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Wynn Excavation Theory???

Discussion in 'Wynncraft' started by SPYROHAWK, Dec 20, 2015.

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    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    So, in a few days Gavel will be out, and we will have a lot more clues to the things we were scratching our heads at, and a lot more questions.

    So before we get flooded with info, I wanted to make one last theory before learning all this new lore. Surprisingly, it actually has to do with Gavel!

    To start us off, lets make a little list of what we know about Wynn Excavation.

    • WE is controlled by the high and mighty of Gavel
    • The king of Troms is with them
    • The king of Ragni's father was royalty in Gavel
    • They have some weird cult thing going on
    • They had at least around 4-6 sites in Wynn

    • Site A: Desert
    • Site B: Haunted Mansion
    • Site C: Volcano Island
    • Site D: Jungle
    • Site E (No Quest): Dernel Jungle (Crates saying WE Site E can be found here)
    • Unlisted Site: Abandoned Mines (WE crates can be found here)
    So with that, lets step right into it. WE was controlled (In Wynn) by Amadel, who is now dead thanks to the player :)

    But the society will exists in Gavel, so I assume we will learn more there. But what secrets have been put right under our noses here in Wynn?


    Well, to starts us off, in site C Amadel tells you:

    "They seek the ultimate power, a power hidden by four individuals who inhabited a mansion a long time ago"

    That could mean the haunted mansion from site B, but why would you only learn this after the fact though? Who are these 4 individuals? And, this part you might want to hold on to for later, how long is "a long time ago"?


    Thing number 2: Ancients

    After completing the green room (stage 21) in site D, you get this message:

    "The ancients placed some of that power in various crystals, and it is said that the one to reunite them has the power to change the world"

    Now... what? in the ancient city, there are weird endermen creatures called "ancients". Could the ancient history of Wynn be all endermen? Also, would that be "a long time ago" like said in Site C, or would that be too far back.


    The final piece of info has to do with Wynncraft itself. (I feel like this is the most important)

    Here is the old logo and icon:

    Old wynn logo big.jpg

    old wynn logo small.jpg

    Now here are the new ones:

    New Wynn Logo For Gavel.PNG


    Winter Logo:


    Now, what do these have in common with Wynn Excavation? The Eye. In site C is is said:

    "Hello and welcome, senior members of Wynn Excavation Site C. May the eye watch over us. I want to update you on our progress thus far."

    Note how before even starting to talk about the plan, they immediately start out with "may the eye watch over us"

    And I thought the Salted/Peppered worshiping Bovemists/Anti-Bovimists were bad! This cult is ever weirder!

    Also, in site D when you are looking for the map fragments, you are told

    "I'm sure these eyes have something to do with it..."

    And to find the pieces you need to

    "Find the three map fragments by following the eyes and return to Thomas."

    Also, what mob has important eyes? Well endermen, you can not look at their eyes. And, I may ask, what mob was used for the ancient civilization in site D? Endermen.

    --- -0- ---

    So if "the eye" is something an evil and corrupt society from another province worship, why would Wynncraft have it on almost all of their logos (4 out of the 5)? Unless WE is actually on to something. Something that not only is important in a series of quests, but is important to all of Wynncraft. Every province, every little aspect revolves around some ancient civilization, and "The Eye"!

    Now, before you start commenting:
    "Oh, there is also a triangle, Wynn Excavation is Illuminati confirmed!"
    Lets try to keep it mature here.

    But that may just be the key. WE is in fact some weird society/cult, so why not worship an "all seeing eye".

    Now, we certainly do NOT have all the answers at this point, but Salted has promised that they have a big storyline planned out, and eventually all the pieces will fall into place.

    Well, until Gavel brings us more info in the coming days (or months with the fallow ups), that's all for now.

    PLEASE comment what you guys think, I feel like this one is more important to the story line of any theory I have done so far.

    That's all for now folks!

    Al Simula



    Edit: apparently before the wipe (before I joined the forums) there was a thread on this by @Donald Trump 16 where Grian said:

    "Their eyes are watching us, lurking in the shadows."


    Also, Salted has claimed he specifically asked Ari to add the eye into the wynncraft logos, and that it has a reason to be there
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2015
    Cenpyla, Power :3, Coolfood and 15 others like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    -fixed new logo picture-
  3. IceNinjaCreeper

    IceNinjaCreeper Legendary Archer CHAMPION

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    old logo isn't working :P

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    It should be fixed now
    I think
    Aye so what do you guys think?
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  5. SpadenadeZ1


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    I believe that the 4 individuals that were spoken of are the adopted children of Marius Twain.

    Idk what secret they could've been hiding so that could totally be wrong.

    Edit: actually, weren't there 5 kids? 4 left but 1 stayed behind? Idk I forget a couple of stuff about the lore.
    Stycore likes this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    Twain is the one bit of lore I don't know about. I should check that...
  7. Roamyn

    Roamyn Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    I could attempt to find the lore- the four "ancients" were the blood born of Marius Twain which they all possesse supernatural powers (which also leads me to suspect that they are connected with lore about the classes) then he adopted a 5th, at first this child didn't possess supernatural powers but over time he grew affinity for the dead. Lots of shit happened, one of the twain kids froze over Nesaak, and the adopted child stayed at the Twain Manor to haunt it and shit.

    As I said prievipusly I will try to find the lore- this is one of my more favorite stories.
    RaidersBaseLower and SpadenadeZ1 like this.
  8. Cruuk

    Cruuk yopyop HERO

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    The Eye of Wynn.....

    I haven't heard of that thing in a long time.
    Rawb, Triverr and SpadenadeZ1 like this.
  9. Roamyn

    Roamyn Well-Known Adventurer CHAMPION

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    The Noble House Of Twain
    Gather round the hearth one and all, for I have another tale to tell. However, this tale is not about a single person, more about the history of a place. A dark place that perhaps was not before. This is the ancient and very noble house of Twain, and its place in the province of Wynn.

    Before the unearthing of the hellish portal, the Wynn province was not without evil. Despite the vast empire that had spread across the land, there were those, particularly those with an affinity for power, that fell into disarray. Magic, as we all know, was a powerful ally to the early human empire and those who could wield it held great stead in their home place. However the limited strength of this magic could not quell the thirst that some individuals had for it, and turned to darker means to acquire more. These usurpers of the magical arts were outlawed by King Frederick III of Ragni once the death toll associated with the powers rose above that of the annual ravine jumping contest.

    There were those, named spirit seekers, who were tasked to seek and destroy any dark powered individuals attempting to gain power. The spirit seeker is not a job that is acquired easily, moreover it was specifically a job name granted to the inhabitants of the house of Twain. Twain is the last name of a family, a family of immense magical and spiritual heritage that has inhabited the province of Wynn for as long as past records go. Throughout recent history children have been blessed with gifts of elemental magic, gifts of this nature are so rare that there have only been 4 recorded individuals to have housed such immense sorcery in recent records. Often when a gifted child is born to the world, they are feared, and often hidden, abandoned, or worse. However, Marius Twain, an immensely old wise warlock sought these children, and gave them shelter in his family manor, located in a secluded pocket of land where they could seek refuge. Marius taught them to control their powers and use them to fight the individuals that wielded dark magic, these were the original spirit seekers, Rickeo, Theorick, Dwendle and Mael. Though once feared, when their allegiance to the throne was proven, they became some what heros of the province, a magical police force that were not to be challenged. With Rickeo's manipulation of fire, Dwendle's control of air and Theorick's ability to govern ice, the largest threats to the integrity of the empire were apprehended and slain. Mael, however, did not possess the same type of powers as his siblings (though they are not blood related, the inhabitants of the house of Twain were always considered a family). Mael was able to communicate with the dead, or more specifically, the spirits that lingered to walk the earth. He was also able, to a certain degree, to produce black mystic wisps to damage his opponents. He was by far the most recluse member of the Twain family, and spent most of his time listening to the woes of the departed that have unfinished business in the realm. Many people considered Mael's brand of magic to be "dark" and wondered why he wasn't apprehended himself. "People fear the dead" was the reason Marius gave Mael for his obvious unpopularity among his siblings, "you are a reminder that we are all simply mortal, despite our gifts". Mael wondered if Marius really was mortal, he seemed to tell stories at least 200 years old, but alas, it was true. Marius died of old age and gave the children instructions to continue the house of Twains noble work.

    Those who were able to wield the ancient dark arts were not able to be rid of entirely in the world, dark magic existed that allowed their spirits to remain bound to the earth and cause havoc. Mael was often left to deal with the angry spirits, for he was the only one able to handle their wroth. The physical elements that defeated them in life, were no match for them in death. The other siblings grew tiresome with Mael's reluctance to forever get rid of the spirits of the dead that remained, none more so than Theorick, who frequently reminded Mael that he would freeze his spirit out of him if he didn't take care of the monsters who they dealt with while they were alive. Mael however, had his own way, he sought to calm the spirits and send them ... "on". In his anger,Theorick couldn't stand to stay in the Twain manor any longer, and left to live in the nearest village, and formed it in his own image, frozen. Bitter in their old age, the siblings did not for fill Marius' wishes, they did not seek out gifted children, and they all split and went their separate ways, all except Mael, who remained in the manor to aid the spirits that sought him. However their anger did not last for long, for rumours of miners releasing more than mere dark sorcerers into the world had reached the ears of the aged spirit seekers, and immediately converged to greet the onslaught of monsters pouring out of the portal. There was held, the strongest battle on red soil. The four children of Twain, united in their old age to fight the hordes. However, although the monster numbers dwindled down, the spirit seekers were killed and it was seen as the biggest loss the empire has ever seen, for the four of them were stronger than any army. All dead, except for Mael, who was determined to teach at least one more worthy of his knowledge of the spiritual world.

    So the house of Twain fell into decline. Mael, unable to look after himself in his old age spent the remainder of his time in a secret library learning arts to pass on to the one worthy, for when he had passed on his trade, Mael would no longer be needed. Unable to answer the calls of the undead, they began to converge and amass in the Twain manor, angry that Mael would not listen, they roam the house, aggressive to anyone they may encounter.

    To the present day, the Manor remains full of unsatisfied spirits and Mael is nowhere to be found. It remains one of the few places that monsters from the portal will not go, but that does not mean it is by any means safe, rumours float around in the eternal winter village of Nesaak that there are still secrets to be discovered, as Mael had a lot to hide.

    Ah, well there you have it.
    Last edited: Dec 20, 2015
  10. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    Very interesting theory, as always.

    But the four individuals who sought the ultimate power cannot be the Twain children since they were the ones who fought against dark magic and such like that..
    I'm excited to see how many mysteries there will be solved within Gavel! :D
  11. Salted

    Salted Game Design & Wynncraft Founder Staff Member Admin GM CHAMPION

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    Let's add some fuel! The eye you always see in the Wynncraft logo has a reason to be there. I specifically asked Ari to add it to the logo. Eventually you guys will learn more about it.
  12. D3monw3st

    D3monw3st Well-Known Adventurer VIP+

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    :ooo more to gavel!?!??
  13. Zitrine

    Zitrine Lore-kun CHAMPION

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    The eye represents Salted's third eye, which is behind his fringe.
    Rawb and Lesliep like this.

    SPYROHAWK Head Grand Theorist HERO

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    I must admit, I knew none of that. Thank you for the insight

    Aye the great cow speaks! I knew it! I knew the eye in the logo was important. I am willing to bet that is has something to do with the eye that WE talks about!
  15. pelopo3546

    pelopo3546 Nope im to dope for soap. VIP+

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    Also notice how mael is the master of bob.
  16. _Sephyr_

    _Sephyr_ Obvious satire HERO

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    The eye is used to controll Infinite Tsukuyomi eye.jpg
  17. Defunct Fighter

    Defunct Fighter Famous Adventurer

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    Thanks for taking an old theory I made that Grian confirmed and adding some glitter to it....
  18. Doco

    Doco Well-Known Adventurer HERO

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    I told you Salted, its Wynnuminati he's taking over the game. I don't know when the Mafio will be in Gavel.

    [Quest Started: Wynnuminati]
    Rawb and MarkedForDeath like this.
  19. the_senate

    the_senate i am the senate

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    Heres my wynn excavation theory

    Rawb and Zitrine like this.
  20. Yuno F Gasai

    Yuno F Gasai Forum God, FW

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    I'm getting a real starcraft 2 vibe from this, there was an ancient civilization (xelnaga) that made powerful artifacts that when gathered together make a mysterious weapon that can revive the xelnaga, as the story proceeds you also start hearing rumors of one of the dark beings coming back (the rumors start at the heart of the storm) and when you start playing as the protoss in the legacy of the void one of the dark beings (don't remember his name) is coming back and is controlling hoards of zerg and hybrids that are trying to bring him back.
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