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Class Idea: Grapple (29 Supporters, 3 Neutral, 10 Against)

Discussion in 'General Suggestions' started by SPYROHAWK, Nov 24, 2015.


What do you think?

  1. Yes! Perfect! +1

  2. Not Bad... +1

  3. Eh... Try changing some stuff (Tell me what) +0

  4. Umm... No -1

  5. What are you thinking!? -1

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So this is my first class suggestion, so just kind of bear with me. Also, I do not intend to be like “OMG DO THIS NOW!” This is just an Idea, Gavel and the Fallow up come before everything else. Also, I will edit as I get suggestions in the comments. So, let's dive right in!


    VIP/ VIP+ name: Hookateer

    Weapon: Hook or Grappling Hook

    Actual Item: Iron Pickaxe

    So this class is supposed to be a unique twist on melee. It’s based mostly on attacking in unique/ strange ways that catch the opponent off-guard as well as having crown control and debuffs.


    Basic Attack: A short range attack. ⅓ the range of the mage’s attack.


    Spell 1: Hook/ Grapple

    Tier 1: Shoot a projectile (fire particle effects, ender for VIP) about 15 blocks that will “hook” (pull in) the first enemy it hits. Does 90% damage. Causes 3 seconds of weakness 1, slowness 1 and nausea

    Tier 2: Does 100% damage, effects lengthened to 5 seconds and buffed to level 2. nausea replaced by blindness. Adds 3 second strength buff to the player. Adds Resistance 1 buff to the player for 3 seconds as well.

    Tier 3: Does 150% damage. Effects lengthened to 10 seconds and buffed to level 3. Added night vision. Does 75% damage for every half second the enemy spends hooked. Strength lengthened to 5 seconds and buffed to strength 2. Resistance is lengthened to 7 seconds.


    Spell 2: Trap/ Entangle

    Tier 1: Makes a circle (3 block radius) around the player (slime particle effects, green potion swirls for VIP), for 10 seconds causing anything inside to not be able to leave the circle. When the player moves, the circle stays where it is. All players get strength 1 while inside the circle

    Tier 2: All mobs inside of the circle take 25% damage every second. Lengthened to 15 seconds. Mobs get weakness 1 and slowness 1. Circle expanded to five block radius. Players get saturation 1 as well when inside the circle.

    Tier 3: Strength 2 buff to player when inside circle, DoT changed to 50% damage and added mining fatigue. Mobs get weakness 2 and slowness 3. They also can not jump. lengthened to 25 seconds. When the circle starts it sends out an explosion, and every mob inside of the circle takes 150% damage. When the circle ends, another explosion occurs and every mob inside it takes 200% damage. Circle expanded to 7 blocks.


    Spell 3: Climb/ Twinkle Toes

    Teir 1: You through your hook a maximum of 10 blocks (you don’t lose the item, you just shoot out a projectile that looks like an iron pickaxe. There is a lead string going between the pickaxe and you. VIP gets fire effects around the projectile) and after 3 seconds, you get pulled to it’s location (you are allowed to move for those three seconds. You will be pulled from your location after the three seconds). If it hits a mob, they take 100% damage and will be knocked back 3 blocks and receive resistance -1. (That is a really thing, giving resistance a negative value makes the mob take more damage). If it does not hit a mob or block, it will return to you and will give you back 1/4 the hunger used.

    Teir 2: Time before pull shortened to 1.5 seconds. Distance lengthened to 15 blocks. The hook causes an explosion upon hitting a block. If it hits a mob, they will receive 150% damage and be knocked back 5 blocks. Where they land after the knockback will receive an explosion. If it does not hit a mob or block the hook will return giving you ½ of the mana back and speed and jump boost 1 for 5 seconds.

    Teir 3: 0 time before pull. You swing the hook around you before throwing, causing all mobs around you to to take 125% damage and be knocked back 1 block. If the hook does not hit a block or mob, it will return to you and you will immediately swing it around and through it again. If that misses as well, you will receive 100% of the mana back and receive speed 2 and jump boost 1 for 15 seconds.


    Spell 4: Gallow/ Lynch

    Tier 1: Buffs your basic attack for 10 seconds while giving off enchantment particles (obsidian breaking particles for VIP). While buffed, all basic attacks cause a small explosion that hurts all nearby mobs. Has very minor knock back.

    Tier 2: Causes an initial explosion when cast which causes 250% damage and knocks back nearby mobs. Buff extended to 15 seconds and strength lengthened to 4 seconds.

    Tier 3: Buff extended to 20 seconds, strength extended to 5 seconds and increased to strength 2. Added lifesteal (½ heart every time a mob is hit). Mobs are also given slowness 1 for 1 second when hit.


    Mana Use:
    Hook: 7 Hunger, 6 Hunger, 5 Hunger.
    Trap: 6 Hunger, 5 Hunger, 4 Hunger.
    Tremor: 8 Hunger, 7 Hunger, 6 Hunger.
    Gallow: 10 Hunger, 9 Hunger, 8 Hunger.

    As an idea for weapons:
    Oak Wood Grapple: 2-6 Damage. Level 1.
    Miner's Pickaxe: 11 - 17 Damage. Level 5
    Metal Hand: 30 - 40 Damage. Level 17.
    Apple Grabber: 45-65. Level 30.
    Telekinesis: 87 - 102 Damage. Level 57.
    Grapple Relic: 90 - 120 Damage. Level 60.
    Bob's Mythic Grapple: 300 - 375 Damage. Level 75.
    Troll's Glove: 0-600 Damage. Level 100. (Level cap after Gavel)

    Anyway… So yeah. That's my idea. Tell me what you think. I have been working on it all day so I hope you enjoy.
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2015
    yotamdin, DrLeox and Ascended Kitten like this.
  2. Riesenkalmar

    Riesenkalmar sfdhdfhsdgds VIP+

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    EULA. Thats all I have to say.
    faragoo and AshAwesome like this.
  3. Esfores

    Esfores In and Out of Existence

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    What about the EULA? This doesn't break it any more than the current class reskins do
  4. Riesenkalmar

    Riesenkalmar sfdhdfhsdgds VIP+

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    I'm sorry. I misread that.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So aside from the EULA, which is not actually broken, any comments?
  6. ResistanceGaming

    ResistanceGaming Professional Minecraft Gamer VIP+

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    This is a damn great idea, I have been wanting a grappling ability for a long time...

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I did not see any other suggestions for a grappling move, so I'm like, hey ill do it!

    (Also, if you play Roblox Strife! Alpha, the Spectres Z move kind of gave me the idea)

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Added mining fatigue to a few of the spells
  9. Cubie

    Cubie VIP+

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    First spell: You pull enemies towards you... Is this something you want? Most of the time this would be bad right..? Also, When lvl 3, this gives a LOT of enchants, maybe remove a few? Like.. Nausea won't do a lot when you can't move, or see anyways.

    2nd spell: I like this one, It's very tactical, even more tactical than the Smoke Bomb spell an Assassin has. I love the idea how the saturation makes it both a 'Warbanner' type deal, where you get buffed when inside the area, and a Trap.
    I don't really like how enemies totally can't move at all at the 3rd upgrade, this seems kind of abusable with bosses. Maybe nerf it to be like Slowness 2 or 3, and Buff it to have a bigger radius, to even it out.

    Third spell: Idk.. Seems very similar to the 2nd spell.. And shouldn't this be the Movement spell? Maybe you shoot a Grapple, and when it hits, you get launched towards where it hit. (Kind of the standard grapple idea)

    Fourth spell: I semi like this one.. I'm not too sure.
    It's like that one Warrior attack that gives Resistance. That attack gives a boost for a little while (3min I believe), Which is in this case the Extra dmg, AND it does a massive knockback, making it an attack you would do in combat, and actually have a use apart from giving you a stat buff. Your spell doesn't have this, and may need it to be a little more useful, and make people not forget about it as easily.

    I really like your idea overall..

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I thank you for your reply.

    Spell 1: It pulls you the opponent in for melee range, as well as giving a strength buff to help with the melee. Its basically for those enemies with projectiles that stay away from you. Paired with Spell 4 it would be quite powerful. I am going to add resistance to it so it is not a suicide spell. Will balance the status effects so that there are less of them.

    Spell 2: Will nerf Teir 3

    Spell 3: This is not really like the second spell. Instead of a circle, it is just a line. Second, you can go through it, you just take damage. But I see what you are saying. I have an Idea for how to make it a movement spell. I was initially not going to have any movement spells for balance reasons, but you give me an Idea

    Spell 4: The intent was to make the spell be specifically for only buffing the one player, and making his attacks AOE. I see how the War Scream could be similar, but I will see how to tweak it.

    Edited it for the changes mentioned above
    Last edited: Nov 25, 2015
  11. Nepeta Leijon

    Nepeta Leijon Rogue of Heart ♌ Leittarius CHAMPION

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    I really like this idea, and you've presented it well, but I have a few criticisms.

    "Hook" seems to have a large gap in damage, going from 90% to 100% to 150%. This is the first spell a player gets, so maybe you could buff it to 100%, 125% and 150%?. Also, Nausea changing to blindness seems a bit strange to me, since Nausea doesn't do anything in the first place. An idea I have for this is that instead of the mob being pulled towards you, a group of mobs around the target mob gets pulled and you're pulled a little too (to add a bit of realism). Furthermore, is the Night Vision at level 3 for 10 seconds? I feel as if it should be around the > 1 Minute as Night Vision is very useful.

    Your second spell, "Trap" is a good idea for a movement spell, but there's so much more potential you can have with a Grappling Hook class! How about:

    "Grapple / Claw Grab"
    Grade 1: Shoots a projectile that lasts 7.5 Seconds, any block this projectile hits will "Hook" the player and draw them towards it.
    Grade 2: +Power Slam: Shoots a projectile that lasts 10 Seconds, any block this projectile hits will "Hook" the player and draw them to it. Upon landing, the player will slam into the ground, damaging all mobs within a 4 Block radius for 125% Damage.
    Grade 3: +Earthquake: Shoots a projectile that lasts 15 Seconds, any block this projectile hits will "Hook" the player and draw them to it, as well as freezing all mobs within a 3 block radius. Upon landing, the player will slam into the ground a cause an earthquake, giving all mobs within a 6 Block radius Slowness 2 and Weakness 2 for 5 Seconds, and Resistance 1 to the player for 10 seconds.

    Your third spell, "Tremor" is a very good spell idea, but there's one small problem I have with it's third Grade. You say that it spawns an Iron Golem to fight off mobs, but you should add a limited timer on its life. If the Golems stay alive until killed, a player can simply spawn in a bunch of Golems and be almost untouchable.

    Your fourth spell, "Gallow" seems rather long at higher levels. Starting at 10 Seconds, going to 17.5 then 25. Maybe this could be changed to 10, 15, 20? Other than that, it seems like a very good idea for a spell.

    As an idea for hunger:
    Hook: 7 Hunger, 6 Hunger, 5 Hunger.
    Trap: 6 Hunger, 5 Hunger, 4 Hunger.
    Tremor: 8 Hunger, 7 Hunger, 6 Hunger.
    Gallow: 10 Hunger, 9 Hunger, 8 Hunger.

    As an idea for weapons:
    Oak Wood Grapple: 3-5 Damage. Level 1.
    Miner's Pickaxe: 13 - 16 Damage. Level 5
    Metal Hand: 30 - 40 Damage. Level 17.
    Telekinesis: 87 - 102 Damage. Level 57.

    Grapple Relic: 100 - 110 Damage. Level 60.
    Bob's Mythic Grapple: 300 - 375 Damage. Level 75.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Thank you for your very detailed reply. I will start editing tomorrow morning since it is very late where I am. But I do want to reply.

    Spell 1: The large gap in damage was intentional. I see a hook as a very unpredictable weapon, with changed in damage being very extreme. Secondly, the nausea at level 1 is not really useful (as you pointed out), but if you are doing a duel it provides a little bit of umf. Since it is useless for everything else, it is quickly changed in level 2. Why the random change? Once again, the hook is unpredictable. Lastly, I think you are confused on the night vision. The player does not get night vision, the enemy gets night vision. If you don't really get why... have you every had blindness and night vision on at the same time?

    Spell 2: This is not meant to be a movement spell, it is a trap spell. The movement spell is spell 3. I will review your idea for spell two and see if it can be combined with spell 3.

    Spell 3: I made a point of giving the golems low health so this would not happen.

    Spell 4: I admit, it needs tweaking.

    Hunger: Ok

    Weapons: I like the Ideas. I feel like the first two and the fitfth need to have a bit more of a range. (2-6, 10-20, 75-125). Like I said, the hook is supposed to be a very unpredictable weapon.

    Anyway, as I said, I will work on edits tomorrow. I do enjoy reading the communities ideas, so feel free to keep them coming!
    Nepeta Leijon likes this.
  13. thatswhatido

    thatswhatido Supreme Wynncraft Player thatswhatido CHAMPION

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    Thought of making a class that has a grappling hook gg you beat me to it
  14. GodKing

    GodKing Deathless Blademaster

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    Stats? Move levels? Mana use?????
  15. Killoli

    Killoli looking for a girlfriend HERO

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    Grappler? I prefer hooker. HUE HUE HUE.
    Okay enough jokes.
    Needs better class name, if it's final class name, unless this is just temporary. Needs stats. Sounds like everyone will become the one tool batman. k that's all.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I like the name...

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Completely reworked spell 3 to be feel more hook like
    yotamdin likes this.
  18. WootInABoot

    WootInABoot Creature VIP+

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    Honestly I think that there are enough classes (but I still want to see at least one more get added)
  19. ResistanceGaming

    ResistanceGaming Professional Minecraft Gamer VIP+

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    I don't play roblox, but this gave me a Lunar Lace vibe (from the game Trove)

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I just looked that up...

    I could see it...
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