.
  4. Paladin A'renos

    Paladin A'renos High Grand Master of the Ordo Malleus HERO

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    i totally agree we need this
  5. Hallowynn

    Hallowynn fresh prince of garbage photoshop editing VIP+

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    i like this idea. we really need new classes aswell. +1

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    First of all we already have a shovel using class. It will screw stuff up if we use another shovel. Secondly for spell number 4, you can't replace blocks. Try a particle effect or something. Finally, you need at least one movement spell. Even the high levels of vanish have a speed buff. You need SOMETHING. So yeah, thats a NO from me
  7. Tyzillion

    Tyzillion Well-Known Adventurer

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    They need to make classes a bit like Trove where different classes use the same weapons but in a different way.
    Bebinson likes this.
  8. killerboy2807

    killerboy2807 Shrek

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    "it will screw stuff up if we use another shovel"
    Actually, it's the other way around. Not using a shovel would screw things up, not the way you said it. Especially with the new weapon textures - now every weapon is a seperate block, severely limiting the amount of weapons you can make. Not only that but it would take stupid amounts of time to add new weapons.
    What i'm trying to say is that implementing new weapons is an extremely stupid idea when we already have enough - as new weapons would just be a wasted workload.
    The only reason you are saying "it will screw stuff up", is that you simply want new weapons. At least be honest.

    You can replace blocks. Plugins can EASILY do that. This spell temporarily replaces the blocks under you, giving every ally who stands on it a buff. Making it into "places a platform below you", would make it exploitable. At least say WHY replacing blocks doesn't work.

    And who says you HAVE to have a movement spell? Did grian speficially say so? No. The main point behind the second spell is an escape spell, a spell that allows you to quickly get out of dangerous situations. The entire point of this class is a slow and tanky low damage support-ish class.
  9. Glitchedslayer

    Glitchedslayer Godly Horse Breeder and Memer HERO

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    There are way too much alt warriors. Besides, are you saying to have warrior weapons be useable by paladin?
    Is it just me or does the moves sound like renamed wow moves.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Ok, you got my on the shovel. But still, try to have some particle effects or SOMETHING
  11. IggyBoii

    IggyBoii I Have No Idea What Im Doing VIP

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    ;p theres no move as transport. all the classe players would need a horse.
  12. (Meric)

    (Meric) No longer edgy

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    Theres no movement spell. Thats just not going to be good. Without a movment spell your gonna need a horse, but horses are glitchy and laggy now, and if your a poor starter you can't afford a Horse. At least every class has a mobility spell to go up two blocks, this guy cant even scale a wall. Make it so you have a recoil gust our something like you get launched in the air and you get a speed buff.
  13. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    1. Donator class and ability differences
    2. No shovels, he can use more "Paladinish" things and it's only a sword i think.
    You got a Decent from me. +1
  14. bloww

    bloww Shoutbox Fancam Account HERO

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    necro ...
  15. kojirobin

    kojirobin ♧ the local (broke) emerald dealer VIP

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    What do you mean?
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