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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #9

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Jun 13, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    yes he will get the talking shroom
    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #9

    The hound town​

    As whinton heads to the launch pad to the upper heights, he gets attacked by dragon bones and magma entities, he killed them by using his alazarin. Then he uses the launch pad as he got up some cyclops monster things attacked him, then he pulls out his hellstrand to kill them all. As he was exploring he found a dwarven poacher, who said to him go away the he asks him are you poaching the phoenix eggs. Then the poacher pulls out a sword and tries to kill whinton then whinton pulls out his spellbook and casts a level 3 wind prison then he bring him to a giant gap that bring you back into the molten heights. Then he interrogates the poacher if you don't talk i will drop you into rodroc where you will stay in the iron curtain. then the poachers ok ok, i'm poaching hounds there's a dogun town overrun with them, then Whinton says where is this town. The poacher says I don't know but there's a another dogun town that might know. Then he asks the poacher how many hounds have you poached he said none i just started poaching. So Whinton sets him free, also tells him not to come up here to harm the hounds or phoenixes ever again.

    Then Whinton travels to a place where he encounters a mountain pigman, then the pig man says get out of my house, then the pigman attacks Whinton then he pulls out his spellbook and cast a level 3 wind prison to trap the pigman. Then he pulls out his alazarin to kill it then he cuts a large chunk of meat of the pigman's dead body. Then he reached a dogun town then the doguns ask him for that hunk of meat, but whinton says he has something else to do with that hunk of meat and he asked where is hound town the doguns say don't go there but Whinton says he will deal with the hounds there. So Whinton now travels to the hound town to clear out the hounds still having his hunk of meat in his satchel.

    As he arrives in the hound town, a large horde of hounds appear, its leader the hell hound. Then the hellhound sends out a powerful growl, then all the hounds attack. Then Whinton pulls out his spellbook, then he casts a level 3 chain lightning. It shocks and kills all the hounds except, the hellhound and some savage hounds. Which look stronger than normal hounds. Then Whinton uses a level 3 wind prison to trap the savage hounds then he pulls out his alazarin to kill all the savage hounds. Then he throws out the hunk of pigman meat, to the hellhound. The hellhound came down and ate the hunk of meat. Then the hound wants Whinton to travel with it, then Whinton asks the hellhound you want to come with me hound. Then the hellhound growls in a way which is saying yes. Then as Whinton wanted to return to rodroc then he hears someone calling for help in a castle in the distance so whinton heads towards the mysterious castle in the distance.
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