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Pets & Horses A New-and-improved Horse Breeding System!

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by Mettymagic, Dec 12, 2015.


Which of these mechanics should be added?

  1. Level Scaling

  2. Cross Breeding

  3. Horse Armor

  4. Black Horse Merchant

  5. None of the Above

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  1. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Let's face it, the current horse breeding system is just demoralizing and unfair. Here is a simple list of mechanics that should be added, feel free to comment and vote for them.

    Horse Level improves chances of a better horse

    For each 2 levels your horse has gained, you would be 1% less likely to breed a lower tier and 1% more likely to breed a higher tier. For example, a 24/30 chestnut horse would have an extra 12% chance to get a white (putting it up to 32%) and making the chance of getting a black would be 18%. This would add a motivation to train horses and fix the broken economy of 55LE+ white horses.


    With this mechanic you would be able to breed 2 different-tier horses together. They must be within 1 tier, however. Doing this would change the chances of a horse and add 3 new horses. The chances would change to the following:

    -40% chance of a cross-breed
    -30% chance of the lower-tier horse used to breed
    -20% chance of the higher-tier horse used to breed
    -10% chance of getting a horse of a higher tier than the highest horse used to breed

    Cross-bred horses would be the lower horse's color with patterns of the higher horse's color. The maximum level would be equal to the two horse's maximum level divided by 2. For example, if you bred a brown and a black together, you would have a 4% chance to get a brown-black horse with a maximum level of 15, a 30% chance for a brown, a 20% chance of a black, and a 10% chance of a chestnut. This would also decrease the cost of horse-breeding and add for interesting combinations.

    Horse Armor

    These would be items obtained from a Horse Armor forger, a merchant that would sell different equipable horse armors. Rather than breeding, you could forge them together to try to get a better tier of armor. There would be 3 tiers; iron, gold, and diamond. You could buy Iron Horse armor for 1LE, making them rather pricey. The chances would be a 45% chance to get a same tier, a 25% chance to get a higher tier, and a 30% chance to get a lower tier. Here is what each of the tiers would do:

    Iron - 10% extra speed on the horse. (If you had a 40/40 horse it would act like a 44/44 horse)
    Gold - 10% extra speed on the horse, 25% chance evasion. (stacks diminutive with the stat, meaning if you had 60% evasion you would have 75% now)
    Diamond - 10% extra speed on the horse, 25% chance evasion, and you can use any spell but with a 20% damage and duration debuff on it. You still have a mana pool while doing this.

    This is for people complaining that horses are a sign of wealth. Plus a few extra effects. ;D

    Black Horse Merchant

    If the chances were to not be added back, they should at least add a Lv. 65+ quest at Ternaves that unlocks a black horse merchant for 2LE. 1LE (thought it was 2le, sorry) I just want horses to be reasonably priced. ;-;
    That's it, please leave feedback.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2015
    Rawb and gadfskhj like this.
  2. King_Wasabi

    King_Wasabi Meme Lord

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    You can already hit enemies while riding a horse.
  3. MangoInfinity1

    MangoInfinity1 Well-Known Adventurer VIP

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    not with mage.
    K_kki and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  4. FredoXX

    FredoXX Well-Known Adventurer

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    Yes horse fighting would be a nice feature to have. Especially in PvP.
  5. HelioPlayz

    HelioPlayz Travelled Adventurer

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    I personally think that the horse economy is fine right now, as many others have said; White horses is a symbol of the rich

    White horses that are 1/40 sell for 40le while a 40/40 sells for 64 le. So its more like 40+le

    However I think level scaling is a good idea, However the lower leveled horses are harder to get than the higher level horses. A 10/10 brown has a max of 25%, A 20/20 black has a 30% and a 30/30 chestnut has a 35%, the problem is it would seriously ruin the horse economy. Lets say this makes White horses worth around 20~ le for a 1/40 (Not Mathematically). You get 8 le from ToA, 6 le from Excavation D. Which means your about 3/4ths of the way towards a white horse by putting in a few hours of your time.

    Horse Armour:
    I think the Horse armour is a good idea as well. However that would be rather pricey, putting the diamond horse armour worth slightly more than a chestnut horse (Probably around 20~le)
    The Gold and Diamond Horse Armour doesn't really help. Before you get armour you would probably have a black/chestnut horse. They are already so fast you can dodge mob attacks (unless you have horrible ping). You can already do basic attacks with archer, warrior and assassin. Basic attacks do not much damage compared to the spells. This renders gold and diamond horse armour close to useless unless its used for cosmetics.

    I also wouldn't mind a black horse merchant that sells black horses for 2 le :)
    Rawb and ScrubSaito like this.
  6. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Or archer. I've tried and it doesn't work for me.

    I'll make Horse Level Scaling based on fraction of max level instead, is that OK?
  7. HelioPlayz

    HelioPlayz Travelled Adventurer

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    I think that will make it better, but it is only my opinion :)
  8. Kawaii__Turtle

    Kawaii__Turtle Kawaiiest of Turtles CHAMPION

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    They're priced unreasonably LOW, the AVERAGE price to breed a White Horse is about 119LE (@YunoFuckingGasai for math c:) and for the horses to be worth breeding buying a black horse from a merchant would have to be 1LE, like it was in VIP town when these prices were first set.
    They're priced unreasonably LOW, the AVERAGE price to breed a White Horse is about 119LE (@YunoFuckingGasai for math c:) and for the horses to be worth breeding buying a black horse from a merchant would have to be 1LE, like it was in VIP town when these prices were first set.
    Mettymagic and Yuno F Gasai like this.
  9. ScrubSaito

    ScrubSaito Always a scrub

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    Double post alert
  10. Mettymagic

    Mettymagic she/her HERO

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    Bump, want to keep this alive
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