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Lore/Story Wynncraft Story Intro And Chapter 1 (fanmade)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by Flamenccio, Jan 15, 2017.


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  1. Flamenccio

    Flamenccio Skilled Adventurer

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    This shall tell of a tale that many people do not know of, or of the lands that it dwells in, or even who the people are and how they got there. This elusive land takes place in another Earth, an Earth that no one knows of, as it is not in galaxies that are in visible range. Modern human technology here is not yet advanced enough to get there. The tale they tell says that…

    Chapter 1


    William Shakespear, those two names that I’ve heard and used for my entire life. Yes, of course people make a joke out of it, I hear things like: “Hey have you written any poems yet?” or “I hope you rebuild your theater!”. They are thinking of another William, you know, the famous poet, William Shakespeare. We have no history documents of him on this world, but perhaps on your world, many years ago he existed. That’s what woke me up this morning,

    “Would you-,” I started, “MY GOD...”

    This was the worst morning ever.

    “He’s not even living on this Earth!” I continued, “he’s about 400 years DEAD.”

    The mysterious voice shut up and I heard no more. I sighed in relief and grabbed my spear, this is the big day I’ve been waiting for. On the outside I beamed with pride, yet on the inside I shriveled with fear, I’ve only got one chance, only one life.

    I gathered up all my courage, knowing that I may never return to this place again. I took the last glance around my village and said my good-byes to everyone. Some were actually weeping! My childhood friends, who were not recruits, signed my quest book, a magic item that fills itself whenever people are in urgency. And then I hugged them, the last time I’ll probably ever see a friend.

    “Are you sure you want to do this?” One of my friends asked.

    “I was training my whole life for this! Of course,” I responded, “Not doing would waste my whole training, and bring shame upon my parents.”

    The last two individuals were my parents, of course. My mother was tearing up while my father was eagerly hopping. A grown man jumping up and down like a 4-year old was slightly embarrassing as it was my father, but at the same time, very amusing.

    The backstory of my parents was pretty interesting, my father was a retired soldier of Fruma who gave up long ago. While he was protecting Ragni--the first city any recruit would encounter--from invasions, he spotted my mother, and he fell insanely in love with her. A zombie suddenly was trudging up to my mother, and with great adrenaline my father murderously killed the undead being with his trusty old spear; the one I use to this day. Later, after the invasion, my father became a friend to my mother. And one fine day my father proposed to my mother, who quickly accepted. Now I am a grown warrior, ready to fight for Wynn.

    I took one last look at my village, sparkling clear waters and peaceful waterfalls. Lush green flora sprouted everywhere. Food was free to eat, knights protected you from any harm. Houses were carefully and beautifully built. Gardens sparkled with fountains, and agoras were speckled throughout the city of Fruma. I breathed in the air, the life of Fruman children and newborns, the scent of freshly prepared foodstuffs. And then I thought of this being all left behind, this depressed me; no more would I ever eat a fresh and delicious meal, no more would I have free food, or protection. Now, I had to provide myself with these things. I had no idea how poor the neighboring province was like.

    And so I left my village, and even though it was hard to leave my home behind, I was excited for the adventures I might encounter. Through the Fruman Forests--they weren’t really named and it was multiple forests, really--the path to the other village I was heading to wasn’t well paved; it attacked the feet of foreign travellers with stones that jutted out. People who weren’t careful would stub their toes quite easily.

    Despite the path, the Fruman Forests were full of flora, I mean, it WAS a forest, what did a traveller expect? The plants grew to all kinds of elusive shapes and colors. One interesting plant, only found in Fruma, was the Phoenix Bell Pepper. The peculiar pepper can stand out quite easily, it contains all of the bell peppers’ colors, green, red, orange and yellow. Its leaves spread out like wings of a phoenix, hence its name. One has to be careful, though, as eating it isn’t the best idea, as it is extremely spicy. One time a foolish man ate the Phoenix Bell Pepper without milk. He was foreign to Fruma so I couldn’t blame him. They say that he spat literal fire, igniting the forests. Though, there are some ways to eat this spicy pepper, like Phoenix Guacamole. I had packed some with me, along with bread.

    As time passed, the sun dipped below the horizon and the temperature dropped significantly. I donned a thick leather coat who’s leather is only found in Fruma. I slowed my pace and continued on. I was lucky that Fruma was peaceful, as I was not prepared for the monstrosities that awaited me. The moon shone in my eyes, it was a beautiful night, only two clouds floated above in the sparkling sky, and the moon was clear and the stars illuminated the darkness. The moon’s light emitted a powerful blueish beam that revealed the land ahead, it turned the leaves of the trees into a cyan storm, there was no need for a torch in Fruma, as its moon is already one.

    The moon traveled its journey toward the horizon, and I decided to take a quick nap, knowing that I’ve been walking endlessly for countless hours. I rested my back against the foot of a Fruman tree, and closed my eyes.


    My eyes slowly cracked open, the sun glared into my pupils as if it was saying, “Get up. Now.” I shielded my eyes with the back of my hand and slowly did what the sun said to do. I shifted my leather coat to fit to my content, and continued without hesitation. Only about a few hours later, I reached a small, wooden, wearing arch that limply carried a sign that looked like it had claw marks slashed on it, it read, “Welcome to the Fruma Outskirts!”, as if the place was rich and joyful, which it was the complete reverse of. I stepped under the arch and found myself in a new world: the houses in this village were poorly made, as if the builders were in a rush. I quickly took my mind off of the houses and walked through the path that was rushed to make as well.

    “HEY.” hollered a voice, “You’re late.”

    I turned my head in the direction of the vexed voice. A caravan driver stood there, sternly and impatiently drumming his fingers on his carriage. He looked middle aged and wore a blue vest with a gray undershirt. On his head, he wore a black, simple cap. His pants were dark-gray khakis. He was a human.

    “Sorry,” I said, “it’s a long way here, you know?”

    The caravan driver gestured his hand toward the carriage, “Hop on in.” he said.

    And so I did, the interior of the carriage was awfully hot and cramped. The caravan driver, what I saw, tried his best to make it comfortable with pillows and blankets and such. However, it was too hot for a blanket and the carriage was too small to lie down in. Oh, the heat, it was a hot Fruman day, and those days were only about 60 degrees, but inside the carriage it was at least ten times hotter than the outside, if not, even hotter.

    I slipped off my light armor and instantly felt a bit better. Ah, a nap would feel nice right now, I thought, maybe if I just… I rearranged the pillow for the carriage to fit my size laying down. I then found a perfect spot and thought a quick nap wouldn’t hurt. The only problem is, that that wasn’t a very “quick” nap at all.
    Euxis and stlast like this.
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