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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Realm A Novel Series Based On Wynncraft

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Jan 17, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    so this a technical my school work but my teachers support me so i will share this story with you guys
    (its novel series more stories coming soon)

    Whinton and Evils of the provinces#1
    the quest to save his parents​

    Whinton the magic user with special powers, he is on a quest to save his parents, who are members of the united gavel government. They were kidnaped by the sky raiders. Whinton investigates the united gavel government building finding the corpses of the guards with their swords and spears and dead sky pirates with their swords and their crossbows. He sees a ba al bandit marking on a wall, he also sees a ba al bandit member still alive. Whinton takes the ba al bandit to the guards place, he was interrogated by the guards.

    “What are you doing in our government building? You are trespassing!” the guard growled at the bandit.

    “I’ll tell you nothing nothing I say”

    Whinton listens to the interrogation hoping to know the whereabouts of his parents.

    “If you don’t tell us anything we will throw you into a pit of sand sneks of death” the guard snarled.

    “Ok ok i’ll tell you everything i was here to steal some governmental files about a living bio weapon, Dark Sludge. My boss wants the file for it so they could try and make some dark sludge sample to make super bandits. I saw that Whinton’s parents worked on it, i heard something about, a secret sky pirate hideout in the islands in the sky, also the dark sludge it self it’s in the jungle city’s sewers” he said in a scared way.

    Whinton now travels to the jungle in a caravan, to look for the dark sludge when he arrived at the jungles border, the caravan driver said this how far I’ll go I don’t want to be a victim of the dark sludge” Whinton pays the caravan driver 50 rubies, he then goes into the jungle he sees slime everywhere. He then sees a old sign that says jungle city this way and it’s covered in slime, he follows the sign Whinton arrives in the jungle city, he sees the town covered in slime, the sewer entrance and the water was slimed and dead bodies, hanging from the ceiling. He goes deeper into the sewers and more slime is seen, also more dead bodies when he reaches a big camber of slimed water, he sees the dark sludge seeing it put a person into slime, then the dark sludge noticed Whinton.

    The dark sludge said “Looks like another person has came for their death wish”.

    Whinton says, “I'm gonna kill you and remove you from this realm”

    In a fearsome way the dark sludge says back, “I won't let you do that”

    They start to fight, he attacks the dark sludge he casted a inferno ground and the dark sludge got weakened a bit but it was not strong enough. So uses his sword with the steel hard ice side of the blade, it did nothing to the dark sludge, so he uses the inferno steel part of the blade, the dark sludge melts. After it fully melted, Whinton he sees a man,

    he then talks to the man says “thanks for freeing me the dark sludge made me insane making it so i had no control over my body”

    Whinton then asks him, “Who made the dark sludge?”

    “A plague doctor who was a former united realm government scientist, he was sighted in the swaps” the man says in a scared way like he knew about the plague


    “ Then i’ll go into the swamps and find him” Whinton says.

    “If you're going into the swamps, you should watch out for infected swamp creatures one cut from them you join them” the man the man says it in a scared way

    “ Do you know where is the doctor’s lab is?” Whinton asked the man.

    “No I don’t, but I heard there a area in the swamps with lots of infected creatures near it his lab is in that area also I heard the doctor knows a thing about the sky pirates and he saw a airship with your parents in it” the man tells him calmly.

    Whinton then removes all the slime in the jungle, then he took the caravan to the swamps at the swamp border.

    “I don’t want to be a victim of the plague doctor so this is how far i’ll take you” the caravan driver says in a frightened voice.

    Whinton pays the driver 100 rubies. As Whinton enters the swamp he sees a person infected but still alive, he talks the person “turn back you will die” the person says it in a struggling way the person then turns into a infected monster Whinton had to kill the person as he goes farther into the swamps he sees the area where there is a lot of infected creatures he slays a lot of them then he found a house he sees a stairway that leads to a basement.

    He went down to the basement into a prison area with people still alive they were too weak to talk to him. Then he sees a lot of files, he reads one of them and it says test subject 0057 human test sample virus V45 result unsuccessful test subject status dead. He sees equipment that look like test cages, where the tests are done. Then he goes into a big chamber he sees the doctor, he approaches the doctor the doctor notices Whinton. The doctor speaks to Whinton in a scary way “you made the wrong decision to come down here now you will join them”. Whinton speak to him “i will destroy your experiment once and for all”. Then Whinton casts an earthquake it broke all the virus samples then the plague doctor says in a scared way “i surrender” Whinton then asks him “ do you know anything about the sky pirates or my parents” the doctor replies in a frightened way“i have a map that will take you to the sky pirates base” Whinton tells him “thanks and you should make a cure to eliminate the remnant of the virus” the doctor says “i will and i will turn myself in”.

    Whinton now travels to the islands in the sky, at the entrance of the sky pirates base, one of the guards of the hideout told Whinton “turn back now or die” Whinton tells them “the one who’s dying is you” the guards they engage Whinton. Whinton pulls out his sword he sliced the pirates swords into two then guards flee. Then a watch tower guard spotted him and sounded the alarm. A lot of pirates with crossbows, swords appear along with their leader holding a rifle, the leader talks to Whinton saying “you should have never entered this place, now you will feel the wrath of the sky pirates” Whinton replies with “i will take you on and defeat each and every one of you”. The leader yells “ATTACK!” all the pirates attack. Whinton uses his sword to break the blades of the sword wielding sky pirates, then they all flee. The crossbow men shot him. Whinton casts an earthquake and knocks all them down and their crossbows break and they also flee. The leader tells whinton “it’s only you and me now one on one i will kill you and keep your sword as a trophy” Whinton says i will defeat you and take you to the prison” they start to fight. The sky pirate leader shoots Whinton with his laser rifle like crazy, Whinton just uses his sword to block the lasers then he threw his sword at the leader of the sky pirates knocking the rifle off his hand, then a crystal fell out of the rifle. Then Whinton strikes the leader in the head knocking him out, Whinton then mugged the leader for the cell keys he found the keys,when he went to the jail, he sees jail guards they have swords, so he grabs his sword and slices the swords apart and they also like the others flee. He frees all the prisoners, including his parents his parents talked to him saying “thanks for freeing us son” Whinton says “thanks mom and dad” now Whinton’s parents radio the united realm government about the location of the sky pirates base and they tie up the sky pirates but some escaped. Whinton sees the leaders laser rifle he pick it up and tries to shoot it at a tree but no laser came out, he then remembers that a crystal fell out he searched for the crystal, he found it then he loaded it into the rifle, then he shoots it at the tree this time a laser came out and the tree became burnt and Whinton now uses that laser rifle and his sword to hunt down the remnants of the sky pirates that managed to escape.
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2017
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