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Art Wynncraft OCs! (skins and backstories)

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by AgentEmerald0028, Jul 21, 2023.

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  1. AgentEmerald0028

    AgentEmerald0028 From Italy with love VIP

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    Hello folks, I hereby present you my first Wynncraft OCs! (Don't know if I'm gonna make more though) They are in the form of skins as I didn't really feel like drawing them, but anyways don't expect too much.

    Emerald F.png Emerald R.png
    First of all, just my character in game. His backstory is basically the same as the one of a generic player, but I have some details to tell. For example, he got most of his scars progressively since he came to Wynn (I have another version of the skin without all the equipment and on that there are way less of them), and he never takes off his iron bracelet as underneath it there's a quite substantial one. In his first period in the Ragni Army he was some kind of ninja/secret agent, specialized in stealth; after trying decoy tactics such as dummies that left him disappointed, he slowly migrated away from the stealth ways becoming a more swift and agile fighter (any reference to assassin archetypes and my playthrough may not be coincidential.

    Pablo F.png Pablo R.png
    Pablo is a warrior from Fruma who was among the many recruits sent to Wynn. He first got in Ragni in 998AP. However, he wasn't "kicked out" of his native province because of the same reasons of most recruits like we can see in Recover the Past: he was already part of the fruman army, but he was against the tyrannous and unkind manners of the generals and sargeants there and as soon he started complaining and presenting want to change the system the army didn't hesitate to give him the same fate as some peasants. In Wynn, he very soon became a true paladin of the King of Ragni, the model of a spotless and fearless warrior. He has some kind of "bipolarism" though: despite never ever losing his temper and strength in fight, outside the battlefield he's sometimes humble and servile to others, sometimes he brags about his high rank and prestige and he acts formal showing his dignity, other times he can just get crazy and chaotic and maybe just shoot himself on a cannonball. Some of his adventures weren't that different from the player's, for example he fought Qira, visited the Faltach Manor and met Lari. Plus, in Fruma he was already a friend of Tasim and Aledar, then after some months of permanence in Wynn he also met Elphaba and Lucio, and when they all reunited they created a really bound group. In fact, they were the original five to organise the expedition in the Silent Expanse, and he even offered himself to be sacrificed, but some weeks before they planned to embark on the trip him and Tasim got an undeniable and unprocrastinable call from the King of Ragni and Aledar, Elphaba and Lucio got left in three searching for someone else to sacrifice...

    Harrison F.png Harrison R.png
    Harrison is the clockmaker who made the Corkus clock tower (I once made a custom quest about this, https://forums.wynncraft.com/threads/corkus-clockworks-custom-quest.307852/). His maternal grandpa was Cerid, and he inherited from him a sharp intelligence. His father-side family had instead a long tradition of clockmaking, passed on from father to son since the founding of Corkus; they are known as the best clockmakers in the whole world. However, no one among them was able to build a clock able to run perfectly and be big enough to fit in the Corkus Tower (before it had a normal sized clock and a huge bell with a specialized bell ringer). Until Harrison: since he was a kid he had this dream of building a clock for the tower, and in 959AP, at just 27 years of age he made it, after failing three times. He had to get the help of many builders and workers, but he has always remained the only man to know how to handle and repair it. In this sense he has a bit of a problem: he's old now and he hasn't got a child, so he has no one to continue the passing on of the tradition. He's searching for an apprentice, but is yet to find a boy of real value. He's a kind-hearted good man, but about his job he doesn't allow even the smallest of the imprecisions. Oh, and of course he's also earned the nickname of "most punctual man of Corkus".

    Detective Hart F.png Detective Hart R.png
    Now, you may recognise the name as the one from An Iron Heart Part II, and that's because he is the detective from that quest; I turned him into an OC. Born in Llevigar in 960AP under the name of Dylan Campbell, as soon as he turned eighteen he joined police school, fascined by the work of the officers and wanting to have a life full of those emotions. After his year of training, he got assigned to an office in the Llevigar police station: he only had to do paperwork all day. He soon got disappoited and tired: he was thinking to quit and move to Bucie as a farmer, but in 981 he got called by the Cinfras Police Dpt. as the city was falling underneath the hands of the mafia and needed reinforcements. He once again got full of hope, but he only had to do a patrolling job and he got bored after just a few weeks. Once again he was thinking about quitting, but he got approached by some mafia henchmen. They were searching for a potential mole in the PD, and a new recruit was the best option. They forced him to leak them confidential information about the security measures of high valuable places. At first Dylan was traumatized and didn't realize what he was doing by helping those criminals, but he realized that he was getting the excitement he had always seeked like that. As time went by, letting himself being carried by that, he became one of the most prominent mafia men, still keeping an "undercover" position in the Cinfras PD and getting specialized in decoy and disguise. The mafia got richer than ever thanks to him and the police didn't even realise there was one single man behind the execution of all the crimes. This was until he once met in a bar a true detective, who was from Thesead. He casually had a chat with him and discovered what meant being truly at the service of justice. He also felt strange hearing the crimes he knew he committed being mentioned by that detective. He began to question all of his life, what he had become. After taking a couple days off to ractionate (he could as he was basically as the same level of the boss) he decided to execute a plan: he would have left an anonymous tip to the Police unveiling literally all the secrets of the mafia and thanks to his sharp abilities he would have disappeared completely. Already the day after he left the tip almost all the mafia got under arrest and put in Lexdale Prison, although a certain snake gambling club managed to stay up. Meanwhile Dylan cancelled all traces of him and got a new identity, "Detective Hart" precisely, and opened a Private Investigation study in Llevigar. Because of his skills it didn't take long for him to become the best detective in all Gavel, without anyone besides him knowing his past. Despite being now a nice person he can sometimes act weird because of all the trouble he went through, he really needed a therapist but he couldn't expose his secrets, so he had to deal with his conscience all by himself.
    If you already hadn't noticed, he's my most developed OC, and he's the only one I have made a drawing of:
    Detective Hart Drawing.jpeg

    And that's all! Sorry if the backstory were a bit too long but in any other way I would have tried to show them they would have sucked even more, trust me...

    Goodbye, and I may or may not come sooner or later with more stuff of any kind...
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