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World Current Flaws With The Skill Point "system"

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Kriotus, Dec 24, 2015.

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  1. Francis12qwasyx

    Francis12qwasyx Hacker Extraordinaire VIP

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    Ah. I see your point. However it is wrong as you have made wrong assumptions.
    You dont take each % of defense off the full amount at a time, as you assumed, but it is all subtracted at once.
  2. GoldenDuck

    GoldenDuck Quack, quack, quack VIP+

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    I have a good example to help back up Kriotus's arguament. Say you have a weapon that does 100 damage per hit and your opponent has 1000 hp. Then it would take ten hits to kill them. Now you put 50 skill points into strength and your opponent puts 50 into defense. Your weapon would do 150 damage per hit, but your oppenent takes 50% of the damage you deal. This means each hit does just 75 damage. Now it takes 13 ⅓ hits to kill your opponent.

    Unless this is the way this was designed to work, this is a big flaw. One way it could be fixed for defense is to have defense increase hp with the defense stat instead of decreasing damage. So if you had 1000 hp, then added 50 defense, it would give you 1500 hp.
  3. Friendly_man

    Friendly_man Cheerios

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    --The skill point system is fine--
  4. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    --The skill point system is not fine--
    0Patrick0 likes this.
  5. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    dude all the % defense is applied at the same time.
  6. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    You obviously didn't read anything or simply don't understand
  7. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Explained weirdly, but I get what you mean. I knew that when I designed those, and the main and only reason why I kept it like that is because of this: If the player had to choose between dealing more damage or having more defense in an equal manner, they'd take the damage 95% of the time. I'm not sure why, but players just love killing stuff faster way more than they love being able to take more hit. I guess they think they can avoid taking damage while they can't avoid hitting enemies, which is fair. This is also one of the reason now that every skill points boosts your damage in some way. Now it sounds super broken, but the whole game has been designed to work with it. Even if defense can be OP, spells & more will come into play to somewhat balance it.

    So in other words: I know, but it's more fun that way and the system has been designed to work well with this 'flaw' anyway, so no big deal.
    Argagaes, Lotem, Not A Nub and 5 others like this.
  8. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    Orrrrr your math is wrong. You're saying that defense applies piece by piece, giving more defense the higher you go. To quote your example, you said that adding another 1% after the 50% will increase it by 2%, because it'll remove 1 of the 50 left, which would leave 49/50, or 2%.

    However, it doesn't apply that way. It applies like this: if you have 50% and add 1%, you now have 51% defense. Your math is wrong dude :/

    However. Your are actually correct about defense being stronger than offense, although for a different reason. It's because the more defense you have, the stronger it is (not the way you're thinking) adding 1% will only add 1%, not your weird math.
    However let's start with a Base of 50%.

    If a player has 50% defense with a 100 damage weapon, it's straightforward

    If a player has 50% strength with a 100 damage weapon, he deals 150. So if the two fight, the strength deals 75, while the defense deals one hundred. Defense reduces more than strength deals, essentially.
  9. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    Again you fail to see my point,

    It's not about the raw extra blockage, it's how it gets exponentially better and strength/dexterity don't, and now that this exponential growth is accounted for, it still doesn't balance the skills, just nerfs them all and leaves them unbalanced.

    The actual suggestion supported by my argument is to remove each upgrade not being as effective in strength/dexterity, as they do not exponentially stack, meaning if they were unrestricted all the upgrades would be balanced
  10. BlahBlah161616

    BlahBlah161616 Light Theme User

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    Orrrr...you two wasted a ton of time doing math that wasn't even really necessary after it was done initially in the thread.
  11. Frostburn

    Frostburn Famous Adventurer

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    It isn't balanced whatsoever, you can say it orbits around the fact that you need to sate gears requirements to continue playing well and smoothly, but that's nowhere near balanced.
    Yes, specific armour can give agility, but in order to wear them or use them, you NEED other skill points or agility again to wear it, it's stupid how you have to play in a way where they force your decisions, there's honestly lots of items in the game, but the majority of them require skill points which you never thought to be using for your kind of subclass.

    -----I do agree with the fact that there are flaws, but Flubby points out the opposite of what the flaw was. Items are surrounded with requirements of skillpoints, I'd enjoy the system and agree with mostly everything else(But just barely) if only there wasn't the stupid skillpoint requirement on items. The skillpoint cap is also too high, 109 being the maximum skillpoints per skill is just bad, if it were 90 or even 80 if the content team would risk powerful classes, then there would be little to no complaints. The content team expects too much from us and our ability to 'adapt', this would take ages or we may not even adapt to this overhauled plugin.
  12. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    true, but im going to repeat the math for somebody who said i didnt even read the thread. Because apparently it looks like hes been skipping over all the responses that prove him wrong
    MY point is that they DONT exponentially stack! why cant you see that?
  13. Kriotus

    Kriotus Professional Lurker CHAMPION

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    they do exponentially stack, that is why each upgrade does less %, my point is this is still unbalanced because strength/dexterity DON'T exponentially stack, so nothing has changed except all skills are worse now
    Rip in faith of owners
  14. Zuikaku_

    Zuikaku_ tired college student VIP+

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    Going to put my thoughts here.
    By the way, skill points suffer from diminishing returns. The more you put into a skill point, the less each individual skill point is worth.
    First of all, your math checks out pretty well, except for one thing that I really just don't understand.
    You're comparing two different percentages here...
    What you're doing is comparing the damage reduction to something that is already reduced...why would you calculate the percentage different from 50? (The 49 damage taken vs 50 damage taken). That really doesn't make sense to me. Let me explain why.

    50% def, 100 damage taken, resulting 50 damage.
    51% def, 100 taken, resulting 49.
    Comparing both to 100, we have that 50% obviously reduced damage by 50%, and obviously 51% def reduces damage by 51%.
    You're not wrong that 50 reduced by 2% is 49...
    But, do you know why that is? It's because 50 is a smaller number than 100. 1 damage makes up a lot more of 50 than it does for 100. I mean, 50 has fifty 1s in it, while a 100 has 100 1s. Of course the percentages would be different. You're comparing damage reduction on an already reduced amount, instead of the initial damage taken. Yes, increasing defense by 1 DOES make the damage you take 2% less than before, BUT it still only decreases the overall damage by only 1%.

    However, I will agree that in. PvP perspective, a player investing fully in defense will beat a player investing fully in offense, simply because of the example of two players with 1000 HP, each player dealing 100 damage, one with 50% increased damage dealt and the other with 50% decreased damage taken, the defensive player wins. However, that's not taking into account a lot of things like attack speed and spell damage; the heavily defense based items usually have slower attack speeds, and vice versa.

    However, in PvE, where monsters have no damage reduction but instead have increasing amounts of health, the offensive player will kill them faster as they simply deal more damage.
  15. Lesliep

    Lesliep Lazy Wynn Mage

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    That's what I was saying! His math is wrong!
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