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Art Wynnter Invitation - Blizzard contest entry

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by creature, Dec 30, 2022.


Are boardgames art?

  1. Yes

    9 vote(s)
  2. No

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  3. Are cardgames boardgames?

    3 vote(s)
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  1. creature

    creature Uncorrupt, so possibly serving Dern VIP

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    When participitating in this Blizzard event it felt kinda weird to invite different people to the blizzard festival whilst there were also other players inviting those same people. This cardgame goes all out on that idea. Invite as many guests as possible in this trick-taking game whilst trying to prevent the other players from inviting whoever they want. Throw gifts that are just similair enough at the people you try to invite and get bonus points if you invite them with the exact right gift.

    Unlike the game for the previous contest this game has actually been playtested quite a bit and is well-recieved under the playtesters.

    Anyways on to the cardgame:


    Here's a quick look at how a game state would look during the game. You (and the other players) try to invite three different people at the same time (Here: Kelight, Worid, and Nohno). They each have three symbols and associated colors at their bottom. Below the people are the gift piles with items on them (Here: Wynnter Cookie, Eggs, Emerald Block). When you end your turn, if the items on top of the item piles have the colors asked for by one of the people, you invite that person. So you pick up that person and the items on top of the item piles. At the end of the game when counting scores, you gain 2 points per person invited and an additional point for each specific item they asked for. In this picture, if you end your turn you will invite Nohno for 4 points. 2 points for inviting, 1 for both the matching cookie and eggs but no bonus point for the emerald block. At the start of your turn you gain three items, you can play as many as you want during your own turn but only one during an opponents turn.

    Excited to play?
    You can find all the cards here: Wynnter invitations - Google Drive
    The actual rules can be found there as well.

    If anybody from here is actually gonna play it, please hit me up. I could set up a game in Tabletop simulator/Tabletopia. But if you print it out and try it I'd like to hear how it went. Especially because the part of this game I am least confident about is the way the rules are written.
    Last edited: Dec 30, 2022
  2. shacers

    shacers no longer replying VIP+

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    AYOOOOOO dude this is way more confusing than the last game and you gotta get top 5
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