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Lore/Story Whinton And The Evils Of The Provinces #8

Discussion in 'Your Work' started by julianthefox, Jun 9, 2017.

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  1. julianthefox

    julianthefox I am still here just as a shadow HERO

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    FACT i actually encountered the Nii gang once but only 3 guardians not 5
    Whinton and the evils of the provinces #8

    Gas in the mines and the travel to the molten heights​

    As whinton heads towards the mines the miners say don't go in there, there's a gas in the mines, that is making us unable to work as, it makes us pass out and makes our mining golems rust. Then whinton asks them what happened some gas started coming out of a crack in the mines, they say i think the gas has no effect on humans if you can get rid of the gas we will pay you some emeralds. So Whinton goes into the mines to find out where that mysterious gas came from.

    As whinton went into the mines he fell through a crack which showed no signs of gas coming out of he then uses an escape spell to get out of the crack. Then he reached a cave he sees a broken rail with a HUGE HUGE minecart, then he sees the path of the mines, has collapsed so he has to jump across the gaps after a bit of parkour. Whinton got to the other side then he got to a big opening in the mines, he sees rails with a explosive minecart dispenser, there’s also rail junctions. After a bit of trial and error he finally got the right tracks, that lead to the crack which caused the gas to leak into the mines. That halted the mining operations then as he dispensed the minecart with explosives then the minecart went into the crack then it EXPLODES sealing the crack. Then a flerisnoid creature came in and SUCCed up the gas, then an explosion happened after the creature left the dispenser malfunctioned and minecarts started exploding then whinton rushed through the caves to the exit of the mines. Then he finds himself in a cave near the mountains in the orchards of Thesand.

    Then he heads back to the mines and spoke to the miners he said the mines collapsed, because your explosive minecart dispenser malfunctioned and the gas is gone. then the miners says at least we can mine for coal again. Then they pay whinton a liquid emerald and 32 emerald blocks then whinton heads to the bank of thesand to store the emeralds away, then he hears thesand citizens talking about how he stopped the gas. Then he goes to the path to the molten heights, as he was going down the path a big army of lyrants with at least 100 veterans then whinton casts a courage to do extra damage to them since they are weak to fire, then all the soldiers got killed with a couple of slashes from, the alazarin then the veterans fled. Then he reached the gate of the molten heights, where he encountered the Nii gang. Which consists of 5 Nii guardians he then remembers he read that they drop runes so he challenges them to a battle five versus one. Then he pulls out his spellbook and casts a level 3 wind prison to trap them then,a level 2 chain lightning to paralyze them. Then he pulls out his phoenix wing and kills them as as they can’t attack as they were paralyzed and he takes their runes. Then he rides his chestnut horse to rodroc, where he talks to a dwarf who talks about the upper heights. Then Whinton wants to sees this upper heights, so he travels to the way to reach to upper heights.
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  2. DrBracewell

    DrBracewell Famous Adventurer QA Modeler GM CMD CHAMPION

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