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Lore/Story Wynnstory ::: Chapter 12 - Undead Whisperer

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Reyko, Jul 10, 2016.

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  1. Reyko

    Reyko Wynn Soldier HERO

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    Chapter 12
    Undead Whisperer


    Wynn Province | Near Ternaves | Sunny | 3:34 PM
    After the Moria household entered Ellis' sight, she was instantly surprised.

    It wasn't an ordinary house, it was a mansion that was against the mountainside.

    When they entered the house, there were four people containing weapons waiting.

    Neel: Yo, pops.
    Mr. Moria: Sorry we're late.
    Neel: It's only by four minutes.
    Mrs. Moria: Ellis, I'll give you a tour around the house. We'll let your father and his friends chat for a while.

    Ellis and Mrs. Moria walk up some stairs that lead to a second story.

    Mr. Moria and the four others take a seat in their kitchen on the first floor.

    Mr. Moria: Now, to discuss the future of the Emerald Mines. For years, we've been running the mines and have gaining profit from it to fund our search. Neel.
    Neel: Yes. (Stands) Yesterday, an excavation company from Gavel, who labeled themselves as "WynnExcavation" offered our family ten crates of Liquefied Emeralds to allow them to excavate the area for ancient artifacts. That is all. (Sits back down)
    Mr. Moria: And so, I would like all of your views on this. Should we allow them to?
    Neel: Ah, one more thing. They said they're only interested in artifacts. Any Emeralds or other ore they excavate will be given to us.
    Rulf: I don't see the harm in letting them.

    Rulf | Age 20 | Human | Male | Short brown hair | Dark brown eyes | Straightforward

    Chree: No objections here.
    Neel: Me neither.
    Dimi: What kind of artifacts are they looking for?
    Neel: They said old ones that could be worth tons of money in their homeland.
    Dimi: I agree, too, but we should see be able to see the artifacts before they take them back to Gavel.

    Dimi | Age 27 | Human | Female | Long black hair | Blue Eyes | Careful

    Mr. Moria: Then it's settled. We'll allow them to excavate portions of the Emerald Mines.


    Mrs. Moria: This will be your room.

    A large empty room.

    Ellis: (Amazed) It's huge. They don't have big rooms in the orphanage.
    Mrs. Moria: Let's go check if they're done with things downstairs.

    A little later in the first floor living room.

    Mrs. Moria: Everyone, this is Ellis. She's a part of our family now.
    Neel: Yo, I'm Neel.
    Chree: Chree.
    Rulf: Rulf.
    Dimi: And I'm Dimi.
    Ellis: Why do you carry swords and stuff?
    Rulf: Well, we-
    Neel: (Pridefully) We save people. We go out and stop bad things from happening.
    Dimi: we do, but he sleeps all day.
    Neel: I'm awake right now.
    Dimi: He sleeps all day most of the time.
    Neel: That's better, I think.
    Rulf: As I was about to say before I was interrupted. The four of us are in a guild created by the Morias to watch over them and the town. We're also part of the Moria family as well, but not by blood. Neel is the only one to be related by blood.
    Mr. Moria: How's the training progressing, Neel?
    Neel: I'm able to create walls and mounds now, bot only in a defensive way. All thanks to "master Rulf."
    Rulf: I've been trying to teach him how to make earth spikes, but the problem is his laziness.
    Neel: Nah, it's just hard to do.

    They ate dinner then went to bed.

    The next day.

    Wynn Province | Moria Mansion | Lawn | Sunny | 9:02 AM

    Everyone is gathered outside to watch Neel create something.

    Neel: I'm gonna create a game for all of us to play!
    Rulf: Game?

    Neel swiftly places his hand on the ground.

    The ground around them emits a green glow.

    Walls of earth 1.5 metres tall surround them like a maze.

    Neel: right now, I'm at the center of the maze! The first to find me is the winner!
    Chree: Was this necessary?
    Dimi: Seems like a good way to play with Ellis.

    They went through the maze.

    Some walked into dead ends and some made progress.

    Ellis: You're back?


    Ellis: This way? (Walks)

    Ellis navigates her way to the center.

    Neel: We have a winner!

    The walls sink back down into the ground.

    Ellis: What do I win?
    Neel: Uh- You get to see the Emerald Mines!
    Rulf: What kind of prize is that?
    Neel: Might as well, right?

    A man in a grey coat walks up to them.

    Xal: Are you the Moria family?

    Xal | Age 30 | Human | Male | Tied black hair | Purple eyes | Often wears a grey hat

    Mr. Moria: Yes, I am the father.
    Xal: I've come as a representative of WynnExcavation. Have you decided to cooperate with us?
    Mr. Moria: Yes, we will allow you to excavate the Emerald Mines for artifacts, but not for ore.
    Xal: Thank you for your cooperation. I'll relay the message to my superiors. (Walks away)
    Neel: So, what was your big strategy to find me?
    Ellis: Mael told me.
    Neel: Mael? (Looks around) I don't see anyone else here.
    Ellis: Only me and some others can see him. There's other people I can see, but they don't talk much.
    Neel: Ah, nice to meet you, Mael.


    Dimi: Doesn't that name sound familiar?
    Neel: It does?

    Much later after they toured the Emerald Mines.

    Moria Mansion | Study | Clear skies | 10:21 PM

    The study is dimly lit by a candle.

    Neel: (Enters) You wanted to see me?

    Mr. Moria: Yes, thank you for coming. Mael. That name, do you remember it?

    Neel: You used to tell us a story before bed. Mael was a character in the story.

    Mr. Moria: What was his purpose in the story?

    Neel: He calmed down the angry spirits, but didn't destroy them. He could communicate with them.

    Mr. Moria: Earlier today, Ellis communicated with a spirit, named Mael. Although we can't see it for ourselves, it must be true. Mael must have become attached to Ellis, who can also speak with spirits. She possesses a unique power. In time, I will tell her the story and why I have gathered those three here. You and the others, please watch over her.

    Neel: I will. I just have one question. The reason why Mael is still here. Does Mael have unfinished business in this realm?

    Mr. Moria: As a former protector of the province, he must want to see the Corruption end. In theory, once it does, not only will humans no longer be cursed, but the spirits that were killed prematurely by the undead should move on, as well.

    Ternaves | Outskirts | Wynnexcavation Camp | Clear skies | 9: 37 PM

    The camp was filled with excavators in tents and heavy mining machinery.

    Excavator Lorus: Tomorrow morning, we're moving out to the excavation site.

    Excavator Lorus | Age 45 | Villager | Male | Brown mustache

    Chapter End

    Last edited: Jul 20, 2016
  2. LotKnockMC

    LotKnockMC S̵͚̉i̸̥͔̞̒̕͜n̷̦̹̱͒̈́̚g̶͈̳̙͇͗̾̋̾ͅë̶͔́̌͋ṙ̶̢̧̭͕ VIP+

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    Took a while, but amazing as usual :D
    Reyko likes this.
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