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Purchasable Spells

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by 27thColt, Dec 23, 2015.

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  1. 27thColt

    27thColt Well-Known Adventurer

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    Everybody knows, with the new Gavel region out that there are more levels. The level cap have been raised to 110 or something and with that comes the obvious:
    more level upgrades.
    Maybe we could have up to 4 or a 5th level when it comes to spells.

    But here is another idea.

    Why not add more kinds of spells? This kind of makes it hard to do since there are only 4 combinations. But why not add custom/optional spells? These are spells you could buy for a one time only at a spell shop and then the player will have them. These spells can be bought by any level, but the player needs to reach a certain level before upgrading it. If a player buys a certain spell, then the spell will automatically be the level it should be according to the level of your player.

    Players could open their compass, and go to the customize spells tab or whatever, and they can switch in spells they already have for another one. For example, you have Jimmy who has the default spells:
    Spell A (r/l/r combo)
    Spell B (r/r/r combo)
    Spell C (r/l/l combo)
    Spell D (r/r/l combo)
    Little Jimmy over here buys Spell E (r/r/r combo) and Spell F (r/r/l combo). He goes to his compass, clicks the customize spells tab. Jimmy can only switch out spells that use the same mouse click combo, so he switches out Spell B for Spell E and Spell D for Spell F. Now when he goes around, he can use his new spells.

    These purchasable spells aren't necessarily stronger. Think of it as a trade off. If Spell D boosts attack and defense equally, then Spell F could raise defense higher than Spell D but won't raise attack as much.

    Of course these spells would be specific to one class, but there could be some, less expensive, spells which would be available to all spells.

    [EDIT: For clarification, I am suggestion optional variant spells. Everybody will have the default spells that comes with each class, but there would be other spells (that aren't any better than the spells you already have, but they give a variation) that you could buy along the way to spice things up or for competitive use.]

    Why do this?
    This could make a PvP a bit more interesting because there is another layer of customization and strategy besides the weapons and stats. I know this is an MMORPG, but PvP, comparing stats, and customization are a big part of an MMORPG, especially the MMO part. This would take a long time, I know. But, just consider it.

    [Edit: Click the spoiler for a more in-depth example:]
    For an example I'm going to talk about the Warrior. This is the class I am most familiar with. So the default Warrior class would have the Bash, Charge, Uppercut, War Scream.

    There could be an alternate to the War Scream called the Battle Cry. A Grade III War Scream would increase in Defense by 20% and Damage by 10% for 4 minutes. This Battle Cry at Grade III could increase in Defense by 10% and Damage by 20% for the same 4 minutes. This Battle Cry would upgrade at the same levels as War Scream does (31 - I, 46 - II, 66 - III). The mouse click combo would be (R/R/L). The price of the spell would be relative to what the grade of the spell would be when you buy it.

    Salted here is a level 35 Warrior and wants to buy the Battle Cry Spell. He buys it for 1LE and he replaces his War Scream. He can now use a Grade I Battle Cry!

    Grian on the other hand is level 50 and wants to buy the Battle Cry Spell. He now has to spend 2LE rather than 1LE since the grade of the Battle Cry would now be at Grade II. However, since he spent that 2LE, he can now use a Grade II Battle Cry.

    Jumla here wants to have both the War Scream and Battle Cry spells at the same time. The only problem is that they both use the same mouse click combination (R/R/L). Since they both have the same combo, they can't be active at the same time.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
  2. Feasgar'Ciaradh

    Feasgar'Ciaradh Nailed it!

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    So i think, they want you to level up and and achieve these Spells, i think its a cute Idea, but then its more a Pay2Win(Wynn)Game (with Emeralds). And we use the Emeralds also to identify the Items so...
  3. 27thColt

    27thColt Well-Known Adventurer

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    I think you understand me wrong:

    What I mean is that everybody will have the four default spells but there will be some optional and purchasable spells along the way.
  4. Feasgar'Ciaradh

    Feasgar'Ciaradh Nailed it!

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    Okay, but i think when these "Purchaseable Spells" with would need emeralds to buy, then is Gavel to hard, because you need these Emeralds for Potions and Identifies. I think its a cool Idee but its a very hard when you need to buy these Spells and i think also then you need to create these for all the classes or the classes are unbalanced so...
  5. bnmaz

    bnmaz Item Hoarder VIP+

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    I think this is a cool idea, and adds to the "class building" thing that gavels got going on. I agree that emeralds are Kinda more useful now but some quests could unlock them or maybe quests rewards Like "Spell Scroll E"
  6. 27thColt

    27thColt Well-Known Adventurer

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    I see your point.
  7. Kuba

    Kuba Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    I don't think it would be a big problem, if the team that would make this happen would do it wrong, then it would be unbalanced, but it could really change how the game works, right now you only need a team of 4 people at max, one of each class, but with this you could have an offensive mage, and a support mage, this would also put even more effect to where you put your skill points, what elements you use, and how you fight. While Gavel does use more emeralds, it's also easier to get them, you can sell a lvl 20 set of unique pants for an emerald block, and mobs drop way more emeralds in general so they balanced it very well, the only reason you would be short on emeralds is if you don't think before you use them. By making them the same for each class it would make it more balanced in one sense, but on the other that would let you make an assassin, vanishing with speed, sniping you with a high power spell, by making them different you could let players change how they fight, already you have attack speeds, with this you could change how you fight in the exact same way. So if you read this fully, good for you and I hope you get my point :blush:
    TrashcanMan and 27thColt like this.
  8. TrashcanMan

    TrashcanMan Hello I am here

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    This is a very good idea, though the way the pricing works is a little odd. If you buy a Grade I spell and you level up, wouldn't you get the Grade II for free? If you do, why are they different prices?
    Also it might be nice to be able to unlock some for free but buy others. Maybe give each spell two variants, one of which is unlocked by levelling (around level 70-100) and the other one is purchased.
  9. ProfSilver

    ProfSilver Head of the Professors Guild VIP+

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  10. Feasgar'Ciaradh

    Feasgar'Ciaradh Nailed it!

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  11. ProfSilver

    ProfSilver Head of the Professors Guild VIP+

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    Thanks! c:
    Building a purchasable tree. Huh.
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  12. Evran

    Evran Just a random guy.

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    I think the idea of having any like spell customization thing in Wynncraft is really a good one, in fact having a really custom class build would be amazingly cool.
    So great idea you have here.
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